Was Trump Wiretapped? Just the facts.

James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.
I still think the leaks came from inside the DNC. What they did to Bernie pissed off a lot of other people.

Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any.

"Ya, but where's the evidence? There isn't any."

Where is the evidence that Trump is an Agent of Putin? There isn't any.

How many Democrats since say 2015 have met with the Russian Ambassador to America, how many Democrats have met with Putin? So how do we know Schumer and Pelosi etc aren't Agents of Putin?
Newly discovered secret evidence shows that Benjamin Netanyahu is a Putin secret agent and bedfellow with the Russians. The photo was taken by 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.
Flynn got fired, that's enough hard evidence to justify the questions. How can you deny that?

Flynn was fired for not telling the truth to the VP about his contact with the Russians. At this point, there has been no evidence provided that said contact had anything to do with the Trump campaign, policy, or sanctions.

If any of the above were in fact what they talked about, then that information came from a wiretap.

As for the wiretap, I am not sure Obama "ordered" them. What I am sure about is that if the wiretapping of Trump Towers was actually authorized by the FISA Court then Obama knew about it and received briefings about it.

What should be of major concern to ALL Americans is that, if true, an Administration uses the power of the courts, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against a political opponent. It stinks of tyranny and should frighten everyone of any political persuasion

IF true.

But I'll add - it should also be a major concern to ALL Americans if the Russians attempted to influence our elections in the way that is being alledged and at this point, there is more evidence supporting that then there is for wire tapping.
James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes.

And he made it clear they will do it again.

And Rubio agrees.

But other than Trumps dumbazz comment in front of the whole Nation and also so Jesus himself and the Virgin Mary could hear it that Putin should hack Hillary -- other than this -- there was nothing done in the Trump camp in collusion with the Russians.
Trump urges Russia to hack Clinton's email

"James Clapper made it clear that Russia interfered, yes."

If AND that's IF Russia did interfere, then they must have wanted Hillary to win, she afterall as the Leftists keep telling people did win the Popular Vote, they have already said that Russia was involved with the DNC Server, but strangely they didn't have any interest in the RNC Server.

So Russia must have been supporting Hillary, in typical Leftist projection perhaps that's why without any publicly presented evidence they keep saying that it's the Trump Campaign who are the Russian Agents.

Hillary and Bill already have been in China's pocket for twenty years.

I doubt it. For one, all the damaging material through their proxy Wikileaks was aimed at Clinton. Also, they know Clinton, and she was a hardliner when it involved the sanctions. I think they figured they had a better chance with a Trump administration. In fact, it's kind of funny because folks on the one hand were saying Clinton's hardline attitude was going to lead to a war with Russia and on the other hand claiming Putin supported Hillary - none of that really makes sense in light of her stance and Trump's stances towards Russia.

:offtopic: But Hillary was already talking up "no fly zones" in Syria. A policy certain to start a 50-yard dash headlong rush into war with Russia and Iran.
The Problem with a Lying President
March 6, 2017

Rick Klein and Shushannah Walshe: “This is not normal, and this cannot be viewed as acceptable, or just another Twitter rant. The accusations leveled by President Trump over the weekend, suggesting that his predecessor committed a federal crime for political purposes by ordering him wiretapped, has troubling implications no matter the ultimate facts.”

“In the (apparently unlikely) event that Trump is proven right about something President Obama did, the consequences are obvious enough. If it turned out there were properly obtained surveillance efforts – without Obama’s involvement – at Trump Tower and of Trump associates, that means a federal intelligence judge thought there were important national-security reasons for those wiretaps. And if Trump is wrong – if the president just falsely accused an ex-president of a “sick” effort to rig an election – how can those who need to or even want to trust the president’s word do so going forward? Now, with a real crisis developing out of North Korea and who knows what’s next, is one of those times where it’s critical that the president’s words be taken literally, if he ever hopes to be taken seriously when it counts.”

First Read: “This all raises a question: What happens when a president cries wolf so many times? Can anyone believe him — even on matters like wars, national tragedies, and natural disasters? As NBC’s Benjy Sarlin wrote over the weekend, Trump alleged what would be an historic scandal about Obama, and barely anyone reacted with urgency.”
[because everyone knows Trump is Bogus]
If there's evidence such wiretapping took place, why is Trump asking Congress to find the evidence? Doesn't he already have it?
Eh Tu Chaffetz...and the Ides of March is still 9 Days away...Oh you are bastard:badgrin:..

Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump

Source: Politico

By LOUIS NELSON 03/06/17 09:05 AM EST

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz said Monday that he has seen no evidence that would support President Donald Trump’s accusation that former President Barack Obama had ordered an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during last year’s presidential campaign.

“I learned a long time ago, I'm going to keep my eyes wide open,” Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on “CBS This Morning.” “You never know when you turn a corner what you may or may not see. But thus far I have not seen anything directly that would support what the president has said.”

Trump made his explosive and unsubstantiated accusation on Saturday morning, when he wrote on Twitter that he had “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory.” While the president leveled the charge with certainty, White House officials have not yet offered any proof to back Trump’s claims and have instead called for a Congressional investigation to verify them.

Chaffetz was seemingly open to the notion of a Congressional inquiry into Trump’s allegation, telling “CBS This Morning” that the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), would take the lead in checking it out. The House Oversight Committee, Chaffetz said, “will play a supporting role.”

Read more: Chaffetz: I've seen no evidence Obama ordered wiretap of Trump

Obama or any other President doesnt have the authority to order wire taps

The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, as well as a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC.

“While the order would have been requested by some part of the executive branch, Obama can’t order anything. Nor can Trump,” says former NSA lawyer April Doss. The order has to come from the court, and the court operates independently.”

next contestant.

Right... the judge rejected warrant. Twice.

Can't get your way with one judge, replace him.

New judge grants the warrant.

You do know who appoints the judge, do you?

Obama or any other President doesnt have the authority to order wire taps

The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, as well as a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC.

“While the order would have been requested by some part of the executive branch, Obama can’t order anything. Nor can Trump,” says former NSA lawyer April Doss. The order has to come from the court, and the court operates independently.”

next contestant.

Right... the judge rejected warrant. Twice.

Can't get your way with one judge, replace him.

New judge grants the warrant.

You do know who appoints the judge, do you?

and you do know who confirms appointments dont you?

who had control of both houses in congress ....

No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.
No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

That guy sure loves to hear himself talk doesn't he?!

In that perspective, he's no different than you.

You sure don't like what he has to say, therefore no comment.

I actually listen to Levin when I'm in the car. He drops some good historical knowledge and there is no doubt he is a passionate conservative but he spews so many falsehoods and feeds his audience with anti liberal hate rants the majority of the time.

Im not much of a talker, I prefer to listen and observe
No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

That guy sure loves to hear himself talk doesn't he?!

In that perspective, he's no different than you.

You sure don't like what he has to say, therefore no comment.

I actually listen to Levin when I'm in the car. He drops some good historical knowledge and there is no doubt he is a passionate conservative but he spews so many falsehoods and feeds his audience with anti liberal hate rants the majority of the time.

Im not much of a talker, I prefer to listen and observe

The man is so mucha screamer, I always think he's going to bust a vein any day now.

That's his gig. Yell and insult and smear. And lie. A lot. And scream some more.
No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.
No spin. No smoke and mirrors. No conjecture. Was he wire tapped? If that can't be answered everything else is Conspiracy Theory material of attempting to create links between unrelated incidents.

At this point, it see - the whole wire-tap claim is unsubstantiated and taking on the guise of a conspiracy theory.

From: Analysis | Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he’s on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president.

The problem here, of course, is that what Levin — and Breitbart — use as evidence for these claims are a series of seemingly unconnected events — from FISA court requests to Trump joking about the Russia email hack, to the release of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails in the fall. The proof that all — or any — of these events are tied together by actual facts as opposed to supposition is not offered.

The idea that Obama’s administration authorized — and was able to get approval for — the wiretapping of the opposition party’s candidate for president is, frankly, far-fetched. And, if someone is making that claim — as Trump is now doing — the burden of proof is on them. If you are going to say there is a grand conspiracy that only you and a handful of others see, you need to offer a step-by-step explanation to the broader public to show why you’re right.

It seems unlikely — given Trump’s past pattern of making baseless claims without proof and then simply insisting he is right and no evidence is needed to prove the point — that any meaningful effort will be made by the Trump administration to connect the dots on this alleged wiretapping conspiracy.

From the LA Times: Citing no evidence, Trump accuses Obama of tapping his phones during the election

It would be highly unusual for a sitting president to be aware of such [surveillance] requests. By blaming Obama directly, Trump accused the former president of reaching into a federal investigation and signing off on an illegal wiretap, which is a felony.

If federal investigators did monitor Trump’s phones or computers lawfully, a court would have demanded information about potential criminal misconduct or unlawful foreign contacts. Such investigations are closely held and rarely, if ever, shared with the White House.

It is possible Trump has no evidence his phones were tapped and is repeating unfounded reports circulating in conservative media circles.

There is a lot of smoke, mirrors and redirection going on here, an attempt I'm sure, to distract from the demands for an investigation into Russian ties with the Trump campaign.

Rather than blowing this up into a full blown conspiracy theory, how about looking at actual evidence?

First question to answer is: is there any hard evidence that Trump Tower was indeed wire tapped? If we can't answer that, the rest is meaningless distraction.

From the Washington Post: Analysis | Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Trump’s ‘evidence’ for Obama wiretap claims relies on sketchy, anonymously sourced reports

Brietbart article on FISA Requests: June & October. Breitbart based it's article entirely on one source: and article written by Louise Mensch, a former Tory member of the British Parliament and an independent journalist for Heat Street. But no one seems to be able to independently confirm the claim.

The Washington Post for months has sought to confirm this report of a FISA warrant related to the Trump campaign but has been unable to do so. Presumably other U.S. news organizations have tried to do so as well. So one has to take this claim with a huge dose of skepticism. Indeed, the New York Times reported before the election that the FBI “ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts” with the Russian banks.

According to the WP article:

The White House provided three other sources. Two, a National Review article and a Fox News interview, are simply derivative of the Heat Street article, with no independent confirmation. The third is a New York Times report that intelligence agencies “are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions” as part of a probe of possible links between Russian officials and Trump campaign aides. (We recall the president has previously deemed Times reporting on this matter as “fake news.”)

The article goes on to conclude:

Only two articles, both with British roots, have reported that a FISA court order was granted in October to examine possible activity between two Russian banks and a computer server in the Trump Tower. This claim has not been confirmed by a U.S. news organizations. Moreover, neither article says President Obama requested the order or that it resulted in the tapping of Trump’s phone lines.

And lastly:

Moreover, the articles do not support the White House’s claim that these were “potentially politically motivated investigations” led by President Obama. The articles all suggest the FISA requests — if they happened — were done by the intelligence agencies and the FBI.

So, before we have this huge political uproar, and immediate comparisons to Watergate, lets' get at the facts first. Can anyone answer these questions?

1. Was Trump wiretapped? If yes - what evidence? Were bugs found in Trump Tower?

2. Were FISA requests issued? If yes - can the claims be confirmed by more then one source and for what specifically were they for?

Until those are answered - there's nothing but smoke.

The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.

Sounds much like that Russian rigging election thingy
The same could be said for all these people saying that Trump is an Agent of Putin, they have produced no evidence, yet the MSM has no problem accusing Trump of this 24/7.

How about actual concrete evidence is publicly presented to show that Trump is an Agent of Putin?

Now that the table is turned on Obama and The Obama Administration the media whores are outraged at the suggestion that Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped during an Election.

Not one of these media whores has written or stated that if Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped that would be a very disturbing development and would be on par with the wiretapping of The Watergate Building.

The problem is the cheerleading and hysterically anti-Trump media think that Obama can do no wrong, and if it is shown that Obama did have Trump Tower wiretapped, they will spin it so they can attempt to help him all they can.

Could Obama who ordered American citizens to be Droned also order the illegal wiretapping for political purposes of Trump Tower? Yes many think he could.

I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.

Sounds much like that Russian rigging election thingy

Depends on what "Russian rigging" thingy you mean...

Did the Russians hack the voting machines? Hell no.
Did Trump actively collude with Russians to throw the election? No evidence thus far, unlikely
Did the Russians attempt to interfere in our election to favor Trump? Plenty of evidence thus far, likely (let's see what the investigation shows).
I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.

Sounds much like that Russian rigging election thingy

Depends on what "Russian rigging" thingy you mean...

Did the Russians hack the voting machines? Hell no.
Did Trump actively collude with Russians to throw the election? No evidence thus far, unlikely
Did the Russians attempt to interfere in our election to favor Trump? Plenty of evidence thus far, likely (let's see what the investigation shows).

There is about the same amount of evidence the Russians attempted to interfere as there is Obama ordered the wiretap.

It's all political theatre and narratives and it's past old
I agree but I'm not putting money on Obama.

My money is on the Obama holdovers. Those holdovers have been leaking from the WH.

Its not a leap to say they could have loads to do with wire tapping Trump Tower.

good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.

Sounds much like that Russian rigging election thingy

Depends on what "Russian rigging" thingy you mean...

Did the Russians hack the voting machines? Hell no.
Did Trump actively collude with Russians to throw the election? No evidence thus far, unlikely
Did the Russians attempt to interfere in our election to favor Trump? Plenty of evidence thus far, likely (let's see what the investigation shows).

Only question is why would they favor Trump is they could get everything they wanted by just paying off Hillary?
good idea, you shouldnt put money on Obama.. but you can if youre a complete moron and are clueless how, and who facilitates wiretaps.

LMAO Nope. The complete moron and clueless one is you.

Leaks in the WH? Wire tapping in Trump Tower??

Sounds pretty credible to me but then I'm not a biased hack like you are.

Obama holdovers? Rhodes?? Could very well be.

Carry on oh clueless one.

So far, no evidence has been provided to support the wire tapping claim. None. It's untethered from reality.

Sounds much like that Russian rigging election thingy

Depends on what "Russian rigging" thingy you mean...

Did the Russians hack the voting machines? Hell no.
Did Trump actively collude with Russians to throw the election? No evidence thus far, unlikely
Did the Russians attempt to interfere in our election to favor Trump? Plenty of evidence thus far, likely (let's see what the investigation shows).

Only question is why would they favor Trump is they could get everything they wanted by just paying off Hillary?

Maybe because they can't "pay off Hillary" - that's solely your opinion of her there. She's always been a hardliner towards Moscow, they know that - they dealt with her while she was SoS. Trump is an unknown politically, but already has friendly ties to them, and has indicated a desire to loosen sanctions. There is no way Clinton would.

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