Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

Obama: Paris attacks 'terrible and sickening' setback in campaign to defeat Islamic State
The president grew irritated amid repeated questions about whether he had underestimated the strength of the Islamic State, which now appears to be focusing on targets outside its base in Syria and Iraq. In addition to the terror spree in Paris, the group has claimed responsibility for attacks in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as the downing of a Russian airline in Egypt.
All I did was point out what the hope and change president said. All he is doing now, is HOPING that he can get out of being the least powerful president and have the next guy INHERIT the mess he is going to leave HIM(Sorry no vagina for president). Even Obama knows how bad it is not only in Syria, but IRAQ also. Sheeple, why those in PARIS died. Another gun free zone that the RADICAL, LIBERAL, FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS, attacked with a furor. Coming to a country near you.
You're really too stupid to breathe. YOU injected Iraq into this conversation, now you run away from it like the pussy you are. Since ISIS is no longer spreading through Iraq, how was the president wrong when he said ISIS is contained in Iraq?

And the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred while we had a conservative in the White House, a conservative Senate, and a conservative House.

Don't ever forget that.
And that attack happened because Jamie Gorleck, the appointee from Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) caused the wall that separated the FBI from working with the CIA. Want to go down that road, you libtard? I will eat you up and spit you out, because nothing taste worse than a liberal.

A look back at the many times President Obama said he ended the war in Iraq.
Only in a liberals mind's eye has the Iraq war ended. Such stupid fucks you are.

Idiot. 9.11 happened because Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent it, despite being warned of hijackings, which he was given despite the Gorelick wall. Clinton received a similar warning in 1998. How did he manage to thwart the attack then if the Gorelick wall was the problem? You're too fucking committed to senility to fathom the answer.

And who said anything about the war in Iraq being over or not? You're fucking deranged. You see things that aren't there. :cuckoo:

ISIS is no longer spreading throughout Iraq. They are contained in Iraq. Capiche? Obama was right when he said that and you are an imbecile who couldn't even comprehend that it was you who injected Iraq into this debate. :eusa_doh:
Islamic State threatens attack on Washington, other countries
CAIRO - Islamic State warned in a new video on Monday that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington.
Maybe on their trip to Washington DC, they can pay a visit to the RAINBOW house and give the first homosexual president a visit? ISIS just loves to show their affections to Gay people, and I find it deserving that Obama in his liberal compassion, will invite those from Iraq and Syria who are fleeing the area of conflict that was caused by the wife of the sexual predator that was president from 1992 to 2000.
Thanks for revealing just how fucked in the head you really are.
Obama: Paris attacks 'terrible and sickening' setback in campaign to defeat Islamic State
The president grew irritated amid repeated questions about whether he had underestimated the strength of the Islamic State, which now appears to be focusing on targets outside its base in Syria and Iraq. In addition to the terror spree in Paris, the group has claimed responsibility for attacks in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as the downing of a Russian airline in Egypt.
All I did was point out what the hope and change president said. All he is doing now, is HOPING that he can get out of being the least powerful president and have the next guy INHERIT the mess he is going to leave HIM(Sorry no vagina for president). Even Obama knows how bad it is not only in Syria, but IRAQ also. Sheeple, why those in PARIS died. Another gun free zone that the RADICAL, LIBERAL, FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS, attacked with a furor. Coming to a country near you.
You're really too stupid to breathe. YOU injected Iraq into this conversation, now you run away from it like the pussy you are. Since ISIS is no longer spreading through Iraq, how was the president wrong when he said ISIS is contained in Iraq?

And the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred while we had a conservative in the White House, a conservative Senate, and a conservative House.

Don't ever forget that.
You know, you are a real shit, because you bring up how 9/11 happened, only because during the "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" president who was porking an intern, while terrorists were bombing the Kohbar Towers, the USS Cole, 2 embassies, and all the Blue Dress dribbler could do was call them police actions. Shame you are just a stupid sheeple, who knows NOTHING.
You should buzz your nurse and have her change your drool cup. You're making a disgusting mess all over yourself.
Obama: Paris attacks 'terrible and sickening' setback in campaign to defeat Islamic State
The president grew irritated amid repeated questions about whether he had underestimated the strength of the Islamic State, which now appears to be focusing on targets outside its base in Syria and Iraq. In addition to the terror spree in Paris, the group has claimed responsibility for attacks in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as the downing of a Russian airline in Egypt.
All I did was point out what the hope and change president said. All he is doing now, is HOPING that he can get out of being the least powerful president and have the next guy INHERIT the mess he is going to leave HIM(Sorry no vagina for president). Even Obama knows how bad it is not only in Syria, but IRAQ also. Sheeple, why those in PARIS died. Another gun free zone that the RADICAL, LIBERAL, FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS, attacked with a furor. Coming to a country near you.
You're really too stupid to breathe. YOU injected Iraq into this conversation, now you run away from it like the pussy you are. Since ISIS is no longer spreading through Iraq, how was the president wrong when he said ISIS is contained in Iraq?

And the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred while we had a conservative in the White House, a conservative Senate, and a conservative House.

Don't ever forget that.
And that attack happened because Jamie Gorleck, the appointee from Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) caused the wall that separated the FBI from working with the CIA. Want to go down that road, you libtard? I will eat you up and spit you out, because nothing taste worse than a liberal.

A look back at the many times President Obama said he ended the war in Iraq.
Only in a liberals mind's eye has the Iraq war ended. Such stupid fucks you are.

Idiot. 9.11 happened because Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent it, despite being warned of hijackings, which he was given despite the Gorelick wall. Clinton received a similar warning in 1998. How did he manage to thwart the attack then if the Gorelick wall was the problem? You're too fucking committed to senility to fathom the answer.

And who said anything about the war in Iraq being over or not? You're fucking deranged. You see things that aren't there. :cuckoo:

ISIS is no longer spreading throughout Iraq. They are contained in Iraq. Capiche? Obama was right when he said that and you are an imbecile who couldn't even comprehend that it was you who injected Iraq into this debate. :eusa_doh:

Back under Clinton, these were called "Police Actions" and the FBI was used to investigate the events and nothing was done about them. Osama was willingly given up for arrest to Clinton, and Clinton turned Osama down, but you blame George Bush. Just typical from an idiot who has no clue who the REAL enemies of America are.
Barack Obama Attacked For Insisting ISIS Are ‘Contained’ Just Hours Before Paris Terrorist Attack
During the interview Obama remarked, “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see the systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”
ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?
The November 13 Paris terrorist attack was well-coordinated with suicide bombings, grenade attacks, deadly shootings and hostage taking. As body counts rose, France’s borders closed and a state of emergency was declared. Hours later, the Islamic State [ISIS] threatened that was just the first with more to follow.
Back in the late 1930's, Neville Chamberlain came back to London and declared that Hitler was contained and would not seek to conquer other countries. Of course as history saw, at the time the most pacifistic leader, was soon duped and replaced. Today, Neville has been succeeded by the 1st 1/2 white leader who has turned a blind eye to EVIL, and is still inviting ISIS members into the US of A called liberal compassion, even if it kills American citizens. Obama has a small army protecting him, do you feel secure?
How much ground has ISIS gained in Iraq recently?
Feinstein: ISIS 'Not Contained' But 'Expanding' Across Globe
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warned today that she’s “never been more concerned” about the threat posed by ISIS.

“I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. They’ve just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country,” Feinstein told MSNBC.
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee
The difference between you(Faun) and me? You are a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, and I am not.

Obama: Paris attacks 'terrible and sickening' setback in campaign to defeat Islamic State
The president grew irritated amid repeated questions about whether he had underestimated the strength of the Islamic State, which now appears to be focusing on targets outside its base in Syria and Iraq. In addition to the terror spree in Paris, the group has claimed responsibility for attacks in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as the downing of a Russian airline in Egypt.
All I did was point out what the hope and change president said. All he is doing now, is HOPING that he can get out of being the least powerful president and have the next guy INHERIT the mess he is going to leave HIM(Sorry no vagina for president). Even Obama knows how bad it is not only in Syria, but IRAQ also. Sheeple, why those in PARIS died. Another gun free zone that the RADICAL, LIBERAL, FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS, attacked with a furor. Coming to a country near you.
You're really too stupid to breathe. YOU injected Iraq into this conversation, now you run away from it like the pussy you are. Since ISIS is no longer spreading through Iraq, how was the president wrong when he said ISIS is contained in Iraq?

And the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred while we had a conservative in the White House, a conservative Senate, and a conservative House.

Don't ever forget that.
And that attack happened because Jamie Gorleck, the appointee from Bill Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) caused the wall that separated the FBI from working with the CIA. Want to go down that road, you libtard? I will eat you up and spit you out, because nothing taste worse than a liberal.

A look back at the many times President Obama said he ended the war in Iraq.
Only in a liberals mind's eye has the Iraq war ended. Such stupid fucks you are.

Idiot. 9.11 happened because Bush did absolutely nothing to prevent it, despite being warned of hijackings, which he was given despite the Gorelick wall. Clinton received a similar warning in 1998. How did he manage to thwart the attack then if the Gorelick wall was the problem? You're too fucking committed to senility to fathom the answer.

And who said anything about the war in Iraq being over or not? You're fucking deranged. You see things that aren't there. :cuckoo:

ISIS is no longer spreading throughout Iraq. They are contained in Iraq. Capiche? Obama was right when he said that and you are an imbecile who couldn't even comprehend that it was you who injected Iraq into this debate. :eusa_doh:

Back under Clinton, these were called "Police Actions" and the FBI was used to investigate the events and nothing was done about them. Osama was willingly given up for arrest to Clinton, and Clinton turned Osama down, but you blame George Bush. Just typical from an idiot who has no clue who the REAL enemies of America are.

Nothing was done? You're fucking insane. :cuckoo: Those fuckers are still rotting in prisons where they can do no harm. And despite warnings in 1998 that terrorists were preparing to hijack planes to attack inside the U.S., Clinton had airport security raised and there was no such attack on his watch. Bush had similar warnings in 2001 and went on vacation.
Barack Obama Attacked For Insisting ISIS Are ‘Contained’ Just Hours Before Paris Terrorist Attack
During the interview Obama remarked, “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see the systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”
ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?
The November 13 Paris terrorist attack was well-coordinated with suicide bombings, grenade attacks, deadly shootings and hostage taking. As body counts rose, France’s borders closed and a state of emergency was declared. Hours later, the Islamic State [ISIS] threatened that was just the first with more to follow.
Back in the late 1930's, Neville Chamberlain came back to London and declared that Hitler was contained and would not seek to conquer other countries. Of course as history saw, at the time the most pacifistic leader, was soon duped and replaced. Today, Neville has been succeeded by the 1st 1/2 white leader who has turned a blind eye to EVIL, and is still inviting ISIS members into the US of A called liberal compassion, even if it kills American citizens. Obama has a small army protecting him, do you feel secure?
How much ground has ISIS gained in Iraq recently?
Feinstein: ISIS 'Not Contained' But 'Expanding' Across Globe
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warned today that she’s “never been more concerned” about the threat posed by ISIS.

“I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. They’ve just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country,” Feinstein told MSNBC.
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee
The difference between you(Faun) and me? You are a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, and I am not.

View attachment 54967
You're too stupid to even know what that means.

Feinstein wasn't talking about Iraq. Obama was. You still can't comprehend that. :cuckoo:
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
And these turdish right wingers say I make things up. Here is a perfect example of "let him die". Could you imagine hospital workers needing to step over sick people and bodies to get to work?
Barack Obama Attacked For Insisting ISIS Are ‘Contained’ Just Hours Before Paris Terrorist Attack
During the interview Obama remarked, “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see the systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”
ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?
The November 13 Paris terrorist attack was well-coordinated with suicide bombings, grenade attacks, deadly shootings and hostage taking. As body counts rose, France’s borders closed and a state of emergency was declared. Hours later, the Islamic State [ISIS] threatened that was just the first with more to follow.
Back in the late 1930's, Neville Chamberlain came back to London and declared that Hitler was contained and would not seek to conquer other countries. Of course as history saw, at the time the most pacifistic leader, was soon duped and replaced. Today, Neville has been succeeded by the 1st 1/2 white leader who has turned a blind eye to EVIL, and is still inviting ISIS members into the US of A called liberal compassion, even if it kills American citizens. Obama has a small army protecting him, do you feel secure?
How much ground has ISIS gained in Iraq recently?
Feinstein: ISIS 'Not Contained' But 'Expanding' Across Globe
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warned today that she’s “never been more concerned” about the threat posed by ISIS.

“I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. They’ve just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country,” Feinstein told MSNBC.
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee
The difference between you(Faun) and me? You are a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, and I am not.

View attachment 54967
You're too stupid to even know what that means.

Feinstein wasn't talking about Iraq. Obama was. You still can't comprehend that. :cuckoo:
I just cant wait till you idiots end up like those unfortunate ones in Paris, who didn't do anything about the infestation of liberal fundamentalist terrorists hell bent on killing you. By then it will be too late for you to know how Obummer failed in protecting your sorry ass, but hey, you keep on denying , it will end up with you dead.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
And these turdish right wingers say I make things up. Here is a perfect example of "let him die". Could you imagine hospital workers needing to step over sick people and bodies to get to work?
If those who cross the borders end up dead, then I will NOT shed a tear, as they could of stayed in their own countries and received that GREAT medical care from their governments. But no, they come here, destroy our medical systems, and then they go back home once we are turned into a 3rd world nation. You libtards are the dumbest people on the planet.
Barack Obama Attacked For Insisting ISIS Are ‘Contained’ Just Hours Before Paris Terrorist Attack
During the interview Obama remarked, “What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see the systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”
ISIS Is Contained, President Obama?
The November 13 Paris terrorist attack was well-coordinated with suicide bombings, grenade attacks, deadly shootings and hostage taking. As body counts rose, France’s borders closed and a state of emergency was declared. Hours later, the Islamic State [ISIS] threatened that was just the first with more to follow.
Back in the late 1930's, Neville Chamberlain came back to London and declared that Hitler was contained and would not seek to conquer other countries. Of course as history saw, at the time the most pacifistic leader, was soon duped and replaced. Today, Neville has been succeeded by the 1st 1/2 white leader who has turned a blind eye to EVIL, and is still inviting ISIS members into the US of A called liberal compassion, even if it kills American citizens. Obama has a small army protecting him, do you feel secure?
How much ground has ISIS gained in Iraq recently?
Feinstein: ISIS 'Not Contained' But 'Expanding' Across Globe
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warned today that she’s “never been more concerned” about the threat posed by ISIS.

“I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding. They’ve just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country,” Feinstein told MSNBC.
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee
The difference between you(Faun) and me? You are a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed, useful idiot, and I am not.

View attachment 54967
You're too stupid to even know what that means.

Feinstein wasn't talking about Iraq. Obama was. You still can't comprehend that. :cuckoo:
I just cant wait till you idiots end up like those unfortunate ones in Paris, who didn't do anything about the infestation of liberal fundamentalist terrorists hell bent on killing you. By then it will be too late for you to know how Obummer failed in protecting your sorry ass, but hey, you keep on denying , it will end up with you dead.
Nice. Wishing for the deaths of your betters.

How Christian of you.
Nope, just tired of shitheads like you who want US Citizens dead, so your political hacks can stay in power. You hate life, you hate everyone, even yourselves, so what better way to get rid of humans than allow those who wish US harm to come into the country, without any vetting of their backgrounds.

Funny how you say how Christian of you, when the horde of Muslim fanatics were on the doorstep of France back in the medieval days, and the Christians rose up and stomped the zelots back to the middle east. The 2nd crusades are upon US, you can keep your head up your ass, I know what is coming, are you ready for it?
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
So you're saying that his signing the law forced people to take advantage of it when they didn't have too???

The intent was to provide "emergency" healthcare, not allow cheap bastards to fill up emergency rooms when they have the flue....or bring in thousands of illegals to fill those ERs.
Last edited:
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
So you're saying that his signing the law forced people to take advantage of it when they didn't have too???

The intent was to provide "emergency" healthcare, not allow cheap bastards to fill up emergency rooms when they have the flue.

The gist of the conversation here is that some people like to pretend that "everything was lollipops and kittens until Obamacare." A subtext of that is "the Great God Reagan would never do anything like that."

The majority of people who worship Reagan are at best vague about his policies.
Nope, just tired of shitheads like you who want US Citizens dead, so your political hacks can stay in power. You hate life, you hate everyone, even yourselves, so what better way to get rid of humans than allow those who wish US harm to come into the country, without any vetting of their backgrounds.

Funny how you say how Christian of you, when the horde of Muslim fanatics were on the doorstep of France back in the medieval days, and the Christians rose up and stomped the zelots back to the middle east. The 2nd crusades are upon US, you can keep your head up your ass, I know what is coming, are you ready for it?
There's no denying it. You said you can't wait for those with whom you disagree politically, to die.

That speaks volumes over anything anyone else has said.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
So you're saying that his signing the law forced people to take advantage of it when they didn't have too???

The intent was to provide "emergency" healthcare, not allow cheap bastards to fill up emergency rooms when they have the flue....or bring in thousands of illegals to fill those ERs.
No, I'm saying it's idiotic to blame Liberalism for a law passed by a Conservative.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
So you're saying that his signing the law forced people to take advantage of it when they didn't have too???

The intent was to provide "emergency" healthcare, not allow cheap bastards to fill up emergency rooms when they have the flue....or bring in thousands of illegals to fill those ERs.
No, I'm saying it's idiotic to blame Liberalism for a law passed by a Conservative.
The law was passed by Congress, not the person who signs it.

I do blame the people that take advantage of laws. Sort of the way some people took advantage of the 14th amendment.
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC General Hospital Closing Is National Catastrophe
DC general at one time was a premier hospital, but when Ted Kennedy FORCED all hospital emergency rooms to serve patients whether they could pay or not, the unintended consequences FORCED that Hospital to close. When there were enough patients that could pay, those that couldn't got FREE healthcare. But then those paying patients started to have to pay more so others could continue to get FREE. Pretty soon no more paying patients showed up, and the hospital had to close. Closing a Hospital, and Fearing for the Future
The hospital and its outpatient clinics, owned by the Mercy health care system in St. Louis, was where people in this city of 9,000 turned for everything from sore throats to emergency treatment after a car crash. Now, many say they are worried about what losing Mercy will mean not just for their own health, but for their community’s future.
When you VOTE for liberalism, the unintended consequences of doing that might just end up killing you.

View attachment 52043
Just how insane are you? Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act into law.
So you're saying that his signing the law forced people to take advantage of it when they didn't have too???

The intent was to provide "emergency" healthcare, not allow cheap bastards to fill up emergency rooms when they have the flue....or bring in thousands of illegals to fill those ERs.
No, I'm saying it's idiotic to blame Liberalism for a law passed by a Conservative.
The law was passed by Congress, not the person who signs it.

I do blame the people that take advantage of laws. Sort of the way some people took advantage of the 14th amendment.
Only goes to show how ignorant of civics you are. Sans a Congressional veto override or inaction by the president, neither of which occurred in this case .... no bill becomes a law without the president's consent. The president owns the bills he signs.

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