Was Flynn entrapped?

I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!
The walls are closing in on their Orange Hero, so they are grasping at straws trying to lesson the impact as they slowly realize that their hero is a huge P O S...

Did you even read your own link? Flynn's statements didn't match what he said before exactly so.....viola....he is prosecuted. What a bunch of B.S. He wasn't even mirandized. You are willing to believe a 30+ year veteran who willingly and without a lawyer gave voluntary statements to the F.B.I. knowingly put himself in legal jeopardy? What a dumbass you are.
I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.

The walls are closing in on their Orange Hero, so they are grasping at straws trying to lesson the impact as they slowly realize that their hero is a huge P O S...

Sounds more like YOU are grasping and straws. Your TDS is strong.

Did you even read your own link? Flynn's statements didn't match what he said before exactly so.....viola....he is prosecuted. What a bunch of B.S. He wasn't even mirandized. You are willing to believe a 30+ year veteran who willingly and without a lawyer gave voluntary statements to the F.B.I. knowingly put himself in legal jeopardy? What a dumbass you are.

The plea agreements literally lay out *both* lies that Flynn told to federal investigators. And yet you didn't know what those lies were until we told you.

You're so blinded by hyper partisan hysteria that you're literally ignoring a plea agreement in which Flynn admits his own guilt in place of whatever batshit conspiracy theory you choose to imagine.

That's wildly irrational.

Why she lied under oath...............time and time again.........but she's too big to jail.........

But Flynn is the devil...........hmmmm

I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?
The walls are closing in on their Orange Hero, so they are grasping at straws trying to lesson the impact as they slowly realize that their hero is a huge P O S...

Sounds more like YOU are grasping and straws. Your TDS is strong.

Says the guy in who is ignoring Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt and refusing to look at his plea agreement.......while inventing some silly conspiracy backed by nothing.

Who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son? Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you.....citing your imagination. And your imagination v. Michael Flynn's confession has the same winner every time:

Not you.

Did you even read your own link? Flynn's statements didn't match what he said before exactly so.....viola....he is prosecuted. What a bunch of B.S. He wasn't even mirandized. You are willing to believe a 30+ year veteran who willingly and without a lawyer gave voluntary statements to the F.B.I. knowingly put himself in legal jeopardy? What a dumbass you are.

The plea agreements literally lay out *both* lies that Flynn told to federal investigators. And yet you didn't know what those lies were until we told you.

You're so blinded by hyper partisan hysteria that you're literally ignoring a plea agreement in which Flynn admits his own guilt in place of whatever batshit conspiracy theory you choose to imagine.

That's wildly irrational.

WTF are you even talking about? Flynn never lied as proven by your own link. How blind can you be?
The walls are closing in on their Orange Hero, so they are grasping at straws trying to lesson the impact as they slowly realize that their hero is a huge P O S...

Sounds more like YOU are grasping and straws. Your TDS is strong.

Says the guy in who is ignoring Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt and refusing to look at his plea agreement.......while inventing some silly conspiracy backed by nothing.

Who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son? Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you.....citing your imagination. And your imagination v. Michael Flynn's confession has the same winner every time:

Not you.

Of course he is not saying that the F.B.I. is pressuring his son. Would you in a same circumstance knowing your son will go to jail? Go soak your head.
I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?

I'll ask again....who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. No court document. Not Mueller. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you....citing your imagination.

Contradicting you....is Michael Flynn himself. Who has admitted to his guilt and acknowledged that he isn't being coerced by anyone. You're ignoring hard evidence in favor of your imagination.

That's irrational.
I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?

I'll ask again....who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. No court document. Not Mueller. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you....citing your imagination.

Contradicting you....is Michael Flynn himself. Who has admitted to his guilt and acknowledged that he isn't being coerced by anyone. You're ignoring hard evidence in favor of your imagination.

That's irrational.

I'll say it again, it's right there in YOUR link. Misstatements are NOT lies. Hillary taught us that. Seems she is not subject to the same rules.
The walls are closing in on their Orange Hero, so they are grasping at straws trying to lesson the impact as they slowly realize that their hero is a huge P O S...

Sounds more like YOU are grasping and straws. Your TDS is strong.

Says the guy in who is ignoring Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt and refusing to look at his plea agreement.......while inventing some silly conspiracy backed by nothing.

Who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son? Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you.....citing your imagination. And your imagination v. Michael Flynn's confession has the same winner every time:

Not you.

Of course he is not saying that the F.B.I. is pressuring his son. Would you in a same circumstance knowing your son will go to jail? Go soak your head.

Who other than you is saying that Mueller is pressuring Flynn on his son?

Even your anonymous sources don't make that claim. Its just you....citing whatever batshit conspiracy you choose to make up. While ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes.

You've allowed your rabid partisanship to blind you. You're ignoring hard evidence.....and relying exclusively on your imagination.

Again, that's irrational.
I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?

I'll ask again....who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. No court document. Not Mueller. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you....citing your imagination.

Contradicting you....is Michael Flynn himself. Who has admitted to his guilt and acknowledged that he isn't being coerced by anyone. You're ignoring hard evidence in favor of your imagination.

That's irrational.

I'll say it again, it's right there in YOUR link. Misstatements are NOT lies. Hillary taught us that. Seems she is not subject to the same rules.

You've never looked at the link. You refuse to look at his plea agreement. You're aggressively ignorant, refusing to look at anything that contradicts you.....even Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt.

How do we know? As no where in the plea agrement does the phrase 'misstatement' appear. Flynn admitted to "willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious, and fraudulent statements". Which most definitely is a lie.

But you don't know this....because you are so blinded by partisanship, that you starkly refuse to look at what Flynn actually admitted in his plea agreement. And are instead, predictably, unsurprisngly....

.....making up yet more blithering nonsense pulled directly from your imagination.

Is that it? Just you making shit up?
Who other than you is saying that Mueller is pressuring Flynn on his son?

Even your anonymous sources don't make that claim. Its just you....citing whatever batshit conspiracy you choose to make up. While ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes.

You've allowed your rabid partisanship to blind you. You're ignoring hard evidence.....and relying exclusively on your imagination.

Again, that's irrational.

CNN for one....

"Washington (CNN)Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

Flynn's concern could factor into decisions about how to respond to Mueller's ongoing investigation. The special counsel is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign as well as the business dealings of key campaign advisers to President Donald Trump.
Flynn's wife, Lori, shares his concerns about their son's possible legal exposure, according to a person who knows the family."

Flynn worries about son in special counsel probe - CNNPolitics

You lied when you said Flynn didn't mention F.B.I. pressure on his son. You are woefully under informed and a flaming TDSer.
I thought Mueller's investigation was about Russian Collusion, not about how many lives you can ruin under high pressure questioning. Mueller is doing a great impersonation of a Gestapo officer. Heil Mueller!!

What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?

I'll ask again....who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. No court document. Not Mueller. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you....citing your imagination.

Contradicting you....is Michael Flynn himself. Who has admitted to his guilt and acknowledged that he isn't being coerced by anyone. You're ignoring hard evidence in favor of your imagination.

That's irrational.

I'll say it again, it's right there in YOUR link. Misstatements are NOT lies. Hillary taught us that. Seems she is not subject to the same rules.

You've never looked at the link. You refuse to look at his plea agreement. You're aggressively ignorant, refusing to look at anything that contradicts you.....even Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt.

How do we know? As no where in the plea agrement does the phrase 'misstatement' appear. Flynn admitted to "willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious, and fraudulent statements". Which most definitely is a lie.

But you don't know this....because you are so blinded by partisanship, that you starkly refuse to look at what Flynn actually admitted in his plea agreement. And are instead, predictably, unsurprisngly....

.....making up yet more blithering nonsense pulled directly from your imagination.

Is that it? Just you making shit up?

Tell us exactly what false and ficticious and fraudulent statements did Flynn make? I read your link. You 'starkly refuse' to see that we have a corrupt DOJ at the highest levels. People like you would have believed Hitler.
Checking Robert Mueller

Robert Mueller has operated for 19 months as a law unto himself, reminding us of the awesome and destructive powers of special counsels. About the only possible check on Mr. Mueller is a judge who is wise to the tricks of prosecutors and investigators. Good news: That’s what we got this week.

Former national security adviser Mike Flynn a year ago pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Mr. Flynn’s defense team this week filed a sentencing memo to Judge Emmet Sullivan that contained explosive new information about the Flynn-FBI meeting in January 2017.

It was arranged by then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who personally called Mr. Flynn on other business, then suggested he sit down with two agents to clear up the Russia question. Mr. McCabe urged Mr. Flynn to conduct the interview with no lawyer present—to make things easier.

The agents (including the infamous Peter Strzok) showed up within two hours. They had already decided not to inform Mr. Flynn that they had transcripts of his conversations or give him the standard warning against lying to the FBI. They wanted him “relaxed” and “unguarded.” Former Director James Comey this weekend bragged on MSNBC that he would never have “gotten away” with such a move in a more “organized” administration.

The whole thing stinks of entrapment, though the curious question was how the Flynn defense team got the details. The court filing refers to a McCabe memo written the day of the 2017 meeting, as well as an FBI summary—known as a 302—of the Flynn interview. These are among documents congressional Republicans have been fighting to obtain for more than a year, only to be stonewalled by the Justice Department. Now we know why the department didn’t want them public.

They have come to light thanks to a man who knows well how men like Messrs. Mueller and Comey operate: Judge Sullivan. He sits on the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, and as he wrote for the Journal last year, he got a “wake-up call” in 2008 while overseeing the trial of then-Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. Judge Sullivan ultimately assigned a lawyer to investigate Justice Department misconduct.

The investigator’s report found prosecutors had engaged in deliberate and repeated ethical violations, withholding key evidence from the defense. It also excoriated the FBI for failing to write up 302s and for omitting key facts from those it did write. The head of the FBI was Mr. Mueller.

Judge Sullivan has since made it his practice to begin every case with a Brady order, which reminds prosecutors of their constitutional obligation to provide the defense with any exculpatory evidence. On Dec. 12, 2017, days after being assigned the Flynn case, Judge Sullivan issued such an order, instructing Mr. Mueller’s team to turn over “any evidence in its possession that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.” Had any other judge drawn the case, we likely would never have seen these details of the FBI’s behavior.

It’s clear that something has concerned the judge—who likely sees obvious parallels to the Stevens case. The media was predicting a quick ruling in the Flynn case. Instead, Judge Sullivan issued new orders Wednesday, demanding to see for himself the McCabe memo and the Flynn 302. He also ordered the special counsel to hand over by Friday any other documents relevant to the Flynn-FBI meeting.

Given his history with the FBI, the judge may also have some questions about the curious date on the Flynn 302—Aug. 22, 2017, seven months after the interview. Texts from Mr. Strzok and testimony from Mr. Comey both suggest the 302 was written long before then. Was the 302 edited in the interim? If so, by whom, and at whose direction? FBI officials initially testified to Congress that the agents did not think Mr. Flynn had lied.

Judges have the ability to reject plea deals and require a prosecutor to make a case at trial. The criminal-justice system isn’t only about holding defendants accountable; trials also provide oversight of investigators and their tactics. And judges are not obliged to follow prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations.

No one knows how Judge Sullivan will rule. His reputation is for being no-nonsense, a straight shooter, an advocate of government transparency. Whatever the outcome, he has done the nation a favor by using his Brady order to hold prosecutors to some account and allow the country a glimpse at how federal law enforcement operates. Which is the very least the country can expect.

Outline - Read & annotate without distractions

It is hard not to come to the conclusion that two different forms of justice exist in this country, one for democrats and another for their adversaries. Specifically anyone with ties to Trump.

Oh, and did you know that the iphones issued to Strozk and Page by the SCO were determined BY SOMEONE IN THE SPECIAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE to contain ‘No substantive texts, notes or reminders', so the phones were wiped clean and restored to factory settings, meaning anything on them was gone. That was done after both of them were removed from the SCO investigation back in the summer of 2017, but given that many within Mueller's organization were friends/supporters/associates/donors to the Clintons, how much credence should we give to those determinations?

We don't know what information was summarily destroyed, but the whole process stinks to high heaven. Maybe it's all coincidental and innocent of wrong-doing, no proof that it wasn't because once again any possible incrimination evidence has been deleted. You know, after awhile a patttern kind of emerges.

The OIG was able to recover more than 19,000 texts between Strozk and Page on their old government-issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices that had been lost due to the agency’s “collection tool failure.” The OIG did not include the content of these texts in the report. I suspect at some point maybe we'll find out more about what really happened.

DOJ Destroyed Missing Strzok/Page Texts Before IG Reviewed Them
'Some congressional Republicans had suggested the messages were intentionally deleted. The inspector general report says there's no evidence Strzok and Page circumvented protocol."
No evidence they were destroyed, gawd the federalist is horrible.
Get back to reality, such as a former bush ethics lawyer says Trump should work out a plea deal and resign.
What 'high pressure questioning'?

You guys keep eventing imaginary scenarios based on nothing to and excuse criminal behavior.


OK stop with the 'eventing imaginary scenarios' meme will ya? Or is that all ya got?

I'll ask again....who is saying that Mueller is threatening Flynn's son?

Not Flynn. Not Flynn's son. No court document. Not Mueller. Not Flynn's lawyers. Not your anonymous sources.

Its just you....citing your imagination.

Contradicting you....is Michael Flynn himself. Who has admitted to his guilt and acknowledged that he isn't being coerced by anyone. You're ignoring hard evidence in favor of your imagination.

That's irrational.

I'll say it again, it's right there in YOUR link. Misstatements are NOT lies. Hillary taught us that. Seems she is not subject to the same rules.

You've never looked at the link. You refuse to look at his plea agreement. You're aggressively ignorant, refusing to look at anything that contradicts you.....even Michael Flynn's own admission of guilt.

How do we know? As no where in the plea agrement does the phrase 'misstatement' appear. Flynn admitted to "willfully and knowingly making materially false, ficticious, and fraudulent statements". Which most definitely is a lie.

But you don't know this....because you are so blinded by partisanship, that you starkly refuse to look at what Flynn actually admitted in his plea agreement. And are instead, predictably, unsurprisngly....

.....making up yet more blithering nonsense pulled directly from your imagination.

Is that it? Just you making shit up?

Tell us exactly what false and ficticious and fraudulent statements did Flynn make? I read your link. You 'starkly refuse' to see that we have a corrupt DOJ at the highest levels. People like you would have believed Hitler.

No, you didn't read the link. As it lays out *exactly* which 'false, ficticious and fraudulent statements' that Flynn made. The entire document is only three paragraphs long. And yet you still won't read it.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

You're insisting that Flynn didn't lie. Flynn admits that he did. And gets extremely specific, naming the exact dates he lied and what he lied about.

Yet in defiance of all reason and in slavish obedience to mindless partisanship, you ignore Michael Flynn's express admission of guilt and refuse to even read his plea deal.

You do get that you refusing to look at the plea deal doesn't magically make it disappear, right?
Who other than you is saying that Mueller is pressuring Flynn on his son?

Even your anonymous sources don't make that claim. Its just you....citing whatever batshit conspiracy you choose to make up. While ignoring Michael Flynn on Michael Flynn's crimes.

You've allowed your rabid partisanship to blind you. You're ignoring hard evidence.....and relying exclusively on your imagination.

Again, that's irrational.

CNN for one....

"Washington (CNN)Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

Flynn's concern could factor into decisions about how to respond to Mueller's ongoing investigation. The special counsel is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign as well as the business dealings of key campaign advisers to President Donald Trump.
Flynn's wife, Lori, shares his concerns about their son's possible legal exposure, according to a person who knows the family."

Flynn worries about son in special counsel probe - CNNPolitics

You lied when you said Flynn didn't mention F.B.I. pressure on his son. You are woefully under informed and a flaming TDSer.

Flynn said he's concerned over his son's legal exposure. No where does Flynn say that Mueller is pressuring Flynn over his son.

You made that up.

Only you are making this claim, backed by nothing.

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