US kills 200 Russians in Syria

I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

Putin controls Syria now. That horse is out of the barn
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

Putin controls Syria now. That horse is out of the barn

Think. If Putin controlled Syria now, we wouldn't be there. And last year, we wouldn't have bombed the crap out of them.
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. We have nothing to gain in Syria and Putin has everything to lose. He would start WWIII to keep it.

The number one reason is the naval base in the city of Tartus. This is Russia's only access to the Mediterranean and that is of vital strategic importance to Russia. Just last year Syria gave Russia territorial sovereignty over the base and now Russia is working to improve the port so it can handle all naval vessels to include aircraft carriers. Russia will not give up this base without a war, most likely a nuclear war.

We need to get out of Syria, we have no winning hand there, there is no outcome that is good for the US.

Actually there are two MAJOR reasons for Putin to want to control Syria. One is the warm water port as you correctly pointed out.

The other is that Putin has Europe by the short hairs over energy. Pipelines are the way to transport massive energy and right now all the pipelines to Europe are from Russia.

Europe wants to build pipelines from the Arabian Gulf. However, looking at a map, you can see they would have to go through Syria. Assad is blocking the pipeline construction. That is also a major reason that Russia would as you correctly say go to the wall to keep Syria.

I believe they'd invade Syria themselves to keep control over it. That just isn't necessary

And we can thank Obama for letting the Russians into Syria.
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Any thoughts on Russia's legal right to be operating inside of Syria compared to the illegality of the US presence?
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. We have nothing to gain in Syria and Putin has everything to lose. He would start WWIII to keep it.

The number one reason is the naval base in the city of Tartus. This is Russia's only access to the Mediterranean and that is of vital strategic importance to Russia. Just last year Syria gave Russia territorial sovereignty over the base and now Russia is working to improve the port so it can handle all naval vessels to include aircraft carriers. Russia will not give up this base without a war, most likely a nuclear war.

We need to get out of Syria, we have no winning hand there, there is no outcome that is good for the US.

Actually there are two MAJOR reasons for Putin to want to control Syria. One is the warm water port as you correctly pointed out.

The other is that Putin has Europe by the short hairs over energy. Pipelines are the way to transport massive energy and right now all the pipelines to Europe are from Russia.

Europe wants to build pipelines from the Arabian Gulf. However, looking at a map, you can see they would have to go through Syria. Assad is blocking the pipeline construction. That is also a major reason that Russia would as you correctly say go to the wall to keep Syria.

I believe they'd invade Syria themselves to keep control over it. That just isn't necessary

And we can thank Obama for letting the Russians into Syria.
How about a reality check. Russian port in Syria was established when Nixon was President almost a half-century ago. Reinforced and upgraded between 2005-2008 during the Bush Administration in response to the invasion of Iraq.
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. We have nothing to gain in Syria and Putin has everything to lose. He would start WWIII to keep it.

The number one reason is the naval base in the city of Tartus. This is Russia's only access to the Mediterranean and that is of vital strategic importance to Russia. Just last year Syria gave Russia territorial sovereignty over the base and now Russia is working to improve the port so it can handle all naval vessels to include aircraft carriers. Russia will not give up this base without a war, most likely a nuclear war.

We need to get out of Syria, we have no winning hand there, there is no outcome that is good for the US.

Actually there are two MAJOR reasons for Putin to want to control Syria. One is the warm water port as you correctly pointed out.

The other is that Putin has Europe by the short hairs over energy. Pipelines are the way to transport massive energy and right now all the pipelines to Europe are from Russia.

Europe wants to build pipelines from the Arabian Gulf. However, looking at a map, you can see they would have to go through Syria. Assad is blocking the pipeline construction. That is also a major reason that Russia would as you correctly say go to the wall to keep Syria.

I believe they'd invade Syria themselves to keep control over it. That just isn't necessary

And we can thank Obama for letting the Russians into Syria.

Russia has been in Syria probably longer than you have been alive
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

Putin controls Syria now. That horse is out of the barn

Think. If Putin controlled Syria now, we wouldn't be there. And last year, we wouldn't have bombed the crap out of them.

We tried to use a civil war to dislodge Russia by taking out Assad. We failed, mostly because any group we were supporting was actually worse than Assad.
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

Russia supports Iran. Yes, we lose control. No, none of us should be fighting. Yes, this is reality.
I'm calling fake news. Putin would not order Russians to directly attack Americans,

and if he did, it would be a world threatening crisis.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

USA vs Nigeria in snow, you must be joking

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

Russia supports Iran. Yes, we lose control. No, none of us should be fighting. Yes, this is reality.

Yes they do, that was another failure of US foreign policy back in the 70s.

Other reports have it at 100 Russians killed and still others have it at 100 killed, mainly Syrians and perhaps some Russians.

And they didn't attack....they just got a little too close...and got BLASTED.

It has been said many times that Putin will constantly prob for weaknesses...and during the Obama Administration all he found was weakness.

And that when he finds resistance, he backs off.

The only thing we know for sure right now about the event in Syria is that he found some serious bad-ass resistance this time.

Anybody have a guess what's changed?

We think Obama could have been a Muslim; we are almost sure he was a Marxist; we know he was a Pussy.

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

USA vs Nigeria in snow, you must be joking

Are you drunk?
Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

USA vs Nigeria in snow, you must be joking

Are you drunk?
try to find the Mongols here

Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

USA vs Nigeria in snow, you must be joking

Are you drunk?
Sergey Brin, Google's American cofounder and Russian emigrant, once said that Russia was "Nigeria with snow.
Trump gifted Syria to Putin and Iran. This was an anamoly.

Syria has been Russia's for decades. He would start WWIII to keep it. We need to get out of Syria.

They lies the words of a fool. Right. Putin would kill to keep Syria (why?) and we should just walk away and give it to him? It is EXACTLY because Putin wants Syria so badly that we must NEVER let him have it. If we do, we lose control of the entire Middle East.

He already has it and it is not worth starting WWIII over to the US. We do not lose control of the whole middle east in Russia is in Syria, as they have been for decades.

Russia supports Iran. Yes, we lose control. No, none of us should be fighting. Yes, this is reality.

Yes they do, that was another failure of US foreign policy back in the 70s.

We can go back to the 50's with korea, 60's and 70's with vietnam, iran-hostage crisis, iraq 1 and 2.... We have lots of adventures that create other adventures. Its all geopolitics. Now, it's all pointing to one tiny little country.....israel.
And just like that, left wingers are now fans of Putin/Russia.

Remember when pathetic left wingers like the perpetual moronic OP blamed Comey for costing his kuuunt to lose the election, and then JUST LIKE THAT, big fan of Comey...

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