U.S.A the most brainwashed in history?

At an air museum I belong to they have schools do field trips there. Elementary school teacher last week to the docent - "please tell the kids about World War Eleven."

She was dead serious. Teacher. Teacher.

We are screwed.
----------------------------------------------------- well , when the taxpayer paid public school teachers aren't having sex with their student some of them are high as they teach big events of the future that haven't happened yet WMan .
You know you're brainwashed......

When you think Hispanics are the most prejudiced upon immigrant groups in history...
Oh, I have pointed out to pseudocon tards many, many times that they are identical to the Know Nothings of the 19th century.

It really makes their skin crawl to see editorial cartoons of the period which portray their ancestors exactly the same way they portray Mexicans.

Bigots like you are nothing new.
You know you're brainwashed......

When you think Hispanics are the most prejudiced upon immigrant groups in history...
Oh, I have pointed out to pseudocon tards many, many times that they are identical to the Know Nothings of the 19th century.

It really makes their skin crawl to see editorial cartoons of the period which portray their ancestors exactly the same way they portray Mexicans.

Bigots like you are nothing new.

Who says Hispanics have it worse by our institutions than White Catholics, today even?

I'd imagine if you told a dumb Sp*c or "W3tback" joke on the air, it wouldn't be okay.

Watch Monologue: Christine Baranski Is Barraged by Polish Jokes from Saturday Night Live on NBC.com
You know you're brainwashed......

When you think Hispanics are the most prejudiced upon immigrant groups in history...
Oh, I have pointed out to pseudocon tards many, many times that they are identical to the Know Nothings of the 19th century.

It really makes their skin crawl to see editorial cartoons of the period which portray their ancestors exactly the same way they portray Mexicans.

Bigots like you are nothing new.

Who says Hispanics have it worse by our institutions than White Catholics, today even?

I'd imagine if you told a dumb Sp*c or "W3tback" joke on the air, it wouldn't be okay.

Watch Monologue: Christine Baranski Is Barraged by Polish Jokes from Saturday Night Live on NBC.com
Wow. You are justifying your bigotry with examples of past bigotry?

This is a whole new tard wrinkle, even for this forum.
You know Polish people must be doing something right, when basically all the degenerates of the World hate Polish people...





Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland on the same day, but all the modern day tards don't even know that. They are too busy sucking off Putin.
You know you're brainwashed......

When you think Hispanics are the most prejudiced upon immigrant groups in history...
Oh, I have pointed out to pseudocon tards many, many times that they are identical to the Know Nothings of the 19th century.

It really makes their skin crawl to see editorial cartoons of the period which portray their ancestors exactly the same way they portray Mexicans.

Bigots like you are nothing new.

Who says Hispanics have it worse by our institutions than White Catholics, today even?

I'd imagine if you told a dumb Sp*c or "W3tback" joke on the air, it wouldn't be okay.

Watch Monologue: Christine Baranski Is Barraged by Polish Jokes from Saturday Night Live on NBC.com
Wow. You are justifying your bigotry with examples of past bigotry?

This is a whole new tard wrinkle, even for this forum.

Still ongoing... Just harder to find, because it seems NBC likes hiding their anti-Polish hate crimes.

Oh yeah... We learned that Nazis were so brainwashed... they kind of were... But nothing like we are.

Propaganda in the U.S.A.

- Racism is only wrong, when it's done by Whites.

- Colonization is always wrong, except when Jewish Israelis do it.

- Liberal media , and Liberal Hollywood are so horrid, let's support Jews. anyways.

- Race doesn't exist, but we must support the Black race.

- There's biological equality but I believe in Darwin's theory of Natural Selection.

- Mussolini is terrible, but Abraham Lincoln's great who killed nearly 3 X more than Mussolini .

- Gender doesn't exist it's a choice, but let's support the Female rights.

- Whites committed atrocities (Evil let's harp on them) Muslims committed atrocities even worse (No one even knows)

- 99 out of 100 times when you hear about Genocide, it's about the Jew Holocaust, but really in all of history Jews probably only make up less than 5% of the genocide victims of history.

- Nazis so wrong, but Communism doesn't matter.

The list can keep going on, and on.

Wake up before it's too late...
It’s called telecommunications.

I'd think that the internet would've made people less brainwashed, by increasing the availability of information.
There’s a difference between knowledge and discern ment.
You know you're brainwashed......

When you think Hispanics are the most prejudiced upon immigrant groups in history...
Oh, I have pointed out to pseudocon tards many, many times that they are identical to the Know Nothings of the 19th century.

It really makes their skin crawl to see editorial cartoons of the period which portray their ancestors exactly the same way they portray Mexicans.

Bigots like you are nothing new.

Well, assuming that the Mexicans we've imported are somehow less racist........ Is pretty bad brainwashing... Just sayin'

Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland on the same day, but all the modern day tards don't even know that. They are too busy sucking off Putin.

Yeah, and most people don't know that Hitler, and Stalin were allies initially.

Not a lot of textbooks talk about this, where Stalin's Soviets supplied war resources to the Nazis.

German–Soviet Credit Agreement (1939) - Wikipedia

Not a lot of textbooks talk about this either, where Stalin was massacring many Poles before WW2.

Polish Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia
You know your society was losing it... When you were told that the Supreme Court doing Roe vs Wade was Democracy even though no one elected these bozos, and this policy would've never passed in American history if voted on by the U.S public.

Worse... That our American schools don't even teach us the history of Abortion.


You know your society was losing it... When you were told that the Supreme Court doing Roe vs Wade was Democracy even though no one elected these bozos, and this policy would've never passed in American history if voted on by the U.S public.

Worse... That our American schools don't even teach us the history of Abortion.


We are not a Democracy.

We are a Republic.

Learn the difference.
You know your society was losing it... When you were told that the Supreme Court doing Roe vs Wade was Democracy even though no one elected these bozos, and this policy would've never passed in American history if voted on by the U.S public.

Worse... That our American schools don't even teach us the history of Abortion.


Socialism will always be fucked up....
See? There's another one. And posters imagine US citizens are not brainwashed.


a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

Sorry about your freedoms and individuality.
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You know your society was losing it... When you were told that the Supreme Court doing Roe vs Wade was Democracy even though no one elected these bozos, and this policy would've never passed in American history if voted on by the U.S public.

Worse... That our American schools don't even teach us the history of Abortion.


We are not a Democracy.

We are a Republic.

Learn the difference.

Didn't say we were.... But a lot of people do, especially Liberals.

Yes, some thought Roe vs Wade was Democracy.

Roe v. Wade - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History

arguably became the best-known opinion issued by the Supreme Court, a symbol of an ever-changing set of beliefs about family, health care, and the role of the judiciary in American democracy.

Reproductive Justice: Roe v. Wade

, discussed the continuing importance of reproductive justice to a fully democratic society, especially for women and girls. An activist since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973,

Cuomo to propose amendment to protect Roe v. Wade in New York

But this is the first time he is pushing to take the provisions under the federal law and place them in the state constitution, which would ultimately have to be put before the voters.

“Let’s let the people decide because this is still a democracy and New Yorkers want to protect a woman’s right to choose,” Cuomo said.

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