Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

The bullshit meter just broke.

Your inability to refute any point made is duly noted.

IN my strongest opinion, every single middle class American, Republican or Democrat should have applauded Trump winning for two reasons:
1) He was a non establishment candidate. Both party machines did not want him.
2) The American people spoke loud and clear - "Fuck you establishment corrupt politicians".
Donald Trump became President. And the sole reason why was enough people were tired of being forgotten and marginalized.

Actually, the American people spoke loud and clear, Hillary won by 3 million votes. I do think the rise of Bernie and Trump shows that people are tired of the unresponsiveness of career politicians.

Trump didn't win. All of the other corrupt cookie cutter jackasses lost.
I have said repeatedly, Republicans didn't hand the win to Trump. The DNC did. I firmly believe Sanders would have beaten Trump. But he was cheated by his own party elites and Trump was the result.

First, Bernie isn't a Democrat. He's a socialist independent. I'm not even sure why the Democrats are allowing him to run in their primaries.

Secondly, Hillary got more votes in the primaries. If delegates were allocated purely on the basis of popular vote, she still would have gotten the nomination. The Superdelegates just gave her more of an edge.

If anyone was "cheated" it was Mrs. Clinton in 2008, who got more votes than Obama, but Obama won the superdelegates.

Third, the reason why Trump won was not because the American people wanted him. (They didn't). It was because the MSM hit them with a constant barrage of "Hillary is corrupt" but "she has this in the bag", which enabled people to piss away their votes on third parties smugly thinking they could show how special they were.

IF we had a sensible system of a run off like the French do, Hillary would have won that decisively.
Dude, when democrat party is importing voters to subvert the will of the American people - the first question should whether we should have any voting at all. I certainly do not mind one bit if obstacles are put in the way. This is not a democracy.

Guy, the will of the people was for Hillary to be president. The will of the people was for Trump to be impeached.
This nation is not and was not meant to be a democracy. This is an excellent article that you would do well to read. The electoral college is there for a reason. Why America's Founders Didn't Want a Democracy | Gary M. Galles
The bullshit meter just broke.

Your inability to refute any point made is duly noted.

IN my strongest opinion, every single middle class American, Republican or Democrat should have applauded Trump winning for two reasons:
1) He was a non establishment candidate. Both party machines did not want him.
2) The American people spoke loud and clear - "Fuck you establishment corrupt politicians".
Donald Trump became President. And the sole reason why was enough people were tired of being forgotten and marginalized.

Actually, the American people spoke loud and clear, Hillary won by 3 million votes. I do think the rise of Bernie and Trump shows that people are tired of the unresponsiveness of career politicians.

Trump didn't win. All of the other corrupt cookie cutter jackasses lost.
I have said repeatedly, Republicans didn't hand the win to Trump. The DNC did. I firmly believe Sanders would have beaten Trump. But he was cheated by his own party elites and Trump was the result.

First, Bernie isn't a Democrat. He's a socialist independent. I'm not even sure why the Democrats are allowing him to run in their primaries.

Secondly, Hillary got more votes in the primaries. If delegates were allocated purely on the basis of popular vote, she still would have gotten the nomination. The Superdelegates just gave her more of an edge.

If anyone was "cheated" it was Mrs. Clinton in 2008, who got more votes than Obama, but Obama won the superdelegates.

Third, the reason why Trump won was not because the American people wanted him. (They didn't). It was because the MSM hit them with a constant barrage of "Hillary is corrupt" but "she has this in the bag", which enabled people to piss away their votes on third parties smugly thinking they could show how special they were.

IF we had a sensible system of a run off like the French do, Hillary would have won that decisively.
Good grief. If you want to live like the French, you should move there. We have our own process for electtons. If you want to participate, learn the rules.
So by your logic, they are too lazy to vote, but you want to put up obstacles to keep them from voting?

Why, that makes about as much sense as complaining about big government welfare programs while collecting disability!

Democrats will vote, but only if it's convenient enough: late voting hours, multiple day voting, voting by mail, rides to the polls, no lines........

With a portion of Democrats, if it takes any effort to vote, they will just say to hell with it. Again, their leaders know this. That's why they put up this phony argument that Voter-ID is racist. Like always, the Democrats can't give the real reason they are against it.

Hillary won by 3 million votes. Invoking a technicality did not make it any less of a scam.

And that's as stupid as saying the football team that ran the most yards should have won the game. Her 2.5 million vote overage came from one state--CommieFornia. But that's why our great founders created the Electoral College, so that one state did not control the presidency for the entire country.
Amazing. Look at what you posted and you'll see that you pretty much made the OP's case for him.

Um, no, I refuted it.. But thanks for playing. Stormy Mac tries to pretend I'm not here because I've spanked him so many times.

Furthermore, Bernie is winning in Iowa and New Hampshire against other liberals not against republicans.

Actually this is kind of my point. IA and NH are not places where the race card makes that much of a difference. Keep in mind, Vichy Mac's argument is that "Identity Politics" and "Race Baiting" and "Political Correctness" have driven the Democrats further to the left. But IA and NH have very few minorities, and Bernie is winning them both.

If anything is going to save Biden at this point, it is that minorities in SC and the Super Tuesday States still have a lot of good will towards him because he was Obama's Wing Man.

People not blinded by race and gender are able to clearly see the hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders. How did he became a very wealthy man while spending 40 years as a politician? How is it he blames everyone else for failures of the government he has been a part of for the last 30 years? He's no outsider.

again - want to make it very clear I'm not a Bernie supporter. I'll vote for him if he's the only alternative to the Orange Fuhrer, but that's not saying much.

Bernie and Trump actually both tap into the same well of white middle class resentment that they don't have the good life their parents and grandparents had. The difference is, while Trump blames people of color, Bernie puts the blame squarely where it belongs, on Wall Street.
Democrats will not beat Trump but I believe they have a path to the Senate and will keep the House.

The only candidate with any shot of beating Trump is Bloomberg and even then I doubt he can seeing Progressives will revolt if Sanders is not the nominee which will cause major havoc on election day that will result in the House Flipping and the GOP retaining the Senate...

Democrats screwed themselves...

Again, history would disagree.

I remember in 1980, when everyone said that Ronald Reagan was too Right Wing and Radical to get elected.
I remember in 2008, where they said no way would we elect a black guy with a Muslim name.
I remember in 2016, when people thought there was NO WAY Trump could win, especially after the Pussy Grabbing Tape emerged.

I don't support Sanders. But Sanders has something that Bloomberg doesn't have, but Reagan, Obama and Trump did - fanatical followers who are willing to go to the wall for him.

You see, as much as Vichy Mac whines about how we are not "Moderate" enough, the reality is moderates lose. Hillary, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Dole... a whole litany of "Moderate" losers.
Better be careful...Bloomberg LOVES Israel.
If anything is going to save Biden at this point, it is that minorities in SC and the Super Tuesday States still have a lot of good will towards him because he was Obama's Wing Man.

And yet, DumBama is staying away from his wing man like he has the corona virus. They see that as well.
Amazing. Look at what you posted and you'll see that you pretty much made the OP's case for him. Furthermore, Bernie is winning in Iowa and New Hampshire against other liberals not against republicans. People not blinded by race and gender are able to clearly see the hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders. How did he became a very wealthy man while spending 40 years as a politician? How is it he blames everyone else for failures of the government he has been a part of for the last 30 years? He's no outsider.
Here we go again. My stalker has been on ignore for a lonnng time, but he keeps posting to me and/or about me. That's just what he is.

The one thing I do miss, though, is the way he'd jump in to illustrate my point for me. That always cracked me up.

It is what it is. Whatever makes him feel a little better about himself.
Democrats will vote, but only if it's convenient enough: late voting hours, multiple day voting, voting by mail, rides to the polls, no lines........

Um yeah, so what? We should be making voting easier, not harder.

Hey, let's go all out and make voting something you can only do after you've passed the American Ninja obstacle course!!!!

With a portion of Democrats, if it takes any effort to vote, they will just say to hell with it. Again, their leaders know this. That's why they put up this phony argument that Voter-ID is racist. Like always, the Democrats can't give the real reason they are against it.

The point is, when they put up obstacles, those obstacles are almost always directed towards people of color and the poor. And frankly, as a country, we've had a long history of this. Literacy tests, poll taxes, etc.

And that's as stupid as saying the football team that ran the most yards should have won the game. Her 2.5 million vote overage came from one state--CommieFornia. But that's why our great founders created the Electoral College, so that one state did not control the presidency for the entire country.

The Slave Rapists created the Electoral College because they didn't trust the people at all. They FULLY expected the EC would usually toss the election into Congress.

It's why the original concept of the EC was thrown out and replaced by the 12th Amendment in 1800.

The purpose of an election is to see what the people want, not who can manipulate a 200 year old system devised by slave owners.
Here we go again. My stalker has been on ignore for a lonnng time, but he keeps posting to me and/or about me. That's just what he is.

The one thing I do miss, though, is the way he'd jump in to illustrate my point for me. That always cracked me up.

It is what it is. Whatever makes him feel a little better about himself.

Actually, what it is you being a too much of a pussy to get spanked every time you do this.

Which is kind of sad, that you are impervious to reason.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

Primal screams...burn it down.... sounds like the Republican Party has lost its shit. Lol

pushback? Yup but do you honestly believe that Jimbob in possum holler has a clue about the terms political correctness or “identity politics”.

What he sees is that some young guy in a suit made an ordinance where he can’t smoke in a restaurant or his kids can’t ride in the back of his truck. Or that his son’s school board is now allowing boys to be cheerleaders and girls to wrestle. Or that the local plant changed it’s name to Cheniere or Yamaguchi. Or that there are fewer and fewer people making decisions that brought on these changes that look like him. And some huckster comes along and says “make America great again” and they buy it.

it’s really not even as sophisticated as that. A lot of it comes from TV. Not so much the affirming news media—

But on the shows on prime time, their content, the replacement of Marcus Welby and Hawkeye with Meredith Grey or Cliff Huxtible. The replacement of Jackie Gleason and Richie Cunningham with Jerry Seinfeld and now Anthony Anderson.

What it boils down to is that the world has changed and the blob supporters don’t like it. They believed a guy who said he’d restore their comfortable days of yesteryear and have, hopefully, learned that those days aren’t coming back.

I doubt it.
There is little doubt that people saw Obama pushing the country left, saw Hillary as an extension of that and pushed back. Obama himself has said he felt stung by this, as it was a clear repudiation of his policies.

There is also little doubt that the current field would seem to want to go further left than the policies that caused the pushback in the first place, which even some in the dem party recognize as not a winning strategy.

They lost, blamed everything and everyone else for that loss and therefore learned nothing from that it, as, in their minds, they didn't actually lose, as if gripped by some mass delusion.

Meanwhile, Trump is in the White House, the courts have been remade, the economy, despite some troubling elements, is chugging along. meanwhile, the dems have put all their chips on going further left. Its truly astonishing how blind they are to their own contributions to their situation.
My guess is that, with Obama's first win, the hardcore, illiberal Left thought it was over - that "change had come" and that demographics would keep it that way permanently.

Looks like they were a little early on that. So, after thinking the long, tough battle was over and getting beat, they completely lost their shit.

Without a doubt.

The taunting from the left on the result of the ekection started BEFORE the election.

Lots of demographic data, we'll not see another republican president in our lifetimes, etc, etc.

The smug sense of superiority and that they were in control so everyone else could just sit down and STFU is not something I have forgotten. They believed it, all the way up to their candidate who thought she had it in the bag. All laughing at Trump, ridiculing the "deplorables" merrily counting their chickens while ignoring the discontent because they thought they had the luxury of marginalizing and simply telling ~50% of the population to STFU, apprently not realizing they had to actually win the election before showing their true colors.

Oopsie. Lol.
The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left -- the people in control of a pretty large swath of the party -- refuse to acknowledge their part in Trump's win.

They can't, as by doing so they would have had admit their policies are part of the problem. That they failed. That they lost. That they might have to rethink things.

Hence the rest of the noise on "cheating" "we actually won" blah, blah, blah.

Here's the rub for them. This has resulted in what we are seeing now on the left. The messaging that they didn't actually lose to avoid taking responsibilty, led to the belief that it was true, which led to inaction on the reasons underpinning their loss, which has led them to continue down the same path.

They're very, very literally doing this to themselves.

For me, personally, this is hilarious. It is right in plain sight and they cannot, will not, see it, as doing so is admitting they were wrong, while not doing so and continuing on their path is self defeating.

They are fighting themselves- and losing. Lol.

The Democrat party cannot admit they lost. They cannot admit that conservatism is alive and well. If they did that, it would knock the wind out of their voters sails. A good percentage of their voters are lazy. They don't really care about voting. It's the real reason they were (and are) fighting against Voter-ID.

Instead, lie to their constituents, and tell them they really won, it's just that those crafty Republicans once again found a way to cheat them out of their win. Democrat voters are not very bright people. They can't see the pattern:

Trump win--Russian collusion, Comey announced re-opening of investigation.
Bush reelection--Diebold machines.
Bush first election--Punch card ballots, Supreme Court, Brother was Governor............
Republican takeover of the House in 2010--Gerrymandering, Voter-ID.

When was the last time the Democrat party ever announced "We did something wrong. We need to work on our policies." I can't recall such a time.

yep, and we're seeing it out in the wild and right here in this thread.

Even with some on the left indicating that they've gone full retard and they need to make some modifications here to win this time around, there still to me seems little stomach for accepting that simple fact and retooling a bit to actually increase their chances of winning.

Instead we're still seeing proclamations that Hillary won.

No. She. Did. Not.

She lost. Trump is the President.

This is at this point bordering on a clinical psychosis. 3 years later we're still hearing. "We really won" Nope. Guess again.

Beyond that silly shit, when you have the likes of Obama, Carville and Chris Matthews indicating that the nuttery has gone too far and is hurting their chances this time too, it may be time to stop with the false claims of victory and think about what it will take to get an actual victory.

Winning a race for the White House is the only thing that matters. Period. Some of them get it, but it would seem a whole lot of others don't. They still think they won, FFS, and are busily playing on like the band on the Titanic, claiming all is well. Ok, have it your way, but no whining this time please, lol.
Democrats will vote, but only if it's convenient enough: late voting hours, multiple day voting, voting by mail, rides to the polls, no lines........

Um yeah, so what? We should be making voting easier, not harder.

Hey, let's go all out and make voting something you can only do after you've passed the American Ninja obstacle course!!!!

With a portion of Democrats, if it takes any effort to vote, they will just say to hell with it. Again, their leaders know this. That's why they put up this phony argument that Voter-ID is racist. Like always, the Democrats can't give the real reason they are against it.

The point is, when they put up obstacles, those obstacles are almost always directed towards people of color and the poor. And frankly, as a country, we've had a long history of this. Literacy tests, poll taxes, etc.

And that's as stupid as saying the football team that ran the most yards should have won the game. Her 2.5 million vote overage came from one state--CommieFornia. But that's why our great founders created the Electoral College, so that one state did not control the presidency for the entire country.

The Slave Rapists created the Electoral College because they didn't trust the people at all. They FULLY expected the EC would usually toss the election into Congress.

It's why the original concept of the EC was thrown out and replaced by the 12th Amendment in 1800.

The purpose of an election is to see what the people want, not who can manipulate a 200 year old system devised by slave owners.

So you hate a voting system that built the greatest nation on the globe and you want to encourage the nations most ignorant, most desperate, most uninformed to get out and vote...hmmm, I wonder why?
This shit only makes sense in that twisted, backwards world of LibTardia...stop embarrassing yourself, sane people can’t take your filthy ass serious. Sorry bud.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I think you could be right when it comes to PC things on race or maybe gender or religion or a number of any sensitive topics or strong opinionated topics....

push back has occurred....

but the downside is that the slippery slope came with it....

Now it's ok for a disabled person to be mocked, or a gold star parent to be mocked in public by a presidential candidate and president, or a military lifer with a purple heart be slandered for telling the truth, or an ambassador of the USA be slandered in public by all the president's men in order to put on some kind of show, to fire her.... things that should have stayed within the so called PC/ethical rules, were broken, were shattered as well and we have become a very boisterous and hateful society.... I personally, don't like it at all! :eek: But to each his own, I suppose?
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I think you could be right when it comes to PC things on race or maybe gender or religion or a number of any sensitive topics or strong opinionated topics....

push back has occurred....

but the downside is that the slippery slope came with it....

Now it's ok for a disabled person to be mocked, or a gold star parent to be mocked in public by a presidential candidate and president, or a military lifer with a purple heart be slandered for telling the truth, or an ambassador of the USA be slandered in public by all the president's men in order to put on some kind of show, to fire her.... things that should have stayed within the so called PC/ethical rules, were broken, were shattered as well and we have become a very boisterous and hateful society.... I personally, don't like it at all! :eek: But to each his own, I suppose?
Yes, agreed. His win has enabled all the worst instincts and behaviors of much of the Right to come out in full force. Loud & proud.

This is a function of the huge division that created Trump in the first place. This is why I'm so fucking dead set against both wings - they only feed off, and enable, each other.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America finally get isn't about Trump at is about fighting off violent and hateful left wingers who have managed to control Hollywood, academia, and the press.........
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I think you could be right when it comes to PC things on race or maybe gender or religion or a number of any sensitive topics or strong opinionated topics....

push back has occurred....

but the downside is that the slippery slope came with it....

Now it's ok for a disabled person to be mocked, or a gold star parent to be mocked in public by a presidential candidate and president, or a military lifer with a purple heart be slandered for telling the truth, or an ambassador of the USA be slandered in public by all the president's men in order to put on some kind of show, to fire her.... things that should have stayed within the so called PC/ethical rules, were broken, were shattered as well and we have become a very boisterous and hateful society.... I personally, don't like it at all! :eek: But to each his own, I suppose?

A disabled person was not mocked as you have been shown over and over, that you repeat the lie shows exactly why Trump was needed. The Gold Star parent attacked the President on the national political stage first.....expecting to hide behind his gold star status to allow his openly partisan attack to go unanswered...just like all the human shields the democrat use to attack their enemies......and the people he has fired, yavonavitch.....was bad mouthing her boss, the President of the United States over seas to foreign you can stop the lying right here.

You have nothing but lies about Trump.....that is why he was needed.......and no, the "Right" isn't the problem here.....
So you hate a voting system that built the greatest nation on the globe and you want to encourage the nations most ignorant, most desperate, most uninformed to get out and vote...hmmm, I wonder why?
This shit only makes sense in that twisted, backwards world of LibTardia...stop embarrassing yourself, sane people can’t take your filthy ass serious. Sorry bud.

Our voting system isn't great. When it validates what the people wanted, it's usually okay. The times when it has rejected what the people wanted - Trump, Bush-43, Rutherford B. Hayes- bad stuff usually follows.

Beyond the fact the EC SHITS THE BED once every few decades and gives us an awful president, it also has other bad effects.

One of them is that it has locked us into an awful two-party system. Third parties can't get traction and usually die after one or two election cycles because of the EC.

It discourages voting down ballot when people realize that their state, whether it is Texas or California, is a done deal and there's really no point in voting for those other offices.

Here's the reason that you should be against it. At some point, Hispanic population growth will make AZ and TX BLUE states. Then it really won't matter what you guys do in elections, you'll never win the presidency again even if you win a majority of the popular vote.

Getting rid of the EC would be a net boon. So would ending gerrymandering, making it easier to vote, and so on.

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