We should not have a multicultural society - Signed Jeb!

This country's fiscal gap is 200+ trillion dollars... Thanks to the progressives.

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

it's only "instigating"to politicaly-correct pussies. this is America; the land the Mexicans also chose to live in too by the way. how can being proud of your own country be "instigating" anything? America is the MEXICANS COUNTRY TOO NOW.

how come you pussies don't apply that logic to Mexicans or others who might be wearing flags celebrating the country that they came from on say, the 4th of July???

idiots and hypocrites
This country's fiscal gap is 200+ trillion dollars... Thanks to the progressives.

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

how did they "instigate" anything?

why would Mexicans living here find an American -born person wearing an American flag IN AMERICA to be "intolerant"?????
how can it be "intolerant" for citizens of THIS country to wear the flag of THIS country, IN THIS COUNTRY, just because some people who MOVED TOTHIS COUNTRY TO LIVE, happen to be celebrating a holiday based on event that happened long ago, long before they were born, in THE COUNTRY THEY MOVED FROM???????????

libs are losers who lie to themselves
U act as if these kids were wearing flags all the time . Bullshit .

They kids knew they were racists. They went to school together . The pulled the flag stuff on the one day to celebrant Mexican heritage .

Example . U see people wear Union jacks all
The time . Say it's st pattys day in school, and a of a sudden kids u know don't like the Irish kids , all show up wearing the Union jack . Not instigating ?
how can it be "intolerant" for citizens of THIS country to wear the flag of THIS country, IN THIS COUNTRY, just because some people who MOVED TOTHIS COUNTRY TO LIVE, happen to be celebrating a holiday based on event that happened long ago, long before they were born, in THE COUNTRY THEY MOVED FROM???????????

libs are losers who lie to themselves

We all "moved to this country ".
U act as if these kids were wearing flags all the time . Bullshit .

They kids knew they were racists. They went to school together . The pulled the flag stuff on the one day to celebrant Mexican heritage .

Example . U see people wear Union jacks all
The time . Say it's st pattys day in school, and a of a sudden kids u know don't like the Irish kids , all show up wearing the Union jack . Not instigating ?

you're just an excuse-making loser. doesn't matter if they never wore the American flag, still doesn't make them racists. they have a right to wear the flag of THEIR OWN COUNTRY ANY DAY THEY WISH

the thing is these schoolchildren just have more balls than you ever will
you douchebag progs are such moronic hypocrites. you don't even live by your own supposed values. Mexicans living here can be proud of their heritage on any day, including Cinco De Mayo. and Americans born here can be proud of their own heritage any godamn day they wish. you still haven't answered a very simple question moron; why would Mexicans living here see it as a slight??
U act as if these kids were wearing flags all the time . Bullshit .

They kids knew they were racists. They went to school together . The pulled the flag stuff on the one day to celebrant Mexican heritage .

Example . U see people wear Union jacks all
The time . Say it's st pattys day in school, and a of a sudden kids u know don't like the Irish kids , all show up wearing the Union jack . Not instigating ?

you have nothing to back up your idiotic scenario. nothing resembling a fact.
how can it be "intolerant" for citizens of THIS country to wear the flag of THIS country, IN THIS COUNTRY, just because some people who MOVED TOTHIS COUNTRY TO LIVE, happen to be celebrating a holiday based on event that happened long ago, long before they were born, in THE COUNTRY THEY MOVED FROM???????????

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I think you're trying to have an adult conversation with a child....Waste of time..

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

How is the American flag a "tool of intolerance?"
U act as if these kids were wearing flags all the time . Bullshit .

They kids knew they were racists. They went to school together . The pulled the flag stuff on the one day to celebrant Mexican heritage .

Example . U see people wear Union jacks all
The time . Say it's st pattys day in school, and a of a sudden kids u know don't like the Irish kids , all show up wearing the Union jack . Not instigating ?

I didn't know that "Mexican" was a race.
how can it be "intolerant" for citizens of THIS country to wear the flag of THIS country, IN THIS COUNTRY, just because some people who MOVED TOTHIS COUNTRY TO LIVE, happen to be celebrating a holiday based on event that happened long ago, long before they were born, in THE COUNTRY THEY MOVED FROM???????????

libs are losers who lie to themselves

We all "moved to this country ".

Wrong. I was born here.

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

How is the American flag a "tool of intolerance?"

U don't think burning a flag always cause people to be upset ?
I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

How is the American flag a "tool of intolerance?"

what are you talking about?
I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

Really? U must not live in the northeast .

Do you get all angry over ST Patrick's day?

I do. never seen an irish-American get mad at anybody for wearing an American flag on St. Patrick's Day, the way Mexicans got all pissy-pants when American youths wore American flags on Cinco De Mayo

it's hard to even quantify the depth of mindless left-wing stupidity here. most of you on the left are making idiotic false narrative arguments that only make sense in your cowardly, politically-correct, race-baiting, self-deluding minds

You mean the racists kids who used the American flag as a tool of intolerance in order to instigate trouble wh the Mexican kids ? Oh yeah they are real heros .

How is the American flag a "tool of intolerance?"

U don't think burning a flag always cause people to be upset ?

Who was burning a flag? Furthermore, doing so is constitutionally protected.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

Most of the slave holders were the elites. It was akin to owning a luxury car or a yacht. How many people do we know today that can afford a housemaid or a butler? To own a slave would put a person in a similar economic status. This is what most people who post about slavery and the South just DO NOT understand.

The rank and file Southerner just fought for his home. I had my thirteen year old do a comparative reading of Lee and Grant over the summer since his eighth grade class is going out to D.C. to brainwash them this year. He didn't know that Lee was the more admirable of the two. Lee disliked slavery, Grant. . . his wife's family approved whole heatedly.

One does not spill blood over political issues though. One fights for home and hearth. A person fights for the freedom to make one's own political decisions and laws. Even if it is for the misguided views of ones own local elites.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

Tell that to the ones who died in the civil war. The north didn't have plantations and were not slave states, and as far as I know did not have the KKK.
No, but they occupied and invaded the sovereign states of the Confederacy making war on a sovereign people. That's pretty terrible. If they hadn't, I suspect all that other shit would have never happened.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

Most of the slave holders were the elites. It was akin to owning a luxury car or a yacht. How many people do we know today that can afford a housemaid or a butler? To own a slave would put a person in a similar economic status. This is what most people who post about slavery and the South just DO NOT understand.

The rank and file Southerner just fought for his home. I had my thirteen year old do a comparative reading of Lee and Grant over the summer since his eighth grade class is going out to D.C. to brainwash them this year. He didn't know that Lee was the more admirable of the two. Lee disliked slavery, Grant. . . his wife's family approved whole heatedly.

One does not spill blood over political issues though. One fights for home and hearth. A person fights for the freedom to make one's own political decisions and laws. Even if it is for the misguided views of ones own local elites.

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