Trump supporters are convincing me ...

Clearly she is a neocon corporatist. Just like W and O
I don't know about that...she may take Soros money but what has she done as Senator or SOS? Have not seen or found in my search a quid pro quo, a tit for tat connection with Wall Street....whereas with most if not all of Republicans taking the majority of Wall Street's money, do show a tit for tat.

Having worked on Wall Street and GE and corporate America my whole career, one thing I can tell you is if she's taking their money, they are getting something. Your view that she's somehow deluding them then doing nothing for them is laughably naive. Oh, but she's going to nail them to the wall, right? They just don't realize it? They don't get the news like the rest of us? You're delusional. She's owned by corporate America

As far as a neo con.... nahhh, if the Clintons were Neocons, they would have taken the New American Century's letter seriously and done something in the 90's and if you read what the Hill said on the Senate floor during the Iraq resolution debate, she was ''right'' in her thinking, just wrong about believing the President of the USA, GWB, wouldn't lie to Congress and not follow thru with what he said he'd do before as a last resort, going to war.

You don't know what a neocon is. Hillary, Obama and W are all neocons
it's not really deluding them... she and other democrats over the decades have only received token amounts from them.... Wall Street's money on a 10 to 1 basis, in elections, goes to Republicans running.

How long was Jebb Bush in the primary race? Like a nano second.... up until the point he dropped out, Jebb and PACS received something like $116 million from wall street and she and PACS may have barely reached 25 million without Soros, and when you add in the 45 million for Rubio and $40 million for Cruz and I believe $15 million for Carson and all the other presidential candidates from Wall street you can see who the Wall Street Party is....

And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist.... but no quid pro quo, that I could find with Wall Street.
Clinton blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions
The contributions helped Clinton reach a fundraising milestone: By the end of 2015, she had brought in more money from the financial sector during her four federal campaigns than her husband did during his quarter-century political career.
In all, donors from Wall Street and other financial services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry, according to campaign finance records dating back to 1974 that have been compiled by The Post.
Nearly half of the financialsector donations made to support Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run have come from just two wealthy financiers: billionaire investor George Soros, who gave $7 million last year to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman, who gave the group $2.5 million.

And here is a little glimpse down memory lane :
Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch—gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.

A LOT more money is going in to campaigns since Bill was in office, and since The Citizens United decision by the SC so they can not be fairly compared imo.

And this primary election is not the norm...there is nothing to compare it to...
Clearly she is a neocon corporatist. Just like W and O
I don't know about that...she may take Soros money but what has she done as Senator or SOS? Have not seen or found in my search a quid pro quo, a tit for tat connection with Wall Street....whereas with most if not all of Republicans taking the majority of Wall Street's money, do show a tit for tat.

Having worked on Wall Street and GE and corporate America my whole career, one thing I can tell you is if she's taking their money, they are getting something. Your view that she's somehow deluding them then doing nothing for them is laughably naive. Oh, but she's going to nail them to the wall, right? They just don't realize it? They don't get the news like the rest of us? You're delusional. She's owned by corporate America

As far as a neo con.... nahhh, if the Clintons were Neocons, they would have taken the New American Century's letter seriously and done something in the 90's and if you read what the Hill said on the Senate floor during the Iraq resolution debate, she was ''right'' in her thinking, just wrong about believing the President of the USA, GWB, wouldn't lie to Congress and not follow thru with what he said he'd do before as a last resort, going to war.

You don't know what a neocon is. Hillary, Obama and W are all neocons
it's not really deluding them... she and other democrats over the decades have only received token amounts from them.... Wall Street's money on a 10 to 1 basis, in elections, goes to Republicans running.

How long was Jebb Bush in the primary race? Like a nano second.... up until the point he dropped out, Jebb and PACS received something like $116 million from wall street and she and PACS may have barely reached 25 million without Soros, and when you add in the 45 million for Rubio and $40 million for Cruz and I believe $15 million for Carson and all the other presidential candidates from Wall street you can see who the Wall Street Party is....

And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist.... but no quid pro quo, that I could find with Wall Street.
Clinton blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions
The contributions helped Clinton reach a fundraising milestone: By the end of 2015, she had brought in more money from the financial sector during her four federal campaigns than her husband did during his quarter-century political career.
In all, donors from Wall Street and other financial services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry, according to campaign finance records dating back to 1974 that have been compiled by The Post.
Nearly half of the financialsector donations made to support Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run have come from just two wealthy financiers: billionaire investor George Soros, who gave $7 million last year to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman, who gave the group $2.5 million.

And here is a little glimpse down memory lane :
Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch—gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.

A LOT more money is going in to campaigns since Bill was in office, and since The Citizens United decision by the SC so they can not be fairly compared imo.

And this primary election is not the norm...there is nothing to compare it to...
spin away homie! Say, I made this thread for you and olschool specifically :)
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Clearly she is a neocon corporatist. Just like W and O
I don't know about that...she may take Soros money but what has she done as Senator or SOS? Have not seen or found in my search a quid pro quo, a tit for tat connection with Wall Street....whereas with most if not all of Republicans taking the majority of Wall Street's money, do show a tit for tat.

Having worked on Wall Street and GE and corporate America my whole career, one thing I can tell you is if she's taking their money, they are getting something. Your view that she's somehow deluding them then doing nothing for them is laughably naive. Oh, but she's going to nail them to the wall, right? They just don't realize it? They don't get the news like the rest of us? You're delusional. She's owned by corporate America

As far as a neo con.... nahhh, if the Clintons were Neocons, they would have taken the New American Century's letter seriously and done something in the 90's and if you read what the Hill said on the Senate floor during the Iraq resolution debate, she was ''right'' in her thinking, just wrong about believing the President of the USA, GWB, wouldn't lie to Congress and not follow thru with what he said he'd do before as a last resort, going to war.

You don't know what a neocon is. Hillary, Obama and W are all neocons
it's not really deluding them... she and other democrats over the decades have only received token amounts from them.... Wall Street's money on a 10 to 1 basis, in elections, goes to Republicans running.

How long was Jebb Bush in the primary race? Like a nano second.... up until the point he dropped out, Jebb and PACS received something like $116 million from wall street and she and PACS may have barely reached 25 million without Soros, and when you add in the 45 million for Rubio and $40 million for Cruz and I believe $15 million for Carson and all the other presidential candidates from Wall street you can see who the Wall Street Party is....

And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist.... but no quid pro quo, that I could find with Wall Street.
Clinton blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions
The contributions helped Clinton reach a fundraising milestone: By the end of 2015, she had brought in more money from the financial sector during her four federal campaigns than her husband did during his quarter-century political career.
In all, donors from Wall Street and other financial services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry, according to campaign finance records dating back to 1974 that have been compiled by The Post.
Nearly half of the financialsector donations made to support Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run have come from just two wealthy financiers: billionaire investor George Soros, who gave $7 million last year to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman, who gave the group $2.5 million.

And here is a little glimpse down memory lane :
Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch—gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.


She is pro-wall street and big business just like most of the right. At least non-insane right! I like the business sector as long as they pay their taxes for the resources that they use.

Our 'big business' sector is not worried at all about American national social justice and social policy. Especially since the advent of globalism. What they are interested in, is what they politically need to conduct business in a global economy, and that means the American workers wants and needs are not a priority.
It's called corporate fascism 2.0, as this time it's globally based...........(ie:) no borders, everyone is a world citizen, etc., etc). And, it fits well into the current day mantra of both progressive liberal elitists and RINO elitists, whom make glorious profits that do not trickle down.
She is pro-wall street and big business just like most of the right. At least non-insane right! I like the business sector as long as they pay their taxes for the resources that they use.

It's the hypocrisy that bothers me.

Trump is rich and he screams it to the world. Hillary is rich and says we need to get even with those rich people. Excuse me honey, you are one of those rich people.

Gun control. Hillary walks around with armed security. Trump says it's every Americans right to own a gun and he takes his gun with him too.

Global warming. We need to reduce our carbon footprint while Bill and Hillary fly around the world in private jets.

Wage disparity. It's been reported repeatedly how Hillary pays her male staff more than her female staff.

And to the OP: what scares me the most is a liberal tilted Supreme Court that will eventually rule we have no constitutional rights to bear arms and that Hillary has every right to make illegals legal and allow them to vote insuring us a one-party country for decades to come.
She is pro-wall street and big business just like most of the right. At least non-insane right! I like the business sector as long as they pay their taxes for the resources that they use.

It's the hypocrisy that bothers me.

Trump is rich and he screams it to the world. Hillary is rich and says we need to get even with those rich people. Excuse me honey, you are one of those rich people.

Gun control. Hillary walks around with armed security. Trump says it's every Americans right to own a gun and he takes his gun with him too.

Global warming. We need to reduce our carbon footprint while Bill and Hillary fly around the world in private jets.

Wage disparity. It's been reported repeatedly how Hillary pays her male staff more than her female staff.

And to the OP: what scares me the most is a liberal tilted Supreme Court that will eventually rule we have no constitutional rights to bear arms and that Hillary has every right to make illegals legal and allow them to vote insuring us a one-party country for decades to come.

What you descibe is called bondage.
... Hillary scares me less
30 years of GOP conspiracies and she's come out on top every time.
No family has been more scrutinized by a political party in the history of the country than the Clintons. Republicans even attack their daughter.

And she's repeatedly failed that scrutiny and been protected by the leftist media. That's not what I'm talking about


Now a little perspective...
The email scandal eventually boiled down to next to nothing... Comney read the emails(or his staff did) and it now turns out that the State Dept. makes mistakes in classification 70% of the time...
One example that was give, a phone call to a Mali foreign minister to congratulate her on her appointment was deemed classified.

The country has serious problems, is this one of them... Hillary will run a presidency with 90% of the DNA of Bill's... You might question their marriage but the political bond is unbreakable.

That is what you would hope to get... Republican Congress with a Democrat President... It yielded good results before...
... Hillary scares me less
30 years of GOP conspiracies and she's come out on top every time.
was it a conspiracy comey said she was too fuckin stupid to email?
Its like AA for mentally disabled people.
She wasn't charged with anything and the head of the FBI is a Republican.
I say the fix is in; Comey has stated he is no longer a registered republican. Bought and paid for - Clinton style.
Last edited:
Which email went where is small ball.


This is a mole, guess where he lives!


What does it matter if one of those top secret e-mails caused the lives of service men in Benghazi?

If a Republican did that, the k-k-klown would be hyperventilating. But it's a Democrat, it's no thang. That is why he drives the Kommunist Klown Kar. He got one thing right though, he is a k-k-klown!

Fortunately what he said was not true so...

It wasn't? You don't know that

Oh right, in conservative world everything wrong happened you just cant find evidence of it. Darnit

What does that have to do with your driving the k-k-klown kar, k-Marx?

Clearly she is a neocon corporatist. Just like W and O
I don't know about that...she may take Soros money but what has she done as Senator or SOS? Have not seen or found in my search a quid pro quo, a tit for tat connection with Wall Street....whereas with most if not all of Republicans taking the majority of Wall Street's money, do show a tit for tat.

Having worked on Wall Street and GE and corporate America my whole career, one thing I can tell you is if she's taking their money, they are getting something. Your view that she's somehow deluding them then doing nothing for them is laughably naive. Oh, but she's going to nail them to the wall, right? They just don't realize it? They don't get the news like the rest of us? You're delusional. She's owned by corporate America

As far as a neo con.... nahhh, if the Clintons were Neocons, they would have taken the New American Century's letter seriously and done something in the 90's and if you read what the Hill said on the Senate floor during the Iraq resolution debate, she was ''right'' in her thinking, just wrong about believing the President of the USA, GWB, wouldn't lie to Congress and not follow thru with what he said he'd do before as a last resort, going to war.

You don't know what a neocon is. Hillary, Obama and W are all neocons
it's not really deluding them... she and other democrats over the decades have only received token amounts from them.... Wall Street's money on a 10 to 1 basis, in elections, goes to Republicans running.

How long was Jebb Bush in the primary race? Like a nano second.... up until the point he dropped out, Jebb and PACS received something like $116 million from wall street and she and PACS may have barely reached 25 million without Soros, and when you add in the 45 million for Rubio and $40 million for Cruz and I believe $15 million for Carson and all the other presidential candidates from Wall street you can see who the Wall Street Party is....

And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist.... but no quid pro quo, that I could find with Wall Street.
Clinton blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions
The contributions helped Clinton reach a fundraising milestone: By the end of 2015, she had brought in more money from the financial sector during her four federal campaigns than her husband did during his quarter-century political career.
In all, donors from Wall Street and other financial services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry, according to campaign finance records dating back to 1974 that have been compiled by The Post.
Nearly half of the financialsector donations made to support Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run have come from just two wealthy financiers: billionaire investor George Soros, who gave $7 million last year to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman, who gave the group $2.5 million.

And here is a little glimpse down memory lane :
Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch—gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.


"care for all" thinks that Hillary is telling them what to hear because the people who run wall street don't follow the news and aren't aware that she is lying to them. Secretly, they are funding her campaign because they are a bunch of suckers who don't realize she's going to take their money and screw them.

Care for all is a sucker to all ...
And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist....


Um ... yeah ... What does she disagree with Obama on? Wanting to do what he wants to do slower isn't disagreeing with him. What do they actually have different positions on? Or is he a "centrist" too?
If Bernie is a left wing liberal, and Webb or Lieberman is a right leaning Liberal, then Obama in his own way, and Hillary in her own way, are somewhere in the middle...? I dunno?

No, you don't know, they lead you by the ring in your nose. OK, so you whiffed on how Clinton is different than Obama. How is Clinton different than Bernie? Again wanting the same thing slower isn't "different"
Clearly she is a neocon corporatist. Just like W and O
I don't know about that...she may take Soros money but what has she done as Senator or SOS? Have not seen or found in my search a quid pro quo, a tit for tat connection with Wall Street....whereas with most if not all of Republicans taking the majority of Wall Street's money, do show a tit for tat.

Having worked on Wall Street and GE and corporate America my whole career, one thing I can tell you is if she's taking their money, they are getting something. Your view that she's somehow deluding them then doing nothing for them is laughably naive. Oh, but she's going to nail them to the wall, right? They just don't realize it? They don't get the news like the rest of us? You're delusional. She's owned by corporate America

As far as a neo con.... nahhh, if the Clintons were Neocons, they would have taken the New American Century's letter seriously and done something in the 90's and if you read what the Hill said on the Senate floor during the Iraq resolution debate, she was ''right'' in her thinking, just wrong about believing the President of the USA, GWB, wouldn't lie to Congress and not follow thru with what he said he'd do before as a last resort, going to war.

You don't know what a neocon is. Hillary, Obama and W are all neocons
it's not really deluding them... she and other democrats over the decades have only received token amounts from them.... Wall Street's money on a 10 to 1 basis, in elections, goes to Republicans running.

How long was Jebb Bush in the primary race? Like a nano second.... up until the point he dropped out, Jebb and PACS received something like $116 million from wall street and she and PACS may have barely reached 25 million without Soros, and when you add in the 45 million for Rubio and $40 million for Cruz and I believe $15 million for Carson and all the other presidential candidates from Wall street you can see who the Wall Street Party is....

And I am not saying Hillary is a Liberal, she is more of a centrist.... but no quid pro quo, that I could find with Wall Street.
Clinton blasts Wall Street, but still draws millions in contributions
The contributions helped Clinton reach a fundraising milestone: By the end of 2015, she had brought in more money from the financial sector during her four federal campaigns than her husband did during his quarter-century political career.
In all, donors from Wall Street and other financial services firms have given $44.1 million to support Hillary Clinton’s campaigns and allied super PACs, compared with $39.7 million in backing that former president Bill Clinton received from the industry, according to campaign finance records dating back to 1974 that have been compiled by The Post.
Nearly half of the financialsector donations made to support Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run have come from just two wealthy financiers: billionaire investor George Soros, who gave $7 million last year to the pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action, and hedge-fund manager S. Donald Sussman, who gave the group $2.5 million.

And here is a little glimpse down memory lane :
Clinton rakes in Wall Street cash amid tough talk
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch—gave about $290,000 to Clinton's campaign committee through June 30, according to a MapLight analysis of Federal Election Commission data. While it makes up less than 1 percent of the roughly $47 million raised by Clinton's committee this cycle, it follows a precedent set in her 2008 presidential campaign, when the firms' employees were among her biggest donors.

A LOT more money is going in to campaigns since Bill was in office, and since The Citizens United decision by the SC so they can not be fairly compared imo.

And this primary election is not the norm...there is nothing to compare it to...

Please, this is 2008 all over again. Republicans and Democrats are cesspools. Before that is was 2004. Before that is was 2000. Before that is was 1996. Before that, it was 1992 ...

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