Trump turns Hillary's "deplorable" remarks into campaign ad

No. I do not qualify as alt-Right. I have had plenty of debates and discussions with people on the alt-Right, and they do not consider me to be alt-Right. If you think the Pinochet avatar has to do with being alt-Right, you're wrong. I have been praising Pinochet as a hero since before the alt-Right existed.
Then you have been Alt Right before it was recognized as such. Are you a member of any of the conservative Catholic Authoritarian factions?
I'm a Baptist. I've told you that numerous times. Pay attention. And no, having a high opinion of Pinochet doesn't make one alt-Right.... If that were the case, the majority of people in Chile are alt-Right... And I seriously doubt that's true.
Don't you already detest my politics without having to lie and associate me with people I am not associated with?
"Sure" is a lie? Your posts on this board ally you with the Alt Right, whether you like it or not.
No they don't. I just posted I think they are morons. I am not allied with them. They have some similar views on globalism vs. nationalism, and I do believe in race realism....that's about it.

And on the race realism issue, while I know and agree it is a simple fact that some races have higher IQs on average than others, I do not write off entire racial groups as hopelessly stupid, I blame culture for most of their plight in the world. I do not believe all blacks are stupid. You pretty much have to consider all blacks as incapable of assimilating into western culture in order to be alt-Right. I don't think that, so I am not alt-Right.
To me, being a monster is better than being a victim of one.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if self defense makes you a monster, well then so be it.

Wow, you are starting to sound like those White Supremacists POS that support Trump. I can't hardly tell the two sides apart now. Damn! :badgrin:
The best way for evil to triumph is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

God bless you always!!!

How do you know you aren't just a pawn for evil though?
Because any move that I make would be in self defense.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If anyone in the picture has to take a nose dive, why should it be the innocent person?

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