Trump supporters, are you happy?

Well i get it, but the reason they do is elections in the US are binary, the republican.paety is the only 3rd party to really workout.
My problem is with people who agree with the policies, but don't like his methods, like national review people....they only disagree on trade I I don't get the animosity.

I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued

Hmm. This is the 4th time in this thread alone that you have told different people that you "didn't say that". Maybe the frequency of you saying that should make you self reflect on your own ability to converse and not hold it against the rest of us for not being able to read what you wrote.

You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

How do you know the 40 / breakdown? Do you think everyone votes in primaries? He received more votes than anyone ever has. Did Killary get 100% of the votes? Trump has far more support than you think.

Trump was running 40% in the primaries when Cruz dropped out and he won. After that he was the only candidate.

Not sure what your claim is based on that he has more support than that and you gave me no idea what it's based on

So could you explain to the forum how you came up with the 40% figure?

See posts numbers 68 and 89
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Trump was not my first choice, but how did those 40% fuck anybody? With 17 candidates, getting 40% itself was a small miracle. If the votes were "fair and square", Trump won and he should have the backing of 100% of the Republican party. Didn't all those candidates pledge that if they lost, they would back the nominee? Their refusal to do so is the worst kind of betrayal, and they should be ostracized from the party.


I don't know what you're talking about, that isn't what I said

This is from the OP:

You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%.

Sounds pretty straight forward to me.


You said more than that which I didn't say

By them saying "fuck you" it was implicit in your post. If it wasn't, then you should explain just why they are fucking anyone.

I agree with everything you said and I've made the same points. He didn't insult Khan, ... But I'm not talking about Trump hitting back against the leftist Democrats. I'm talking about what dicks his supporters are to people like me who aren't Republican and they need to win. Cruz was very similar to Reagan. Trump is no Reagan, not at all. Their arguments boil down to these, none of which persuade me to vote for Trump:

He wants fair trade, that is free trade. Government will tell us when it's fair, that makes it free

- No, it doesn't. Explaining why you are against free trade doesn't make you a free trader. And I don't trust government to decide what's "fair" for shit

So you are OK with Hillary?

- No, I'm not. And?

Voting for Gary Johnson is voting for Hillary

- Not a math major, huh? And I'm not a Republican and they don't own my vote, how does that even make sense?

So you want Hillary to stack the Supreme Court with leftists?

- That horse is already out of the barn. Decades of Republican majority appointees has done nothing for liberty. John Roberts was the last nail in the coffin for me

Well i get it, but the reason they do is elections in the US are binary, the republican.paety is the only 3rd party to really workout.
My problem is with people who agree with the policies, but don't like his methods, like national review people....they only disagree on trade I I don't get the animosity.

I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?

For who? Free trade kills mature economies. Sure, "free trade" will help the China's of this world that don't take care of their environment and pay their people pennies on the dollar.

So, in the "free trade" world, the USA will be a loser.


How is it you know more than the field of economics again? I want that explanation before I go down your line with your assumption that you do. This is my education and career and everything I've seen is that the concepts of the field of economics are right. So I want you to explain how you know actually the field is wrong before I go down your line where you know it is
I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued

Hmm. This is the 4th time in this thread alone that you have told different people that you "didn't say that". Maybe the frequency of you saying that should make you self reflect on your own ability to converse and not hold it against the rest of us for not being able to read what you wrote.


Maybe you could stop saying things I didn't say
I'm ready for a battle, to win and not to wimp out.

Hows “winning” feel? I’ll let you know on a Wednesday in November.

Screen Shot 2016-08-11 at 11.14.19 AM.png
Hard conservatives tend to be binary thinkers, to them there is only two kinds of anything, things they like and things they really fucking hate. They are really big on the "are you with us or against us" trope.

We're talking about Trump, not "hard conservatives." Try to pay attention. Here's a hall pass, go ahead and relieve yourself
My statement is in reference to your speculation as to why the GOP big tent is getting smaller. It's Binary thinking, It's a simplistic and lazy way of thinking common to reactionary people. The GOP worked hard to attract these ideology bound single issue voters but it is kind of blowing up in their face.
You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%. And there are more Democrats than Republicans in this country. Then you said fuck you to libertarians and anyone else who while being pretty unhappy with your party wanted you to step up and be worth a vote.

Trump's statement he prefers soldiers who aren't captured was an embarrassment. Sure, the press is leftist and warped his statement on Khan and Putin getting Hillary's e-mails, but welcome to being a Republican. So after saying the Supreme Court is the prize, you're about to hand it to Hillary.

Proud of yourselves?

Trump was not my first choice, but how did those 40% fuck anybody? With 17 candidates, getting 40% itself was a small miracle. If the votes were "fair and square", Trump won and he should have the backing of 100% of the Republican party. Didn't all those candidates pledge that if they lost, they would back the nominee? Their refusal to do so is the worst kind of betrayal, and they should be ostracized from the party.


I don't know what you're talking about, that isn't what I said

This is from the OP:

You won the Republican party with 40% of the vote. You turned around and said fuck you to the other 60%.

Sounds pretty straight forward to me.


You said more than that which I didn't say

By them saying "fuck you" it was implicit in your post. If it wasn't, then you should explain just why they are fucking anyone.


You said I said that just their winning 40% and the nomination is what I described as saying fuck you. Never said that. I said

- They won 40%, they need more to win

- They aren't going to get that by continuing to insult the people they need

It seems pretty straight forward to you because you didn't understand it. Trump supporters are continually complete asses about supporting Trump. They keep telling me Trump owns my vote when I keep telling them I'm not a Republican. They don't respond to points. I don't know how they are going to win
Well i get it, but the reason they do is elections in the US are binary, the republican.paety is the only 3rd party to really workout.
My problem is with people who agree with the policies, but don't like his methods, like national review people....they only disagree on trade I I don't get the animosity.

I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued
I try not to read most of your spew. Thanks for the advice anyway.
  • Thanks
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Hard conservatives tend to be binary thinkers, to them there is only two kinds of anything, things they like and things they really fucking hate. They are really big on the "are you with us or against us" trope.

We're talking about Trump, not "hard conservatives." Try to pay attention. Here's a hall pass, go ahead and relieve yourself
My statement is in reference to your speculation as to why the GOP big tent is getting smaller. It's Binary thinking, It's a simplistic and lazy way of thinking common to reactionary people. The GOP worked hard to attract these ideology bound single issue voters but it is kind of blowing up in their face.

Thanks, I always enjoy the opinion of a monolithic leftist, always educational
I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued
I try not to read most of your spew. Thanks for the advice anyway.

Thanks for demonstrating my OP
Well i get it, but the reason they do is elections in the US are binary, the republican.paety is the only 3rd party to really workout.
My problem is with people who agree with the policies, but don't like his methods, like national review people....they only disagree on trade I I don't get the animosity.

I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?

For who? Free trade kills mature economies. Sure, "free trade" will help the China's of this world that don't take care of their environment and pay their people pennies on the dollar.

So, in the "free trade" world, the USA will be a loser.


How is it you know more than the field of economics again? I want that explanation before I go down your line with your assumption that you do. This is my education and career and everything I've seen is that the concepts of the field of economics are right. So I want you to explain how you know actually the field is wrong before I go down your line where you know it is

Are you now telling me there aren't winners and losers in any economic system? That is what I stated. Your economic statement was correct, I never denied that.

BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?

Well i get it, but the reason they do is elections in the US are binary, the republican.paety is the only 3rd party to really workout.
My problem is with people who agree with the policies, but don't like his methods, like national review people....they only disagree on trade I I don't get the animosity.

I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
that's his fking entire plan on trade, bring the jobs back home. force the US American businesses to bring them home. how do you supposed he'll do that. Import taxes. there won't be anyway for them to survive without bringing them home and opening manufacturing here. I love it. Fk all you who pay for cheap labor out of country. Bring American jobs home. It ought to be his theme.

Four hundred of my friends lost jobs in 2003 to mexico workers. Fk that. BTW, their quality was so bad that my company left Mexico and went to shanghai. Guess what, still ain't the best. American made the only way. Go Donald Bring American Jobs Home!!!!!

No, bringing back jobs is a "goal" not a "plan." I'm good with his goal, but his plan accomplishes the destruction of jobs and economic collapse, that isn't going to accomplish his goal
and why I asked, if the product today were actually manufactured in the US, do you think it would remain at the price that is set from being manufactured offshore? It is a rhetorical question.
BTW, if we need a formal education or career in a field to have an opinion, then, since you are talking politics, you should be immediately excluded from this thread, assuming you have never held office, of course.

Oh, one more thing. If the "field of economics" is always right, why do we have such a hard time predicting, much less controlling, things to make our economy better?


Strawman. I asked how you know the field of economics is wrong. You contradicted it. You didn't just express an opinion. You said economics is WRONG with the positions you said. That doesn't say the crap you said about needing a degree to have an opinion.

Thanks for answering your own question though why I keep telling you to re-read my posts and demonstrating my OP that you only want the support of 40% of the Republican party.

A fiscally conservative, free market capitalist, and you don't want my support. Tell me how Trump wins without us
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued

Hmm. This is the 4th time in this thread alone that you have told different people that you "didn't say that". Maybe the frequency of you saying that should make you self reflect on your own ability to converse and not hold it against the rest of us for not being able to read what you wrote.


Maybe you could stop saying things I didn't say

Its funny. I have never had this "problem" before. And I have thousands of posts in various forums. Like I said, maybe our misunderstanding comes from your lack of clarity.

asked and answered. I don't quite understand why you all wish to lose seats in the house and senate to be so petty and sore losers.

I'm not a Republican, completely lost, aren't you? Do you people ever look at the OP before you post?
dude, good for you. you keep voting in loser politicians who give a shit if you're breathing or not. What have they actually done for anyone? Really.

You keep voting for Tweedledum and Tweedledee. How has voting for the candidate who lies to you as opposed to the candidate who lies to your opposition worked out for you?
I never voted for obama, sorry!

Non sequitur
Bush failed in 2007 when he agreed with Dodd and Frank. never should have let that happen. It tanked housing. And created the boom. I had no issues with Bush till then.
I agree with that, again, and I don't have a problem with his methods. I won't vote for him because free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. He goes way beyond renegotiating trade deals like when he said he would put a $1,500 tax on Carrier for every air conditioner they build in Mexico. It's a deal breaker for me, I won't for for him
so the question is, do you want manufacturing jobs back in the US. If so, do you really think the prices of those products won't go up? Especially with minimum wage and unions that none of the other countries today have to deal with. So i therefore must believe then you don't want american manufacturing to return.

Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
that's his fking entire plan on trade, bring the jobs back home. force the US American businesses to bring them home. how do you supposed he'll do that. Import taxes. there won't be anyway for them to survive without bringing them home and opening manufacturing here. I love it. Fk all you who pay for cheap labor out of country. Bring American jobs home. It ought to be his theme.

Four hundred of my friends lost jobs in 2003 to mexico workers. Fk that. BTW, their quality was so bad that my company left Mexico and went to shanghai. Guess what, still ain't the best. American made the only way. Go Donald Bring American Jobs Home!!!!!

No, bringing back jobs is a "goal" not a "plan." I'm good with his goal, but his plan accomplishes the destruction of jobs and economic collapse, that isn't going to accomplish his goal
and why I asked, if the product today were actually manufactured in the US, do you think it would remain at the price that is set from being manufactured offshore? It is a rhetorical question.

You mean it's not a rhetorical question? I never said the price would stay the same, I said it would go up. What are you talking about?
Trump's plan doesn't bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. It just destroys jobs. Free trade and capitalism (economic freedom) create jobs with economic efficiency.

How is it you know more about economics than the field of economics again?
So tell us how bringing companies back to the US destroys jobs?

Fallacy of begging the question

That makes no sense in the context of anything I said. Try reading my posts again and asking a question that is relevant to what I argued

Hmm. This is the 4th time in this thread alone that you have told different people that you "didn't say that". Maybe the frequency of you saying that should make you self reflect on your own ability to converse and not hold it against the rest of us for not being able to read what you wrote.


Maybe you could stop saying things I didn't say

Its funny. I have never had this "problem" before. And I have thousands of posts in various forums. Like I said, maybe our misunderstanding comes from your lack of clarity.


Or maybe it comes from you putting words in my mouth rather than responding to what I actually said

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