Trump, the new Obama cult of personality candidate

The days of electing the best man for the job based on individual history & policy positions has apparently gone.

Trump has held positions from both sides of any given issue. His biggest talking point is "Make America great again".
The highlights of his campaign thus far have been large crowds, beatdowns & turmoil. None of which is a prescription for what ills America.
We are witnessing the rights version of Obama. All talk & no substance.

So give us an alternative who is not a lying filth establishment scumbag, you talk like there is an alternative to Trump.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.

Then I chose Trump the guy who has actually accomplished something. Cruz runs his mouth about fighting the fights but he lost those fights.
Cruz lost those fights because of the leadership in DC. Hardly his fault

Is the leadership in DC going to be any different when he's president? He'll go on losing the fights apparently.
The days of electing the best man for the job based on individual history & policy positions has apparently gone.

Trump has held positions from both sides of any given issue. His biggest talking point is "Make America great again".
The highlights of his campaign thus far have been large crowds, beatdowns & turmoil. None of which is a prescription for what ills America.
We are witnessing the rights version of Obama. All talk & no substance.

So give us an alternative who is not a lying filth establishment scumbag, you talk like there is an alternative to Trump.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.

Sez the ex con who can't even vote.
Says another uninformed moron who doesn't understand voting laws
The days of electing the best man for the job based on individual history & policy positions has apparently gone.

Trump has held positions from both sides of any given issue. His biggest talking point is "Make America great again".
The highlights of his campaign thus far have been large crowds, beatdowns & turmoil. None of which is a prescription for what ills America.
We are witnessing the rights version of Obama. All talk & no substance.

So give us an alternative who is not a lying filth establishment scumbag, you talk like there is an alternative to Trump.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.

Then I chose Trump the guy who has actually accomplished something. Cruz runs his mouth about fighting the fights but he lost those fights.
Cruz lost those fights because of the leadership in DC. Hardly his fault

Is the leadership in DC going to be any different when he's president? He'll go on losing the fights apparently.
I believe it would be yes. Every congress to date has giving most presidents plenty of lattitude. From Bush getting his way in Iraq to Obama getting funding for Obamacare DESPITE Cruz trying to block it.

You have 0 basis for your assumption.
The days of electing the best man for the job based on individual history & policy positions has apparently gone.

Trump has held positions from both sides of any given issue. His biggest talking point is "Make America great again".
The highlights of his campaign thus far have been large crowds, beatdowns & turmoil. None of which is a prescription for what ills America.
We are witnessing the rights version of Obama. All talk & no substance.

So give us an alternative who is not a lying filth establishment scumbag, you talk like there is an alternative to Trump.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.
Funny, because I was a Walker supporter.

Walker was not a bad guy but he clearly lacked the 'stuff' to be president. Nobody really attacked him, he took himself out like Jeb Bush. Those two were about as inspiring as day old bread. If you can't rally the people to your candidacy then your not presidential material.
Trump's lack of substance has been brought up countless times, and his supporter's rebuttals have lacked the same substance. You won't change any minds. His followers are retards.
Yer right! I just flunked an IQ test.
I failed that same test..................I think the Liberals rigged the they rig the vote.........

Just saying.
Cruz has a CLEAR history of fighting for what he believes in. Trump has a clear history of flip flopping & bankruptcy when the going got tough.
So give us an alternative who is not a lying filth establishment scumbag, you talk like there is an alternative to Trump.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.

Then I chose Trump the guy who has actually accomplished something. Cruz runs his mouth about fighting the fights but he lost those fights.
Cruz lost those fights because of the leadership in DC. Hardly his fault

Is the leadership in DC going to be any different when he's president? He'll go on losing the fights apparently.
I believe it would be yes. Every congress to date has giving most presidents plenty of lattitude. From Bush getting his way in Iraq to Obama getting funding for Obamacare DESPITE Cruz trying to block it.

You have 0 basis for your assumption.

Do you deny that the establishment in particular the Republican establishment hates Cruz? Hell its going to be an uphill battle just dealing with the Democrats but if your own party hates you I'm not sure what if anything Cruz could get done as President. That being said I seriously doubt he could win the general in any case. If he was able to pull in some independents and democrats like Trump is doing I'd consider him. There's no sense backing someone who has little hope if any of winning. And if you want to talk about a candidate who has already endured the MSM attacks that's Trump. The MSM haven't even started on Cruz yet.
Trumpbots voted out the good candidate, Walker.
Now it's between Trump & Cruz.

Then I chose Trump the guy who has actually accomplished something. Cruz runs his mouth about fighting the fights but he lost those fights.
Cruz lost those fights because of the leadership in DC. Hardly his fault

Is the leadership in DC going to be any different when he's president? He'll go on losing the fights apparently.
I believe it would be yes. Every congress to date has giving most presidents plenty of lattitude. From Bush getting his way in Iraq to Obama getting funding for Obamacare DESPITE Cruz trying to block it.

You have 0 basis for your assumption.

Do you deny that the establishment in particular the Republican establishment hates Cruz? Hell its going to be an uphill battle just dealing with the Democrats but if your own party hates you I'm not sure what if anything Cruz could get done as President. That being said I seriously doubt he could win the general in any case. If he was able to pull in some independents and democrats like Trump is doing I'd consider him. There's no sense backing someone who has little hope if any of winning. And if you want to talk about a candidate who has already endured the MSM attacks that's Trump. The MSM haven't even started on Cruz yet.
Do you deny that the very establishment that "hates" him is now rallying around him?
Trump's lack of substance has been brought up countless times, and his supporter's rebuttals have lacked the same substance. You won't change any minds. His followers are retards.
Yer right! I just flunked an IQ test.
I failed that same test..................I think the Liberals rigged the they rig the vote.........

Just saying.

That was an HIV test.
Says the man who has a cat attacking a little baby again.:asshole:
Cruz has a CLEAR history of fighting for what he believes in. Trump has a clear history of flip flopping & bankruptcy when the going got tough.
Cruz is losing.
we will see about that. Dividing the conservative vote between Cru, Rubio, Fiorina and a couple others has come to an end.

And trump wins with Pluralities. Cruz wins with majorities
Yet he polls low in many Northern States..............Behind Kasich there...........which is why Kasich is still in........The only way someone beats Trump is in a RIGGED CONVENTION............
Cruz has a CLEAR history of fighting for what he believes in. Trump has a clear history of flip flopping & bankruptcy when the going got tough.
Cruz is losing.
we will see about that. Dividing the conservative vote between Cru, Rubio, Fiorina and a couple others has come to an end.

And trump wins with Pluralities. Cruz wins with majorities
Yet he polls low in many Northern States..............Behind Kasich there...........which is why Kasich is still in........The only way someone beats Trump is in a RIGGED CONVENTION............
If trump does not reach the required threshold & the delegates that are not bound to him vote for Cruz & put him over the threshold then what? That isn't rigged. Now if someone else was nominated you would have a point. Only Trump & Cruz have fulfilled the requirement of winning 8 states.
Cruz has a CLEAR history of fighting for what he believes in. Trump has a clear history of flip flopping & bankruptcy when the going got tough.
Cruz is losing.
we will see about that. Dividing the conservative vote between Cru, Rubio, Fiorina and a couple others has come to an end.

And trump wins with Pluralities. Cruz wins with majorities
Yet he polls low in many Northern States..............Behind Kasich there...........which is why Kasich is still in........The only way someone beats Trump is in a RIGGED CONVENTION............
If trump does not reach the required threshold & the delegates that are not bound to him vote for Cruz & put him over the threshold then what? That isn't rigged. Now if someone else was nominated you would have a point. Only Trump & Cruz have fulfilled the requirement of winning 8 states.
It isn't over and that would still throw out the winner of the popular vote........That is absolutely RIGGED.
Cruz has a CLEAR history of fighting for what he believes in. Trump has a clear history of flip flopping & bankruptcy when the going got tough.
Cruz is losing.
we will see about that. Dividing the conservative vote between Cru, Rubio, Fiorina and a couple others has come to an end.

And trump wins with Pluralities. Cruz wins with majorities
Yet he polls low in many Northern States..............Behind Kasich there...........which is why Kasich is still in........The only way someone beats Trump is in a RIGGED CONVENTION............
If trump does not reach the required threshold & the delegates that are not bound to him vote for Cruz & put him over the threshold then what? That isn't rigged. Now if someone else was nominated you would have a point. Only Trump & Cruz have fulfilled the requirement of winning 8 states.
It isn't over and that would still throw out the winner of the popular vote........That is absolutely RIGGED.
Well don't pick a nominee based on popular vote. There are 2 main requirements. One is winning a certain number of delegates. Second is winning at least 8 states. Nowhere in the rules has it ever said popular vote.

Read the rules for the contest
Then I chose Trump the guy who has actually accomplished something. Cruz runs his mouth about fighting the fights but he lost those fights.
Cruz lost those fights because of the leadership in DC. Hardly his fault

Is the leadership in DC going to be any different when he's president? He'll go on losing the fights apparently.
I believe it would be yes. Every congress to date has giving most presidents plenty of lattitude. From Bush getting his way in Iraq to Obama getting funding for Obamacare DESPITE Cruz trying to block it.

You have 0 basis for your assumption.

Do you deny that the establishment in particular the Republican establishment hates Cruz? Hell its going to be an uphill battle just dealing with the Democrats but if your own party hates you I'm not sure what if anything Cruz could get done as President. That being said I seriously doubt he could win the general in any case. If he was able to pull in some independents and democrats like Trump is doing I'd consider him. There's no sense backing someone who has little hope if any of winning. And if you want to talk about a candidate who has already endured the MSM attacks that's Trump. The MSM haven't even started on Cruz yet.
Do you deny that the very establishment that "hates" him is now rallying around him?

The establishment now want Hillary to win.
And didn't Gore win the popular vote? Did you go to bat for him claiming a rigged election?

Just sayin.....
The days of electing the best man for the job based on individual history & policy positions has apparently gone.

Trump has held positions from both sides of any given issue. His biggest talking point is "Make America great again".
The highlights of his campaign thus far have been large crowds, beatdowns & turmoil. None of which is a prescription for what ills America.
We are witnessing the rights version of Obama. All talk & no substance.

When you are correct, well it blows my mind, but then again the new Skittles Commercial with Steve Tyler blows my mind, so it is simple and easy to blow it, my mind for anyone thinking anything else... :)

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