Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Tramp won nothing in Nov 2015, but nice of you to continue giving Tramp credit for Obama's work.......

You're a lying sack of shit as usual.

Obama and Biden can’t take credit for the soaring Trump economy

......given the meager Obama-Biden economic legacy, claims that the Republican tax cut was an unnecessary stimulus in an already improving economy fall flat. The Trump administration’s policies have finally produced the economic benefits that American workers should have experienced coming out of the recession but did not.
You almost have to feel sorry for Joe Biden, running against such compelling economic success. His election hopes hinge on persuading voters to believe a fairy tale about the stellar Obama-Biden economy now in danger of being squandered by Trump. Biden is reputedly good at retail politics, but even for him, that will be a tough sell
A bullshit OPINION piece.
No, repealing tariffs will hurt manufacturing and several other sectors. America flourished and became an economic powerhouse under high protective tariffs. Every Republican president from Lincoln through Ike supported high tariffs. China and many other countries have used high tariffs to protect key industries, and the last time I checked they were all doing pretty well.
It was 4.2% last quarter and might be higher in the current one.
Tramp has never had a quarter of 4.2% growth. But Obama had a quarter of 5% growth!
Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Advance Estimate) and Annual Update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Kinda like the people that think corporations pay corporate taxes...

The same people that pay tariffs pay corporate taxes. The consumers. If you didn't know that, your as dumb as a box of hammers.

The difference is that corporate taxes makes American companies less competitive and tariffs make foreign companies less competitive. So which you support depends on whether or not you hate America.
So that would make corporate taxes a de facto consumption tax, and so people who support the Fair Tax would be America haters.
Do you support the Fair Tax?

That's at least creative. Well... de facto creative...

A Fair Tax doesn't disproportionately target the lower income groups like a corporate tax.
No, repealing tariffs will hurt manufacturing and several other sectors. America flourished and became an economic powerhouse under high protective tariffs. Every Republican president from Lincoln through Ike supported high tariffs. China and many other countries have used high tariffs to protect key industries, and the last time I checked they were all doing pretty well.

Times have changed, the cost of shipping and the time needed to move things around the world have made isolationism a losing position.
Obama lowered corporate tax rates?
You gave credit to trump winning in November, 2015, when at that point, all he did was to show up. Since you credit showing up with lowering the unemployment rate, why does that not also apply to Obama?

No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

What polices did Trump put into place in Nov 2015 to lower the UE rate?

My point was that by Nov 2015 Obama had 7 yrs as the man and no one can name one of his policies
that lowered unemployment. I named several from Trump. By Nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. Unemployment was 9.4%. Since then it dropped to 6% for blacks. Partially due to Trumps policies.
Obama lowered corporate tax rates?
You gave credit to trump winning in November, 2015, when at that point, all he did was to show up. Since you credit showing up with lowering the unemployment rate, why does that not also apply to Obama?

No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
You gave credit to trump winning in November, 2015, when at that point, all he did was to show up. Since you credit showing up with lowering the unemployment rate, why does that not also apply to Obama?

No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment
You just can't stop lying, can ya, moron? You idiotically said "Trump won" in November, 2015...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

(emphasis added to highlight AzogtheDefiler's lies and idiocies)


????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.

You gave credit to trump winning in November, 2015, when at that point, all he did was to show up. Since you credit showing up with lowering the unemployment rate, why does that not also apply to Obama?

No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
9.4% ... down from 16.8%.
No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment
You just can't stop lying, can ya, moron? You idiotically said "Trump won" in November, 2015...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

(emphasis added to highlight AzogtheDefiler's lies and idiocies)


????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.


Not what I said. I said it dropped since he ran. You believe what you want to. You thought QE was lowering interest rates that’s the real winner. Idiot.
No. I said By nov 2015 Obama was a lame duck. And he was.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
9.4% ... down from 16.8%.

Yes and that was due to the Fed. What specifically did Obama do? Name one policy. Fed didn’t help Trump at all until now with their rate cut.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment
You just can't stop lying, can ya, moron? You idiotically said "Trump won" in November, 2015...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

(emphasis added to highlight AzogtheDefiler's lies and idiocies)


????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.


Not what I said. I said it dropped since he ran. You believe what you want to. You thought QE was lowering interest rates that’s the real winner. Idiot.
You just can't stop lying, can ya, You said that was when "Trump won"...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.
I do not think that lowering corporate tax rates helped lower unemployment. Corporations do not hire people simply because they are making more profit.
Stupidity like that is why Democrats should never run an Economy.
Liar. You said trump won in November, 2015. When shown what an idiot you are, you then admitted he won nothing.

No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
9.4% ... down from 16.8%.

Yes and that was due to the Fed. What specifically did Obama do? Name one policy. Fed didn’t help Trump at all until now with their rate cut.
Already named it. Asking me again and again is only going to result in that same answer. And you know what it means when you repeat yourself but expect a different answer, don'tcha?
No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment
You just can't stop lying, can ya, moron? You idiotically said "Trump won" in November, 2015...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

(emphasis added to highlight AzogtheDefiler's lies and idiocies)


????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.


Not what I said. I said it dropped since he ran. You believe what you want to. You thought QE was lowering interest rates that’s the real winner. Idiot.
You just can't stop lying, can ya, You said that was when "Trump won"...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

Yes. When dropped to 6% from when he ran? LOL. That was what I meant. Sometimes you make errors when you’re at the gym. I misspoke You truly believed QE was lowering rates. LOL
No. I said he was well into his run. Again name one policy under BHO that lowered unemployment

Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
9.4% ... down from 16.8%.

Yes and that was due to the Fed. What specifically did Obama do? Name one policy. Fed didn’t help Trump at all until now with their rate cut.
Already named it. Asking me again and again is only going to result in that same answer. And you know what it means when you repeat yourself but expect a different answer, don'tcha?

No you didn’t. You have not named ONE thing he did.
You just can't stop lying, can ya, moron? You idiotically said "Trump won" in November, 2015...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

(emphasis added to highlight AzogtheDefiler's lies and idiocies)


????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.


Not what I said. I said it dropped since he ran. You believe what you want to. You thought QE was lowering interest rates that’s the real winner. Idiot.
You just can't stop lying, can ya, You said that was when "Trump won"...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

Yes. When dropped to 6% from when he ran? LOL. That was what I meant. Sometimes you make errors when you’re at the gym. I misspoke You truly believed QE was lowering rates. LOL
Lying buffoon, you first said "won," not "ran."

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.
Obama inherited the Bush collapse, an utter mess and no president has ever inherited a mess that bad. It was epic, and republicans fail to acknowledge just how bad they failed.
Obama economic policy:
Obama and the FED created a stimulus plan that would add easy money and low rates into the economy to try and start investment after an extreme economic collapse and the subsequent multi-year foreclosure crisis. Together the policy stabilized and increased asset prices so stocks and realestate could stabilize and increase. This is turn increased people's wealth and assets which started the recovery. The stimulus plan also helped increase consumer spending and initiate more hiring. It clearly worked. BUT Obama could have done more. The regulations on the banks were bad and hurt more than they protected people, also he could have created a more pro business environment to also promote more growth.

In total Obama did alright. he inherited an utter mess, fixed it, 15 million jobs were created, and he passed off a solid economy, with annual deficits that were semi under control. But he could have done better with more pro growth policies like Trump did. The problem is Trump's policies are terrible for long term success because trump's plan is based on increased government spending and debt and not even remotely sustainable. We are on a very dangerous path. If Trump can somehow achieve another 4 years of growth etc like Clinton, then he will be great, but if this crashes viciously like Bush he will be terrible and the GOP party will have failed again. remember 2005-6 I'm sure you people thought everything was great then, how'd that turnout?
PS we just cut interest rates which is a sign of weakness not strength.

The Fed certainly helped him but what specific policies of his helped? Black unemployment was 9.4% after he was in office for 7 yrs and became a lame duck.
9.4% ... down from 16.8%.

Yes and that was due to the Fed. What specifically did Obama do? Name one policy. Fed didn’t help Trump at all until now with their rate cut.
Already named it. Asking me again and again is only going to result in that same answer. And you know what it means when you repeat yourself but expect a different answer, don'tcha?

No you didn’t. You have not named ONE thing he did.
Yes, I did. I already named it. Keep asking though....

I do not think that lowering corporate tax rates helped lower unemployment. Corporations do not hire people simply because they are making more profit.
Stupidity like that is why Democrats should never run an Economy.

You should really never speak of stupidity. You make a head of cabbage look smart.

Nobody is going to hire anyone just because their profits went up, they hire people if they have greater demand for their product or service, or anticipate such a thing in the very near future.
????? Not won when he ran. Are you going to answer me or not?
Aww, you poor thing, I already answered that.

But g'head, tell the thread again how trump won in 2015 and how the black unemployment rate has dropped 3.4 points under him. That was fucking hysterical.


Not what I said. I said it dropped since he ran. You believe what you want to. You thought QE was lowering interest rates that’s the real winner. Idiot.
You just can't stop lying, can ya, You said that was when "Trump won"...

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

Yes. When dropped to 6% from when he ran? LOL. That was what I meant. Sometimes you make errors when you’re at the gym. I misspoke You truly believed QE was lowering rates. LOL
Lying buffoon, you first said "won," not "ran."

AzogtheDefiler: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

9.4% in Nov 2015.

Golfing Gator: Why did you repeat what he just posted?

AzogtheDefiler: To illustrate that when Trump won it was 9.4% and now it is 6%.

Typo. You actually believed QE was lowering rates. I explained my error yours was that you’re an idiot

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