We have witnessed the inevitable defeat of Donald Trump in November

ck, yeah, she will and yeah, she will.

You are out of touch with what is happening.

HRC will get 80% (at least) of Latinos and over 70% of millennials.

And that is before the disabled veterans start chasing trump around with their canes.

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Jake with all due respect you haven't called one thing right since Trump announced. You've been tossing around %'s as fact for months and have been wrong at every turn, why should I believe you're %'s are correct this time around?

I said back in October he would win the nomination and was laughed at. You tossed out %'s like they were tootsie rolls on Halloween night disputing my claims. Who was out of touch?
Of course I have. Other than Trump up to June, I have hit right on with the numbers about HRC etc.

You can believe as you wish, but your wishes are not numbers. You are out of touch.
If memory serves you said he would drop out, he was only doing it for fun and wasn't serious. You were wrong.
You said he wouldn't get the nomination. You were wrong again.
You are going to be wrong about him winning the Presidency too.
You are repeating what I said about being wrong about Trump. I doubt very much that I am wrong about him losing the election.

Jake if Maher and Moore see the reality of whats going on that says a lot. They despise Trump, but they are smart enough to recognize the reality of the situation. It KILLS them to say this and they say it for a reason..check this quick clip out.

They say it because HRC is not a liberal to them. Most Dems, if unhappy about her, are not nearly as unhappy as Pubs are about Trump.

Jake with all due respect you haven't called one thing right since Trump announced. You've been tossing around %'s as fact for months and have been wrong at every turn, why should I believe you're %'s are correct this time around?

I said back in October he would win the nomination and was laughed at. You tossed out %'s like they were tootsie rolls on Halloween night disputing my claims. Who was out of touch?
Of course I have. Other than Trump up to June, I have hit right on with the numbers about HRC etc.

You can believe as you wish, but your wishes are not numbers. You are out of touch.
If memory serves you said he would drop out, he was only doing it for fun and wasn't serious. You were wrong.
You said he wouldn't get the nomination. You were wrong again.
You are going to be wrong about him winning the Presidency too.
You are repeating what I said about being wrong about Trump. I doubt very much that I am wrong about him losing the election.

Jake if Maher and Moore see the reality of whats going on that says a lot. They despise Trump, but they are smart enough to recognize the reality of the situation. It KILLS them to say this and they say it for a reason..check this quick clip out.

They say it because HRC is not a liberal to them. Most Dems, if unhappy about her, are not nearly as unhappy as Pubs are about Trump.


Never Hitlery

She is liberal...she's a.commie.facist.....fuck that bitch
You are sputtering, bucky. I told you over and over that Kasich could easily beat her, but you want somebody you think will allow your type to turn America back to how you want it.


Oh, that's just what the country needs, a temperamental, unpredictable president in the white house with the nuclear launch codes at his side and his own party can't control. Trump says he will make this country great again. I just hope that plan doesn't include starting over from scratch.

Oh, that's is just what we needs, a dishonest, lying, incompetent, bitch who the FBI Director said is a moron in the White House with the nuclear launch codes at her side and who is owned by foreign countries that contributed to her scam money laundering operation.

The last person we need with the nuclear launch codes is a dumb bitch like Crooked Hillary who was too chickenshit to rescue our ambassador when under attack in Benghazi and who lied about it.

Newsflash Moon Bat. It is a good thing not to be owned by the big government party bosses or special interest groups. That bitch Crooked Hillary is owned by those fitly ass shitheads that vote for Democrats for greed and any of those special interest groups that gave her a quarter of a million dollars to giver a stupid 20 minute speech.
That dumb bitch graduated with honors from one of the top law schools in the country and was the first woman to become a partner in the most prestigious law firm in the state. By contrast, Donald Trump was sent to a military school for boys because of behavior problems. He attend 3 universities making passing grades but was not a remarkable student. After graduation, he went to work for his father and using his fathers resources and connections he became wealthy.

Almost all of Hillary's career has been in public service. The only service Donald Trump has ever rendered has been to himself. The closest he has every come to public service was using his attendance in college to dodge the draft.

While Hillary is one of the best qualified presidential nominee's in the history of the country, Donald Trump has to rank as one of the least qualified. The only qualifications for the office is his lack of qualifications. Since he has done nothing to qualify himself for the office unlike Hillary, he has done nothing wrong.
Your sense of quality and qualifications is tainted by your loyalty to liars, corrupt politicians and coin-operated legislators. To you and many other fools, Hillary would be the best President that money can buy. She has already collected millions from foreign countries in exchange for future concessions. If she is elected, you can kiss this country goodbye.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
No. I don't even particular like Hillary. I wish there was a qualified alternative to vote for but there isn't.

What you don't understand you can not be an effective president without the knowledge of how government functions and you don't get that by reading the newspaper and watching CNN. No matter how you might want government to run like a business, it doesn't and it can't. A CEO such as Trump would be lost as president. He would have to hire people to run the government for him. He has no allies in congress he can rely on and few friends in the media. The leadership in both houses of congress have said they will not support his immigrant plan, his tax plan, or his plan to ban Muslims. These are the key issues he is running on and this is coming from his own party.

Not that I believe Hillary is a crook, but I would rather have a crook in the white house that's qualified to do the job rather than someone who isn't qualified but believes he is. Trump would not be just an ineffective president, he would be a danger to this country like we have never seen before.
With all due respect, I think you are full of shit.

Even I have enough knowledge about how our government works to be the President....and I have never held a political office. According to the Constitution, I meet all of the qualifications. Even I could have done a better job as President than that goddamned Community Organizer has done in his 7.5 years at the helm. At least I would not have blacks attacking the police...and blacks hating whites more than when he was elected. Obama is a divider of people. He thrives on controversy and animosity. He is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton rolled into one slick talking, light skinned negro. Obama is a turd in a suit....the worst excuse for a President that we have survived to date.
The constitution lists the minimum qualifications to be president. That does not mean that anyone who is lucky enough to be born in this country and has reached the age 35 has what it takes to lead this nation.

The most important qualification for a president pass the minimum requirements listed in the constitution is a proven record of success in a political environment. Yes, I know, politician is a dirty word today but politics is the job of the president. Everything a president does is political. In this election, you have a candidate with a proven record of success in Washington policies and a candidate who has convinced his supporters that his lack of experience and knowledge qualifies him for the job.

Calling Clinton a liar and crook will not deflect voters away from the simple fact that Trump lacks both the temperature, knowledge, and education to be president. If Trump actually had what it takes to be president, his campaign would be focusing on it instead of nonstop attacks on Clinton.
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The constitution lists the minimum qualifications to be president. That does not mean that anyone who is lucky enough to be born in this country and has reached the age 35 has what it takes to lead this nation.

The most important qualification for a president pass the minimum requirements listed in the constitution is a proven record of success in a political environment. Yes, I know, politician is a dirty word today but politics is the job of the president. Everything a president does is political. In this election, you have a candidate with a proven record of success in Washington policies and a candidate who has convinced his supporters that his lack of experience and knowledge qualifies him for the job.

Calling Clinton a liar and crook will not deflect voters away from the simple fact that Trump lacks both the temperature, knowledge, and education to be president. If Trump actually had what it takes to be president, his campaign would be focusing on it instead of nonstop attacks on Clinton.

You can spin it anyway you want to justify making a dumbass decision at the poll but that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, dishonest incompetent piece of shit that can't be trusted with classified information and has absolutely no business being President and Commander in Chief.

You Moon Bats know she is a scumbag as good as the rest of us but because you are greedy and think you will get more government free stuff from her you will do the wrong thing and vote for her anyway. That is why we ridicule you so much for being dumbasses.

The constitution lists the minimum qualifications to be president. That does not mean that anyone who is lucky enough to be born in this country and has reached the age 35 has what it takes to lead this nation.

The most important qualification for a president pass the minimum requirements listed in the constitution is a proven record of success in a political environment. Yes, I know, politician is a dirty word today but politics is the job of the president. Everything a president does is political. In this election, you have a candidate with a proven record of success in Washington policies and a candidate who has convinced his supporters that his lack of experience and knowledge qualifies him for the job.

Calling Clinton a liar and crook will not deflect voters away from the simple fact that Trump lacks both the temperature, knowledge, and education to be president. If Trump actually had what it takes to be president, his campaign would be focusing on it instead of nonstop attacks on Clinton.

You can spin it anyway you want to justify making a dumbass decision at the poll but that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary is a corrupt, dishonest incompetent piece of shit that can't be trusted with classified information and has absolutely no business being President and Commander in Chief.

You Moon Bats know she is a scumbag as good as the rest of us but because you are greedy and think you will get more government free stuff from her you will do the wrong thing and vote for her anyway. That is why we ridicule you so much for being dumbasses.
Liar, crooked, and dishonest? - you can prove Trump and half the US Congress is all of those things. But why these folks want a dirt bag like Trump is nuts. There's a ton of verifiable facts that Trump is a narcissistic bully and a lousy businessman who's capitalized on bankruptcy courts and suing everyone he can get away with.

Liar, crooked, and dishonest? - you can prove Trump and half the US Congress is all of those things. But why these folks want a dirt bag like Trump is nuts. There's a ton of verifiable facts that Trump is a narcissistic bully and a lousy businessman who's capitalized on bankruptcy courts and suing everyone he can get away with.

I stopped voting for Liberal lying corrupt politicians a long time ago regardless of the party.

Democrats promise bad government and deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but always deliver about the same bad government as the Democrats.

That is why I don't vote for either one any more. Both parties give us debt ridden bloated dishonest oppressive bad government.

When are you going to pull your head out of your ass and do the same thing?

Hillary is an absolute piece of shit and probably the worse candidate ever and you are going to vote for her. What the hell is the matter with you? Are you stupid or something? When are you going to stop voting for bad government?

Never because you like the dishonest and corrupt politicians in the Democrat Party because they give you free government stuff. That greed that you have that causes you to be morally and intellectual screwed up.

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