U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

Mandatory background checks went into effect in 1993.

Look, I know the long term strategy of the liberal leaders is to repeal the Second Amendment and confiscate everyone's guns. They don't say it out loud, and a lot of common everyday liberals don't know that is the long term strategy of their leadership.

So it is understandable that someone who loves and supports the Second Amendment will feel like they can't give an inch. I get that.

But this background check thing is the right and sane thing to do. It actually works and actually prevents dangerous criminals from acquiring guns. The Constitution says we can remove someone's rights through due process. We take away a lot of freedoms from felons. Taking away their right to a gun is no different, and only an idiot would be opposed to that.

Don't be idiots.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

I don't oppose it for one. Just don't think it's gonna do anything.

If it saves one kid sitting in a classroom trying to learn, is it worth a try? Of course it is.
It wont save one kid. It costs lives. If it costs one life is it worth it?

That is conjecture based on an NRA ad. Get over it please.
And the statement "if it saves one kid's life" is not a conjecture?
80,000 felons and fugitives prevented from buying a gun every year, thanks to background checks.

It is pretty hard to defend being opposed to that.

Get back to us when you have implemented background checks for buying alcohol, it kills and injures way more people each year. Got a DUI on your record sorry DENIED!!
If you get a DUI, you aren't allowed a driver's license.

So you lose. Again.

Get a DUI and your banned for life from purchasing alcohol. For that matter banned for life from owning a vehicle. That goes for private sales and parties too, if you invite a friend over to your home and serve him alcohol and he's on the banned list you go to jail so you better run a background check on your party guests. Buy someone a drink at a bar, oh man you are taking a big legal risk.

Every gun control law you can come up with should be equally applied to the sale and use of alcohol. I mean if your goal is really to save lives.
Irrelevant. The only thing that could stop Roof is to repeal the Second Amendment, which is not going to happen.

However, background checks do stop 80,000 people a year from getting a gun who shouldn't have one.
Wrong. They stop no one. No one can prive they stopped even a single person from getting a gun.
It's been proven. Several times. See post 207.

What you cannot prove is that all those felons and fugitives got a gun after being denied.
Availability of firearms is not why we have a violence problem. It's parenting (or more precisely the lack of good parenting,) general destruction of the respect for authority figures we had not too long ago in the country, increasing marginalization of faith (admittedly I don't have a huge problem with this one but conceed it has downsides,) and the increasing villification of sex and pleasure in general.

As we see with internet 'nutshot' videos and self-harming stunts and behaviours, youth in this country have been conditioned not to have sex. So if their sexual organs aren't needed let's get ourselves on the net and tv by harming ourselves.

Want less violence? Encourage sex, encourage kids to date and touch (consensually,) and quit repressing healthy sexuality. When you do that that desire and energy doesn't go away. It stagnates until it explodes in some negative behaviour like rape, assault, murder, etc.

All those things are true, but until somebody comes up with a way to change all that, background checks are needed.
Irrelevant. The only thing that could stop Roof is to repeal the Second Amendment, which is not going to happen.

However, background checks do stop 80,000 people a year from getting a gun who shouldn't have one.

That is a lie.....
I provided at least two links showing it is true.

So you don't get to just go, "Nuh uh!"

Doesn't work that way.
Wrong. You provided links showing denials. IT says nothing about whether the same people later acquired a gun some other way.
You're not real good on this "logic" stuff, are you?
Post 63:
To date, NICS queries of criminal databases have resulted in 1,065,090 denials, with 88,479 in 2012 alone.

NICS 15th Anniversary: Stats Show Success of Gun Background Check System

Post 78:

Between 70,000 and 80,000 people are denied guns each year for providing false or inaccurate information on their background check forms, according to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Do We Enforce Our Gun Laws?

Post 82:



Post 186:
The number of criminals stopped by the checks is also quite small. In 2010, there were over 76,000 initial denials, but only 44 of those were deemed worthy for prosecution by the federal government and only 13 individuals were convicted. Even those 13 cases don’t tend to be the “dangerous” criminals Obama claims are being stopped. There are additional state prosecutions, but those are rare as well.

So as we can see, it has been proven time and time and time again that background checks prevent about 80,000 people a year from getting a gun.

And if we read the link in 2AGuy's post, we find this:

The most common reason for denial by the FBI was a record of a felony indictment or conviction (over 47%), followed by fugitives from justice (19%), and state law prohibitions (about 11%)


This means background checks are effective, unlike Voter ID.
Tjeu dont prevent anything. They stop that transaction. With only 44 people prosecuted out of thousands that isnt much of a deterrent.
And of those "initial denials" how many were overturned? In my experience about 80%.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The Dangers of Universal Background Checks


August 17, 2015

Universal Background Check legislation poses a very real threat to our right to keep and bear arms and, ultimately, to our liberty itself. Your ability to sell your guns will become cumbersome and more expensive. Worse, UBC laws will lead to gun registration schemes as a means of enforcement, home “compliance inspections” to ensure that those registration schemes have been followed, and, finally, confiscation(which has already occurred in other states)."

I noticed your source is a business that sells guns and ammo, and they fall back on the old "THEYRE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS" rant. For as long as that silly claim has been made,has one person showed up at your door wanting to take your guns?
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases?
Because they are burdensome, and don't prevent anyone--particularly criminals--from obtaining guns.

That was easy.

Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks.
Not really.

We should close those cracks!
What cracks? There are no cracks.
i am surprised no one has brought up purchasing those contractor nail guns. but I just dont think that any lowes/home depot would just sell those to anyone, especially little boys from the hood.
It wont save one kid. It costs lives. If it costs one life is it worth it?

That is conjecture based on an NRA ad. Get over it please.

Yo dingle berry

Since the majority of criminals are male, is it ok if we execute them at birth, I mean if it will save a female child's life, I think it will be worthy. Right?

So murdering all males will save lives, eh?

Man, you are seriously retarded. Is a nurse doing your typing for you?
No but letting all women conceal and carry would help.
I recommend it for almost every woman I know.

There was one, though...woo! No way.
Ya there's always one. Lol
80,000 felons and fugitives prevented from buying a gun every year, thanks to background checks.

It is pretty hard to defend being opposed to that.

Get back to us when you have implemented background checks for buying alcohol, it kills and injures way more people each year. Got a DUI on your record sorry DENIED!!
If you get a DUI, you aren't allowed a driver's license.

So you lose. Again.

Get a DUI and your banned for life from purchasing alcohol. For that matter banned for life from owning a vehicle. That goes for private sales and parties too, if you invite a friend over to your home and serve him alcohol and he's on the banned list you go to jail so you better run a background check on your party guests. Buy someone a drink at a bar, oh man you are taking a big legal risk.

Every gun control law you can come up with should be equally applied to the sale and use of alcohol. I mean if your goal is really to save lives.

The claims you make about alcohol consumption are lies.Where did you hear such stupid crap?.
80,000 felons and fugitives prevented from buying a gun every year, thanks to background checks.

It is pretty hard to defend being opposed to that.

Get back to us when you have implemented background checks for buying alcohol, it kills and injures way more people each year. Got a DUI on your record sorry DENIED!!
If you get a DUI, you aren't allowed a driver's license.

So you lose. Again.

Get a DUI and your banned for life from purchasing alcohol. For that matter banned for life from owning a vehicle. That goes for private sales and parties too, if you invite a friend over to your home and serve him alcohol and he's on the banned list you go to jail so you better run a background check on your party guests. Buy someone a drink at a bar, oh man you are taking a big legal risk.

Every gun control law you can come up with should be equally applied to the sale and use of alcohol. I mean if your goal is really to save lives.
This is the best you can do to oppose background checks that prevent 80,000 felons and fugitives and other maniacs from buying a gun every year?

You realize you are off the rails now, right?
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The Dangers of Universal Background Checks


August 17, 2015

Universal Background Check legislation poses a very real threat to our right to keep and bear arms and, ultimately, to our liberty itself. Your ability to sell your guns will become cumbersome and more expensive. Worse, UBC laws will lead to gun registration schemes as a means of enforcement, home “compliance inspections” to ensure that those registration schemes have been followed, and, finally, confiscation(which has already occurred in other states)."

I noticed your source is a business that sells guns and ammo, and they fall back on the old "THEYRE COMING TO TAKE OUR GUNS" rant. For as long as that silly claim has been made,has one person showed up at your door wanting to take your guns?

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