Trump’s own commission couldn’t find a single case of voter fraud. Trump claims there are “thousands” of cases based on no evidence

Billy....we all know how much you despise Trump. We get that.
But wouldn't it just be safe for you to remain in your safe space a little longer? After all, we are still in lockdown. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!
I’m still waiting for the evidence the commission found. Did you forget? Don’t worry- I’m still waiting.
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!

I really get a kick out of some of these folks - mostly on the left - who posts stuff that we know, is purely anti-Trump garbage. But they all get upset when we make a comment that doesn't fit their narratives. It's no wonder these folks seriously don't know half the time, what they are even talking about. They posts really stupid and sometimes, the same biased BS day in and day out.
If they are so anti-Trump that much...maybe they need to get out of the country. Because, Trump is gonna be here for another 4 years.
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!

I really get a kick out of some of these folks - mostly on the left - who posts stuff that we know, is purely anti-Trump garbage. But they all get upset when we make a comment that doesn't fit their narratives. It's no wonder these folks seriously don't know half the time, what they are even talking about. They posts really stupid and sometimes, the same biased BS day in and day out.
If they are so anti-Trump that much...maybe they need to get out of the country. Because, Trump is gonna be here for another 4 years.
So why didn’t Trump’s commission find evidence of voter fraud?
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!

I really get a kick out of some of these folks - mostly on the left - who posts stuff that we know, is purely anti-Trump garbage. But they all get upset when we make a comment that doesn't fit their narratives. It's no wonder these folks seriously don't know half the time, what they are even talking about. They posts really stupid and sometimes, the same biased BS day in and day out.
If they are so anti-Trump that much...maybe they need to get out of the country. Because, Trump is gonna be here for another 4 years.
Yep, exactly. If these morons hate our president AND our country so much, they need to LEAVE. The sooner, the better. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Well what would you expect from Trump who claims that he got most of the popular vote because those million of votes against him were all fraud. My My such fraud in the voting. How quickly they forget that it was the RNC that was banned by a legal decree for years . Even when they had a chance to get from under this bus they still couldn't stop themselves and just prolong the judgement.

Now we have Trump who is forming a republican commission to look into Obamagate.

Obama is no longer president and he is in the history books

The only target is Biden. So basically trump spend his early days criticizing Obama and the FBI for spying on him . In his mind he has to get even so now he is investigating Biden under the banner of Obama. My my how clever and oh so obvious.

They tried to run the fake story of Obama not a citizen. Failure.

They tried to get Clinton on the emails, Failure
Benghazi, Failure
Uranium One Failure
Clinton foundation Failure

When I mean a failure that means no legal system has found them guilty of any crime. I am not talking about the right wing media

So here we go again. he is trying to start an investigation on Biden using his presidential power by forming a committee made up of republicans. Don't trust the FBI do we, Mr Trump

Well can you trust your repubs

After 3 years of investigating the Russian meddling, they concluded that the FBI was right and they did. It was to benefit Trump. Trump being the grateful guy meet Putin twice in meetings Yet what was accomplished. We know nothing, I know nothing says Sgt Schultz.!!!

They even claim that the Russian were trying to help Clinton who Putin hated when he accused her of causing riots in Russian to get him overthrown years ago. I am sure winning made his day. The Russian ambassador was invited to the white house where trump tried to brag and ultimately spilled confidential information.

Well you did get your man elected so now it is time to put boots on the ground and do some kicking.

Yet Nancy said it correct "Boots are made for walking"
Yep, exactly. If these morons hate our president AND our country so much, they need to LEAVE. The sooner, the better. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

How dare they question us about stuff like that...when they rely on stupid sources such as Yahoo News. It makes it sound as if that is all they got. Sources that are so biased and anti-trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Well what would you expect from Trump who claims that he got most of the popular vote because those million of votes against him were all fraud. My My such fraud in the voting. How quickly they forget that it was the RNC that was banned by a legal decree for years . Even when they had a chance to get from under this bus they still couldn't stop themselves and just prolong the judgement.

Now we have Trump who is forming a republican commission to look into Obamagate.

Obama is no longer president and he is in the history books

The only target is Biden. So basically trump spend his early days criticizing Obama and the FBI for spying on him . In his mind he has to get even so now he is investigating Biden under the banner of Obama. My my how clever and oh so obvious.

They tried to run the fake story of Obama not a citizen. Failure.

They tried to get Clinton on the emails, Failure
Benghazi, Failure
Uranium One Failure
Clinton foundation Failure

When I mean a failure that means no legal system has found them guilty of any crime. I am not talking about the right wing media

So here we go again. he is trying to start an investigation on Biden using his presidential power by forming a committee made up of republicans. Don't trust the FBI do we, Mr Trump

Well can you trust your repubs

After 3 years of investigating the Russian meddling, they concluded that the FBI was right and they did. It was to benefit Trump. Trump being the grateful guy meet Putin twice in meetings Yet what was accomplished. We know nothing, I know nothing says Sgt Schultz.!!!

They even claim that the Russian were trying to help Clinton who Putin hated when he accused her of causing riots in Russian to get him overthrown years ago. I am sure winning made his day. The Russian ambassador was invited to the white house where trump tried to brag and ultimately spilled confidential information.

Well you did get your man elected so now it is time to put boots on the ground and do some kicking.

Yet Nancy said it correct "Boots are made for walking"
And ANOTHER idiotic liberal lunatic joins the thread. Too funny!
Which part is fake? Are you saying they did find evidence? Where is it?
My my you are so intellig, sorry I just can say it when it is so wrong. If you have a rebuttal don't be afraid. Don't worry I won't dislike you.

It's okay.....I have been "disliked" by many on here...mostly on the left. So, you wouldn't be the first. Nor the last.
Which part is fake? Are you saying they did find evidence? Where is it?
My my you are so intellig, sorry I just can say it when it is so wrong. If you have a rebuttal don't be afraid. Don't worry I won't dislike you.

It's okay.....I have been "disliked" by many on here...mostly on the left. So, you wouldn't be the first. Nor the last.
So they didn’t find the evidence of fraud? Got it.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

The Washington Post is most useful for when you run out of toilet paper.
What about the Trump administration’s own investigative body into the issue? Apparently they are pretty useless. They didn’t find any case at all.

When a blue voting district has more votes than registered voters, something smells. And it happens in every election, especially in California.
Okay so why didn’t Trump’s commission find anything? We all know they doubled down in blue areas. Are they just incompetent?
Because the sources in your link, Yahoo AND the Washington Compost Heap are anti-Trump, FAR Left leaning, lying, Fake News pieces of shit? THAT would probably be the reason.............
Absolutely, bluzman. The lefties think we're too stupid to know what omerta is, which is the way Democrats conduct themselves, the most recent lesson being the Democrats conducting secrecy meetings that excluded even Republican House committee members from attending their little omerta decisions they planned on cramming down America's throat while they hid under their desks until they could leak it out to the lying leftist media they use and let use.
I think you know I’m right but you can’t handle it emotionally so you deflected entirely.

Right about what? :auiqs.jpg:

The only thing you have been right so how stupid you really are. And how you make an ass out of yourself with your lame posts. Your true colors are showing. :auiqs.jpg:
Nah, I’m just right. What else can be said?
We think you know that Democrats think the truth is only one of many choices of lies, little white lies, and great big juicy lies. I'm not sure they have a clean, clear approach to the truth anymore, since they believe their own obfuscations in order to gain power. Now that we know what we are facing, they can't fool us anymore. So basically, the only options they have are protectionists from the truth like that distinguished-looking judge who is still taking orders from the Obama group to make sure people like Flynn are not free to tell the truth on their little FBI schemas, who the operators are, and where the bodies are buried.

What the Washington Post found didn’t help matters.

“A Washington Post review of data from after the 2016 election found just four confirmed cases of voter fraud: three people who tried to vote for Mr Trump twice — and were caught — and an election worker in Miami who was caught trying to fill in a bubble on someone else’s ballot for a local mayoral candidate.”

All this while the death toll is 100,000. Trump won’t even acknowledge the virus because he is a narcissistic sociopathic idiot who only cares about being re-elected.

Respnoding to the claim, Mr Kobach claimed Mr Dunlap was "willfully blind to the voter fraud in front of his nose".

In a statement to The Independent, he said the commission has been presented with 1,000 convictions for voter fraud since 2000, as well as approximately 8,400 instances of double voting in the 2016 election in 20 states alone.
Billy....we all know how much you despise Trump. We get that.
But wouldn't it just be safe for you to remain in your safe space a little longer? After all, we are still in lockdown. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!
I’m still waiting for the evidence the commission found. Did you forget? Don’t worry- I’m still waiting.
Didn't a bunch of states, including California, refuse to turn over records?

Of course the commission didn't find anything. It was stonewalled all the way to the top.

Look, you communist fuck, your days are numbered. You would be better off taking your little communist ass to a place that would be comfortable for you. You don't belong here.

"Democratic" socialist?

What a bunch of fucking bullshit. How can you motherfuckers put any more lipstick on that Communist pig? Jesus.

It's a failed ideology. It does not work. There is a mountain of evidence. It doesn't matter how many times you rename it. It is the same old fucking shit. Give it up already or get the fuck out.

Billy....we all know how much you despise Trump. We get that.
But wouldn't it just be safe for you to remain in your safe space a little longer? After all, we are still in lockdown. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep! To be on the SAFE side, dumb little Billy should probably stay in his Safe Space until, let's say, May of 2025. THAT should do the trick!
I’m still waiting for the evidence the commission found. Did you forget? Don’t worry- I’m still waiting.
Didn't a bunch of states, including California, refuse to turn over records?

Of course the commission didn't find anything. It was stonewalled all the way to the top.

Look, you communist fuck, your days are numbered. You would be better off taking your little communist ass to a place that would be comfortable for you. You don't belong here.

"Democratic" socialist?

What a bunch of fucking bullshit. How can you motherfuckers put any more lipstick on that Communist pig? Jesus.

It's a failed ideology. It does not work. There is a mountain of evidence. It doesn't matter how many times you rename it. It is the same old fucking shit. Give it up already or get the fuck out.

Thank you for saying that, Mr. Farnsworth.
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