Tucker Carlson: Trump could well lose this election

Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
Can’t be true. Liberals claim Tucker only lies.

You liberals don’t believe his lies.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
No I am only pointing out that everything is not black and white.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
No I am only pointing out that everything is not black and white.

Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
No I am only pointing out that everything is not black and white.

Well of course police being killed is meaningless. Of course business having gone through tough times and then to have their business completely destroyed by looting or being burnt to the ground is meaningless to you.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
Its these games that are played that has caused much angst in our nation. We waste so much in resources where other nations would become paradises with compared to where they are at.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
No I am only pointing out that everything is not black and white.

Well of course police being killed is meaningless. Of course business having gone through tough times and then to have their business completely destroyed by looting or being burnt to the ground is meaningless to you.

Lashing out doesn't look good on anyone.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
Its these games that are played that has caused much angst in our nation. We waste so much in resources where other nations would become paradises with compared to where they are at.

Just think what other countries could have done with the trillions and trillions we have wasted invading other countries.
The world is burning and Trump is dithering. The people who came out to vote for him in 2016 are seeing his lack of leadership in the biggest time of crisis in his presidency and possibly a generation and they've lost confidence in him.
Exactly. You get it, as do I. I figured the leftists here would jump on this bandwagon but they did so for the wrong reasons. Tucker is saying Trump could lose because of what you said not because of the reasons the leftists think he might lose.
Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

The problem is, if he 'Crushes" mostly peaceful protests he isn't going to look better, he's going to look worse to most people. The riots are only part of his problem.

The Faustian Bargain you guys made with Trump is ignore his racism, ignore his awfulness, as long as the economy is good.

Well. The economy sucks now. It's going to keep sucking for quite some time, I'm afraid. Trump is not a crisis president. I put him much the same as Clinton, someone who can get by in good times, but when a real crisis happens, he'd be worthless.
True enough but he HAS to either step in with the military and stop this or he is gonna lose those people he needs that these terrorists are threatening. People WANT a strong leader who will defend them from terrorists. He is walking a VERY fine line...I don't understand what he is waiting on. Over a month of this shit now.

And most of the demonstrations have been peaceful, so I'm not seeing what the problem is, exactly.

Sorry, not getting upset because someone pulled down an ugly statue someone should have taken down years ago.
Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

The problem is, if he 'Crushes" mostly peaceful protests he isn't going to look better, he's going to look worse to most people. The riots are only part of his problem.

The Faustian Bargain you guys made with Trump is ignore his racism, ignore his awfulness, as long as the economy is good.

Well. The economy sucks now. It's going to keep sucking for quite some time, I'm afraid. Trump is not a crisis president. I put him much the same as Clinton, someone who can get by in good times, but when a real crisis happens, he'd be worthless.
99% of the people aren't peaceful protesters, they are rioting and burning and that's what I am talking about. Peaceful protest is covered under the constitution so have at it.
99% of the people aren't peaceful protesters, they are rioting and burning and that's what I am talking about. Peaceful protest is covered under the constitution so have at it.

Which 99% are those?

6% of the population has participated in protests. Most of them have been peaceful.

Sorry, man, the best way to end these demonstrations is to stop dithering on police reform.
And most of the demonstrations have been peaceful

Sure, which is why every time I see the news all I see are people throwing shit and trying to destroy property

so I'm not seeing what the problem is, exactly.

At your age, can you see much of anything?
99% of the people aren't peaceful protesters, they are rioting and burning and that's what I am talking about. Peaceful protest is covered under the constitution so have at it.

Which 99% are those?

6% of the population has participated in protests. Most of them have been peaceful.

Sorry, man, the best way to end these demonstrations is to stop dithering on police reform.
Give an inch to terrorists they won't stop they will just ask for more and ramp up their attacks.
Sure, which is why every time I see the news all I see are people throwing shit and trying to destroy property

You know the rule, buddy, if it bleeds, it leads.

Give an inch to terrorists they won't stop they will just ask for more and ramp up their attacks.

Again, they spent years asking NICELY to reform the police. We didn't. Now they aren't asking as nicely.

The thing is, you might not like their methods, but they are in the right. We have way too many cases of cops killing people over petty offenses.
Trump is the commander in chief of the military, not local police departments.
Then use the military, he threatened more than once to use the sedition act and has done nothing.
You are just now understanding that Trump is all talk and no action?
Seems to be the case on the riots so far. It's like he WANTS to lose. He is right law and order is correct but ya gotta back that up! The majority is WITH HIM on that.
The normal military is not setup or trained to handle rioters. They are taught to kill. Not something you want.
What about the National Guard? He can federalize them and take them over

Does Trump not comprehend just tweeting LAW AND ORDER 9 times in the past month and doing NOTHING to enforce LAW AND ORDER is not going to help him win reelection? He HAS the majority on his side as far as law and order goes but he has to actually ENFORCE law and order. I just don't understand why he hasn't done anything? These riots and destruction are CLEARLY pulled from the democrat playbook but Trump not crushing this shit is not showing his base or even worse suburban women that he will defend them when the state and cities abandon them.

Take heart, have faith. The cable news 24/7 anti-Trump narrative seems to finally be achieving its primary objective: to make even conservative voters lose trust in POTUS. Don't jump ship just yet.
I am not voting for Trump either way my point is Trump just can't tweet law and order and do nothing to back it up. Its like a wolf with no teeth. These suburbs NEED and WANT him to do something to enforce law and order and if he isn't going to do anything they won't see a reason to vote for him. Just because I won't vote for him doesn't mean I prefer Biden that's for sure, I am interested in seeing what a lame duck president who can't run for reelection again will do especially Trump because he is unlike any president before.
I remember the Kent state shooting. So even if you call out the National Guard and make them federal. All it would take is one person being shot and killed, even if by accident. Then you give the crazy left more fuel for the fire.
If you send them into an area where others are carrying arms without arms guess how that might go.
If someone on the left shoots at them do you expect them to not shoot back?

It was crazy for people to get upset over the National Guard murdering four college students?
Lol. No one ever decide how that started. It could have been someone shooting at the guard. It could have been one of the guard not being fully trained. There are probably a dozen possibilities as to what stared it. All anyone knows for sure is that four students died. Were people upset, yes. To pretend otherwise is crazy. Unless anyone can point to a real reason for that to happen then to pretend that it was premeditated murder is just as crazy.

Two people were simply walking through the parking lot. Murder.
What??? I am talking about Kent State probably long before your time. I have no idea what you are talking about.

I'm 58. I grew up just a few miles north of Kent State. I know exactly what I am talking about.

I still somewhat regularly attend concerts at the Kent Stage.
I understand that you want everything in the world to be black and white. But in most things in this world there are always shades of gray. How many of the National Guard actually went to prison for murder? Because there are always grey in everything.

That's what's changing. Look at how many police officers are now getting fired and arrested .
You can play that all you want but the fact still remains that not everything is black and white no matter how much people want it and wish it to be so. Look at how many police have been killed, how many businesses have been looted and burned. So pretending that one is wrong and the other can do no wrong is showing a everything is black and white attitude.

When those who loot and burn are caught they are charged and prosecuted. You are the one pretending they are not.
No I am only pointing out that everything is not black and white.

Well of course police being killed is meaningless. Of course business having gone through tough times and then to have their business completely destroyed by looting or being burnt to the ground is meaningless to you.

Lashing out doesn't look good on anyone.
Lol. Lashing out. Did I hurt your feelings or what?
Sure, which is why every time I see the news all I see are people throwing shit and trying to destroy property

You know the rule, buddy, if it bleeds, it leads.

Give an inch to terrorists they won't stop they will just ask for more and ramp up their attacks.

Again, they spent years asking NICELY to reform the police. We didn't. Now they aren't asking as nicely.

The thing is, you might not like their methods, but they are in the right. We have way too many cases of cops killing people over petty offenses.
More cops are killed per year than citizens..so. What you said isn't true. How many TRULY unarmed and non resisting arrest people have been killed by cops?

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