Ukraine has lost....and is losing more.....

No, not Ukrainian, I heard that from Russian-speaking people too. I mostly speak Russian, but I don't feel any contempt for Ukrainian. It is the tongue of my grandparents. Pure Ukrainian (not mixed with 'surzhyk') sounds good for me, especially in songs.
Okay then.
And allow Nazies to continue discrimination and genocide of Russians?

What "genocide of Russians". What the hell are you even talking about?

20% of Kiev are ethnic Russians, even more in places like Kherson, Mariupol and Zaparozhe and the only thing resembling a "genocide" they've ever witnessed was the Russian invasion.

Even talking about the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, all of about 100 people died between 2019 and 2022. Then Russian tanks rolled in and people started dying and getting wounded by the thousands a day.
What "genocide of Russians". What the hell are you even talking about?

20% of Kiev are ethnic Russians, even more in places like Kherson, Mariupol and Zaparozhe and the only thing resembling a "genocide" they've ever witnessed was the Russian invasion.

Even talking about the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, all of about 100 people died between 2019 and 2022. Then Russian tanks rolled in and people started dying and getting wounded by the thousands a day.
In 2014-2022 were killed more Russians in Donbass than Americans in 911 in New York. The war on terror was justificated by 911, the Banderlog hunting was justificated by Odessa massacre and eight years of unstopping terror against Donbass.

There is the moral difference between victims of terror and eliminated terrorists. Doesn't matter how many exactly Americans died in the terroristic attack. We are not playing an eye for an eye. Anyway, the people who organized that attack, should be eliminated by any cost (from their side). What is even more important - the ideology of terrorism (both islamic or nationalistic) should be eliminated. Doesn't matter how many Russians were burn alive in Odessa. The reaction of Kievan regime do. And it's reaction clearly demonstrated, that Kievan regime and it's Neo-Nazi ideology have no right to exist.
What "genocide of Russians". What the hell are you even talking about?

20% of Kiev are ethnic Russians, even more in places like Kherson, Mariupol and Zaparozhe and the only thing resembling a "genocide" they've ever witnessed was the Russian invasion.

Even talking about the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, all of about 100 people died between 2019 and 2022. Then Russian tanks rolled in and people started dying and getting wounded by the thousands a day.
Do you think that those people should have equal rights (including the right to use their language freely and have their political party)? Do you think that those people should not be abused, and their property should not be taken without proper compensation or judge decision ?
Do you support peaceful solution based on the conception of equal rights and undivided safety?

And yes, those people are fighting for their freedom.


Thank you, Litwin. You, one more time, demonstrated why Kievan regime have no right to exist.
You will be surprised, bubochka, but my views are quite moderate (if not to say more) comparing to a significant part of the rest.
Yes, I know. You are relatively sane person. But moderate Nazi, is a nazi, too. Bombs don't see the difference.
Kinda like Russia would never allow Litva and Estonia to join NATO right? :rolleyes-41:
No. Russia allowed expansion of NATO on the terms that there will be no permanent deployment of other's countries military units in the Eastern Europe. NATO violated the terms of NATO-Russia pact, and, therefore, Russia will take certain steps to eliminate this threat. Highly likely it means elimination of those countries.
No. Russia allowed expansion of NATO on the terms that there will be no permanent deployment of other's countries military units in the Eastern Europe. NATO violated the terms of NATO-Russia pact, and, therefore, Russia will take certain steps to eliminate this threat. Highly likely it means elimination of those countries.

1. Ukraine didn’t need any deployments, all it needed was membership for security guarantees just like Baltic countries.

2. Can you cite that “pact” along with instances of violations? Good luck.

Meanwhile, I will explain to you Article 5 of NATO charter - “Attack on a NATO member state is an attack against all NATO countries”

Russian attack on Litva and Estonia will be a de-facto attack on EU and United States, along with Japan, Finland and Sweeden. It will be a quick end of Russia as we know it today and it’s just a question if Moscow wants to end up as a nuclear wasteland when that happens.

In other words, no, there will never be a Russian invasion of NATO member, no matter what Solovyev barks on your state TV.
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Do you think that those people should have equal rights (including the right to use their language freely and have their political party)?

Yes. And they did have those rights before Russian invasion.

One Rus (Ukrainian: Русь Єдина) is a political party in Ukraine. It was established in June 2003 as the Slavic People's Patriotic Union. On November 8, 2005, the party changed to the name of Party of Putin Policy (Ukrainian: Партія політики ПУТІНА).

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Yes, I know. You are relatively sane person. But moderate Nazi, is a nazi, too. Bombs don't see the difference.
Yeah, they don't indeed. Russia bombs Ukrainian towns, Ukraine bombs Russian towns. Not sure what you are so proud of.
1. Ukraine didn’t need any deployments, all it needed was membership for security guarantees just like Baltic countries.
Another lie. May be, Ukraine don't need deployment of NATO forces (actually, Ukraine don't need to provoke Russia), but in the end of 2021 American B-52 Strategic bombers visited Ukrainian air space. And, of course, American already were preparing build their infrastructure in Sevastopol in 2013.

2. Can you cite that “pact” along with instances of violations? Good luck.
Start to read from here.

Meanwhile, I will explain to you Article 5 of NATO charter - “Attack on a NATO member state is an attack against all NATO countries”
Sure. And attack against one Russian community, in, say, Narva, is attack against all Russians, too. And let's see what tiger is more determined - made of paper or made of real flesh, blood, culture and language.

Russian attack on Litva and Estonia will be a de-facto attack on EU and United States, along with Japan, Finland and Sweeden. It will be a quick end of Russia as we know it today and it’s just a question if Moscow wants to end up as a nuclear wasteland when that happens.
Bla-bla-bla. Russia will survive and win in the large-scale war. May be, even America will survive (if surrender in time), but Europe, highly likely, won't survive at all.

In other words, no, there will never be a Russian invasion of NATO member, no matter what Solovyev barks on your state TV.
We'll see. From what I can see now, there are really very low chances to avoid this war. You guys are too stupid to make few steps back.
Yes. And they did have those rights before Russian invasion.

One Rus (Ukrainian: Русь Єдина) is a political party in Ukraine. It was established in June 2003 as the Slavic People's Patriotic Union. On November 8, 2005, the party changed to the name of Party of Putin Policy (Ukrainian: Партія політики ПУТІНА).

Ok. Another lie of yours. Russians don't even have a right to freely use their language, say nothing about Juntas terror (including mass murders). Ukraine was ordinary post-Sovet totalitarian sh-thole before Maidan, and it's became neo-nazi, oppressive, discriminative and mass-murdering sh-thole after Maidan.

Ukrainian USMB members do recognize fact of Russian discrimination, but they support it (including support of mass-murders by Litwin).
Another lie. May be, Ukraine don't need deployment of NATO forces (actually, Ukraine don't need to provoke Russia), but in the end of 2021 American B-52 Strategic bombers visited Ukrainian air space. And, of course, American already were preparing build their infrastructure in Sevastopol in 2013.

What the hell do any your fantastical stories have to do with the point that Ukraine should have been joining NATO in late 90’s / early 2000s?

Try to stay on point, if a conversation is about everything, then it’s about nothing.
Russians don't even have a right to freely use their language
You sound completely deranged when you say insane bullshit like that.

Russian language is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected minority language in Ukraine.

Anyone can speak it and in fact many Ukrainians still do.

Nobody can tell you what language to use unless it’s for official purposes, which is of course Ukrainian in Ukraine, just as Russian is in Russia,
Yeah, they don't indeed. Russia bombs Ukrainian towns, Ukraine bombs Russian towns. Not sure what you are so proud of.
We are killing nazies and we are doing it with relatively low losses. Why shouldn't I be proud about it? While we agree to have our disagreements, and agree with necessarity to solve those disagreements by the military means there are much more chances that you will be killed by a Russian bomb, that I will be killed by a NATO's bomb.
If we agree with it, may be, it could become the basis for the further discussion, like what would you prefer - to live as a Russian or to die as Ukrainian?
We are killing nazies and we are doing it with relatively low losses. Why shouldn't I be proud about it? While we agree to have our disagreements, and agree with necessarity to solve those disagreements by the military means there are much more chances that you will be killed by a Russian bomb, that I will be killed by a NATO's bomb.
If we agree with it, may be, it could become the basis for the further discussion, like what would you prefer - to live as a Russian or to die as Ukrainian?

What Nazis Vanyka?

You are killing, wounding and disfiguring Ukranians and your fellow Russians by the thousands EVERY DAY.

You are “liberating” people from their lives, homes, income, family and friends.

When are you going to wake the hell up already and realize the misery and damage you brainwashed chest pumping Russian-worlders are causing to others and yourselves?
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You sound completely deranged when you say insane bullshit like that.

Russian language is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected minority language in Ukraine.

Anyone can speak it and in fact many Ukrainians still do.

Nobody can tell you what language to use unless it’s for official purposes, which is of course Ukrainian in Ukraine, just as Russian is in Russia,
Ok. I got you. If you are that denial about the very facts of official and unofficial discrimination of the Russians in Ukraine, about official policy of NATO, demanding Russian lands in Novorussia and Crimea, about PACE demands of "decolonization" of Russia, and US strategic nuclear forces in Ukraine, we can simply agree to have our disagreements and to solve those disagreements by a military way.
But, even if we both agree with necessity of Russia-US nuclear war, we can discuss about avoiding unnecessary barbarism during this war.
What Nazis Vanyka?

You are killing, wounding and disfiguring Ukranians and your fellow Russians by the thousands EVERY DAY.

You are not liberating people, you are liberating people from their lives, homes, income, family and friends.

When are going to wake the fuck up already?
You are nazies. No offense, just a fact. And if you don't understand that we are liberating this land for you, well, then we are liberating it from you.

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