Trump...Turd Blossom...Deep State?

georgephillip wasn't happy when Trump kicked Hillary’s ass....

Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul.:cuckoo:
you took the trump dupes to school. incredible after all this time that the sheep in america STILL think that Trump is different than warmongers Bush and Obama,not just another puppet for the elite to serve their interests and incredibly STILL think he is a RINO like patriot Ron Paul
If Trump suffers the same end as his good friend Jeffrey Epstein, many cons on this board will continue to defend the useless eater.
What's he afraid of?
That you and the dems will lie and blowup any little thing you find...this president has good reason for keeping his return under wraps....because you lie...look you are still looking for Russian collusion....
If Trump suffers the same end as his good friend Jeffrey Epstein,
The second lib today to bring up the demise of our president...what happened while I was on the golf course?...did he win again?...because you libs are triggered today...did the market come back or what?...
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.

Going nuts?

You're expecting the gutless pussy to resign?
The only one to get any jail will be
Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
Joe Kennedy was crooked and helped buy his son the election. You realize Kennedy did not care one bit about civil rights and screwed every woman he could. Every president had feet of clay somewhere along the line.
A "feel good" story.
A "feel good" story.
Here's another:

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

"But Trump was not clean as a whistle.

"Beginning three years earlier, he’d hired mobbed-up firms to erect Trump Tower and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan, including buying ostensibly overpriced concrete from a company controlled by mafia chieftains Anthony 'Fat Tony' Salerno and Paul Castellano.

"That story eventually came out in a federal investigation, which also concluded that in a construction industry saturated with mob influence, the Trump Plaza apartment building most likely benefited from connections to racketeering.

"Trump also failed to disclose that he was under investigation by a grand jury directed by the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, who wanted to learn how Trump obtained an option to buy the Penn Central railroad yards on the West Side of Manhattan."
And yet, still better than Obama
And yet, still better than Obama
Better for whom, Putin?

Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?
Trump is better for "feeling good".
Trump is better for "feeling good"
For Democrats.

If he's lucky, he will be in prison by November 2020.
Save that-it will look funny in 2021.
The only one to get any jail will be
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.
He had his good and bad points.
Lefties found some obscure Texas cliche and linked it to the President and called it political news. The crazies make Biden look good.
Here's another:

Just What Were Donald Trump's Ties to the Mob?

"But Trump was not clean as a whistle.

"Beginning three years earlier, he’d hired mobbed-up firms to erect Trump Tower and his Trump Plaza apartment building in Manhattan, including buying ostensibly overpriced concrete from a company controlled by mafia chieftains Anthony 'Fat Tony' Salerno and Paul Castellano.

"That story eventually came out in a federal investigation, which also concluded that in a construction industry saturated with mob influence, the Trump Plaza apartment building most likely benefited from connections to racketeering.

"Trump also failed to disclose that he was under investigation by a grand jury directed by the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, who wanted to learn how Trump obtained an option to buy the Penn Central railroad yards on the West Side of Manhattan."
And yet, still better than Obama
And yet, still better than Obama
Better for whom, Putin?

Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?
You must be the last holdout for the Russian hoax.....slow learner?...
Russia Hoax is the 21st century McCarthy hearings
Russia Hoax is the 21st century McCarthy hearings
Trump is the 21st Century McCarthy Hoax

What's he afraid of?

You and your portfolio no doubt.
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
Some people just did not like him. I am neutral about him myself.
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump. :)
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump

NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump vs. Biden, 2020 Democrats, Impeachment
Compelling numbers-should I not bother to vote either way?
Compelling numbers-should I not bother to vote either way?
You could always go with a write-in?
I voted more Independent than either party put together.
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.
JFK was a weasel cocksucker like the rest of the Kennedy’s.

nice game of dodgeball there that he was or last REAL president who served the people instead of the bankers as every mother fucker since LBJ all has. you REALLY have poor debating skills.:D
JFK’s behavior put nation at risk when he had affairs with East German spies and Mafia prostitutes.
President Kennedy and the German Spy
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump. :)
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump

NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump vs. Biden, 2020 Democrats, Impeachment
Compelling numbers-should I not bother to vote either way?
Compelling numbers-should I not bother to vote either way?
You could always go with a write-in?
Our nation would be better off if Goldwater had won in 1964.
More FAKE NEWS OR every news station would be blasting Trump for saying it....An I right or am I righ!

And it is a bullshit, Lying CNBC story!!!
More FAKE NEWS OR every news station would be blasting Trump for saying it....An I right or am I righ!

And it is a bullshit, Lying CNBC story!!!
More Alternate Facts, Pussy-Grabber?

China insists it is unaware of calls to Trump and says tariffs are 'extreme pressure' and 'not constructive at all'

"One day later, China is still insisting no phone calls took place over the weekend that President Donald Trump claimed showed its willingness to talk again.

"'I have not heard of this situation regarding the two calls that the U.S. mentioned in the weekend,' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at press conference on Tuesday. He had denied on Monday that the calls had taken place."

He's a pathological liar.

Do you know what that means?

Do you care?
But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!

But WE KNOW that YOU are a PATHOLOGICAL are 90+ % of you and the Party of INFANTICIDE freaks are!
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?
Can we assume you’re good with supporting a known pedophile?

Do you?
I was out on the range, scrubbing brush when I came across one of them turdblossums. Ugly little fella....

View attachment 276198
Watch out for snakes!
Watch out for total fuck ups....
View attachment 276291
Watch out for total fuck ups.

Too late?
Some people just don't know when to stop digging....Russia...LMFAO
Some people just don't know when to stop digging....Russia...LMFAO
The Trump Crime Family will die in prison.

Deutsche Bank, Trump, Russia, Saudi Arabia: What’s the Connection? - WhoWhatWhy

"Deutsche Bank told a federal appeals court on Tuesday that it was in possession of some tax returns sought by congressional subpoenas issued earlier this year to President Trump, his family and his businesses.

"In a letter to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the German lender wrote that it 'has in its possession tax returns (in either draft or as-filed form).'

"Although the identities of the people or organizations were redacted in the publicly available document, current and former bank officials have said Deutsche Bank has portions of Mr. Trump’s personal and corporate tax returns for multiple years as part of the reams of financial data it has collected over its two-decade relationship with him."

Deutsche Bank Tells Court It Has Some Tax Returns Related to Trump Inquiry
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."

According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"

According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"
"President Obama Demands ‘Ribs and Pussy Too?’

"A clip of Barack Obama reading from his book 'Dreams of My Father' has been shared out of context...."

"Although the clip is real, it doesn’t document an off-the-cuff remark made by President Obama demanding 'ribs and pussy too.'

"Rather, this footage was taken from Barack Obama’s appearance on the show 'The Author Series' on 20 September 1995 (long before he ran for the presidency) in which he read excerpts from his book Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

"The full clip shows that President Obama was describing a conversation he had with someone else about Malcolm X’s beliefs, and that the 'ribs and pussy too' line was spoken by another character in the book."

FALSE: President Obama Demands 'Ribs and Pussy Too'
You're expecting the gutless pussy to resign?
The only one to get any jail will be
Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Wow. He is as bad as Clinton! Or Kennedy!
Same rich white trash, but I don't think Clinton or Kennedy laundered money for Russian gangsters?
How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
Clinton had Whitewater and Joe Kennedy bootlegged.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton, Trump, or Kennedy.
They all serve the same master.

I assume you meant you would not have voted for JOE Kennedy? Now THAT I can understand and toally agree with. John was not like his dad at all though

the ONLY reason he got elected was the establishment made the mistake of thinking he was like his father,evil and corrupt which was not the case at all. they were right about Bush jr being an apple that did not fall far from the tree but they totally were wrong about John F kennedy though being corrupt same as his father and being willing to serve his master and do their bidding as every president since then all has which is why THEY have all stayed alive.

JFK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.

He was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these lobbying firms and corporations that do now.

we will NEVER have a president anything like him again and have not since then,one who serves the people instead of the bankers and follows the constitution AS LONG AS we have this corrupt two party system we have.

as you well know an independent like gary johnson who has many of the same views as patriot ron paul like getting rid of the CIA,FBI and the fed,,will never have a chance to get elected because you have to have special connections to the establishment and be corrupt from the get go to even be elected.

thats the sad reality of it all as you and i both know.

the trump dupes incredibly STILL think trump can do no wrong even though its been proven that he LIED about getting rid of the deep state. last time i checked,the CIA,FBI and fed were still around and he has not tried to get rid of them and the sheep here STILL love him incredibly.:rolleyes::cuckoo:
FK was not being the willing puppet they thought he would and not doing what his masters told him to do,he was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.He was our last REAL president we had the fact he was the last one that did not do what his masters told him to do.
JFK was warned against traveling to Dallas, and his response upon arrival was to order the Secret Service to put down the top on his limo. He might have been able to alter the National Security State in 1963 if he had survived. Ultimately, he was a product of the 1%, and very few of those individuals are willing to question the economic system that created their family fortunes.
Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump. :)
We know it’s gotta suck to be supporting a party that has a zero chance of beating a man like Trump

NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump vs. Biden, 2020 Democrats, Impeachment


The date? 11/8/2016 Fake News!


Just so we are all starting on the same page...

Turd Blossom - Wikipedia

"'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1]

Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State |

"There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol.

"The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections.

"The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power."

Which factions in the US does this subsurface fertilize?

"In the 2013 novel 'A Delicate Truth,' John le Carré presents the 'deep state' as a moneyed, cultured élite—the 'non-governmental insiders from banking, industry, and commerce' whose access to information allows them to rule in secret.

"Trump’s conception is quite different.

"A real-estate baron, with the wealthiest Cabinet in U.S. history, Trump is at peace with the plutocracy but at war with the clerks—the apparatchiks who, he claims, are seeking to nullify the election by denying the prerogatives of his Administration."

Trump vs. the “Deep State”

Whatever Trump's conception of the Deep State's mulch may be, the non-governmental insiders from banking and commerce who ensure parasites like Donald Trump can blossom financially will continue to advance the interests of billionaires at the expense of society long after the Trump crime family dies in prison.
We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
We can only hope-the new arrivals, the illegals, deserve only poverty, disease, and scorn.
Trump vs. the “Deep State”

"Every President expects devotion. Lyndon Johnson wished for an aide who would 'kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells like roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.'

"But Trump has elevated loyalty to the primary consideration.

"Since he has no fixed ideology, the White House cannot screen for ideas, so it seeks a more personal form of devotion. Kellyanne Conway, one of his most dedicated attendants, refers reverently to the 'October 8th coalition,' the campaign stalwarts who remained at Trump’s side while the world listened to a recording of him boasting about grabbing women by the genitals."

According to you when Trump says "Grab them by the you can do anything" you INTERPRET that as HE DID such an act?
So using your ASSUMPTION position... Obama DID THE SAME THING so where was your angst at that time?
"Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too"

Interesting find there! :113:

Downloaded just in case it poofs.

The 2016 polls were correct.
More voters preferred Clinton.

Jim Crow to the Rescue.

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