Trump's tariffs are stupid

Tariffs are bad. All they do is end up raising prices across the board.

That is simply false. Stop peddling globalist myths. Prices for numerous goods are much cheaper in nations that are ardently protectionist. Why is that?

The GOP needs to rediscover its America-First trade roots going back to Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Howard Taft, and Robert Taft. The globalists and one-worlders are pulling out all the stops to scare Americans into believing that protecting two key American industries the same way that numerous countries protect their industries is gonna cause calamities.

We've been in a "trade war" for decades but are just now starting to fight back in a meaningful way, and the globalists don't like it.
Tariffs are bad. All they do is end up raising prices across the board.

That is simply false. Stop peddling globalist myths. Prices for numerous goods are much cheaper in nations that are ardently protectionist. Why is that?

The GOP needs to rediscover its America-First trade roots going back to Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Howard Taft, and Robert Taft. The globalists and one-worlders are pulling out all the stops to scare Americans into believing that protecting two key American industries the same way that numerous countries protect their industries is gonna cause calamities.

We've been in a "trade war" for decades but are just now starting to fight back in a meaningful way, and the globalists don't like it.
You stop peddling your lies, mikegriffith1. You are no economist or historian, no expert in finances.

The experts are telling us that tariffs are bad news for the American worker.

We will lose more jobs than we get, and prices go up.
I'm sure he has an agenda, but we don't import steel from China.
ShockedCanadian explained our lack of knowledge on this yesterday.
Canada’s steel comes from China.

Shocked Canadian doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. He is the most clueless person on the Canadian economy I’ve ever met.

Canadian steel comes from Hamilton. Many of the steel mills in Hamilton are owned by American corporations, like US Steel.

The long shadow of Hamilton steel mills | Toronto Star

How will increasing costs of raw materials bring down the cost of goods?

Tariffs will never bring prices of goods down - they just prop up industries that without the assistance would be unable to compete internationally.

If a car made with American steel costs 20% more, and tariffs increase the price of foreign steel by 25%, the car is still going to cost more to the consumer, no matter where they get the steel.

So Doc...let's say USMB decides to give you a dime an hour to be a mod but you find out Coyote is getting 12 cents. So you decide she's dumping her merging and deleting skills on USMB. You could demand she pay a tariff of 3 cents to you, making you the best paid mod......tell me, why would you then demand yet another penny from USMB, thus raising your price?
I'm sure he has an agenda, but we don't import steel from China.
ShockedCanadian explained our lack of knowledge on this yesterday.
Canada’s steel comes from China.

No it doesn't. Not in any general way, they import 8% from China.

Canadian steel production is centred in Ontario so I can see where it would be cheaper for builders on the West Coast to buy Chinese steel. But to say that Canadian steel comes from China just proves what an idiot shocked Canadian really is.

I live about 40 miles from Hamilton. It’s dirty, smelly, and the smoke stacks from the steel plants spew crap into the air. Two of my kids live in Hamilton so I’m there often. The first thing I notice is the smell.

Despite new standards, high levels of carcinogens remain in Hamilton air

No, this is where most of Canada’s steel comes from. Certainly the steel we sell to Americans. And US Steel owns the Dofasco Plant - the largest of the steel plants.

I will say that a friend of mine visited Hamilton from Cleveland a few years ago and he commented that it was a clean, beautiful city. I looked at him like he’d grown two heads. I told him that Hamilton is considered to be the armpit of Western Ontario.

How will increasing costs of raw materials bring down the cost of goods?

Tariffs will never bring prices of goods down - they just prop up industries that without the assistance would be unable to compete internationally.

If a car made with American steel costs 20% more, and tariffs increase the price of foreign steel by 25%, the car is still going to cost more to the consumer, no matter where they get the steel.

So Doc...let's say USMB decides to give you a dime an hour to be a mod but you find out Coyote is getting 12 cents. So you decide she's dumping her merging and deleting skills on USMB. You could demand she pay a tariff of 3 cents to you, making you the best paid mod......tell me, why would you then demand yet another penny from USMB, thus raising your price?

Your assumption that Coyote would be willing to give him that 3 cents shows how little you know about business.

Coyote could care less what Doc is paid. Doc’s beef is with USMB and doesn’t concern her. Give us one good reason why Coyote should give Doc any of her income?
Your assumption that Coyote would be willing to give him that 3 cents shows how little you know about business.

Coyote could care less what Doc is paid. Doc’s beef is with USMB and doesn’t concern her. Give us one good reason why Coyote should give Doc any of her income?

I always enjoy having a communist try to tell me about business. Coyote would have no choice. Doc could delete everything she posts, overturn her decisions, and create socks to drive the other mods berserk....this is Doc imposing a tariff on Coyote for being paid the extra 2 cents. USMB would see the wisdom of avoiding Doc's chaos and cave in and withhold 3 cents of Coyote's wages making Doc the highest paid. Doc could then sue for another penny which would enrage Coyote to counter Doc's threatened tariff by doing the same things he'd have done. USMB, now with 3 cents they used to pay Coyote in their pocket, would plea with the two of them to split the difference, but because 3 cents can't be divided 2 ways without getting into mills and basis points, have to give each a penny and keep one for tribute, not for Doc. At this point Taz and Fical would stage a counter-tariff and threaten to leave the board unguarded during the night when Russian bot farmers are laying in wait. Notice at no time did any mod declare a price increase which proves my point that tariffs not only don't raise prices, but lower them....a blind person could see that.
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Your assumption that Coyote would be willing to give him that 3 cents shows how little you know about business.

Coyote could care less what Doc is paid. Doc’s beef is with USMB and doesn’t concern her. Give us one good reason why Coyote should give Doc any of her income?

I always enjoy having a communist try to tell me about business. Coyote would have no choice. Doc could delete everything she posts, overturn her decisions, and create socks to drive the other mods berserk....this is Doc imposing a tariff on Coyote for being paid the extra 2 cents. USMB would see the wisdom of avoiding Doc's chaos and cave in and withhold 3 cents of Coyote's wages making Doc the highest paid. Doc could then sue for another penny which would enrage Coyote to counter Doc's threatened tariff by doing the same things he'd have done. USMB, now with 3 cents they used to pay Coyote in their pocket, would plea with the two of them to split the difference, but because 3 cents can't be divided 2 ways without getting into mills and basis points, have to give each a penny and keep one for tribute, not for Doc. At this point Taz and Fical would stage a counter-tariff and threaten to leave the board unguarded during the night when Russian bot farmers are laying in wait. Notice at no time did any mod declare a price increase which proves my point that tariffs not only don't raise prices, but lower them....a blind person could see that.

I love it. The economic idiot is mansplaining commerce and economics to me.

I was a bank manager in the 1970’s - one of the first female bank managers in Canada. I switched to law in the 1980’s, starting in a small uptown firm and ending my career working for biggest law firms of on Bay St, in Toronto. I specialized in corporate/commercial law and real estate.

After I left the law firm I did some consulting with the Ontario government dealing with construction liens and holdbacks on government construction contracts.

Now as to your attempt to explain tariffs and why they work. Unlike you, Coyote is nobody’s fool. She’d review the code and track down who was changing her posts and driving her and the other mods crazy, and he be blocked banned and fired. Coyote would likely get a raise for getting rid of the troublemaker.

Trump might have been able bully the Koreans over washing machines but Canada is your largest trading partner, and you have a trade surplus with us. 1.6 million jobs in the US are reliant on trade with Canada. Do you really want to piss us off?

What’s more, the steel and aluminum industries in Canada and the US have intertwined ownership. Dofasco, the largest steel plant in Canada, is owned by US Steel, so Trump is harming US corporations by his actions as well.

Trump voters are just as stupid as he is.
^^^ Fascinating only if Tom Horn understood what he is talking about, but there is the snake in grass . . . he does not.
I love it. The economic idiot is mansplaining commerce and economics to me.

I was a bank manager in the 1970’s - one of the first female bank managers in Canada. I switched to law in the 1980’s, starting in a small uptown firm and ending my career working for biggest law firms of on Bay St, in Toronto. I specialized in corporate/commercial law and real estate.

After I left the law firm I did some consulting with the Ontario government dealing with construction liens and holdbacks on government construction contracts.

Now as to your attempt to explain tariffs and why they work. Unlike you, Coyote is nobody’s fool. She’d review the code and track down who was changing her posts and driving her and the other mods crazy, and he be blocked banned and fired. Coyote would likely get a raise for getting rid of the troublemaker.

Trump might have been able bully the Koreans over washing machines but Canada is your largest trading partner, and you have a trade surplus with us. 1.6 million jobs in the US are reliant on trade with Canada. Do you really want to piss us off?

What’s more, the steel and aluminum industries in Canada and the US have intertwined ownership. Dofasco, the largest steel plant in Canada, is owned by US Steel, so Trump is harming US corporations by his actions as well.

Trump voters are just as stupid as he is.

All your supposed resume shows me is that you were a failure first in banking and then in law. Like all washouts you ended up "consulting" with the government who paid you in discounts at the local watering holes. Your misery and heavy drinking turned you into a communist, although you had no idea you were one before seeing my brilliant treatise on tariffs in this thread. For the edification of other readers, Coyote, not being the sharpest tool in the shed, would fall for Doc's deceptions by blaming the chaos he was creating on Kat, who would then have to pay 7 cents an hour to be a mod and work the 2-5am shift. The other mods would shun Coyote for failing to stop the Doc's chaos. She would be allowed to keep her chair but her desk would be sent to storage meaning she would have only her lap to use her laptop. Finding herself in a world of unintended consequences, Coyote would then, like you, move on to other pursuits and probable alcoholism, claiming she'd left on her own terms. That, in turn would mean Doc would now ask for Kat's fine of 7 cents an hour and USMB would have little choice but to comply by giving him a minority ownership position instead of the 7 cents. Once again we see that Canuckistan, much like Coyote, gets pneumonia when the US, played here by Doc (another communist like yourself), sneezes. Your attempt at a vainglorious rebuttal has failed but you must be used to that by now. G'day, eh?
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I didn’t fail as a banker. I still have pictures of me receiving the President’s Award for outstanding achievement. I just wasn’t that interested in being a banker. I applied to Western and got my acceptance and was gone.

As for drinking, I get headaches when I drink. Not hangovers, headaches. It’s an allergy. I was always the designated driver in my group of friends.

The government consulting job was to set up a system to reduce and eliminate construction liens and better track holdbacks. It was a six month contract for an obscene amount of money. I still cringe when I hear the words “untendered government contracts”. OTOH I found a $250,000 “error” on one of the holdback release invoices that more than justified my contract. I also set up a spreadsheet to assist project managers to better track contracts and subtrade payments on mega projects, so teducevand eliminate future errors

Any other false assumptions you’d like to try?
I didn’t fail as a banker. I still have pictures of me receiving the President’s Award for outstanding achievement. I just wasn’t that interested in being a banker. I applied to Western and got my acceptance and was gone.

As for drinking, I get headaches when I drink. Not hangovers, headaches. It’s an allergy. I was always the designated driver in my group of friends.

The government consulting job was to set up a system to reduce and eliminate construction liens and better track holdbacks. It was a six month contract for an obscene amount of money. I still cringe when I hear the words “untendered government contracts”. OTOH I found a $250,000 “error” on one of the holdback release invoices that more than justified my contract. I also set up a spreadsheet to assist project managers to better track contracts and subtrade payments on mega projects, so teducevand eliminate future errors

Any other false assumptions you’d like to try?

Tariffs are bad. All they do is end up raising prices across the board.

There goes the tax breaks Trump gave us.

Congressional Republicans are worried that Trump's trade policy will mitigate any economic benefits from their 2017 tax cuts, particularly in a midterm election year when Republicans want to run on a platform of economic success.

Specifically, Kansans are concerned about China retaliating on U.S. sorghum exports.

Sorry Kansas but you voted for Trump.

Congressional Republicans Unlikely To Act To Counter Trump On Tariffs
I have a feeling it is part of a broader strategy, a ways and means to an end. Just watch patiently.
Stop pretending Trump has a long term strategy on anything. Quit being such a pawn. Just admit this is a bad idea.
Tariffs are bad. All they do is end up raising prices across the board.

Then by that logic, we should slash import prices drastically and just shut down all of our factories! Of course it will raise prices! That is the point, tariffs raise the prices of imports high enough that it now becomes feasible to compete with them by making the same stuff here at a lower cost thus bringing prices of goods back down but in the process, transferring the manufacturing and sourcing from foreign countries to our own American workers. In the long run, prices remain about the same but we boost our own economy, job market and manufacturing.
we won't be making anything at a lower price.

And the US has a trade SURPLUS WITH CANADA.
Canada | United States Trade Representative
Weapons for the world’s tyrants and up and coming wannabe tyrants, we’ve got that market covered

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