Trump wins debate 61% Rubio 2% Bush 1.5%

Fox & Friends has been trying to support Carli Fiornia.....but Brian Kilmi got cut off at the knees by a guest economist who said that what Carli said about Trump was made up. He also said she was a failed CEO and that she made some poor decisions....and was fired because of it. Then Fox put on 3 guests who acted like they didn't watch the debate. They felt that Fiornia sounded impressive. Problem is, so does Obama....sound impressive.....but sounding impressive doesn't get shit done. So do we want a female Barrack Obama?
They should change the name of Fox to Fiorina Network news, because they're really pushing her. 4 guests that said that Fiorna was the shit.

So we'll call them Fiornia News.
Hilarious; libs are so desperate!!! lmao!!

Trump didnt win anything and the field of losers Dems are running is going to face a competent, confident Republican candidate/nominee.
So Trump did well, Rubio looked nervous and was sweating, Rand Paul had some good points but came off as a smart-ass, Jeb Bush looked like an asshole, Ted Cruz sounded like a Televangelist, Chris Christie sounded like his lines were rehearsed because at times they were out of place, Ben Carson sounded rational and friendly, Carli Fiornia came off as a smarter version of Hillary.....and attempted to act like a victim.....she just couldn't resist the urge to take advantage of Trumps comment that was the truth. Carli can't win.....period. The only thing she's good for is making fun of Hillary. As a matter of fact, a news anchor asked her a few months ago if she would be better off running for VP, so what Trump said is out there.

Carli needs to win an election and get some experience. Women may support her.....and right now Elizabeth Hasselback is talking about her like she's the second-coming.....just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can fix Washington. As a matter of fact, the way she showed zero class in not accepting Trumps' apology, I don't think she has the temperament to get things done. She's going to piss people off on both sides of the isle. One of her best qualities was always her calm, well-informed rhetoric, but she blew that last night. She couldn't even look Trump in the face. Either she hates him, or she's milking what the media is saying about him to the hilt. She's polling at 2% and I think she figures playing the victim is her only chance. That's what a Democrat does. We don't need a Democrat playing the victim in the WhiteHouse. We'll get that with Hillary.
So Trump did well, Rubio looked nervous and was sweating, Rand Paul had some good points but came off as a smart-ass, Jeb Bush looked like an asshole, Ted Cruz sounded like a Televangelist, Chris Christie sounded like his lines were rehearsed because at times they were out of place, Ben Carson sounded rational and friendly, Carli Fiornia came off as a smarter version of Hillary.....and attempted to act like a victim.....she just couldn't resist the urge to take advantage of Trumps comment that was the truth. Carli can't win.....period. The only thing she's good for is making fun of Hillary. As a matter of fact, a news anchor asked her a few months ago if she would be better off running for VP, so what Trump said is out there.

Carli needs to win an election and get some experience. Women may support her.....and right now Elizabeth Hasselback is talking about her like she's the second-coming.....just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can fix Washington. As a matter of fact, the way she showed zero class in not accepting Trumps' apology, I don't think she has the temperament to get things done. She's going to piss people off on both sides of the isle. One of her best qualities was always her calm, well-informed rhetoric, but she blew that last night. She couldn't even look Trump in the face. Either she hates him, or she's milking what the media is saying about him to the hilt. She's polling at 2% and I think she figures playing the victim is her only chance. That's what a Democrat does. We don't need a Democrat playing the victim in the WhiteHouse. We'll get that with Hillary.
Why does Carly need to win an election for experience? While Trump doesn't?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander as far as I'm concerned.
this whole thread is brought to you by one of the most unhinged left-wing losers in cyberspace; sarahgop. Like rabid left-wing poser "rightwinger" there is nothing right-wing about her.

Trump did not come close to winning; and what is a poll about who won that asked only Trump supporters?
this whole thread is brought to you by one of the most unhinged left-wing losers in cyberspace; sarahgop. Like rabid left-wing poser "rightwinger" there is nothing right-wing about her.

Trump did not come close to winning; and what is a poll about who won that asked only Trump supporters?
There you go.

The perfect example of why your party is combustible....

You all claim the other guy in your own party is a eat your own kin.
So Trump did well, Rubio looked nervous and was sweating, Rand Paul had some good points but came off as a smart-ass, Jeb Bush looked like an asshole, Ted Cruz sounded like a Televangelist, Chris Christie sounded like his lines were rehearsed because at times they were out of place, Ben Carson sounded rational and friendly, Carli Fiornia came off as a smarter version of Hillary.....and attempted to act like a victim.....she just couldn't resist the urge to take advantage of Trumps comment that was the truth. Carli can't win.....period. The only thing she's good for is making fun of Hillary. As a matter of fact, a news anchor asked her a few months ago if she would be better off running for VP, so what Trump said is out there.

Carli needs to win an election and get some experience. Women may support her.....and right now Elizabeth Hasselback is talking about her like she's the second-coming.....just because she's a woman doesn't mean she can fix Washington. As a matter of fact, the way she showed zero class in not accepting Trumps' apology, I don't think she has the temperament to get things done. She's going to piss people off on both sides of the isle. One of her best qualities was always her calm, well-informed rhetoric, but she blew that last night. She couldn't even look Trump in the face. Either she hates him, or she's milking what the media is saying about him to the hilt. She's polling at 2% and I think she figures playing the victim is her only chance. That's what a Democrat does. We don't need a Democrat playing the victim in the WhiteHouse. We'll get that with Hillary.
Why does Carly need to win an election for experience? While Trump doesn't?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander as far as I'm concerned.
Carli needs to win something. She's a failed politician. The point of running for office is to win. You need to have a win somewhere to show that you can be trusted to win in a presidential election. Carli is a well-known failure in the business world. Everyone that is in that field knows it. She made poor decisions that cost her company jobs.

She thinks she can BS her way through a presidential election and waste our time and money, yet she couldn't win in a state election against Barbara Boxer. She needs a win.....yet she thinks that this is the time for a woman president and that opportunity will be lost if Hillary wins it. So she's running for president.

Trump has been winning in everything he does. He knows everyone in politics, and in business. He knows who can be trusted and who can't. But his best quality is his ability to work with people in all walks of life. He doesn't take insults personally. He merely responds to them. I don't see him getting nasty. He's just blunt and honest. We could use somebody that's honest for once. Jeb lied about Trump last night and so did Fiornia. Far as I'm concerned, that's a dis-qualifier.
this whole thread is brought to you by one of the most unhinged left-wing losers in cyberspace; sarahgop. Like rabid left-wing poser "rightwinger" there is nothing right-wing about her.

Trump did not come close to winning; and what is a poll about who won that asked only Trump supporters?
There you go.

The perfect example of why your party is combustible....

You all claim the other guy in your own party is a eat your own kin.
Well, we know that all of your candidates are a bunch of fakes. That's why they're Democrats.....because you guys will accept a phony.
this whole thread is brought to you by one of the most unhinged left-wing losers in cyberspace; sarahgop. Like rabid left-wing poser "rightwinger" there is nothing right-wing about her.

Trump did not come close to winning; and what is a poll about who won that asked only Trump supporters?
There you go.

The perfect example of why your party is combustible....

You all claim the other guy in your own party is a eat your own kin.

lol what an idiot you are. actually we know a fake when we see one. maybe because obama has presided over a period where the richest got richer and the poorest got poorer you forgot what he promised and what he supposedly stands for?
....because you guys will accept a phony.

if you are referring to Hitlery, you are wrong, she is definitely a 110% pure criminal, liar, fraudster, and bitch, did i mention lesbian yet?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
She was on the Tonight Show making fun of everyone and telling bad jokes.

She also said that her critics need to stop hurting her feelings.

That's what we need for president......a lousy comedian that's a cry-baby.

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