We should not have a multicultural society - Signed Jeb!




Resistance is futile.

You're still hoping against hope that Bush will save Hillary.

If you can't run a "hate Bush" campaign, Hillary is toast.

Bummer Jake, Jeb is not going to be the nominee.
I hope Jeb is not going to be the nominee. The last thing the American people want is a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. That's why outsiders like Trump, Fiorina, and Carson are riding high right now.

Jeb has a lot of bucks, though, and money walks a long way.

He will outlast 90 percent of the field just because he has the cash to do so.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

negroes were imported for over 80 years under the "stars and stripes"...only 4 years under the "stars and bars"...and of course we all know that lincoln's "emancipation" "proclamation" didn't free the slaves in the north or the border states.

...and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice...the industrial revolution was occurring and there was less need for high maintenance farm animals when there was a machine available that would do 10 times the work with a fraction of the overhead.

Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

lol, Oh dear gawd are YOU people for REAL. everyday it's something else you all blow a gasket, supposedly over something that was SAID.
I'm sorry but I won't believe anything this op says, they lie and make up crap

I highly doubt that is what JEB said or meant. but leave to LEFT to use this for DIVIDING us even more and tearing US APART as a country
I'm sorry but I won't believe anything this op says, they lie and make up crap

I highly doubt that is what JEB said or meant. but leave to LEFT to use this for DIVIDING us even more and tearing US APART as a country
The best thing that could happen to us is to be torn apart as a country.
I'm sorry but I won't believe anything this op says, they lie and make up crap

I highly doubt that is what JEB said or meant. but leave to LEFT to use this for DIVIDING us even more and tearing US APART as a country
The best thing that could happen to us is to be torn apart as a country.

I'm beginning to think you're right. With these new breed of Democrats/commies who has taken full control of this Democrat party over the last 20 years, and not ONE MODERATE is left in the party. I don't see us EVER BEING UNITED again. not when they spew this kind of crap like this thread over supposedly what someone SAID day in and day out. it's does nothing but BREED HATE
We need more illegal immigrants, anti-americans, communists, muslims and latin americans who have zero interest in adopting western, capitalist, American values.....

For diversity's sake....... Lmfao
I'm sorry but I won't believe anything this op says, they lie and make up crap

I highly doubt that is what JEB said or meant. but leave to LEFT to use this for DIVIDING us even more and tearing US APART as a country
The best thing that could happen to us is to be torn apart as a country.

I'm beginning to think you're right. With these new breed of Democrats/commies who has taken full control of this Democrat party over the last 20 years, and not ONE MODERATE is left in the party. I don't see us EVER BEING UNITED again. not when they spew this kind of crap like this thread over supposedly what someone SAID day in and day out. it's does nothing but BREED HATE

collapse, partitioning to stop the ethnic cleansing and then reconstruction...just like when the ussr broke up.
I'd like to know where these people get off telling others their thinking is wrong (on multicultural, we need to be diversified, but by FORCE no less) and only their opinion/views is the right one. it's insufferable

these high brow snob on the left would sell us all out to the highest bidder if they thought it would make them look superior.
The more third world, uneducated, unemployable "refugees" on the public dime we have, the better off we'll be...
wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

negroes were imported for over 80 years under the "stars and stripes"...only 4 years under the "stars and bars"...and of course we all know that lincoln's "emancipation" "proclamation" didn't free the slaves in the north or the border states.

...and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice...the industrial revolution was occurring and there was less need for high maintenance farm animals when there was a machine available that would do 10 times the work with a fraction of the overhead.

Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

deny anything you like..people who know history know what I said is accurate...

...and negroes were imported into this country to work as farm animals.that has nothing to do with calling me a racist for explaining history to you....what did YOU think they were doing?

Nothing you post here is accurate.

You should be with your friends at Stormfront.

refute or debunk with facts, then...and your tired "go to stormfront" is just comical...I think you're supposed to call me a "racist" now, too, aren't you?...you are following your script, right?

You know you're scoring major hits when they call you a racist.
negroes were imported for over 80 years under the "stars and stripes"...only 4 years under the "stars and bars"...and of course we all know that lincoln's "emancipation" "proclamation" didn't free the slaves in the north or the border states.

...and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice...the industrial revolution was occurring and there was less need for high maintenance farm animals when there was a machine available that would do 10 times the work with a fraction of the overhead.

Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

deny anything you like..people who know history know what I said is accurate...

...and negroes were imported into this country to work as farm animals.that has nothing to do with calling me a racist for explaining history to you....what did YOU think they were doing?

Nothing you post here is accurate.

You should be with your friends at Stormfront.

refute or debunk with facts, then...and your tired "go to stormfront" is just comical...I think you're supposed to call me a "racist" now, too, aren't you?...you are following your script, right?

You know you're scoring major hits when they call you a racist.

When you start calling human beings expensive farm animals?

Generally, that's going to win you racist tag.

It was a disgusting and reprehensible thing to post. Along with everything else your buddy posts. Actually, you as well.

Most of the US population is German and Irish. I do want legal immigration, everyone working here needs to get prevailing wage and pay taxes and live under the US laws. Do you know you'd have less of a chance of getting a genetic disorder if you were a child from multi cultural backgrounds .

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."
Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

deny anything you like..people who know history know what I said is accurate...

...and negroes were imported into this country to work as farm animals.that has nothing to do with calling me a racist for explaining history to you....what did YOU think they were doing?

Nothing you post here is accurate.

You should be with your friends at Stormfront.

refute or debunk with facts, then...and your tired "go to stormfront" is just comical...I think you're supposed to call me a "racist" now, too, aren't you?...you are following your script, right?

You know you're scoring major hits when they call you a racist.

When you start calling human beings expensive farm animals?

Generally, that's going to win you racist tag.

It was a disgusting and reprehensible thing to post. Along with everything else your buddy posts. Actually, you as well.

All you proved is that you're too stupid to get the point.
Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

deny anything you like..people who know history know what I said is accurate...

...and negroes were imported into this country to work as farm animals.that has nothing to do with calling me a racist for explaining history to you....what did YOU think they were doing?

Nothing you post here is accurate.

You should be with your friends at Stormfront.

refute or debunk with facts, then...and your tired "go to stormfront" is just comical...I think you're supposed to call me a "racist" now, too, aren't you?...you are following your script, right?

You know you're scoring major hits when they call you a racist.

When you start calling human beings expensive farm animals?

Generally, that's going to win you racist tag.

It was a disgusting and reprehensible thing to post. Along with everything else your buddy posts. Actually, you as well.

all in your mind.

...would you rather plow a field with a mule or a tractor?

Most of the US population is German and Irish. I do want legal immigration, everyone working here needs to get prevailing wage and pay taxes and live under the US laws. Do you know you'd have less of a chance of getting a genetic disorder if you were a child from multi cultural backgrounds .

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.

I've never seen anyone refer to themselves as a "German-American" of an "Irish-American." They just call themselves "Americans."

That is true. I am merely pointing out we all immigrants, except of course the native Americans.

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