Trump Speech at CPAC: “They try to take you out with BS”

This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!

Obama2020, do you think Micheal Obama has a chance in a debate with President Trump? :p
Anyone with half a brain could beat Dotard in a debate. He's a fucking imbecile. gotta love the filthy fucks who continue to post the "I'm smarter than a billionaire", you'll follow this up with a "give me free shit" post in another thread.
You ignorant bottom feeding pukes can't ever be taken seriously.
Typical CRC comment.
Here is the full speech. He speaks to forgotten Americans. Watch it and understand why you will lose in 2020.
Watch: President Trump at CPAC 2019 |
He speaks to Americans who have Amnesia
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
Sure. That’s what Cohen said when testifying for the Democratic House...before he goes to prison in a few months for previously lying to Congress. Not credible. :asshole:
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!

Obama2020, do you think Micheal Obama has a chance in a debate with President Trump? :p
Anyone with half a brain could beat Dotard in a debate. He's a fucking imbecile. gotta love the filthy fucks who continue to post the "I'm smarter than a billionaire", you'll follow this up with a "give me free shit" post in another thread.
You ignorant bottom feeding pukes can't ever be taken seriously.
Typical CRC comment.
Here is the full speech. He speaks to forgotten Americans. Watch it and understand why you will lose in 2020.
Watch: President Trump at CPAC 2019 |
He speaks to Americans who have Amnesia
That’s why he won. American’s do not have amnesia and remember very well how Washington DC establishment has fucked them over for years. Buh-bye Clinton’s.:bye1:
This Country is ruled by a braindead man- child. And of course the low IQ voters love Trump because he's as dim witted as they are. c

Only a moron would think Trump is a good Prez. Enjoy, dummies!
/——-/ Funny that all it took to defeat Hildabeast, the smartest woman in the world, was a brain dead man-child.
That tells you a lot... even Dumbo Trump wasn’t expecting a win. He was actually praying to lose with all these fantastic Russian deals in the pipeline. His brand was going to soar like an eagle
/——-/ What a load of Hillary. Trump campaigned like crazy up to Election Day. Trump plays to win. Hildabeast ran a lousy campaign, that means she really didn’t want to win. You clown.
Gotta love him! :113:

That was the best speech ever. He was on fire during his campaigned rallies. The public loved when he talked like that. And the the Globalist went out and pushed this narrative that he should stick to the script that they has written or edited for him. So then afterward, his speeches started to sound dull and ordinary. But when he speak his mind, he livens up the audiences. And the Globalist knows that his natural personality is bringing in lots of support for him But Pres.Trump should tear up those speeches that they has given to him, and go back talking like a real person instead of a bot.

Obama2020, do you think Micheal Obama has a chance in a debate with President Trump? :p President Trump is a genius. Those who deny that fact are low information, low IQ folks who dislike greatness!
Don't let him give her a nickname.

Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
/——/ You are a bizarre person. You spin everything Trump does as failure.
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
/——/ You are a bizarre person. You spin everything Trump does as failure.
It really doesn't require spin. So far he's been a failure. He was handed a strong economy. Everything else he has messed up.
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
/——/ You are a bizarre person. You spin everything Trump does as failure.
It really doesn't require spin. So far he's been a failure. He was handed a strong economy. Everything else he has messed up.
Handed a strong economy :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Once this clown is out, watch for Netflix to cash in with a Mr. T based series.

Shares trading at 357.32 right now. Time to jump in ?
4 more years! 4 more years!
Can we take 4 more years of failure? How did healthcare go? Failure. Is Mexico paying for that wall? Failure. How are those tax cuts? Huge deficits. Failure. How are those North Korea negotiations going? Failure....

Don't forget he's only hiring the best. And they are going to jail...
Healthcare...successfully got rid of Obamacare tax.
Mexican border more secure and successfully maneuvers around the wacko buggy eyed Pelosi to build the wall.
Tax cuts are great. Successfully gets tax bill that people to keep more of their hard earned $$$$.
Huge deficits...are Democrats willing to sit down and negotiate away programs for dead beat lazy people like food stamps and public housing? Cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood baby murderers?
First President in my lifetime that tells it like it is. I hate when politicians parse words to be PC.
yea, imagine if previous presidents were like that?
Trump or Putin?
CNN national security analyst Samantha Vinograd on Saturday said President Donald Trump’s talk of preserving our “heritage” during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) made her feel “sick” and argued it was reminiscent of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Trump addressed the CPAC for more than two hours earlier today, where he claimed that those in attendance at the conservative conference “are on the front lines of protecting America’s interests, defending America’s values, and reclaiming our nation’s priceless heritage.”

“With your help, we are reversing decades of blunders and betrayals,” the president added. “These are serious, serious betrayals to our nation and to everything we stand for. It’s been done by the failed ruling class that enriched foreign countries at our expense. It wasn’t America first, in many cases it was America last. Those days are over, long over.”

Following Trump’s speech in Maryland, Vinograd, who previously worked in former President Barack Obama's administration, appeared on CNN to discuss the president’s statements, comparing them to those of Hitler.

“His statements make me sick, on a personal level, preserving our heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s,” she said.

Vinograd then argued that the rest of Trump’s speech sounded like it was scripted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“By the way, this whole CPAC speech, how many pieces, parts of President Putin’s to-do list was President Trump trying to accomplish today?” she said. “He denigrated our institutions, the Department of Justice and U.S. Congress, he spread misinformation and conspiracy theories, he undermined the credibility of several of our institutions, he sewed divisions, he sowed confusion, he was speaking to his base but he was also saying things that really looked like Vladimir Putin scripted his speech.

So it helped him perhaps with his base, and politically, while at the same time, making Russia’s job a lot easier," Vinograd added.

In the past, Trump also has used the annual meeting with right-wing supporters to fire up his base. After the president hugged the U.S. flag after walking on stage, he launched into his two-hour address, where he took aim at congressional Democrats and repeatedly criticized special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation.

Trump also called House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, one of the top Democrats who’s heading investigations on Russia-related matters, “Little Shifty Schiff.”

"Unfortunately, you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that should not be there," Trump said. "All of a sudden, they are trying to take you out with bulls--t. With bulls--t."

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