Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

And....since their ability to continue to hide.....er, reside in this country, was the central issue in the election....

....wadda ya' think.....

.....did they vote????

You betcha' they did.
In California, several million are given documents so they can vote..

There were fewer than 800,000 AB60's, and the DMV firewalled them from voter registration.

Well...you had a number of opportunities to answer the query, this:
...your current claim is that the only way for illegal aliens to get to vote is via those 'special' driver's licenses?.

Go ahead....try.
Hence, if even one in ten voted.....my argument is proven.

One in ten of 15 million is only 1.5 million. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million. Even your dreams aren't mathematically possible.

You need a review???


Now....let's see if you are educable:

1. First and foremost is this: Liberals have been well trained never to question the uttering's of their elites, no matter how obvious the fallacious and transparent the fabrications.
If it is day and Liberal establishment says it is night, they have been disciplined to nod and agree the fabrication.

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

....the indoctrinated reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma.

2. Determining the number of illegals is significant. Democrats will want to pretend that it is the lowest estimate....
If there are 12 million or so illegals living here, well...then it's easier to deny that they represent Bill's wife's supposed victory in the popular vote.
But.....if it's a far greater number.......

And it is.

Watch this:

3. James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, writes

"... the U.S. Census Bureau routinely undercounts and then adjusts upward total census numbers of Hispanics and other foreign nationals residing in the United States––counting only, of course, those willing to be counted. For the year 2000, the Census Bureau reported a total U.S. population count of “about 275 million” men, women, and children.

When the states and local governments challenged that number as an undercount, the total was corrected upward to 281.4 million, with no clear count of illegal aliens. The Hispanic 2000 census count was 32.8 million, but on re-count the Census Bureau adjusted this number upward to 35.3 million, a 13 percent increase."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Increased the totals by 13%!!!

Soooo....if we apply that same 'adjustment' to the fabled 11 million....over a decade of so....we have almost 40 million.

And that isn't counting family members brought in under the law.

But....ask a lying Liberal....and the number is still 11 million.

4. ....not a single leftist defender of Bill's wife's imaginary victory in the 'popular vote' has confronted post #68 which brings the number of illegal aliens to over 40 million.

5. Another way to arrive at the numbers of illegals in the country is to base it on the number of apprehensions and escapes.

"The average number of recorded apprehensions of illegal aliens in the United States now hovers at 1.2 million a year [in 2007]. A DHS report, Border Apprehensions: 2005, documented 1.3 million apprehensions in 2005. For the 10-year period (1996–2005), the highest number of apprehensions, 1.8 million, occurred in 2000, and the lowest, 1 million, in 2003. These DHS statistics contradict persistent statements by other government agencies that only 400,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens enter the country each year.

Journeymen Border Patrol agents (on the job five years or more) estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven. That informed estimate would raise the total number of illegal aliens entering the United States in 2003 to 8 million men, women, and children.

He concludes that:

My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports.

Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

6. But other Border Patrol agents estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven......which would give a total of nearly 80 million illegals occupying our country.

The number of illegals would be at least.....at least.....60-80 million at this time.....permanently residing right here is this country.

What percentage of that number would have to vote for Bill's wife's total number to be greater than that of Americans who voted for Trump?

4%.....5%........Looks like a sure thing, doesn't it: Donald Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote if we discount illegal alien votes.

And....since their ability to continue to hide.....er, reside in this country, was the central issue in the election....

And they would jeopardize their anonymity by registering to vote?

That's you claim, that illegals, registered their name, address, date of birth while hiding in the shadows.

50 million or more hide in plain sight throughout America.

In California, several million are given documents so they can vote.

Where does PC get her BS from?

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

Repost after repost of things she doesn't even understand. In a decade doesn't mean currently.
Let's remember political chic had doubled and redoubled and redoubled and redoubled her illegal "estimates"

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com
All we know for certain is that the Democrat Party has forever abandoned the middle class in favor of: the non-living, the multiple voter and the Illegal. For Dems, this is matter of life or death
And....since their ability to continue to hide.....er, reside in this country, was the central issue in the election....

And they would jeopardize their anonymity by registering to vote?

That's you claim, that illegals, registered their name, address, date of birth while hiding in the shadows.


"And they would jeopardize their anonymity by registering to vote?"

Hard to believe what a fool you are.

The snake, Obama told them they wouldn't be caught.

Read it and weep:

Obama:...''here is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

Soooo.....what are they 'jeopardizing,' you moron???????
Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

You claimed there were 50 million today, not in a decade.

Why are lies your only media of exchange?

More than 50 million.

And, no....I didn't claim it.....it was experts who stated the fact.
James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, and actual members of the Border Patrol.
Let's remember political chic had doubled and redoubled and redoubled and redoubled her illegal "estimates"

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

They aren't my estimates.
They are by experts.
"Even if the Russians hacked the california DMV, and registered all blah blah blah....."

Point of order!!!!

The point is under your theoretical (although firewall blocked, and protocol prevented) voter registration of all AB60 license holders, that's less than 800,000

Less than 800.000

Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.
what "firewall"? The DMV never forwarded the illegal registrations to be vetted
Which means the illegal aliens who got driver's licenses were never registered to vote.

Is any of this sinking in yet?

You're 0 for the entire thread.

They were registered.

You're such an idiot.

See if you can follow the bouncing ball....

What is the process?

When people go to the DMV to obtain or renew a driver's license, or to get a state identification card, they’ll be asked for the usual information in such transactions, such as their name, date of birth and address. They’ll also be asked to affirm their eligibility to vote and will be given the choice of opting out of registering at that time. Information about anyone who does not decline registration will be electronically transmitted from the DMV to the secretary of state’s office, where citizenship will be verified and names will be added to the voter rolls.​

... soooo .... if the DMV is NOT transmitting illegal aliens' data to the Secretary of State for voter registration, how are illegals getting registered to vote?

.... this is where you tuck your tail between your hind legs and cower away.


More than 50 million.

And, no....I didn't claim it.....it was experts who stated the fact.l.

You quoted an estimate ten years in the future.

would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade.

You said that was the current number.
Breach? DMV is even not forwarding the registrations to CA SecState.

I showed you that 30 pages ago. Do you even speak English?

I was showing that given a mission impossible style computer breech of the DMV, where they stole the NOC list (aka AB60 list) and forwarded it to the Sec of State voter registration program, it was physically limited to under 800,000.

NO way do I accept this happened, but even in political chic fantasy land where it was possible, it still would only produce 1/3rd of what they claimed.
That involves numbers. You can't expect anyone on the right to understand what you're saying.
"Even if the Russians hacked the california DMV, and registered all blah blah blah....."

Point of order!!!!

The point is under your theoretical (although firewall blocked, and protocol prevented) voter registration of all AB60 license holders, that's less than 800,000

Less than 800.000

Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million.
what "firewall"? The DMV never forwarded the illegal registrations to be vetted
Which means the illegal aliens who got driver's licenses were never registered to vote.

Is any of this sinking in yet?

You're 0 for the entire thread.

They were registered.

You're such an idiot.

See if you can follow the bouncing ball....

What is the process?

When people go to the DMV to obtain or renew a driver's license, or to get a state identification card, they’ll be asked for the usual information in such transactions, such as their name, date of birth and address. They’ll also be asked to affirm their eligibility to vote and will be given the choice of opting out of registering at that time. Information about anyone who does not decline registration will be electronically transmitted from the DMV to the secretary of state’s office, where citizenship will be verified and names will be added to the voter rolls.​

... soooo .... if the DMV is NOT transmitting illegal aliens' data to the Secretary of State for voter registration, how are illegals getting registered to vote?

.... this is where you tuck your tail between your hind legs and cower away.


You're not denying that these are Obama's words......are you?

''there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
They aren't my estimates.
They are by experts.

The experts call you a liar.

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

More than 50 million.

And, no....I didn't claim it.....it was experts who stated the fact.l.

You quoted an estimate ten years in the future.

would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade.

You said that was the current number.

No, you imbecile....the decade in question began in 2003!!!!!

"Those who have followed the invasion by illegal immigrants have noticed that, in spite of their own observations and a wide-open southern border, the 11 million number has been used for more than a decade.

Pew, the most-quoted source, has used the figure since 2005. Some Homeland Security references approximating that number go back to 2003."
How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

It has multiplied and compounded since!!!

Of course it is at lest 50 million.

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