Try Posting A Picture of a MAGA HAT on facebook... they WILL BAN IT.

They should ban all the orange filth racists, bigots, assholes.
Get your own social media and make your own media, news, NFL, soccer, NBA since you hate them most because you deranged asshole has a beef with everyone but his cult and the dictators.

LIbtardos hate free speech. They don't want their anti-American hate exposed.
Libtatds are busy working and creating things...cons are busy on social media bashing muslims, Jews. Latinos, blacks and the rest of humanity.
They should ban all the orange filth racists, bigots, assholes.
Get your own social media and make your own media, news, NFL, soccer, NBA since you hate them most because you deranged asshole has a beef with everyone but his cult and the dictators.

How weird...a brown Raghead who supports oppression.
So weird.
They should ban all the orange filth racists, bigots, assholes.
Get your own social media and make your own media, news, NFL, soccer, NBA since you hate them most because you deranged asshole has a beef with everyone but his cult and the dictators.

LIbtardos hate free speech. They don't want their anti-American hate exposed.
Libtatds are busy working and creating things...cons are busy on social media bashing muslims, Jews. Latinos, blacks and the rest of humanity.

There's a separate section in USMB to post satire.
They should ban all the orange filth racists, bigots, assholes.
Get your own social media and make your own media, news, NFL, soccer, NBA since you hate them most because you deranged asshole has a beef with everyone but his cult and the dictators.
And there you have it folks. That post above is how the vast majority of radical, fascist and more often than not VIOLENT DEMOCRATS think nowadays. That's what they've become. The party of YOU EITHER AGREE WITH US OR SHUT YOUR FILTY RACIST, BIGOT, ASSHOLES, even though your OPINION has NOTHING to do with racism or bigotry. The party of ENLIGHTENMENT, INCLUSION and PEACE has become the party of BIGOTRY, FASCISM and HATE.

Democrats are the party of TRASH, period, end of story. Poor TRIGGERED little FASCIST TRASH. TRIGGERED over a freakin' HAT... A HAT. These people are beyond PATHETIC.
Yep... this is what TRIGGERED the little FASCIST DEMOCRAT SNOWFLAKE NAZIS over at facebook...

WARNING... the pictures... include... a... HAT... ROFLMFAO...


I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I feel your pain, believe me. However, allow me to offer the same bit of advice I've given to family and friends. Might not be the best of ideas to use overt symbols of conservatism or DJT on a Facebook page bearing your real name. Right, so you'll likely reply as some of them did saying you'll post any damn thing you like, yadda, yadda. That's all well and good, but friend, I have a sneaking suspicion social media colossi like Facebook are making a list of conservatives/Trump supporters and checking it twice . . . and they ain't doing it for Santa. Of course, I could be paranoid but come an actual leftist revolution it's not beyond the reach of reason to think Democrat Revolutionaries might use such lists to round up patriotic Americans.
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I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I feel your pain, believe me. However, allow me to offer the same bit of advice I've given to family and friends. Might not be the best of ideas to use overt symbols of conservatism or DJT on a Facebook page bearing your real name. Right, so you'll likely reply as some of them did saying you'll post any damn thing you like, yadda, yadda. That's all well and good, but friend, I have a sneaking suspicion social media colossi like Facebook are making a list of conservatives/Trump supporters and checking it twice . . . and they ain't doing it for Santa. Of course, I could be paranoid but come an actual leftist revolution it's not beyond the reach of reason to think Democrat Revolutionaries might use such lists to round up patriotic Americans.
I should have mentioned, that is NOT my real name. I'd have redacted it if if was. I never use my real name on anything on the internet. Only banking and such do I use my real name.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
If not sure of the point of this thread, than you're a retarded dolt, or in other terms, a DEMOCRAT.

Get a clue, moron.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
If not sure of the point of this thread, than you're a retarded dolt, or in other terms, a DEMOCRAT.

Get a clue, moron.

It's 'get a brain!, morans', moron.

So you are looking for sympathy, aren't you snowflake? Sorry, my bag of fucks to give for deplorables is empty.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
If not sure of the point of this thread, than you're a retarded dolt, or in other terms, a DEMOCRAT.

Get a clue, moron.

It's 'get a brain!, morans', moron.
View attachment 267642

So you are looking for sympathy, aren't you snowflake? Sorry, my bag of fucks to give for deplorables is empty.

Looks like a good ole fashion real American redneck...his ancestors probably built this nation.
I’ll take guys like him all day everyday while you filthy fucks champion this shit.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
If not sure of the point of this thread, than you're a retarded dolt, or in other terms, a DEMOCRAT.

Get a clue, moron.

It's 'get a brain!, morans', moron.
View attachment 267642

So you are looking for sympathy, aren't you snowflake? Sorry, my bag of fucks to give for deplorables is empty.

Looks like a good ole fashion real American redneck...his ancestors probably built this nation.
I’ll take guys like him all day everyday while you filthy fucks champion this shit.

That is me, bitch!
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.

I'm not sure of the point of this OP. Are you looking for sympathy? Facebook is cancer. Get over it, or use a different platform.
If not sure of the point of this thread, than you're a retarded dolt, or in other terms, a DEMOCRAT.

Get a clue, moron.

It's 'get a brain!, morans', moron.
View attachment 267642

So you are looking for sympathy, aren't you snowflake? Sorry, my bag of fucks to give for deplorables is empty.
So you've identified yourself as an idiot... congrats... idiot.
They should ban all the orange filth racists, bigots, assholes.
Get your own social media and make your own media, news, NFL, soccer, NBA since you hate them most because you deranged asshole has a beef with everyone but his cult and the dictators.

LIbtardos hate free speech. They don't want their anti-American hate exposed.
Libtatds are busy working and creating things...cons are busy on social media bashing muslims, Jews. Latinos, blacks and the rest of humanity.

Where are they?

I never had a liberal boss in 54 years.

Um Facebook n Instagram had major tech issues today.

The image he sees is a broken link, not a ban. People need to calm the fuck down.
I mean talk about TRIGGERED. facebook not is, but HAS turned into a total FASCIST CENSORSHIP leftist toilet.

How do I know they'll ban a picture of a MAGA HAT? Because they did it to me, and here's the proof. After I uploaded a picture of MY MAGA hat as my cover pic, they DELETED it within DAYS and posted this message...


So I figured I'd test them and EDIT the pic, so I put it in Adobe Photoshop, cropped it and renamed it and STILL, I couldn't upload to my cover photo, but not only that, I couldn't even post it in my comments...


So I tried to go even one step further and took a new picture of the hat sitting on the front of my TRUCK, and I it was small in the picture but they STILL wouldn't post it. So OBVIOUSLY facejoke has an algorithm that FINDS pics of MAGA hats and will NOT allow them to be posted. Can you imagine... a picture of a hat... a fucking HAT!!!

That's how DISJOINTED and FASCIST the left has become. They are EXACTLY like NAZI GERMANY and HEIR GOEBBELS. In fact the democrats today and their FASCIST social media could probably teach GOEBBELS a thing or two about CENSORING FREE SPEECH.

What DISGUSTING, FASCIST, RADICAL TRASH the modern DEMOCRAT PARTY has evolved into. They are the TRASH of America and the world.
Facebook has been unable to post clear pics of anything all day today. Something about them being attacked world wide.

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