Trump's ‘terrible things are going to happen’

Major kudos for taking this with humor. I am about *this close* to a libertarian tbh. So yeah, I agree...they are at least sometimes superior.

Now I have to think about that "Dissertations of Non-Partisan Superiority" thread. Could be fun. :)
Libertarians are awesome.

ACTUAL libertarians that is.


Not so much.
Libertarians are awesome.

ACTUAL libertarians that is.


Not so much.

I don't disagree. I'm very close to a libertarian myself. The ones I'm talking about come into most threads and then just sigh about "both sides", "this is what you get with parties" and etc.
We can disagree on things and still not treat each other like shit lol
BTW, im not a libertarian. The party itself is run by complete idiots.
Im a liberal. An actual liberal. Not a regressive illiberal authoritarian like they are today. So, I dont have a party 🥺
People sometimes say I'm a liberal IRL, but when I look shocked/upset, they say "No, no - I mean an ACTUAL old school liberal, not the current lunatic variety."

What have you done about it, Hawk?
Other than ineffectively come on to internet chatrooms and whine about it anonymously under a fake name?
I’ve told everyone about it, just like President Trump does.

And that terrifies you. We aren’t going to stop talking about it.

So what are you going to do about it?

If these pathetic yokels REALLY thought the election were stolen, they would have started shooting already. Outside of straight up assassination, what could be a more grotesque violation?

What you have in most Trump supporters are folks who are simply not very bright, like that he legitimizes their latent (or developed) bigotry, and/or just really hate the changes they see in the country. The fact that they cannot fathom that he is the poster child of globalization and elitism is what is really astonishing. Was it PT Barnum that said that nobody has ever went broke underestimating the idiocy of the average American or something like that? Trump has made his political life out of this very thing.
Lol, coming from someone who thinks Biden doesn't have dementia. That's good!

How much contradiction can we get in one Trump communication?

He said:

"The country is in a very dangerous position."

Yes it is, and mostly it seems to be caused by a guy who'll open his mouth and shout to get what he wants without thinking about the consequences to his actions.

"There is tremendous anger, like I’ve never seen before,"

Well, there's tremendous anger, if he's not see anything like this before, race riots for example, then he's either not been watching closely, or, more likely, everything he says he exaggerates in order to make it sound worse than it actually is.

"over all of the scams, and this new one, years of scams and witch hunts, and now this,”

It's not a "witch hunt" if they ACTUALLY FIND WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR. And they did find what they were looking for.

"The former president told the outlet that he “will do whatever” he can “to help the country”,"

What does he think his actions are doing? He's not helping the country one bit, never did. He helped himself and nobody else.

"Mr Trump said that Americans are “not going to stand for another scam”"

The scam is Trump saying whatever he wants, putting people's lives in danger, putting the country in danger. It's not a "witch hunt" or a "scam" if they actually find what they're looking for.
Sounds like you're saying all the previous attempts to get him WERE witch hunts precisely because they couldn't find what they were looking for.
Like a civil liberty, human rights liberal. I understand taking a principled stand and sticking by it, even if that means you don't vote, because you vote your conscience and that's it. I also understand voting the "best choice" of two options, which is what I do.

I'm super heated about this issue because it's everything. Once you have an armed police force that can accuse you of anything and nothing, come into your home, find the evidence, and hound you to indictment about it, our nation is over. They have been doing this to Trump's people for six years now. Most Democrats don't care. Their principles are power and their idols. That's it.

Then they project that on us.
And that is the thread.
Oh dead wrong. I know Donald Trump is not the answer. However, if he is willing to break apart DC's bureaucracies, which believe they run the nation...he's my man for now.
I don’t see that and you have no evidence of it. Don when potus, surrounded himself with DC establishment elitists. He did nothing to break up the establishment’s control of our government. He did talk about it though.
I don’t see that and you have no evidence of it. Don when potus, surrounded himself with DC establishment elitists. He did nothing to break up the establishment’s control of our government. He did talk about it though.

He had four years, much of it sidetracked by the endless investigations that very same establishment threw in front of him.

But he has my spite vote unless Tulsi or someone else of her caliber runs 3rd Party.

The problem is that the Democrats won't let 3rd Partys on the ballot in close states, so it's DJT for me.

The Rs are nearly as bad at preventing third parties on the ballot. If Don runs again, it wouldn’t surprise me if the R Party pulled a Hillary and denied him the nomination.
He had four years, much of it sidetracked by the endless investigations that very same establishment threw in front of him.

Oh come on. He could have at least put people in power who opposed the establishment, rather than supported it and undermined him.

He’s either not smart or a phony.
Oh come on. He could have at least put people in power who opposed the establishment, rather than supported it and undermined him.

He’s either not smart or a phony.

Problem is that DC is 92% Democrat, and even many Republicans are not really conservative. So your choices are limited.

Trump is far, far from perfect, that's for sure, and he made his share of mistakes. But his policies were great and if he can begin to dismantle these entities, we might save the Republic.

It looks like sporadic violence is now all but inevitable. I wonder if there is a point at which it gets bad enough that MAGA media has to turn down the fire-stoking.
Sorry but they won't...

People are getting killed because of lies and these guys only know how to double down...

There is some very serious problems in the US Media (especially on the Right), this was caused to the lack of a need for fairness in the US News Media... US is going to a very dark place until there is a law brought in that US media has to be holden to the truth. This means on TV, Newspaper, Internet or Social Media...
EU is already stepping in here, they have to, Russia was trying to attack elections by pumping with misinformation and disinformation. There will be people who will scream 1st amendment but will ignore that rights needs to have responsibilities and enemies of any nation will leverage that right to exploit that nation.
Sorry but they won't...

People are getting killed because of lies and these guys only know how to double down...

There is some very serious problems in the US Media (especially on the Right), this was caused to the lack of a need for fairness in the US News Media... US is going to a very dark place until there is a law brought in that US media has to be holden to the truth. This means on TV, Newspaper, Internet or Social Media...
EU is already stepping in here, they have to, Russia was trying to attack elections by pumping with misinformation and disinformation. There will be people who will scream 1st amendment but will ignore that rights needs to have responsibilities and enemies of any nation will leverage that right to exploit that nation.
Y'know, I very much resent the GQP at this point, for two reasons. First, my opinion of the Dems is lousy too, but I had to vote directly against this ugly menace, and the only way to do that was to vote Dem. Twice. Not happy about that, nor will I ever be.

But second and even worse, I'm a lifelong maniacal advocate for freedom of expression. The more the better. I've gotten into a zillion squabbles with left wingers here over PC and other related issues. But now the GQP has me questioning my advocacy for the first time in my life, wondering if larger guardrails have to be in place. I'm not there yet, but even having to consider it REALLY pisses me off.

I'll always resent the GQP for those two things.
Ah, semantics, the game the whole message bored can play...
That's not saying they're the same, but I appreciate the effort.

What I have said, about a thousand times, is that they share many behaviors. And that, understandably, pisses off nutters on both ends.

In fact, I'll bet that if you utilize the search function, type in my name and "behaviors", you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. But I won't hold my breath.

Some people say "the two parties are the same", and I strongly disagree.
As I said.

Much of their mentally must either be beaten back to a small tiny minority (figuratively) or we must separate from it. You can't share a nation with this. You just cannot.
Violent little psychopath traitor, aintcha?

What makes you such a laughable traitor is that the driving force behind your treason is ... sore-loser butthurt over Trump, of all people. It doesn't get more pathetic than that, getting butthurt over a such a garbage human.

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