Trump wins debate 61% Rubio 2% Bush 1.5%

Lots of talent in the GOP.

The Democrats..not so much . They have a socialist crackpot who's entire campaign can be summed up by the word "Free" , a spineless faggot who apologizes for saying "all lives matter", an angry harridan who believes "it's her turn". and possibly a retarded Veep.
So, 12 months from now, the person you hated the most tonight wins. Are you planning not to vote for them? Gonna vote Dem instead? No? So, why the fuck did you waste your time watching this parade of nonsense?
My view: Not that I like Iranian deal but I was uncomfortable with those candidates that on one side of their mouth talked about standing with our allies while on the other side said they'd toss under the bus our partners in the deal by ripping it up on day #1. I'll have to review transcript to sort those folks out.

My wife's view: Fiorina wore the wrong bra; her boobs were too low.
I couldn't pick a winner. Three of the candidates I don't like did very well...Bush, Rubio and Christie. Carly and Carson were both outstanding. Trump did very, very well considering the knives were out for him. Cruz rounds out the candidates that did the best in my opinion. Everyone else was an "also ran".
Trump will sink in the polls after tonight, he came across as a big mouth know nothing, he was pathetic
Someone actually watched this? Why...
Those of us who don't have a hard on for the witch Hilllary Clinton, actually want to hear others present their case to the American people :thup:
Tell us, would you not be voting the GOP nomination regardless? Is there another option for you?
why do you love the crooked witch?

'cause he's a crooked warlock. I have been at the air races all day so didn't see the debate but I heard some of it and I have to say Jeb is a real snoozer. Absolutely pathetic.
Awesome stuff tonight

It was the absolute WORST debate I have ever witnessed in my entire life. It was a freaking circus. And it's because there are way too many candidates on this stage. Two of them that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Rand Paul & Chris Christie--they didn't have the numbers to be up there--yet they were there anyway.

Other internet polls are showing that Carly Fiorina won the debate--others show Donald Trump. On the T.V. audience's poll groups that are discussing this Carly Fiorina won hands down. She had the substance, & she didn't get rattled.

Trump coming right out of the gate to go after Rand Paul and again mentioning that he could insult the way Paul looks, but not at this time. That kind of crap isn't funny to me, we are trying to choose the next POTUS. What they look like or how their dressed doesn't matter. How much money Trump has, doesn't matter.

You had better dam well have solutions to the problems we have not a bunch of Rant & Rave--and I didn't see much solution coming out of Donald Trump more of the same old--same old. It's funny at first--but it's not funny when serious questions are asked, and we expect them to be answered.
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Lol this is great. The Koch Brothers are probably crying like crazy right now. Let's hope a GOP candidate can't be bought and Hillary will take it all home.
I hate to admit it, but this was Trump's Waterloo. I'm off the bandwagon. Fiorina reminds me so much of Ronald Reagan. This is what happened when Fiorina hammered Trump on his face comment:

I predict that Carly Fiorina will take first in the polls because of this debate.

She did already--the CNN FOCUS groups are saying she won hands down.


But it was still the dumbest debate I have ever witnessed. I guess we can call this one the debate brawl. Carly has experience with this--being in board room brawls. If you survive you move higher, if you don't drop the freak out so this circus doesn't happen again. Chris Christie who shouldn't have been on the 1st stage anyway and interrupting the back & forth between Trump & Fiorina--about her tenure at HP and his 4 bankrupty's--(I wanted to hear about)--not that fat ass desperate idiot jump in the middle of it.
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I hate to admit it, but this was Trump's Waterloo. I'm off the bandwagon. Fiorina reminds me so much of Ronald Reagan. This is what happened when Fiorina hammered Trump on his face comment:

I have been watching a lot of her video's and that's why I have been saying she is the female version of Ronald Reagan--Charles Kraughthammer said that too. She's our Iron Lady. Watch some of her youtube interviews--she's amazing!

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