voting for the Lesser Evil... LOL!

you're closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped. The issue is the corruption w/ the current two parties and their monopoly status that cements it

One of the reason the Libertarian Party was created was the fact that Americans were being forced to vote for the lesser of two evils or none of the above.

Now we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils, or a propellerhead, or none of the above.
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.
The problem is happening in the primaries.

Lunatics, by their very nature, have a lot of energy even though their numbers may be small. Because they are powered by crazy juice, they turn out at conventions and town hall meetings and caucuses and primaries in numbers way out of proportion. Thus they have a disproportionate influence on the ridiculous and impossible multicolored litmus tests a candidate has to pass to make it past the primary.

"Why, yes, if elected I promise to vote for the repeal of ObamaCare eleventy hundred times."

"Why, yes, if elected I promise free puppies for hookers to be paid for by the stinking rich!"

Centrists need to get off their asses, suit up and show up, and kick the lunatics back to the moon where they belong.
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.

they (TPTB) Think they have Won.
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.

I'm sick of sending the latest liar to have them sip single malt scotch & smoke cigars all night at Bullfeathers (among other things) w/ lobbyists & assorted other connected cronies then , during the day, they "service" the well-connected.
A lesser evil is still evil. Voting gives tacit assent to the status quo, especially when voting for either of the two majors.

the reality is that voting for a third party that has no chance of winning ensures victory by the worst of the other two. That is a fact of life. Thats how we got Obama twice and Clinton the first time. Staying home or voting third party will always get us the worst possible result. Until everyone comes to that realization we will continue to elect incompetents like obama.

No, what managed to get us Obama was NOT the fact that people voted for third parties. What got us Obama is the fact that the trash you keep electing to the republican ticket does not represent those that are voting for those third parties. Stop acting like republicans are OWED that vote and start working on EARNING it.

It is always laughable when the right comes in here stomping and whining about people not voting for them causing Obama's ascendancy as though the republican party is not to blame and those damn people not voting for them are.

Tell you what - when the republicans start actually PRACTICING what they preach they just might earn my vote. Until then, it simply is not going to happen. I will not vote for the shit sandwich you are offering because you tell me the OTHER shit sandwich tastes even worse. They are both shit sandwiches and they really do taste the same...
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.

they (TPTB) Think they have Won.

and they Have in fact Won with the Broken two party (itchy and scratchy show) Reps vs Dems...
A lesser evil is still evil. Voting gives tacit assent to the status quo, especially when voting for either of the two majors.

the reality is that voting for a third party that has no chance of winning ensures victory by the worst of the other two. That is a fact of life. Thats how we got Obama twice and Clinton the first time. Staying home or voting third party will always get us the worst possible result. Until everyone comes to that realization we will continue to elect incompetents like obama.

No, what managed to get us Obama was NOT the fact that people voted for third parties. What got us Obama is the fact that the trash you keep electing to the republican ticket does not represent those that are voting for those third parties. Stop acting like republicans are OWED that vote and start working on EARNING it.

It is always laughable when the right comes in here stomping and whining about people not voting for them causing Obama's ascendancy as though the republican party is not to blame and those damn people not voting for them are.

Tell you what - when the republicans start actually PRACTICING what they preach they just might earn my vote. Until then, it simply is not going to happen. I will not vote for the shit sandwich you are offering because you tell me the OTHER shit sandwich tastes even worse. They are both shit sandwiches and they really do taste the same...

I agree to a point. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket. However, Romney would have been a very good president. The country would be much better off today if he had won. But he ran a crappy campaign and the GOP let the media define him. The dems won the propaganda battle, and the country is the victim of that win.
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.

I'm sick of sending the latest liar to have them sip single malt scotch & smoke cigars all night at Bullfeathers (among other things) w/ lobbyists & assorted other connected cronies then , during the day, they "service" the well-connected.

so whats your alternative? stay home and let the lunacy continue? or like most people, vote against the worst candidate?
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.

I'm sick of sending the latest liar to have them sip single malt scotch & smoke cigars all night at Bullfeathers (among other things) w/ lobbyists & assorted other connected cronies then , during the day, they "service" the well-connected.

so whats your alternative? stay home and let the lunacy continue? or like most people, vote against the worst candidate?
read the thread and find out. Its only 3 pages smart guy. I spelled-it-out on > one ocassion.
A lesser evil is still evil. Voting gives tacit assent to the status quo, especially when voting for either of the two majors.

the reality is that voting for a third party that has no chance of winning ensures victory by the worst of the other two. That is a fact of life. Thats how we got Obama twice and Clinton the first time. Staying home or voting third party will always get us the worst possible result. Until everyone comes to that realization we will continue to elect incompetents like obama.

No, what managed to get us Obama was NOT the fact that people voted for third parties. What got us Obama is the fact that the trash you keep electing to the republican ticket does not represent those that are voting for those third parties. Stop acting like republicans are OWED that vote and start working on EARNING it.

It is always laughable when the right comes in here stomping and whining about people not voting for them causing Obama's ascendancy as though the republican party is not to blame and those damn people not voting for them are.

Tell you what - when the republicans start actually PRACTICING what they preach they just might earn my vote. Until then, it simply is not going to happen. I will not vote for the shit sandwich you are offering because you tell me the OTHER shit sandwich tastes even worse. They are both shit sandwiches and they really do taste the same...

I agree to a point. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket. However, Romney would have been a very good president. The country would be much better off today if he had won. But he ran a crappy campaign and the GOP let the media define him. The dems won the propaganda battle, and the country is the victim of that win.
I am not so sure I totally agree. Romney actually didn't run that bad of a campaign IMHO. I think it had more to do with the fallout from Bush felt through the party. Republican registration dipped sharply after that and I don't think it really has recovered.

Obama has been able to blame a stunning amount of his failures on Bush and, for the most part, the nation has bought it.

As far as the media defining Romney - that is a continuous problem the GOP has in general. I don't really know why their messaging machine is so inferior to the democrats but the dems are almost always in charge of the message. The republicans really have to gain some semblance of control over that if they expect to gain the white house again. The whole 'I like to fire people' shtick really highlights that entire problem. What Romney actually said makes complete sense - what the media fed on was an outright lie. It hurts to see campaigns boiled down to where the dog was placed on a road trip and a badly worded statement on freedom over your business and affairs - it shows how far the electorate had abdicated their responsibilities.
Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.
If we have two candidates, like in the last election, who are the same in all respects, but one of the candidates will more than likely invade Iran.

I believe that I have a duty to prevent more American GI's from dying ,to prevent the military industrial complex from making a gazillion dollars MORE in profit, to prevent the complete and total destruction of our economy, and to prevent the creation of more "terrorists" who will seek our death and destruction.

Voting for the lesser of two evils still means you are voting for evil. When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. I absolutely refuse to tell either evil they are doing something right.

So I don't vote. I will not encourage them.
If we have two candidates, like in the last election, who are the same in all respects, but one of the candidates will more than likely invade Iran.

I believe that I have a duty to prevent more American GI's from dying ,to prevent the military industrial complex from making a gazillion dollars MORE in profit, to prevent the complete and total destruction of our economy, and to prevent the creation of more "terrorists" who will seek our death and destruction.


totally foolish. Obama's policies are putting a lot more americans in danger than Romney's would have. No one was going to invade Iran, thats an idiotic statement.

one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.
one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.
one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.

Nope, I would cut the federal budget 30% across the board, every program, every agency, every line in the budget (if we had one, that is).

My only point above was that military spending does put americans to work, does put tax money in the federal treasury, and does ensure the safety of the american people. But, having said that, I would cut the DOD budget 30% just like the rest of it.
one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.

Nope, I would cut the federal budget 30% across the board, every program, every agency, every line in the budget (if we had one, that is).

My only point above was that military spending does put americans to work, does put tax money in the federal treasury, and does ensure the safety of the american people. But, having said that, I would cut the DOD budget 30% just like the rest of it.
It is rather funny how liberals always want to cut the military while promoting asinine redistribution programs.

the military is essentially the largest "jobs program" the government ever dreamed up.
one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.

one more thing-----------the evil military industrial complex provides millions of good paying jobs for AMERICAN workers, pays billions in federal taxes, and keeps us safe. If you think those are negatives then you are dumber than I thought.

Another justification for maintaining the status quo. Nothing can be cut, nothing can be eliminated, we have to steal from our grandchildren to keep from having our favorite ox gored.

Nope, I would cut the federal budget 30% across the board, every program, every agency, every line in the budget (if we had one, that is).

My only point above was that military spending does put americans to work, does put tax money in the federal treasury, and does ensure the safety of the american people. But, having said that, I would cut the DOD budget 30% just like the rest of it.
It is rather funny how liberals always want to cut the military while promoting asinine redistribution programs.

the military is essentially the largest "jobs program" the government ever dreamed up.

should we do away with the military? half of it? a third of it? Should we shut down the factories making ships, planes, tanks, guns, bullets, uniforms, boots, rations? If we do that where will those millions of workers get jobs? do we just put them on food stamps and welfare?

sure its a jobs program, a constitutionally required one and a necessary one.
Am i the only one who thinks us being reduced to this is Pathetic? OMFG.. :eek-52:
No, you are not alone.

The large part of this country that doesn't vote, doesn't just do that because they don't know how or don't have time. Many of them examined the pro's & cons of voting for "the least worst" and decided, like I have, that voting for them (one of the two major parties) only encourages them.

Gen'l/President Washington warned about parties for good reason. They, & the mega "too big to fail" banks need to be broken-up yesterday.
who are you trying to kid? vote Democrat dont even give a fuck about non party people....gezzus Dot read your dam threads and posts.....they seem to tell a different story....

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