USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's 1500. I haven't done anything constructive all day. Well, it's too late in the day now to change that... Tomorrow is Sunday. It's the day God has set aside for everybody to rest. I don't want to make God angry so I don't plan on doing much tomorrow except for going to church. Monday I have a foot doctor appointment. Tuesday the guy is coming to fix the window. So, it looks like I won't be doing anything constructive until at least Wednesday.

It 0038 here already and my little one kept me so hopping, soon I am going to fall asleep right in front of USm.....................................
Beautiful warm Saturday morning and I have a cold. What the heck? I have surgery on Friday, I can't have a cold. Somebody please take this cold for me?

Sorry, Sheila. The Gift of Colds is that they can be shared with as many people as you wish but they can never be taken away once you have the Gift of a Cold. You must use it all up by yourself. I know, that seems selfish but that is why there is the sharing provision build in so you don't have to feel selfish by keeping it all to yourself. :badgrin:
Back from voting and a sandwich at IHOPs and now Hombre is watching a girl's college softball championship game and I'm trying to get past writer's block to finish my sermonette that I will give at the Rehab Center in the morning. Funeral for our then oldest member of Senior Saints on Monday--he passed this past week but had been on Hospice for awhile and it was not unexpected.

Does it seem on some days that the world just seems to be spinning faster and faster with little or no respite just to allow us to stop and just be once in awhile?

We cannot stop the world from spinning faster and faster, Foxy, but we can take our own respites. In fact I took one today. I have a whole backlog of things to do but I needed the mental and physical downtime. So I took BBD's sage advice and had myself a post lunch nap. I feel a whole lot better now. :smiliehug:
Beautiful warm Saturday morning and I have a cold. What the heck? I have surgery on Friday, I can't have a cold. Somebody please take this cold for me?

Sorry, Sheila. The Gift of Colds is that they can be shared with as many people as you wish but they can never be taken away once you have the Gift of a Cold. You must use it all up by yourself. I know, that seems selfish but that is why there is the sharing provision build in so you don't have to feel selfish by keeping it all to yourself. :badgrin:

dang, I'm outta rep.
It's 1500. I haven't done anything constructive all day. Well, it's too late in the day now to change that... Tomorrow is Sunday. It's the day God has set aside for everybody to rest. I don't want to make God angry so I don't plan on doing much tomorrow except for going to church. Monday I have a foot doctor appointment. Tuesday the guy is coming to fix the window. So, it looks like I won't be doing anything constructive until at least Wednesday.
Couldn't agree more. Aside from church, I just plan to watch the ball game tomorrow afternoon, and then we head out to dinner. No work for me as well on Sundays. :D
Back from voting and a sandwich at IHOPs and now Hombre is watching a girl's college softball championship game and I'm trying to get past writer's block to finish my sermonette that I will give at the Rehab Center in the morning. Funeral for our then oldest member of Senior Saints on Monday--he passed this past week but had been on Hospice for awhile and it was not unexpected.

Does it seem on some days that the world just seems to be spinning faster and faster with little or no respite just to allow us to stop and just be once in awhile?

We cannot stop the world from spinning faster and faster, Foxy, but we can take our own respites. In fact I took one today. I have a whole backlog of things to do but I needed the mental and physical downtime. So I took BBD's sage advice and had myself a post lunch nap. I feel a whole lot better now. :smiliehug:

A nap after lunch never hurt anybody. Actually, it helps out in a lot of situations. Helped me get through high school way back when.
It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.
I finally go back to work tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to it. I still have bruising, the pain is a lot less and I only need something in the evenings now. Will be good to see all my workmates again! :)
It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.

That phrase would not work on me...but "Yes, Darlin'" makes me melt.:redface:
It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.

My grandfather, keep in mind he was born in the late 1800's, would not take a hot bath. He claimed they took away his strength. He bathed once month in the creek "whether he needed it or not." Needless to say, my grandmother and grandfather had separate bedrooms for as long as I could remember.

My mother once asked my grandmother why she never left him and she said, "Well, I was going to once, but I couldn't figure out how to hitch up the horses." My mother always believed our divorce rate is so high because women can drive.
It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.

That phrase would not work on me...but "Yes, Darlin'" makes me melt.:redface:

Nothing like a good ear smooching
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It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.

That phrase would not work on me...but "Yes, Darlin'" makes me melt.:redface:

Nothing like a good ear smooching
Or the threat of a big hickey on the neck.
It's Saturday night so I guess I should go upstairs and take my shower. I do it every Saturday night. Also on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays too. Mrs. BBD says if I don't shower every night I have to sleep out in the yard. She's been trying to put me out in the yard for a lot of years and when she finally succeeds, it won't be because I need a shower. There's a trick to marital happiness. I shall share it with you. First, and most importantly, always stay one step ahead of your spouse. Secondly, and almost as equally important, learn how to say "Yes, Dear" often and with a smile. Good night everybody.

That phrase would not work on me...but "Yes, Darlin'" makes me melt.:redface:

Nothing like a good ear smooching

Did I ever mention that I have an ear lobe fetish??:eusa_whistle:

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