USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s sore foot and friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Ernie and his friend Royce's family, especially Alisha, as they prepare for the final goodbye,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi's post surgery healing.
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Mertex as she prepares for the final goodbye for her friend,
Ringel and his family in transition and Mrs. Ringel's impending surgery,
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's impending surgery,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning everybody. Good to see that KissMy dropped by again. :)

Looking forward to our probably first 90 degree day today, but it is June and usually the hottest month of the year for us. Drinking coffee and trying to get my body to agree that it should be up - headed over to the rehab center to lead the Sunday worship service for the residents there after while. Hombre goes to help the folks with the hymnbooks, finding the page to sing and such. I think God won't mind if we skip our regular church service in order to do that. Half my congregation will sleep through it, some will be off in their own little world somewhere, but for those who do come to participate and are able to do so, they really make it special for those of us blessed to be in that ministry.

So here's hoping everybody has a great Sunday.
I guess I would post here more often if I had something nice to say...:dunno:

Rejoice in the day's beauty.

Unless you are caught in a tornado alley, then run like hell.

Good advice, [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION]

The weather here is, as the Germans say: "Postkartkenperfekt"

(I bet I need not have to translate that).


My little 7-year old and I, we went "swimming" from 10:00-14:00, but were more often than not in the big olympic sized pool and she was really willing to actually swim. I had to lecture her some and give her that famous "Papa" look, but I think it's really sinking in with her that the ability to really be able to swim well could one day be a life-saver for her - or someone else.

I love swimming. Always have. And at 50, I've decided to get my speed and endurance back, so I'm doing major laps on the weekends when the little one is not visiting Papa. I explained that to her and she looked a little as if she felt left out, so I explained to her if she wanted a bigger piece of the pie, so to speak, then she would need to apply herself.

She then looked at me and said in perfect English: "no sweat, no gain, Papa."

That was a great moment.

Watching a child grow up and being a part of it is by far the greatest blessing from G-d that I can think of. These are the moments that make life really worth living, imo.
just saying hello before I get on the road and head home..

Have any of you guys ever tried a navigation site called Waze? you can down load it to your phone for free. it gives you multiple options for your trip and you pick the one you want. it points out where all of the traffic and construction are and if there is a delay recommends an alternate route. it points out where all the cops are too and warns you when you are coming up on them. its user interactive so when you pass by where they are you can click yes, till there or no, they've moved. that helps keep the site current. almost like the old CB concept. really cool. check it out.

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