
BTW...........just blew your they aren't damaged theory out of the water didn't I.

Found that motor yet that runs while submerged with water.

After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™

I stopped reading after the first lie...
Here you go, ignorant moron:

Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

He was trying to strengthen the economy in order to get Dhimmicrats elected.
So you're saying that presidents DO control the price of gas.

Why is Trump screwing Americans with the price of his TrumpGas™?

Pittsburgh, Not Paris

Delayed reaction to his Drill Baby Drill campaign. His policies should get it down to a dollar a gallon soon.
The problem is not oil, the problem is refined gasoline.
The problem is an incompetent, fake president jacking up the price of TrumpGas™ in the middle of natural disasters.
Supporting Rich Trash Won't Make Us Rich, It Will Make Us Trash

Despite what their slavish bootlickers preach on the embees, the oil companies were totally capable
of supplying what was needed. By making excuses, they prove they have no right to their jobs. Blaming the public shows how much these economic traitors hate the rest of us. When will we start to fight back? True populists should hate both wings of the Establishment.
They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.
They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.

I believe that was Nixon.

The Iran hostages were freed by Carter and Warren Christopher. I'm sure Reagan's people did nothing to put that mythology down but Reagan as President-elect had no power to do that. Carter was said to be obsessed with getting it done.

And it's a testament to his character that he didn't crow about it or declare himself the greatest hostage-rescuing President that God ever created.
Last edited:
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™

I stopped reading after the first lie...
Here you go, ignorant moron:

Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

He was trying to strengthen the economy in order to get Dhimmicrats elected.
So you're saying that presidents DO control the price of gas.

Why is Trump screwing Americans with the price of his TrumpGas™?

Pittsburgh, Not Paris

Delayed reaction to his Drill Baby Drill campaign. His policies should get it down to a dollar a gallon soon.

Oil simply doesn't work that way. It's an international fungible commodity and that market, not a President, determines what the end price is.

Again, oil companies do what benefits them in terms of profit --- not what benefits us in terms of price.
Texas oil refineries still badly hurting from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey packed such a powerful punch that more than a dozen Gulf Coast oil refineries are still hurting two weeks after the storm struck Texas.
Five oil refineries remain shuttered as of Monday, according to S&P Global Platts, an energy research firm. Ten more are partially shut down as they attempt to recover from historic flooding.

All told, about 2.4 million barrels of daily refining capacity in Texas is offline because of Harvey, Platts estimates. That is about 13% of the country's total ability to turn oil into gasoline, jet fuel and other products.

"It's pretty massive," said Jake Eubank, manager of refining and processing at the research firm Genscape.

Con Fucius Say, "When Being Raped, Lie Back and Enjoy It"

The rich pigs oink, "Don't live in Hurricane Alley," yet they put their oil refineries in Hurricane Alley. What kind of sissies let them get away with such constant hypocrisy? Real men would force them to act responsibly or force them to hire management competent enough to do that.
Texas oil refineries still badly hurting from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey packed such a powerful punch that more than a dozen Gulf Coast oil refineries are still hurting two weeks after the storm struck Texas.
Five oil refineries remain shuttered as of Monday, according to S&P Global Platts, an energy research firm. Ten more are partially shut down as they attempt to recover from historic flooding.

All told, about 2.4 million barrels of daily refining capacity in Texas is offline because of Harvey, Platts estimates. That is about 13% of the country's total ability to turn oil into gasoline, jet fuel and other products.

"It's pretty massive," said Jake Eubank, manager of refining and processing at the research firm Genscape.

Con Fucius Say, "When Being Raped, Lie Back and Enjoy It"

The rich pigs oink, "Don't live in Hurricane Alley," yet they put their oil refineries in Hurricane Alley. What kind of sissies let them get away with such constant hypocrisy? Real men would force them to act responsibly or force them to hire management competent enough to do that.
The lunacy me the oil tankers that can move across the land when bringing in the oil to be refined.
Texas oil refineries still badly hurting from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey packed such a powerful punch that more than a dozen Gulf Coast oil refineries are still hurting two weeks after the storm struck Texas.
Five oil refineries remain shuttered as of Monday, according to S&P Global Platts, an energy research firm. Ten more are partially shut down as they attempt to recover from historic flooding.

All told, about 2.4 million barrels of daily refining capacity in Texas is offline because of Harvey, Platts estimates. That is about 13% of the country's total ability to turn oil into gasoline, jet fuel and other products.

"It's pretty massive," said Jake Eubank, manager of refining and processing at the research firm Genscape.

Con Fucius Say, "When Being Raped, Lie Back and Enjoy It"

The rich pigs oink, "Don't live in Hurricane Alley," yet they put their oil refineries in Hurricane Alley. What kind of sissies let them get away with such constant hypocrisy? Real men would force them to act responsibly or force them to hire management competent enough to do that.
The lunacy me the oil tankers that can move across the land when bringing in the oil to be refined.


You gotta see the engine pulling that thing ---

They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.

I believe that was Nixon.

The Iran hostages were freed by Carter and Warren Christopher. I'm sure Reagan's people did nothing to put that mythology down but Reagan as President-elect had no power to do that. Carter was said to be obsessed with getting it done.

And it's a testament to his character that he didn't crow about it or declare himself the greatest hostage-rescuing President that God ever created.

Yup the only way for Carter to rescue the hostages was to lose the election


They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.

I believe that was Nixon.

The Iran hostages were freed by Carter and Warren Christopher. I'm sure Reagan's people did nothing to put that mythology down but Reagan as President-elect had no power to do that. Carter was said to be obsessed with getting it done.

And it's a testament to his character that he didn't crow about it or declare himself the greatest hostage-rescuing President that God ever created.

Yup the only way for Carter to rescue the hostages was to lose the election


Nope -- it was done after the election.

You could actually look this up yanno. "Algiers Accords".
Historical record is my crutch I'm afraid -- I just don't have the imagination to make shit up . :(
Hurricane Harvey Forces Even More Texas Oil Refineries To Close

More refinery outages and port closures were reported on Tuesday. The storm has returned to the Gulf of Mexico and is now a Tropical Storm. Over four feet of rainfall has already hit cities like Corpus Cristi. As a result, S&P Global Platts estimates that around 2.33 million barrels a day of Texas refining capacity is now closed and with some refiners cutting production rates, that figure is likely to go even higher. If those cuts hit 50% of capacity, that would put the total downed capacity at 3.36 million barrels per day, meaning that 18% of the U.S. total oil supply is on hold.

A little thing like a Hurricane cut refinery production drastically...........but the op doesn't give a crap about that.
Blah blah blah.

The people are used to ObamaGas[emoji769]. They like the low, low price of ObamaGas[emoji769]. This expensive TrumpGas[emoji769] may be fine for his slack-jawed cult, but Real Americans are pissed.

Where is his leadership? He is failing America.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hurricane Harvey Forces Even More Texas Oil Refineries To Close

More refinery outages and port closures were reported on Tuesday. The storm has returned to the Gulf of Mexico and is now a Tropical Storm. Over four feet of rainfall has already hit cities like Corpus Cristi. As a result, S&P Global Platts estimates that around 2.33 million barrels a day of Texas refining capacity is now closed and with some refiners cutting production rates, that figure is likely to go even higher. If those cuts hit 50% of capacity, that would put the total downed capacity at 3.36 million barrels per day, meaning that 18% of the U.S. total oil supply is on hold.

A little thing like a Hurricane cut refinery production drastically...........but the op doesn't give a crap about that.
Blah blah blah.

The people are used to ObamaGas[emoji769]. They like the low, low price of ObamaGas[emoji769]. This expensive TrumpGas[emoji769] may be fine for his slack-jawed cult, but Real Americans are pissed.

Where is his leadership? He is failing America.
LOL. Obama nor Trump control the prices.................Under bush massive speculation of commodities drove the dang prices up.

In this case the Refineries were damaged.

Trump is the President

He is responsible for the price of TrumpGas
Just like Jimmy Carter was held responsible for the rising gas prices and inflation while he was President

That's because his policies exacerbated the problems. You can point to zero Trump policies that do that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Carter had no control over OPEC

Trump sets the price of TrumpGas
Chevron makes plans to deal with Mother Nature - Mississippi Business Journal

The surge water from Hurricane Georges that heavily damaged and shut down the refinery for three months in 1998 was considered a 100-year surge event.

Chevron made the decision to construct the $10-million dike earlier this year following an extensive storm surge protection study that included input from an independent risk evaluation company, a coastal engineering consultant from the Netherlands, and Scott Douglass, Ph.D, with the University of South Alabama’s civil engineering department.

Manning Construction of Pascagoula began construction on the earthen dike in late March. The refinery’s dredge material from dredging projects in Bayou Casotte will be used to form the earthen dike. Szydlowski said utilizing the dredge material is cost effective and will free up space at the refinery’s dredge material storage area west of Highway 611.

Yates Construction-Biloxi is the contractor for the concrete wall that will connect with the earthen structure along Highway 611.

The completed project will raise the existing dike from an elevation of about nine feet (mean low water) to approximately 16 feet on the refinery’s north and west sides. It will bring the dike up from 12 feet to about 20 feet on the refinery’s east and south borders, the areas that are vulnerable to wave action as well as surge waters.

I helped get this plant back online.......12 to 14 hour shifts for months.............

Riddle me me how this


works under water.
I don't know. I'm not the dumbass who puts them at a height where water could ever reach them. I'm also not the dumbass who didn't plan for hurricanes, in a section of the country that gets many hurricanes per year.

And speaking of dumbass moves, why are they building a $10M dike instead of digging a very wide and deep moat around the facility, in addition to large holding ponds for runoff from that?
Your stupidity on this issue is legendary. Oil comes from tankers........which come from the sea.....offshore rigs.............Show me the ship that can drive on land and you might have a point.

Now dig your moat on the gulf coast............LOL


the water table is at 9 foot underground at this a moat there.

We check ground rods for resistance...........every one we check is between 8 to 10 feet........aka ...........that's the water table

Refineries are near the ocean for a me that ship again. lol
You showed me a piece of equipment that was damaged from water. I have no idea what piece of equipment it is, but I said they shouldn't have it at a height where water should be able to reach it.

What's your issue with that, again?
the water table is at 9 foot underground at this a moat there.
Build it wider, and only 8 feet deep. Duh.

The object is to keep from flooding out. There are plenty of ways to do this if:

A) you have the land at your disposal (they do)

B) you have the resources (they do)

And BTW - an 8 foot moat would be plenty of depth to handle 50" of rain - do the math.
They were returned right as Reagan was coming into office.
That's because Reagan made a deal with America's enemies to hold them until he was inaugurated.

Then 4 years later he sold the Ayatollahs missiles and arms that were used against Israel.

Reagan was an enemy collaborator.
Never Negotiate out of Fear; Always Force Our Enemies to Negotiate out of Fear

Through back channels, Reagan threatened to nuke Iran. He also threatened OPEC, letting them know he would seize their oilfields if the illegal cartel didn't lower its prices. It's nice to have a President who our enemies think is a nutcase.
You never supply any links to back up your bullshit. There's a reason for that.
Texas oil refineries still badly hurting from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey packed such a powerful punch that more than a dozen Gulf Coast oil refineries are still hurting two weeks after the storm struck Texas.
Five oil refineries remain shuttered as of Monday, according to S&P Global Platts, an energy research firm. Ten more are partially shut down as they attempt to recover from historic flooding.

All told, about 2.4 million barrels of daily refining capacity in Texas is offline because of Harvey, Platts estimates. That is about 13% of the country's total ability to turn oil into gasoline, jet fuel and other products.

"It's pretty massive," said Jake Eubank, manager of refining and processing at the research firm Genscape.

Con Fucius Say, "When Being Raped, Lie Back and Enjoy It"

The rich pigs oink, "Don't live in Hurricane Alley," yet they put their oil refineries in Hurricane Alley. What kind of sissies let them get away with such constant hypocrisy? Real men would force them to act responsibly or force them to hire management competent enough to do that.
The lunacy me the oil tankers that can move across the land when bringing in the oil to be refined.
Why would tankers have to move across land?

You say a lot of stupid shit!
Texas oil refineries still badly hurting from Harvey

Hurricane Harvey packed such a powerful punch that more than a dozen Gulf Coast oil refineries are still hurting two weeks after the storm struck Texas.
Five oil refineries remain shuttered as of Monday, according to S&P Global Platts, an energy research firm. Ten more are partially shut down as they attempt to recover from historic flooding.

All told, about 2.4 million barrels of daily refining capacity in Texas is offline because of Harvey, Platts estimates. That is about 13% of the country's total ability to turn oil into gasoline, jet fuel and other products.

"It's pretty massive," said Jake Eubank, manager of refining and processing at the research firm Genscape.

Con Fucius Say, "When Being Raped, Lie Back and Enjoy It"

The rich pigs oink, "Don't live in Hurricane Alley," yet they put their oil refineries in Hurricane Alley. What kind of sissies let them get away with such constant hypocrisy? Real men would force them to act responsibly or force them to hire management competent enough to do that.
The lunacy me the oil tankers that can move across the land when bringing in the oil to be refined.
Leave Robber Barons Barren

Show me the tankers that can only deliver along the Gulf instead of offloading at refineries all the way from Virginia to Maine. Show me the tankers that can't deliver gasoline to Florida when the roads are flooded.

Quit listening to whining excuses from Sissies in Suitcoats. They let us down; that gives us the right to take them down.

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