
Chevron makes plans to deal with Mother Nature - Mississippi Business Journal

The surge water from Hurricane Georges that heavily damaged and shut down the refinery for three months in 1998 was considered a 100-year surge event.

Chevron made the decision to construct the $10-million dike earlier this year following an extensive storm surge protection study that included input from an independent risk evaluation company, a coastal engineering consultant from the Netherlands, and Scott Douglass, Ph.D, with the University of South Alabama’s civil engineering department.

Manning Construction of Pascagoula began construction on the earthen dike in late March. The refinery’s dredge material from dredging projects in Bayou Casotte will be used to form the earthen dike. Szydlowski said utilizing the dredge material is cost effective and will free up space at the refinery’s dredge material storage area west of Highway 611.

Yates Construction-Biloxi is the contractor for the concrete wall that will connect with the earthen structure along Highway 611.

The completed project will raise the existing dike from an elevation of about nine feet (mean low water) to approximately 16 feet on the refinery’s north and west sides. It will bring the dike up from 12 feet to about 20 feet on the refinery’s east and south borders, the areas that are vulnerable to wave action as well as surge waters.

I helped get this plant back online.......12 to 14 hour shifts for months.............

Riddle me me how this


works under water.
I don't know. I'm not the dumbass who puts them at a height where water could ever reach them. I'm also not the dumbass who didn't plan for hurricanes, in a section of the country that gets many hurricanes per year.

And speaking of dumbass moves, why are they building a $10M dike instead of digging a very wide and deep moat around the facility, in addition to large holding ponds for runoff from that?
Your stupidity on this issue is legendary. Oil comes from tankers........which come from the sea.....offshore rigs.............Show me the ship that can drive on land and you might have a point.

Now dig your moat on the gulf coast............LOL


the water table is at 9 foot underground at this a moat there.

We check ground rods for resistance...........every one we check is between 8 to 10 feet........aka ...........that's the water table

Refineries are near the ocean for a me that ship again. lol
You showed me a piece of equipment that was damaged from water. I have no idea what piece of equipment it is, but I said they shouldn't have it at a height where water should be able to reach it.

What's your issue with that, again?
Buttboys for the Bosses

A bootlicker's issue is psychological. He desperately needs businessmen as infallible father-figures.
They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.
You never supply any links to back up your bullshit. There's a reason for that.
They Are Called DOCuments Because They Have Been DOCtored

A link is part of a chain letter. Don't believe what the Establishment or its planted "alternative" theories tell us happened. We're on our own. We have to use logic, not quotations.
Hurricane Harvey Forces Even More Texas Oil Refineries To Close

More refinery outages and port closures were reported on Tuesday. The storm has returned to the Gulf of Mexico and is now a Tropical Storm. Over four feet of rainfall has already hit cities like Corpus Cristi. As a result, S&P Global Platts estimates that around 2.33 million barrels a day of Texas refining capacity is now closed and with some refiners cutting production rates, that figure is likely to go even higher. If those cuts hit 50% of capacity, that would put the total downed capacity at 3.36 million barrels per day, meaning that 18% of the U.S. total oil supply is on hold.

A little thing like a Hurricane cut refinery production drastically...........but the op doesn't give a crap about that.
Blah blah blah.

The people are used to ObamaGas[emoji769]. They like the low, low price of ObamaGas[emoji769]. This expensive TrumpGas[emoji769] may be fine for his slack-jawed cult, but Real Americans are pissed.

Where is his leadership? He is failing America.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

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Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.
Blah blah blah.

The people are used to ObamaGas[emoji769]. They like the low, low price of ObamaGas[emoji769]. This expensive TrumpGas[emoji769] may be fine for his slack-jawed cult, but Real Americans are pissed.

Where is his leadership? He is failing America.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.
Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.
That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

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If you're an oil company it's also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

Again --- "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies drill for oil. And their allegiance is to shareholders, not flags.
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you're an oil company it's also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

Again --- "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies drill for oil. And their allegiance is to shareholders, not flags.
And when we make it easier to drill here, we control it. You're getting warmer.
Again you exhibit a rank ignorance of how the oil biz works.

If an oil company starts exploiting some new source they didn't have before, say offshore ---- and the extra equipment just sitting around rusting waiting for that to happen does not exist but if it did exist --- that additional supply goes immediately to the international market, not the Texaco station in El Paso.

Unless what you're going for is nationalizing the oil companies and taking the whole industry insular.

Then if that additional supply actually makes a difference IN that international market, OPEC, if it doesn't ignore it altogether as insignificant, cuts its production accordingly and moves on to the discussion of what to have for lunch.

The net effect, even if ANWR and OCS restrictions go away AND big oil invests all those millions in infrstucure to process it, drops the price of a barrel on that international market by about a quarter. And by a "quarter" I mean the coin, not the percentage. This was calculated by the EIA ten year ago during the Bush Administration. Plus it takes 22 years to even save that 25c.

Sorry, oil does not work like lumber where you grow your own tree and harvest your own wood to sell in your own lumber yard. "Drill here drill now pay less" has always been a bullshit fake meme. Oil simply does not work that way.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you're an oil company it's also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

Again --- "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies drill for oil. And their allegiance is to shareholders, not flags.
And when we make it easier to drill here, we control it. You're getting warmer.

"We" do not control what "they" do with it. Again unless you want to nationalize the oil industry, that's impossible.

"They" (Big Oil) do the drilling, refining and shipping, and they do all that based on what profits them -- not "us".

Summa y'all are mired in this illusion that "we" are Big OIl. We ain't.
Gas only went up another nickel this week.
I wanted it up by at least a buck to get some of the liberal assholes off the road and make driving to the coffee shop a whole lot safer.
Those 22 years will pass whether we're allowed to invest in ourselves or not. Far better to allow such investment.

The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you're an oil company it's also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

Again --- "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies drill for oil. And their allegiance is to shareholders, not flags.
And when we make it easier to drill here, we control it. You're getting warmer.

"We" do not control what "they" do with it. Again unless you want to nationalize the oil industry, that's impossible.

"They" (Big Oil) do the drilling, refining and shipping, and they do all that based on what profits them -- not "us".

Summa y'all are mired in this illusion that "we" are Big OIl. We ain't.

There are American companies and foreign owned companies, correct? OPEC can only control output from fields in areas they control, correct? While we are not big oil, OPEC cannot embargo oil we control.

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Blah blah blah.

The people are used to ObamaGas[emoji769]. They like the low, low price of ObamaGas[emoji769]. This expensive TrumpGas[emoji769] may be fine for his slack-jawed cult, but Real Americans are pissed.

Where is his leadership? He is failing America.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Where and how? There are things a president can do that drive oil prices up or down. They can, just for one example, allow more exploration and utilization of our own existing supplies, thus ensuring prices cannot rise but so far, or they can deny exploration and utilization of our own supplies, thus putting us at the mercy of OPEC.

Now, which of these did Obama do, and which of these has Trump done?

Unless you are willing to honestly deal with that, your vain attempt to salvage Obama's legacy on energy is just that, vain.

Trump controls the price of TrumpGas the same way he controls the price of TrumpSteaks and TrumpWine
Why do you think they call it TrumpGas?

He has an app on his phone where he can set the price

Obama actually used the app to give us low cost ObamaGas
Trump is too busy tweeting
Last edited:
The time span isn't at all the point. The process is the point.

And doing nothing is stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you're an oil company it's also waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper.

Again --- "we" don't drill for oil; oil companies drill for oil. And their allegiance is to shareholders, not flags.
And when we make it easier to drill here, we control it. You're getting warmer.

"We" do not control what "they" do with it. Again unless you want to nationalize the oil industry, that's impossible.

"They" (Big Oil) do the drilling, refining and shipping, and they do all that based on what profits them -- not "us".

Summa y'all are mired in this illusion that "we" are Big OIl. We ain't.

There are American companies and foreign owned companies, correct? OPEC can only control output from fields in areas they control, correct? While we are not big oil, OPEC cannot embargo oil we control.

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Not how it works. OPEC can cut output collectively, enough to drop the international supply, and they know how much cut affects the aggregate. If the entire supply is reduced, the entire price goes up. If the entire supply increases, the global price goes down.

You don't need to control the entire supply. You only need to control enough of the world supply to have an influence.
Obama actually used the app to give us low cost ObamaGas
Trump is too busy tweeting
Another reason why President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the Greatest President in the Past 50 Years!
Unlike our current excuse for a President

Obama loved America

Then why did he marry a woman who was not proud of America?

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Not proud?

Michelle Obama was what is right with America around the world
Trump is openly mocked and the world thinks we are crazy for electing him
Last edited:
Obama actually used the app to give us low cost ObamaGas
Trump is too busy tweeting
Another reason why President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the Greatest President in the Past 50 Years!
Unlike our current excuse for a President

Obama loved America

Then why did he marry a woman who was not proud of America?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not proud?

Michelle Obama was what is right with America around the world
Trump is openly mocked and the world thinks we are crazy for electing him

She said it. You do remember the quote, right? "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country..."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Obama actually used the app to give us low cost ObamaGas
Trump is too busy tweeting
Another reason why President Obama (praise be unto Him!) is the Greatest President in the Past 50 Years!
Unlike our current excuse for a President

Obama loved America

Then why did he marry a woman who was not proud of America?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not proud?

Michelle Obama was what is right with America around the world
Trump is openly mocked and the world thinks we are crazy for electing him

She said it. You do remember the quote, right? "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country..."

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There is proud and then there is "really proud"
As in I am more proud than I used to be

But what about Trump declaring to the world that America is not great?
Freak'n traitor

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