Ukraine has lost....and is losing more.....

It's all relative, you know. 0,5 million killed is lesser evil than 100 million killed (while we are ready to kill even 2 billion if necessary). We don't level cities, only towns as so far. And no, we do it only because illegitimate Kievan Junta asking for it.
It’s war dumbass, meeting each and every criteria of what a war is:

An armed, open conflict using all conventional means of warfare.

They tried to join NATO and genocide Russian people. So, we just trying to prevent large-scale war, in which billions will die.

Actually, your stupid attempt to defeat Russia is insane and suicidal.


Let me explain something to you Ivanushka Durachok. …no one in the west wants anything to do with your swampland, least of all to spend even one dime or soldier for the pleasure of having to manage any of it.

What we are doing is helping Ukraine and other countries that seek help, to DEFEND themselves from the violent drunkards next door who suffer from delusions of gradure and paranoia.

If you love Russia, if you are a real patriot, then work to bring your invader Vankyas back home to their families. War in Ukraine will be over, Eurasia will again know peace and Russia can again get back on a road to prosperity instead of ruin.
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It’s war dumbass, meeting each and every criteria of what a war is:

An armed, open conflict using all conventional means of warfare.
I don't know were did you take your definition from. Definition from wiki:
War is an intense armed conflict[a] between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias.[2] It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.
Keywords: "intense" and "extreme", which, obviously, doesn't fit.


Let me explain something to you Ivanushka Durachok. …no one in the west wants anything to do with your swampland, least of all to spend even one dime or soldier for the pleasure of having to manage any of it.
Really? You are lying, as usual. For example, PACE wants to "decolonize" Russia. It's their official goal. And NATO officially wants to take Russian lands of Crimea and Novorussia.

What we are doing is helping Ukraine and other countries that seek help, to DEFEND themselves from the violent drunkards next door who suffer from delusions of gradure and paranoia.
We are defending our people from discrimination and genocide. And discrimination of Russians in Ukraine and Baltic States is real.

If you love Russia, if you are a real patriot, then work to bring your invader Vankyas back home to their families. War in Ukraine will be over, Eurasia will again know peace and Russia can again get back on a road to prosperity instead of ruin.
And allow Nazies to continue discrimination and genocide of Russians? Or allow NATO to place nukes in Ukraine and then - attack Russia? No, thanks. If you really want reliable peace - it must be based on conceptions of equal rights for everyone and undivided safety. Which means denazification of Ukraine and Baltic States, their demilitarisation and neutral status, and return of NATO's military infrastructure to, at least, borders of 1997.
Otherwise, the war (local, regional, or even large-scale) is the better choice for us.
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I don't know were did you take your definition from. Definition from wiki:
War is an intense armed conflict[a] between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias.[2] It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.
Keywords: "intense" and "extreme", which, obviously, doesn't fit.

Really? You are lying, as usual. For example, PACE wants to "decolonize" Russia. It's their official goal. And NATO officially wants to take Russian lands of Crimea and Novorussia.

We are defending our people from discrimination and genocide. And discrimination of Russians in Ukraine and Baltic States is real.

And allow Nazies to continue discrimination and genocide of Russians? Or allow NATO to place nukes in Ukraine and then - attack Russia? No, thanks. If you really want reliable peace - it must be based on conceptions of equal rights for everyone and undivided safety. Which means denazification of Ukraine and Baltic States, their demilitarisation and neutral status, and return of NATO's military infrastructure to, at least, borders of 1997.
Otherwise, the war (local, regional, or even large-scale) is the better choice for us.
He's a stubborn asshole raised by a Bandera grandfather. He might shut up if you banged him on his stupid head with something heavy, like all Banderites eventually do, but since he's out of reach and out of touch send him on long erotic journey and go on with your life. He claims he's Russian born so hopefully he'll understand what that journey is.
He's a stubborn asshole raised by a Bandera grandfather. He might shut up if you banged him on his stupid head with something heavy, like all Banderites eventually do, but since he's out of reach and out of touch send him on long erotic journey and go on with your life. He claims he's Russian born so hopefully he'll understand what that journey is.

I was raised a Russian you dummy, had zero idea about or support for any Ukranian nationalism.

It’s only when Russia started invading Ukraine and stealing its lands, especially after this bloody full scale invasion, did I start feeling a deep, profound shame for the country I was born in.

You have become modern day Fascists - repressive, agressive, militarized totalitarian state that brainwashes it's people into supporting lawless wars of choice and land grabs. The saddest part is that like most Germans back in the day, you can’t see past your state propaganda to realize that simple truth.
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I was raised a Russian you dummy, had zero idea about or support for any Ukranian nationalism.

It’s only when Russia started invading Ukraine and stealing its lands, especially after this bloody full scale invasion, did I start feeling a deep, profound shame for the country I was born in.

You have become modern day Fascists and you can’t even see past your TV to realize that simple truth.
Yeah, right. Also you don't dislike Russia or Russians, it's Putin that you don't like and you'd give your last dollar to help a neighbor. I know, Americans are all like this.
I don't know were did you take your definition from. Definition from wiki:
War is an intense armed conflict[a] between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias.[2] It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.
Keywords: "intense" and "extreme", which, obviously, doesn't fit.

From the very same article you quote (which you should link when quoting) :

A distinctive feature of war since 1945 is that combat has largely been a matter of civil wars and insurgencies.[19] The major exceptions were the Korean War, the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the Iran–Iraq War, the Gulf War, the Eritrean–Ethiopian War, and the Russo-Ukrainian War.

There is no sane definition of war, by which whats going on in Ukraine is not exactly that.

In contrast, "Special Millitary Operation" is a made up politico propaganda euphenism, with no prior definition in vernacular language or as an official legal concept.

Only within information bubble Kremlin maintains by repressions do you not get outright LAUGHED at when you try to claim that whats going on is not a war.

Really? You are lying, as usual.

No brainwashed Vanya, it's not lies and anyone that is actually familiar with western mindset knows it well.

It's only Russians that get pumped full of Kremlin's silly propaganda think that it's plausable for the western countries to even THINK, never mind actually PLAN, starting a nuclear war just to grab some land in Russia. The idea is litteraly insane sounding to most westerners.

NATO's mission is common DEFENSE and it's membership expands because Russia under Putin's regime has proven itself to have clearly imperialist ambitions. The more agressive Russia's actions are, the bigger NATO membership grows (see Finland and Sweeden) the more it's core mission is re-enforced.

If Ukraine wasn't fooling around with their Russian "brothers" in 1990's and joined NATO like the Baltics when they had a chance, then they would never be invaded. They are now paying for their big mistake with their blood, learning a very hard lesson.
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I was raised a Russian you dummy, had zero idea about or support for any Ukranian nationalism.

It’s only when Russia started invading Ukraine and stealing its lands, especially after this bloody full scale invasion, did I start feeling a deep, profound shame for the country I was born in.

You have become modern day Fascists - repressive, agressive, militarized totalitarian state that brainwashes it's people into supporting lawless wars of choice and land grabs. The saddest part is that like most Germans back in the day, you can’t see past your state propaganda to realize that simple truth.
And you simply ignored Odessa massacre and eight years of Donbass shelling, as well as Nazi marches and discrimination of Russians in Baltic state? C'mon, you are not a Russian at all. Just another pity Vyrus. Nothing personal, of course.
And you know what? I hardly can consider myself as a Putin's supporter. But the best arguments for necessity of elimination of Kievan regime gave me you (as well as your friends Litwin and ESay ). I believe that regime, mitigating Russian people in those disgusting, hateful, degenerative and mentally ruined species like you guys, simply shouldn't exist on our green and pleasant Earth.
From the very same article you quote (which you should link when quoting) :

A distinctive feature of war since 1945 is that combat has largely been a matter of civil wars and insurgencies.[19] The major exceptions were the Korean War, the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, the Iran–Iraq War, the Gulf War, the Eritrean–Ethiopian War, and the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Bla-bla-bla. In most of those examples war was not declared. So, you can call it "war" only as a figure of speech.

There is no sane definition of war, by which whats going on in Ukraine is not exactly that.
Nobody declared a war, military actions are not intense, and violence level is not even moderate. It's not a war yet.

In contrast, "Special Millitary Operation" is a made up politico propaganda euphenism, with no prior definition in vernacular language or as an official legal concept.

Only within information bubble Kremlin maintains by repressions do you not get outright LAUGHED at when you try to claim that whats going on is not a war.
I live in Russia. I know what is war, and what is not. What we are doing now - is an attempt to prevent a war. It's your last chance to survive.

No brainwashed Vanya, it's not lies and anyone that is actually familiar with western mindset knows it well.
I'm definitely not an expert in Western mindset, but I can read plain English.
Do you really believe that NATO don't declared as it's official goal "liberation of all Ukrainian lands" (including Donbass and Crimea)? Do you believe that NATO countries didn't support Odessa Massacre and Donbass shelling?

It's only Russians that get pumped full of Kremlin's silly propaganda think that it's plausable for the western countries to even THINK, never mind actually PLAN, starting a nuclear war just to grab some land in Russia. The idea is litteraly insane sounding to most westerners.

NATO's mission is common DEFENSE and it's membership expands because Russia under Putin's regime has proven itself to have clearly imperialist ambitions. The more agressive Russia's actions are, the bigger NATO membership grows (see Finland and Sweeden) the more it's core mission is re-enforced.
Another bla-bla-bla. Only clinically suicidal imbeciles can believe in peaceful intentions of NATO alliance. Please, do not offense me with such assumptions, and I won't offense you with assumption that you actually believe in this crap.

If Ukraine wasn't fooling around with their Russian "brothers" in 1990's and joined NATO like the Baltics when they had a chance, then they would never be invaded. They are now paying for their big mistake with their blood, learning a very hard lesson.
If they tried - the "war" would started earlier. That's all. We could not allow Ukraine join NATO (even if it means a nuclear war).
And you simply ignored Odessa

And you simply ignored Odessa massacre and eight years of Donbass shelling, as well as Nazi marches and discrimination of Russians in Baltic state? C'mon, you are not a Russian at all. Just another pity Vyrus. Nothing personal, of course.
And you know what? I hardly can consider myself as a Putin's supporter. But the best arguments for necessity of elimination of Kievan regime gave me you (as well as your friends Litwin and ESay ). I believe that regime, mitigating Russian people in those disgusting, hateful, degenerative and mentally ruined species like you guys, simply shouldn't exist on our green and pleasant Earth.
You will be surprised, bubochka, but my views are quite moderate (if not to say more) comparing to a significant part of the rest.
Bla-bla-bla. In most of those examples war was not declared. So, you can call it "war" only as a figure of speech.

Nobody declared a war, military actions are not intense, and violence level is not even moderate. It's not a war yet.

I live in Russia. I know what is war, and what is not.

Yep, you do live in Russia and thats pretty much the extent of what goes on in your brainwashed head, because public truth telling has now become ILLEGAL in Russia, as it was at one time during totalitarian communist days.

You clearly have no interest in considering any objective definition, will keep posting ludecrous, stupid, laughable Russian propaganda that your government-TV shit in your head.

Not a single definition of war requires anyone to declare anything. It requires only the FACT of whats happening.

When America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq nobody in America called it anything except what it was - WAR. And our president, unlike your czar, was subject to public criticism for those wars, by well organized political opposition, each and every day. Thats the huge difference between an open society with a healthy deliberative process and a fascist authoritarian regime that effectively detached itself from responsibility to the people.
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I'm definitely not an expert in Western mindset, but I can read plain English.

Well then maybe it's time you question what you hear about it on your propaganda TV and actually listen to people that live in the west and support NATO only because it's fundamentally a DEFENSIVE alliance that ultimately ensures peace and stability.

You will find almost no one anywhere with any interest in somehow invading Russia, no one that wants anything to do with your lands. What you will find is that people just want Russia to get over it's newfound fascist imperialism and come back into modern society as a peaceful, growing, prospering country. A country that respects international law, human rights, border agreements and sovereignty of it's neighbors.

The only question is WHY DON'T YOU want that for your country.
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That's something new. What's that?
You know, sometimes when a child tries to be 'serious' and wants to impress adults, he can stamp his foot or shake a fisted hand. Likewise, this boy Zavulon wants to impress the public, but not by his gestures, but by his 'strong' stance and words.

Needless to say, that such a child causes only a mild grin among the adults. That is why 'bubochka' (бубочка, not to confuse with бабочка).
You know, sometimes when a child tries to be 'serious' and wants to impress adults, he can stamp his foot or shake a fisted hand. Likewise, this boy Zavulon wants to impress the public, but not by his gestures, but by his 'strong' stance and words.

Needless to say, that such a child causes only a mild grin among the adults. That is why 'bubochka' (бубочка, not to confuse with бабочка).
Never heard of that. Must be Ukrainian, which I despise to be honest. Do you mean to say that you know it to the extend that you can and do speak it freely? Come on, man, don't do that. When I hear your prisoners answering in Ukrainian I almost wish they had not taken them but shoot them right away instead.
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If they tried - the "war" would started earlier. That's all. We could not allow Ukraine join NATO (even if it means a nuclear war).

Kinda like Russia would never allow Litva and Estonia to join NATO right? :rolleyes-41:
...Ukrainian, which I despise to be honest...When I hear your prisoners answering in Ukrainian I almost wish they had not taken them but shoot them right away instead.

And then these chauvinist Ruscists call others Nazis? Mind boggling. :cuckoo:
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Never heard of that. Must be Ukrainian, which I despise to be honest. Do you mean to say that you know it to the extend that you can and do speak it freely? Come on, man, don't do that. When I hear your prisoners answering in Ukrainian I almost wish they had not taken them but shoot them right away instead.
No, not Ukrainian, I heard that from Russian-speaking people too. I mostly speak Russian, but I don't feel any contempt for Ukrainian. It is the tongue of my grandparents. Pure Ukrainian (not mixed with 'surzhyk') sounds good for me, especially in songs.

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