We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

Falsifying business records to hide a non-crime is awful!!!
Intentionally falsifying business records in New York is a crime regardless of the reason. If is done in connection with another crime, which it usually is then it is a felony otherwise it is misdemeanor.
Imagine these two squealing Trumplings pulling this act in court.

"But your honor, what is a felony? Who is Michael Cohen? What is hush money?"

"No your honor, Cohen's felonies weren't crimes, asshole!"

Haha, Trump would pretty much handcuff himself and have himself driven to Riker's Island.
It’s a stretch to “get Trump.” Too bad the DA isn‘t focused on dangerous criminals, other than to let them off.
This is how you get the smart bad guys with lots of money and lawyers. They got Capone not for all the murders, extortions, and racketeering but for not paying his taxes. This falsification of business records statue has been used in New York many times, in connection with election law violations, drug crimes, extortion, ect. In fact Bragg has had 30 prosecution for business records violation in the year and and 3 months he has been DA.
Regardless of weather the money was paid by Trump or his lawyer on his behalf, paying hush money in the amount of $130,000 is an illegal campaign contribution.
If the campaign had paid it, it would have been considered a campaign expense.
The campaign would have no reason to pay it and didn’t.
Of course that might have been embarrassing since all campaign expenses have to be reported.
Trump wasn't charged with federal campaign law violations, that is outside Bragg's jurisdiction. Trump was indicted under State business record law.

Most likely he will present the case of falsifying business records to conceal a crime which is probably the hush money payoffs to Daniels and possibly the bribe to stop the publication of the McDougal story.

The campaign would have no reason to pay it and didn’t.

The campaign would pay it for the sample reason Trump did paid it, to keep it from negatively influencing the vote. The Trump lawyers might try to convince the jury that Trump paid it to protect his good name and his sterling reputation rather influencing the vote. Of course that might be met with uncontrollable laughter by the jury.

The campaign would have no reason to pay it and didn’t.

Paying hush money by the candidate is a campaign contribution as long as it was done to influence the vote. It's just like the candidate paying $25,000 for rental of an arena or billboard advertising. If it it was more than $2700 and not reported as a contribution it is an illegal contribution. Campaign contributions are anything of value to the campaign, money, goods, services, etc.
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Intentionally falsifying business records in New York is a crime regardless of the reason. If is done in connection with another crime, which it usually is then it is a felony otherwise it is misdemeanor.

OK. Was it connected to another crime?
Most likely he will present the case of falsifying business records to conceal a crime which is probably the hush money payoffs to Daniels and possibly the bribe to stop the publication of the McDougal story.

to conceal a crime which is probably the hush money payoffs to Daniels and possibly the bribe to stop the publication of the McDougal story.

Neither of those is a crime.
Paying hush money by the candidate is a campaign contribution as long as it was done to influence the vote. It's just like the candidate paying $25,000 for rental of an arena or billboard advertising. If it it was more than $2700 and not reported as a contribution it is an illegal contribution. Campaign contributions are anything of value to the campaign, money, goods, services, etc.

Paying hush money by the candidate is a campaign contribution as long as it was done to influence the vote.

So, Trump paid for it?
to conceal a crime which is probably the hush money payoffs to Daniels and possibly the bribe to stop the publication of the McDougal story.

Neither of those is a crime.
The payment of hush money was an election law violation if the purpose was to influence the election and it was not reported as a campaign contribution. Trump's lawyers may argue that purpose of the payments had nothing to do with the election but rather to protect his good name and sterling reputation.

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