Ukraine is running out of ukrainians the two scenarios


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Sometime ago Vladimir Putin offered a non aggression pact to Zelenski which he rejected out of hand choosing war instead. What has that decision done for the nation of Ukraine? Are we content to say that at least they have their pride even if they have no national infrastructure left? Are we content to say that they can call themselves free men even though they've lost most of their economic potential? Are we content to say that the death and destruction blamed on Russia was worth the enduring and the cost because of the principles that were involved? In the final analysis can Zelenski look at himself in the mirror and say that he did the right thing for his people? We know that he did the right thing for his bank account.... But what about his people?
Hear it told that the average age of the Uke army is well over 30....That's not only fucked up, it shows that they're running out of men to run into the meat grinder.

Well placed reporters say average front line age is 43 and others say 45 .
No well trained reserves remaining .

Apparently new conscripts are lasting on average between two and three days only before being killed .

Over 15000 UAF have surrenderd which must actually be more than a nuisance for Russia .
Perhaps this is a new UAF stratregy to tire out the Red Army who have to feed etc them . rofl .
Sometime ago Vladimir Putin offered a non aggression pact to Zelenski which he rejected out of hand choosing war instead. What has that decision done for the nation of Ukraine? Are we content to say that at least they have their pride even if they have no national infrastructure left? Are we content to say that they can call themselves free men even though they've lost most of their economic potential? Are we content to say that the death and destruction blamed on Russia was worth the enduring and the cost because of the principles that were involved? In the final analysis can Zelenski look at himself in the mirror and say that he did the right thing for his people? We know that he did the right thing for his bank account.... But what about his people?
Russia offered acceptable terms to the Ukraine in Mar. 22 but America stood in the way of any peaceful agreement. The plan has always been to destroy Russia and eliminate any resistance to US world hegemony.

This is only stating what you already know and which is the basis from which you have been able to ask important questions.
Russia offered acceptable terms to the Ukraine in Mar. 22 but America stood in the way of any peaceful agreement. The plan has always been to destroy Russia and eliminate any resistance to US world hegemony.

This is only stating what you already know and which is the basis from which you have been able to ask important questions.

Sorry but I see it quite differently .

The so called March 22 peace offer was notionally scuppered by Deep State postman Boris Johnson under strict orders .
A simple message to the Midget -- fight on and we will squeeze the life out of Moscow slowly and long term
A disastrous miscalculation .100% back fired . Sanctions etc

However , at that stage Dear Uncle Volodya had learned the US and NATO way of doing things and his own offers were not serious and he would have turned any detail Peace Plan down flat , despite apparent initial overtures .
But playing matters this way allowed him to see more of the US and NATO "cards" and revealed little or nothing of his private aims .

He won 100% and totally out manoeuvred them .
Sorry but I see it quite differently .

The so called March 22 peace offer was notionally scuppered by Deep State postman Boris Johnson under strict orders .
A simple message to the Midget -- fight on and we will squeeze the life out of Moscow slowly and long term
A disastrous miscalculation .100% back fired . Sanctions etc

However , at that stage Dear Uncle Volodya had learned the US and NATO way of doing things and his own offers were not serious and he would have turned any detail Peace Plan down flat , despite apparent initial overtures .
But playing matters this way allowed him to see more of the US and NATO "cards" and revealed little or nothing of his private aims .

He won 100% and totally out manoeuvred them .
Squidging Pawns

Putin has been playing three-dimensional chess while the White- Replacement Glowbillies have been playing Tiddlywinks.
Sorry but I see it quite differently .

The so called March 22 peace offer was notionally scuppered by Deep State postman Boris Johnson under strict orders .
A simple message to the Midget -- fight on and we will squeeze the life out of Moscow slowly and long term
A disastrous miscalculation .100% back fired . Sanctions etc
that's right in my opinion too.
However , at that stage Dear Uncle Volodya had learned the US and NATO way of doing things and his own offers were not serious and he would have turned any detail Peace Plan down flat , despite apparent initial overtures .
But playing matters this way allowed him to see more of the US and NATO "cards" and revealed little or nothing of his private aims .

He won 100% and totally out manoeuvred them .
On what are you trying to disagree?

Facts have been established which even America doesn't pretend aren't true anymore.

Maybe something of interest is that the US/Nato is trying to push Zelensky to the negotiating table?

Fwiw, do you appreciate how this war is so cleverly tied to the one against the Zionist apartheid regime in that the world's opinion.

And how America is forced to tread lightly or it will find itself sitting alone with no friends except the Zionists?
Word is that we're now trying to end the conflict because we realize it's a losing proposition.

Let's hope it's true.


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