Trump’s poll numbers soar as Joe spreads fake news

Five Thirty Eight Poll....oops agan you're caught out.


Even the source that you in the past (FoxNews) shows Biden ahead in key states.


Financial Times also disagrees with your poll.


Try finding a biased poll're lying not only to yourself, but the other dead from the neck up idiots who grovel before that lying asshat.
Given this op is based off a non military site, talking about the military, fuck off.
One of the weirdest things about Trombies is that they all have the temerity to call Trump's opponents liars.
Cause they lie.

Do they lie as often as Trump?

Try answering that one like a man who's got a shred of credibility remaining, please.
There's over 160 lies about Trump in the media. Just because you keep repeating doesn't make it true. Don't bring up credibility to me.

Man. You Trump bootlickers are shameless. You support the most prolific liar to EVER hold federal office in this nation. You are all enablers and fake patriots.
Five Thirty Eight Poll....oops agan you're caught out.


Even the source that you in the past (FoxNews) shows Biden ahead in key states.


Financial Times also disagrees with your poll.

Go read the OP and link again, you incompetent prick. The article quotes APPROVAL RATINGS, not election projections. It says that Trump's approval rating is 52%, the same as it was pre-COVID19.

It says Trump's approval rating among blacks has increased by 9%

It says Trump's approval rating among Hispanics has increased by 2%

I don't really give a shit what your ELECTION PROJECTION polls say.

bravoactual said:
Even the source that you in the past (FoxNews) shows Biden ahead in key states.
The poll used in the OP is a Rasmussen poll, not a Fox poll.

Screenshot_2020-09-06 Trump’s poll numbers soar as Joe spreads fake news.png

You're pathetic.
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Trump's poll numbers haven't budged for the past month. They sucked before and after the GOP convention. He's consistently running around 8 points behind Biden in the averages of all polls.

And that's why Trump's snowflake brigade here is out in force.

Trumptards, you're making this too easy. Before you can fix your problem, you have to admit you have one. You won't, so you can't fix it, and so you guarantee an easy Biden win. And I can tell you this safely, knowing that you're too butthurt and cowardly to go agaist cult doctrine by admitting that there's a problem.
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No you fucking retard, I want fucking dipshit liberals like you to be fair to Trump.

We are.

And that's why you're such a triggered little snowflake.

And that's why we're laughing.

Now, run along. Your leaders have more lies to trickle down your eager throat. You wouldn't want to be the last cult parrot to repeat the latest lie. That would be so embarrassing for you.
Oh, the Military Times poll. The same poll was +20 Trump in 2016, which kind of kills the "But they're leftists!" idiot conspiracy.

Now, it's not a good poll because it's self-selected from Military Times subscribers. What it's useful for is showing trends. And it shows a trend of a 25 point shift towards democrats among Military Times readers.
I used multipal sources, the OP used one. His poll is not real representation...he just wishes it was.
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.

There is evidence that white supremacists have encouraged violence. Trump is the one who is dishonest. The polls have been steady for Biden.
I used multipal sources, the OP used one. His poll is not real representation...he just wishes it was.
It doesn't matter that you used multiple (not multipal) polls. You used the wrong type of polls. You could post a million of the election results projection polls and still not rebut the claims made in OP article.

You used polls that reflect projections of who's ahead in the race. The OP addresses approval ratings of Donald Trump. When will you get that through your THICK SKULL?

Here's another APPROVAL RATINGS poll that supports the Rasmussen poll in the OP.

Don't just look at the numbers. Read what Zogby said beneath them.
Read why he believes the MSM did NOT publish polls in the weekend following the DNC convention.

I'll give you a hint: They didn't like the numbers! Biden got no bump!:laughing0301:

Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters.

The latest Zogby Poll just shared with Secrets had Trump’s approval at 52%. “The president has recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

What’s more, his approval rating among minorities was solid and, in the case of African Americans, shockingly high. Zogby said 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.


Approval among independent voters is also up, to 44%. And “intriguingly,” said Zogby, 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.

It was the latest to show that Trump’s approval went up during the Democratic National Convention. Rasmussen Reports had it at 51% at the end of the convention.

In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll.


Rasmussen Reports said:
Last night @donlemon called for the rioting to end, "because it's showing up in the polling." What polling? The media polling after the DNC Convention that was never released over the weekend. Yes, folks, it exists. You’re just not allowed to see it.


Zogby, in his analysis, took a stab at the reasoning.

First, he said, his and other polls are confirming that the nation is nearly evenly divided politically and that despite some showing a big Biden lead, the race is extremely close. He suggested that the battle is for the “10%-20%” who haven’t made their minds up on whom to vote for and who likely won’t make up their minds until Election Day, just like in 2016.

“We are as polarized a nation, on a level not seen since the Civil War,” said Zogby.

He also said that the violence playing out in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, are pushing urban voters to Trump.


“The president is also improving his job approval numbers with African Americans and millennial African Americans, which is a trend we witnessed last year. Trump has been making the case that he has done more for African American voters, by way of prison reform and previously low black unemployment, than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, both of whom have been accused by the president for increasing incarceration among African Americans for generations on nonviolent drug charges,” said Zogby.

The article in the OP has been corroborated!

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The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.

There is evidence that white supremacists have encouraged violence. Trump is the one who is dishonest. The polls have been steady for Biden.
Link to your "evidence"! I don't trust you to tell the truth at all. Either post a credible link to your blithering bullshit or STFU!
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.

Real Clear Politics Biden +7

View attachment 384538

Antifa has parachute divisions?? You're going full gonzo looney bro....

Crap poll... Didya notice there's a FULL 9.5% of respondents MISSING???

Also -- there's NO WAY the military is gonna vote for Libertarians or Greens. Those are the ONLY "3rd parties" that are on the Nov ballot.. And I DOUBT the Greens will make 50 state ballot access like the LP does...

So 24% of that poll is DEEP doo doo.. Use your head...

I'm sure you have a link to support your claims

You're insane.. You're the one that needs links. All ya did was a post an incredibly STUPID poll where numbers don't add up (missing a full 9;5% of respondents in the poll results) and IDIOTIC ASSERTIONS were made (like 12.8% of the military is gonna vote 3rd party).. That's a full 22% of respondents in question.. You think a poll with nearly a quarter of respondents uncertain is worth a piss???

Your Post #2 here is ENTIRELY BOGUS and unsupported... Where's the links to the POLL DATA? What were the questions? How did they LOSE a full a 9.5% of the respondents in their POShit graphs???

Talking about this turd you posted...

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Too bad Pat Caddell died he might have been a democrat pollster but he knew the 2016 polling was full of shit.
I used multipal sources, the OP used one. His poll is not real representation...he just wishes it was.
It doesn't matter that you used multiple (not multipal) polls. You used the wrong type of polls. You could post a million of the election results projection polls and still not rebut the claims made in OP article.

You used polls that reflect projections of who's ahead in the race. The OP addresses approval ratings of Donald Trump. When will you get that through your THICK SKULL?

Here's another APPROVAL RATINGS poll that supports the Rasmussen poll in the OP.

Don't just look at the numbers. Read what Zogby said beneath them.
Read why he believes the MSM did NOT publish polls in the weekend following the DNC convention.

I'll give you a hint: They didn't like the numbers! Biden got no bump!:laughing0301:

Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters.

The latest Zogby Poll just shared with Secrets had Trump’s approval at 52%. “The president has recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

What’s more, his approval rating among minorities was solid and, in the case of African Americans, shockingly high. Zogby said 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.


Approval among independent voters is also up, to 44%. And “intriguingly,” said Zogby, 23% of Democrats approve of Trump.

It was the latest to show that Trump’s approval went up during the Democratic National Convention. Rasmussen Reports had it at 51% at the end of the convention.

In a shock from past election years, Joe Biden got no convention poll bounce, according to a newly released Reuters/Ipsos poll.


Rasmussen Reports said:
Last night @donlemon called for the rioting to end, "because it's showing up in the polling." What polling? The media polling after the DNC Convention that was never released over the weekend. Yes, folks, it exists. You’re just not allowed to see it.


Zogby, in his analysis, took a stab at the reasoning.

First, he said, his and other polls are confirming that the nation is nearly evenly divided politically and that despite some showing a big Biden lead, the race is extremely close. He suggested that the battle is for the “10%-20%” who haven’t made their minds up on whom to vote for and who likely won’t make up their minds until Election Day, just like in 2016.

“We are as polarized a nation, on a level not seen since the Civil War,” said Zogby.

He also said that the violence playing out in cities such as Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon, are pushing urban voters to Trump.


“The president is also improving his job approval numbers with African Americans and millennial African Americans, which is a trend we witnessed last year. Trump has been making the case that he has done more for African American voters, by way of prison reform and previously low black unemployment, than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, both of whom have been accused by the president for increasing incarceration among African Americans for generations on nonviolent drug charges,” said Zogby.

The article in the OP has been corroborated!


Zogby has not been relevant in decades. Rasmussen was way off in 2018. The IBD/TIPP poll was the first poll in 2016 to show a tightening race. Their 2020 polls are pretty much in line with the majority of the polling. IBD is supportive of Republicans.

Crap poll... Didya notice there's a FULL 9.5% of respondents MISSING???

Also -- there's NO WAY the military is gonna vote for Libertarians or Greens. Those are the ONLY "3rd parties" that are on the Nov ballot.. And I DOUBT the Greens will make 50 state ballot access like the LP does...

So 24% of that poll is DEEP doo doo.. Use your head...

I'm sure you have a link to support your claims

You're insane.. You're the one that needs links. All ya did was a post an incredibly STUPID poll where numbers don't add up (missing a full 9;5% of respondents in the poll results) and IDIOTIC ASSERTIONS were made (like 12.8% of the military is gonna vote 3rd party).. That's a full 22% of respondents in question.. You think a poll with nearly a quarter of respondents uncertain is worth a piss???

Your Post #2 here is ENTIRELY BOGUS and unsupported... Where's the links to the POLL DATA? What were the questions? How did they LOSE a full a 9.5% of the respondents in their POShit graphs???

Talking about this turd you posted...


Wow. You're pretty bitchy tonight, aren't you? The people who took the poll are identified at the bottom of the picture. If you are interested in what questions were asked, and such, I suggest you look it up. It's not my responsibility to document specific details that I didn't reference, dumb ass.
The more Biden lies, the higher Trumps support becomes! Keep it up, Joe!

Joe Biden actually blamed the Democrat riots on Trump supporters and called on President Trump to condemn them. The only right-wingers are socialist Boogaloos and there are about six of them. The other so-called right-wingers are the condemned QAnon which is an online chat, not a movement, not an organization, and not a violent anything. This is after months of Joe not condemning the violence of Black Lives Matter and antifa. He has yet to mention their names.

Biden is extremely dishonest and shamelessly so.
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