Trump takes the 5th 400 times...

That's garbage.

In a new section of his 2020 book on Trump, as obtained by NBC News, New York Times correspondent Michael Schmidt reveals that Trump spent much of 2017 suggesting “behind closed doors in the Oval office” that he wanted to attack North Korea. The then president, Schmidt writes in the soon-to-be released afterword to Donald Trump v. The United States: Inside the Struggle to Stop a President, “cavalierly discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea, saying that if he took such an action, the administration could blame someone else for it to absolve itself of responsibility.”

For his part, John Kelly reportedly attempted to explain to his boss why that probably wouldn’t work, noting that “It’d be tough to not have the finger pointed at us,” but, of course, the then White House chief of staff was using reason and logic, two things that haven’t typically worked on Trump. Still, according to Schmidt, Kelly tried, bringing in “the military’s top leaders to the White House to brief Trump about how war between the US and North Korea could easily break out, as well as the enormous consequences of such a conflict. But the argument about how many people could be killed had ‘no impact on Trump.’” Nor did the threat of economic blowback; according to the book’s update, informed of why all of this would be a very bad idea, the president would still “turn back to the possibility of war, including at one point raising to Kelly the possibility of launching a preemptive military attack against North Korea.”
TRUMP! is the kind of guy who says a lot of stuff, most of which he isn't seriously contemplating doing. He's a blowhard, blustering kind of guy and says whatever is on the front of his mind, something seasoned politicians rarely do. Washington wasn't ready for someone like him, and he wasn't ready for Washington.
That entire trope is crap.
Don't be a simplistic simpleton. I know you hate his guts, but you can't deny reality. Under his leadership, we didn't start any new hostilities and he put together the plan to get out of Afghanistan that Quid Pro used.
Didn’t trump nearly start a war with Iran after he ripped up the nuclear deal with their country, thus giving Iran the ability to develop their own nuclear weapons? No new hostilities, peace president? This is how delusional the maga cult is. Keep drinking that koolaid.
No new hostilities, that's reality. Sure, he used the credible threat of American military force to move things along but didn't just start bombing and/or put boots on the ground.

This is why I consider so many to be simplistic simpletons. All they know is "I hate that guy", so they refuse to believe anything that doesn't echo that hate. You can hate TRUMP! all you want, but you can't deny that he was the first American president in decades to not start any new military hostilities.
TRUMP! is the kind of guy who says a lot of stuff, most of which he isn't seriously contemplating doing. He's a blowhard, blustering kind of guy and says whatever is on the front of his mind, something seasoned politicians rarely do. Washington wasn't ready for someone like him, and he wasn't ready for Washington.
Screw your interpretations.

Grifty is an imbecile....he grew up and has lived in a bubble.

The nation owes a debt of gratitude to the fine men and women who kept him "contained" while in office.
Don't be a simplistic simpleton. I know you hate his guts, but you can't deny reality. Under his leadership, we didn't start any new hostilities and he put together the plan to get out of Afghanistan that Quid Pro used.
Just stop.
Screw your interpretations.

Grifty is an imbecile....he grew up and has lived in a bubble.

The nation owes a debt of gratitude to the fine men and women who kept him "contained" while in office.
What interpretation? That's who TRUMP! is. He's a blowhard, petty, narcissistic, and probably wears white after Labor Day. I wouldn't want to either live with him or work for him, but all you're doing is looking for any way, anything that will allow you to continue with the simplistic narrative of "Orange Man Bad", no matter what.
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

Trump said it best only the guilty need to take the 5th.
Trump took the 5th 400 times in his recent disposition for fraud because he is guilty and he has no response. He has no excuse that will hold up under penalty of perjury, and he is 100% guilty.
This disposition is serious stuff and he can't tell lies like at his rallies or he gets charged with perjury, so his only option is to take the 5th, like a mob criminal.

If I were trump I would not cooperate with the committee or answer a single question

If that means taking the 5th a thousand times so be it
If I were trump I would not cooperate with the committee or answer a single question

If that means taking the 5th a thousand times so be it
Hey, you know the narrative. He's not allowed to use any legal protections because reasons and Orange Man Bad.
Where do you get the idea that Biden has "dementia" and that the election was "stolen"?

Every note...
/——/ Slurred speech, shaking hands with people only he sees, wandering around the stage confused. Ya know, if Trump did this while President you’d be screeching 25th Amendment.
TRUMP! is the kind of guy who says a lot of stuff, most of which he isn't seriously contemplating doing. He's a blowhard, blustering kind of guy and says whatever is on the front of his mind, ...

In Trumps Stormy Daniels deposition, he repeatedly said that he was going to sue once the trial was over.

That may turn out to be a lie, because after a federal judge ordered Trump to pay Hillary Clinton and her lawyers $1 million in fees and sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit against her. Trump dropped the lawsuit against Laticia James (NY AG) most likely because he feared another scolding from a federal judge.

Trump hasn't stopped filing lawsuits, but from here on out, he will be a lot more cautious about it, and is not likely to carry out what he promised against Stormy Daniels.

So be careful about everything you say under oath.
Why do you try to pretend that you have reason to know?

You were told to avert your eyes and you did.

The vast majority of the testimony was from people AT THE WHITE HOUSE.

Do you understand?
Huh, Cassidy the STAR WITNESS was gonna bring Trump down. She was a joke. Even her heresay made TRump look like Stallone in an action movie. She had nothing, she saw nothing, she said she heard something, but the person she heard it from, DENIED saying it......that's your STAR WITNESS.
haha no i didn’t and no i wasn’t…sounds like a lawyer that gave his opinions to the president…big deal did....otherwise you would have missed the spelling.
No...he didn't sound like that.

He sounded like a guy who knows his client is a total shit...he tried very hard to be professional by citing executive privilege in declining to answer questions - but it was clear that he was shamed by his participation.

Were you also unmoved by the entire leadership of the DoJ testifying that they and more than 40 federal prosecutors threatened to resign, on the spot, if Grifty proceeded with his fake elector scam?

How about the guy who was so disgusted he wanted to resign, but didn't.....for the good of the country?

I don't believe you watched it.....even the NYPost and Washington Examiner reached their limits.
In Trumps Stormy Daniels deposition, he repeatedly said that he was going to sue once the trial was over.

That may turn out to be a lie, because after a federal judge ordered Trump to pay Hillary Clinton and her lawyers $1 million in fees and sanctions for filing a frivolous lawsuit against her. Trump dropped the lawsuit against Laticia James (NY AG) most likely because he feared another scolding from a federal judge.

Trump hasn't stopped filing lawsuits, but from here on out, he will be a lot more cautious about it, and is not likely to carry out what he promised against Stormy Daniels.

So be careful about everything you say under oath.
He is also running out of lawyers.

He doesn't listen, then he doesn't pay..

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