USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Put up a sign about rules in the bar and include NO indecent exposure. :)
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Phx. really got pounded last night.
We were fine in the South East for a change. :)

Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Well I'm not there and don't know the whole picture, but my first instinct is to pull her aside and advise that she must not do that in your bar as you are not licensed as a place that offers even partial nudity. If she persists, call the police and report her for indecent exposure.
Phx. really got pounded last night.
We were fine in the South East for a change. :)


We had a nice rain but I don't believe any serious flooding. ANY amount of significant rain in Albuquerque will create some street flooding as we just don't have the drainage systems to handle it well.
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Put up a sign about rules in the bar and include NO indecent exposure. :)
This is Alabama. It is understood that showing your ass in public is way bad. The woman was pissed and with good reason.
We do have signs like check your six shooter with the bartender... but geeze!
Frankly, I'm more bothered by "another woman". What she's doing is a more serious crime and potentially more dangerous to my patrons.
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Well I'm not there and don't know the whole picture, but my first instinct is to pull her aside and advise that she must not do that in your bar as you are not licensed as a place that offers even partial nudity. If she persists, call the police and report her for indecent exposure.
One thing you avoid in this business whenever you can is calling the police. I have once and that was for the safety of my staff and my customers (the crazy guy I almost had to shoot).
Showing your butt, while distasteful is not dangerous.
You have to remember that when the police are called, a report is made. The paper may pick it up and maybe not, but the prior owners had scantily clad women dancing on the bar and after a year and a half, I have mostly gotten rid of the bad reputation the building carries.
A report of a woman arrested for indecent exposure would bring that all back.
On the other hand, "another woman" is engaging in the world's oldest profession. Same dilemma only worse, and she can be a lot more trouble for me in the long run.

Well, gotta head in in a bit...
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Put up a sign about rules in the bar and include NO indecent exposure. :)
This is Alabama. It is understood that showing your ass in public is way bad. The woman was pissed and with good reason.
We do have signs like check your six shooter with the bartender... but geeze!
Frankly, I'm more bothered by "another woman". What she's doing is a more serious crime and potentially more dangerous to my patrons.

Stealing another woman's boyfriend has been a problem since the beginning of time.
I don't think you can do anything about that, it's up to the boyfriend and girlfriend.
Prostitution on the other hand is something altogether.
Just 86 them. Tell them all your employees know to remove them from the premises immediately and that you do not tolerate their behavior ANYWHERE on their property. Put a sign up saying NO SOLITICING OF ANY KIND ALLOWED. Then stick to it. If it took that long to give your bar a better rep, you gotta be tough and firm in keeping that rep you fought for.
Phx. really got pounded last night.
We were fine in the South East for a change. :)


We had a nice rain but I don't believe any serious flooding. ANY amount of significant rain in Albuquerque will create some street flooding as we just don't have the drainage systems to handle it well.

Phx really got it with high winds up to 65 mph and flooding and no electricity for 12 hours.
Trees did a lot of damage, windows broken.
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....
If she shows up again and misbehaves tell her she's welcome as long as she behaves herself. The next time she misbehaves toss her out and tell her never to come back.
Prostitutes have a higher reputation than car sales people, afraid I am no help on this one Ernie.
So, mom is fine. We went out for lunch too, and then I didn't feel like going back to work, so I used more of my PTO time today. I know, I'm a bad girl. :oops: Whenever I have to do something that messes with my schedule, I have a difficult time motivating myself. I don't know why.

I don't think there is a 'why' but I think we all feel that way to a certain extent. I'm curious though. Working from home are you paid by the hour and are expected to keep a set schedule? Or are you paid by the pieces of work that you do and can do that at any point in a 24 hours period so long as you meet a deadline?
Problem is, drunks don't usually do what they are warned not to do. They go out of their way to be even more obnoxious. Just 86 her ass along with the other one plying her trade in your bar.
Problem is, drunks don't usually do what they are warned not to do. They go out of their way to be even more obnoxious. Just 86 her ass along with the other one plying her trade in your bar.

Some of those issues aren't so simple in practice though. I do hear what Ernie is saying about having to live down somebody else's reputation for a business you bought and the dynamics of public perception depending on how things are handled.

I don't remember what network it was, but I recall a TV program--it might have been "Under Cover Boss" but I can't remember for sure. Anyhow a bunch of actors were sent into a place of business--with secret cameras rolling of course--to create various hostile, awkward, embarrassing, disruptive, or otherwise difficult situations to see how the staff, and especially the management, handled it. I have 30 to 40+ years of pure management experience under my belt, and in all honesty I wouldn't have handled some of those situations as well as they were handled. And of course some did not end well.

The most interesting thing I learned though is that different approaches sometimes worked equally well depending on the situation. That underscores that there is not always a cut and dried solution for some of that stuff.
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Just 86 them. Tell them all your employees know to remove them from the premises immediately and that you do not tolerate their behavior ANYWHERE on their property. Put a sign up saying NO SOLITICING OF ANY KIND ALLOWED. Then stick to it. If it took that long to give your bar a better rep, you gotta be tough and firm in keeping that rep you fought for.
The above mentioned another woman hadn't arrived befor I left for nap time, so her ejection will have to wait until I see her. The bartender I left knows what's happening, but I asked her to let me handle it. I would expect the woman to be stopping in tonight.

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