Trumpsters should just be patient.

There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
I notice that you tend to ignore the positives when it comes to Trump supporters and focus only on the negatives.
Saturday morning QB.

FYI, everyone except you libs have a right to not like the situation.
You fuckers basically set this all you folks have no right to complain.
There is nothing positive about people who support this president. And nobody set anything up. Stop believing lies. This is why people don't like trump supporters.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
..I see you post a lot of evidence for your OP--hahahhahahahah
''a lot of complaining about the lockdowns'' etc.....?????!!!!!!
Mac1958 has a wild imagination. I first starting seeing that when he thought hillary had a chance of beating Trump. lol
What does Hillary have to do with this? Too many Trumpers have Hillary on the brain.
They're just trying desperately to change the subject.
Your OP was spot on. These snowflakes for whatever reason do not seem to want to grapple with your question. Probably because it requires self-reflection. They are afraid what they may see in the mirror apparently.
yes--spot on with NO evidence = babble crap
Jesus you're stupid.





And that's just a few.
I don't think this is about intelligence. I think it's about completely succumbing to a groupthink, a strict ideology, a shared psychosis.
Nope ........It's a reaction to a Moron who thinks he has the right to tell everyone what to do........kinda like that nonsense the other poster put up.

His grand example if you are now BANNED FROM VISITING YOUR NEIGHBOR....LOL

Or Fined for not keeping 6 feet apart with the signing showing a 11 people all right next to each other.

My only question is who is dumber........the ones doing the laws........or the ones voting for them.......

Kinda like we need to give them DARWIN AWARDS for those laws as they violate them when signing...........

Wow, look at that!

More evidence!


Desperation ........awe..............poor hide in the closet til the evil virus goes away.

Don't look as police drag people off a bus for not having a mask....even though you can't even buy one................


If you guys are the future......this country is Fucked.

When this is over, Trump and his Trumpsters will take 100% credit for ending it, regardless of how much the Trumpsters are complaining today.

They will loudly glorify their hero and celebrate the victory, even after they've been whining about how it was accomplished.

That's a fact that they know, but will do anything to avoid admitting.
Nope ....we will piss in your cornflakes for politicizing a dang virus.............
No one has politicized this but trump.
And another BS artist crawls out from his safe place.........LOL

The Retards just keep coming.........who took all the dang Raid.
When this is over, Trump and his Trumpsters will take 100% credit for ending it, regardless of how much the Trumpsters are complaining today.

They will loudly glorify their hero and celebrate the victory, even after they've been whining about how it was accomplished.

That's a fact that they know, but will do anything to avoid admitting.
Nope ....we will piss in your cornflakes for politicizing a dang virus.............
No one has politicized this but trump.
And another BS artist crawls out from his safe place.........LOL

The Retards just keep coming.........who took all the dang Raid.
The cult clowns stay locked into their delusion.
But some intellectual honesty from both ends would be helpful.

How about fuck your damn Jack Boots mentality again................What I'm seeing......I DON'T LIKE.......

They better back off or it may get real in this country.........

It's already "real" in the USA, just not in the way you fool would like. Trump is finished, and it will take your economy years to recover. Just like it took 8 years to recover from the last Republican President, and the one before that too.
When this is over, Trump and his Trumpsters will take 100% credit for ending it, regardless of how much the Trumpsters are complaining today.

They will loudly glorify their hero and celebrate the victory, even after they've been whining about how it was accomplished.

That's a fact that they know, but will do anything to avoid admitting.
Nope ....we will piss in your cornflakes for politicizing a dang virus.............
No one has politicized this but trump.
And another BS artist crawls out from his safe place.........LOL

The Retards just keep coming.........who took all the dang Raid.
The cult clowns stay locked into their delusion. call me a racist and go away.............

Save some time for your usual posting.......

Riddle me see a BLACK MAN pulled off the bus for not wearing a mask...and that man is pissed because of them ORDERING TO DO SO.....

Now it gets better......the guy from Philly.....ordering them off the bus wasn't wearing a dang mask on the bus himself.......

Retardation a problem in Blue Big cities now ......huh
His grand example if you are now BANNED FROM VISITING YOUR NEIGHBOR....LOL

Or Fined for not keeping 6 feet apart with the signing showing a 11 people all right next to each other.
These measures are temporarily being put in place for the public's safety. Do you rail against speed limits too?
I will be the first to admit Trump is fucking up royal;y by not opening the country and allowing the house arrest of the American people to continue.. he is listening to Dr Doom and Brix who doesn't even have a current medical license. Trump need to fire these two so called experts. We need to find out how these 2 democratic plants ended up as the main advisers on the task force.
Trumpsters should just be patient.
If we were anymore patient, Cuba would look more like a democracy than the United States
His grand example if you are now BANNED FROM VISITING YOUR NEIGHBOR....LOL

Or Fined for not keeping 6 feet apart with the signing showing a 11 people all right next to each other.
These measures are temporarily being put in place for the public's safety. Do you rail against speed limits too?
I sure do......speed all the time......hardly ever get caught........

That isn't the same as saying you can't visit a neighbor or else............Keep pushing this BS here .....LOL

There will be point where people will push back.
Desperation ........awe..............poor hide in the closet til the evil virus goes away.
I can't help thinking you wouldn't make idiotic comments like that if a relative of your's was in a hospital struggling to breath.
Desperation ........awe..............poor hide in the closet til the evil virus goes away.
I can't help thinking you wouldn't make idiotic comments like that if a relative of your's was in a hospital struggling to breath.
Stop playing that shit............we understand what is going on here..........We know some are dying and more will die............but we REFUSE TO STAND FOR THIS BS your side is pushing.................

Don't keep pushing troll...........and while your at it stop playing that it's not China's fault BS too.

Thanks in Advance troll.
There is a lot of complaining from non Trump supporters about it as well and you can be rest assured when it's all over they will blame him for every single bit of it till the day he leaves office and beyond. Believe me!
I’ll blame him for his response. I’ll blame him for bragging about his ratings as people died. Definitely
and while your at it stop playing that it's not China's fault BS too.
Please show a single post in which I wrote China is not at fault for the start of the virus or for concealing it.
Biden ........xenophobia ........WHO......China's bitch when Taiwan tried to warn us........the Media playing the same tune.........New York having HUG A ASIAN DAY.........

Just went right by you didn't it Troll............How about I see you DEMAND right here and now....China NEEDS TO BAN WET MARKETS.....

Let's hear it.

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