Vermont plans launch of ‘universal’ health care system: It’s a ‘right and not a privi

Canada did it one Province at a time in the beginning. Trial and error. We will get there.

And the result is a right to a waiting list, not healthcare.

Um........that is not true.

I know that you have heard that many, many times. I know that you believe it to be true. However, if you were to spend an honest hour researching the matter, you would no doubt discover that Canadians are very satisfied with their health care system. You would learn that the talking point about waiting times is largely without substantiation. You would also find out that Candians do not, as is widely believed in your circles, flock to America for medical attention because they cannot get it at home.

I know......this is something that you are not interested in checking out. I understand.

There are extended wait periods for certain non-life threatening things. This is also true in the UK, although in the UK, people with supplemental insurance usually do not see these waiting periods as they are moved to the front of the line in most cases. Canada spends substantially less on healthcare than we do, so to a degree, this is a choice. Canadians would benefit if they allowed for supplemental insurance as they do in the UK. The biggest drawback to the Canadian system is that they are the only game in town and nobody is permitted to compete with them in any way.

The rest of what you said is true though. Very few Canadians come to the US for any healthcare, and the vast majority of Canadians are happy with their system. I know a number of them as do my parents. In talking to most of them, they think our system is a joke and would want no part of it.
Canada did it one Province at a time in the beginning. Trial and error. We will get there.

I'm glad they are going to try this out. We need to learn if it will work and how well it will work. While I do support a one payer system, I would prefer some type of hybrid system that allows for supplemental insurance as they have in the UK.

The UK does not allow supplemental insurance. It's illegal there, which in my opinion is one reason why their health care system is so awful.

Yes, the UK does allow for supplemental insurance. It is Canada that does not.

Private supplemental insurance can be used in the UK at a private care facility or at an NHS facility. If there is a waiting period and you have supplemental insurance, you jump to the head of the line, because it brings extra money into the system.

This article gives a pretty good and accurate picture of the NHS and the UK's system.
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I'm quite confident that when we finally switch to a single payer system like the rest of the developed world, we'll do it better. We are Americans after all. I'm sure our universal healthcare system will leave plenty of room for insurance companies that offer supplemental plans.

lol yes because everything the American government does is so damned efficient. lmfao,

Not everything, but Medicare works pretty great. Medicare for all and the insurance companies will survive...selling supplements.
Yes, all that's needed is to change the age for Medicare from birth to death. It's all set up, and works at a 3% cost.
lol yes because everything the American government does is so damned efficient. lmfao,

Not everything, but Medicare works pretty great. Medicare for all and the insurance companies will survive...selling supplements.
Yes, all that's needed is to change the age for Medicare from birth to death. It's all set up, and works at a 3% cost.

Never mind the bloated inefficiencies and fraud. Medicare is the problem, not the solution.
Is romneycare still being subsidized by the fed gov't?

Does it matter if it is subsidized or not?

Yes, it does, because if it can't survive without the other 49 states helping to pick up the tab it's not working, is it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.
Does it matter if it is subsidized or not?

Yes, it does, because if it can't survive without the other 49 states helping to pick up the tab it's not working, is it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.
Does it matter if it is subsidized or not?

Yes, it does, because if it can't survive without the other 49 states helping to pick up the tab it's not working, is it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

I was talking about Massachusetts, not Vermont.
lol yes because everything the American government does is so damned efficient. lmfao,

Not everything, but Medicare works pretty great. Medicare for all and the insurance companies will survive...selling supplements.
Yes, all that's needed is to change the age for Medicare from birth to death. It's all set up, and works at a 3% cost.

It would not work the same when once you add 200 million people to it and bear in mind many doctors don't take Medicare because it underpays them for their services. This is one of many reasons why our health care costs have risen.
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Yes, it does, because if it can't survive without the other 49 states helping to pick up the tab it's not working, is it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.

People are not losing coverage. Some are being put in a situation where they must choose a different plan that covers things their plan did not cover, but they are not losing their insurance.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.

People are not losing coverage. Some are being put in a situation where they must choose a different plan that covers things their plan did not cover, but they are not losing their insurance.

CBS: Obamacare Causing People To Lose Their Insurance | Washington Free Beacon

Millions Facing Huge Costs, Lost Coverage Thanks to Obamacare Upheaval

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Nearly 1.5 Million Lose Health Insurance Due to ObamaCare

Policy cancellations, higher premiums add to frustration over Obamacare - CBS News

I wonder how willfully stupd you have to be to post something like that.
Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.

People are not losing coverage. Some are being put in a situation where they must choose a different plan that covers things their plan did not cover, but they are not losing their insurance.

CBS: Obamacare Causing People To Lose Their Insurance | Washington Free Beacon

Millions Facing Huge Costs, Lost Coverage Thanks to Obamacare Upheaval

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Nearly 1.5 Million Lose Health Insurance Due to ObamaCare

Policy cancellations, higher premiums add to frustration over Obamacare - CBS News

I wonder how willfully stupd you have to be to post something like that.

Why won't you be honest?

I post 5 news stories about how people are losing their health insurance and I'm not being honest?
I guess "honest" = toes the party line.
Yes, it does, because if it can't survive without the other 49 states helping to pick up the tab it's not working, is it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.
Increasing coverage doesn't seem to be the purpose of the legislation since the coverage is so high now. In fact, I really don't understand the purpose of the legislation. It can't be implementing till after 2017, will require federal approval, maybe even legislation, and they have not identified how they would fund it.
This seems to be much ado about nothing. Even before the ACA, 91% of the people in Vermont had healthcare coverage. It should near a 100% after the ACA is fully implemented. It looks like to me this proposal predates the enactment of the ACA. Vermont population is only 628,000 and they have just 15 hospitals.

Why do you think coverage will be higher vs lower? More people are losing their coverage thanks to Obozo care than are gaining it.
VT would not need to float such an expensive program if Ocare truly made coverage universal.
Increasing coverage doesn't seem to be the purpose of the legislation since the coverage is so high now. In fact, I really don't understand the purpose of the legislation. It can't be implementing till after 2017, will require federal approval, maybe even legislation, and they have not identified how they would fund it.

What could possibly go wrong?
What happens when every mooch moves there? Did they factor that into the coat?
There are certainly differences in premiums from state to state due primarily to the amount of competition and state insurance laws however there is not enough difference to attract people to move to the state since coverage in all states must meet ACA minimum requirements. The cost difference for a plan with the same benefits may be as much as a few hundred dollars between states but not thousands.
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There is no such thing as a free lunch, and shit happens.

Two of the laws of thermodynamics...and, interestingly enough, government run healthcare.
Vermont plans launch of ‘universal’ health care system: It’s a ‘right and not a privilege’

MONTPELIER, Vt. — As states open insurance marketplaces amid uncertainty about whether they’re a solution for health care, Vermont is eying a bigger goal, one that more fully embraces a government-funded model.

The state has a planned 2017 launch of the nation’s first universal health care system, a sort of modified Medicare-for-all that has long been a dream for many liberals.

The plan is especially ambitious in the current atmosphere surrounding health care in the United States. Republicans in Congress balk at the federal health overhaul years after it was signed into law. States are still negotiating their terms for implementing it. And some major employers have begun to drastically limit their offerings of employee health insurance, raising questions about the future of the industry altogether

Read more: Vermont plans launch of 'universal' health care system: It's a 'right and not a privilege' - Washington Times
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Well, if they do that what in the hell is going to happen to Obamacare? People in Vermont need to support Obamacare--otherwise it collapses. If we have states moving into their own state funded programs, Obamacare collapses. BTW Medicare is a federal program not state run.
Well, if they do that what in the hell is going to happen to Obamacare? People in Vermont need to support Obamacare--otherwise it collapses. If we have states moving into their own state funded programs, Obamacare collapses. BTW Medicare is a federal program not state run.

I thought that was the Master Plan. Obamacare fails and everyone says 'Hey! Look what Vermont has going. Let's use that instead.'

Poof...mission accomplished
Well, if they do that what in the hell is going to happen to Obamacare? People in Vermont need to support Obamacare--otherwise it collapses. If we have states moving into their own state funded programs, Obamacare collapses. BTW Medicare is a federal program not state run.

I thought that was the Master Plan. Obamacare fails and everyone says 'Hey! Look what Vermont has going. Let's use that instead.'

Poof...mission accomplished

Don't you find it kind of odd that a blue state is doing this? Frankly the Republican governors in this country are talking about the same. Stating that states can handle the health care needs of their own citizens better than some ONE SIZE FITS All mandate that comes from Washington D.C.

Just the state run Obamacare web-sites working just fine while the Federal web-site isn't-- I have to definitely agree. But at the same time it collapses Obamacare.
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