We're Going to Bomb the Shit out of Them

The left loons still trying to prop up the disaster known as Obungles.

The fag was a disaster
far better than the sex pervert you foisted on us ,,the moron trump

Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
Your leader has admitted and bragged about being a sex pervert. Most of America and the world believes your guy Liar in Chief is the worlds, biggest liar. A liar that puts him in the mentally ill category.

Blah blah blah
Meaning, you can not defend the admitted pervert. Walking in on teenage girls in their dress rooms and calling them beautiful "women" CONFIRMED his perversion. Assaulting women did the same. He bragged about assaulting women.
far better than the sex pervert you foisted on us ,,the moron trump

Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
sassy old horse,,rich folks can have an opinion too

Youre not rich, fraud and all you do is repeat what the lame stream media instructs you too. It's patently obvious.

Any investor would know the difference between a swing trader and day trader. You didn't. It's investing 101 dumb ass
It galls you knowing some one who thinks you're despicable can buy and sell you

Give it up toad. You're an investing illiterate.

Youre a fraud. I know and you know I know.
just like you know what a fine man trump is,,,face it ,you know sheet about me Choose not to believe ,,it's no skin off my back
The left loons still trying to prop up the disaster known as Obungles.

The fag was a disaster
far better than the sex pervert you foisted on us ,,the moron trump

Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
Your leader has admitted and bragged about being a sex pervert. Most of America and the world believes your guy Liar in Chief is the worlds, biggest liar. A liar that puts him in the mentally ill category.
My Leader?
You are not American? If you are he is your leader too, If you are not American, you have no say so STFU
I would never let a POS like trump lead me and I served , the pos ran
I felt the same way about your black messiah obama
The left loons still trying to prop up the disaster known as Obungles.

The fag was a disaster
far better than the sex pervert you foisted on us ,,the moron trump

Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
Your leader has admitted and bragged about being a sex pervert. Most of America and the world believes your guy Liar in Chief is the worlds, biggest liar. A liar that puts him in the mentally ill category.

Blah blah blah
Meaning, you can not defend the admitted pervert. Walking in on teenage girls in their dress rooms and calling them beautiful "women" CONFIRMED his perversion. Assaulting women did the same. He bragged about assaulting women.

Keep yapping but it's all you have. Trump is getting it done while your Big Eared Dumb Fuck failed at every level
Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
sassy old horse,,rich folks can have an opinion too

Youre not rich, fraud and all you do is repeat what the lame stream media instructs you too. It's patently obvious.

Any investor would know the difference between a swing trader and day trader. You didn't. It's investing 101 dumb ass
It galls you knowing some one who thinks you're despicable can buy and sell you

Give it up toad. You're an investing illiterate.

Youre a fraud. I know and you know I know.
just like you know what a fine man trump is,,,face it ,you know sheet about me Choose not to believe ,,it's no skin off my back

I don't now shut up about it.
The biggest change since Trump came into office is less restrictive ROE's. Less aircraft coming back with payloads and less restrictions on support fire for our troops. The military was worried more about being fragged under Obama than under Trump. Primarily on the area of massive restrictions due to collateral damage. Opened up more targets considered collateral damage under Obama. Trump also took a harder line on Turkey to the point of Overt threats against them regarding the Kurds. Not to mention actually taking out Syrian forces moving into the AO's of friendlies in the region. Under Obama our allies fighting with us were allowed to be slaughtered by the Turks, NOT SO MUCH ANY MORE.

To be fair, the military degraded ISIS under Obama. But not to the point under Trump which has accelerated their demise in the region. The ROE's and attack on allies in the fight being the major changes.
To note Trump has backed down with Turkey on arming more Kurds in Syria. A change of policy after arguments of Turkey threatening to attack them again.
Stockholm Syndrome/Appeasement - He thought that because he had Muslim roots the radicals would like him. That's also why he allowed so many to immigrate here and why he didn't hammer the hell out of them.

Obama was a modern-day Neville Chamberlain.

Remember when barrack Hussein bragged that the US was the largest Muslim nation on earth?
That was his version of magical thinking and wish projection.
Link that comment please.
Analysis: US warning off older ally Turkey in favor of its Kurdish relationship

For the US this is a red line. The YPG is part of the SDF, with which the US has partnered in the war against ISIS. US forces on the ground have cultivated a close relationship with the Kurds in Syria over the last two years. Department of State spokesman Mark Toner said on April 25 that the US was “deeply concerned” about the Turkish air strikes, which he said were made “without proper coordination either with the US or the broader global coalition to defeat ISIS.” Toner said the strikes caused a “loss of life of our partner forces” and that the safety of coalition personnel must be ensured.

On April 30, after visiting the site of Turkish air strikes in Syria, the US sent its forces to patrol alongside the YPG – flying US flags – on the border with Turkey. The decision to display the colors and patrol along the border was intended by its visible show of force to deter further Turkish attacks. The US did the same thing in early March, around the northern Syrian town of Manbij.

The SDF took Manbij from ISIS in 2016, but Turkey threatened to attack the town in March alongside its Syrian-rebel allies. The US flag-waving patrols deterred Turkey in Manbij and the tactic appears to have deterred Turkish forces again.

The deeper meaning of the patrols is, the US is warning off its older ally in favor of its Kurdish relationship. Turkey and the US have 70 years of close relations, formed during the Cold War. But the war on ISIS has led the US defense establishment to conclude that the best bet to defeat ISIS lies with Kurdish forces and the SDF.
The West is betraying the Kurds and allowing them to be massacred

Xulam says Washington gave Turkey a “green light" to bomb the PKK in return for its promise to attack Isil too. But according to political scientist Mehmet Ali Tugtan, of Istanbul Bilgi University, Americans haven’t “approved” Turkey’s anti-Kurd crusade — they’re simply “tolerating it … [in return] for continuing Turkish cooperation against [Isil]”.

But whether Western powers are cheering or quietly okaying this anti-Kurd aggression makes little difference. It still adds up to an act of treachery against the people who have done most — more than all our politicians put together — to curb the spread of Isil and halt its imposition of unforgiving, misogynistic, Christophobic rule on even more of the Middle East.

Where members of the Iraqi Army fled at the first whiff of Isil forces, Kurds stood their ground, trained hard, and went to war against Isil, to guard what they consider to be Kurdish territory in Syria and Iraq and also to protect other non-Kurdish communities in the region.

And they won plaudits. John Kerry visited Northern Iraq last year. The Western press sang their praises. And now? Now we watch as they are attacked by a Western ally, and as even their ability to politically express themselves is pummelled: in recent days Turkey has banned 96 Kurdish and left-wing websites.
If you were a Kurd and working with the United States against ISIL..................and then you get hit by Turkey................and the United States does nothing......................

Would you continue to work with a country that allows other Allies to slaughter your people.

Stockholm Syndrome/Appeasement - He thought that because he had Muslim roots the radicals would like him. That's also why he allowed so many to immigrate here and why he didn't hammer the hell out of them.

Obama was a modern-day Neville Chamberlain.

Remember when barrack Hussein bragged that the US was the largest Muslim nation on earth?
That was his version of magical thinking and wish projection.
Link that comment please.

For what purpose? Are you denying it was said?
Get it straight Trump authorized strategic bombing on ISIS but it was Clinton that "bombed the shit out of them". Clinton's bombers struck the cosmopolitan city of Belgrade while people wearing business suits and carrying briefcases were running for their lives. Lefties made excuses for and applauded Bill Clinton's atrocity as long as a democrat was in the White House.
Your claim would be more believable if you had some data to back it up. Kind of sounds like false bravado and lying without the data to prove your claim.

A moronic megalomaniac like Trump, is like the 4th guy in a relay race who takes ALL the credit for a win, while never mentioning what the previous 3 guys did to achieve that win.

The fourth guy - the anchor [- is always THE best.

Clinton - Bush - Obama - TRUMP.

The best.
Get it straight Trump authorized strategic bombing on ISIS but it was Clinton that "bombed the shit out of them". Clinton's bombers struck the cosmopolitan city of Belgrade while people wearing business suits and carrying briefcases were running for their lives. Lefties made excuses for and applauded Bill Clinton's atrocity as long as a democrat was in the White House.

Clinton bombed Christians to help Muslim invaders...on Easter Sunday. This present mindset has deep roots.
If you were a Kurd and working with the United States against ISIL..................and then you get hit by Turkey................and the United States does nothing......................

Would you continue to work with a country that allows other Allies to slaughter your people.

If you were a Kurd you would probably know the difference between the factions waging war against Turkey and the ones waging war against ISIS.
If you were a Kurd and working with the United States against ISIL..................and then you get hit by Turkey................and the United States does nothing......................

Would you continue to work with a country that allows other Allies to slaughter your people.

If you were a Kurd you would probably know the difference between the factions waging war against Turkey and the ones waging war against ISIS.
splitting hairs. pkk is considered a terror org and ypg allies. Yet they joined on occasion to kill ISIL in Iraq.
They were given the green light to temporary agreement in Iraq under Obama and pounded by Turkey under Obama. To be fair under Trump they were hit by Turkey, but the response was U.S. military intervention and direct support of the Kurds to stop further attacks. Under Obama nothing but words and the Turks hit them all the time.

Trump risked relations with Turkey to say your not killing our allies against ISIS anymore. To the point of U.S. aircraft going head to head with Turkish aircraft, and U.S. SOLDIERS on the ground. In other words if you hit them you will be hitting us under Trump and Turkey being told that we WILL DEFEND OUR TROOPS. A major shift in strategy in the region. Before Obama used his pen to say..........BAD BOY TURKEY.............under Trump Turkey was told WE'LL KILL YOU IF YOU ATTACK OUR TROOPS.

Recent agreements are that we will stop arming the Kurds...........NOT STOP PROTECTING THEM FROM TURKISH ATTACKS while the fight against ISIS continues.

Finally, the majority population of Turkey is KURDS.................and they are considered 3rd class citizens because they are Kurds.................All of the middle east has been killing Kurds over the decades.....which is why the Kurds have the best ground troops in the region because they have been killed by all sides for decades.

The KURD PROBLEM is a VERY BIG PROBLEM in the aftermath of defeat of ISIS
Obama destroyed ISIS, all Tramp had to do was mop up the remains.
It was Obama who forced the Muslims to defeat ISIS rather than paying with American lives like the GOP had been doing..


Good one!
Why are you laughing? It's true.
In January 2017, 40% of ISIL's territory in Iraq had been recovered and the Iraqi's were planning to move into Mosul.
Iraqi's, not Americans.
Obama had a reason for being extremely cautious who we bombed. For every civilian killed by one of our bombs, there is an entire family of potential terrorists hating America with every fiber of their being.
When Trump gave the military their head, civilian casualties began to rise dramatically. Mosul was pounded to nothing but dust. There is nothing for the refugees to return to.

I was impatient with Obama, too, but he had his reasons and he DID very much insist that Syrians and Iraqi's fight this war on the ground.

I'm glad ISIS is out of its caliphate, but it ain't over by a long shot. They just spread out all over the ME and beyond with their friggin nutso ideology and now they're harder to locate. It's gonna be whack-a-mole for generations. Only Muslims themselves can fix this by rejecting terrorist ideology at every level. That's going to take some time and it will take good relations with the Muslims in order to do that. Not insulting them.
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Not much to fail. Under Trump ISIS is decimated.

You lose loon

Meh, sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.

The Trump "Solution" has left the Iranians in charge of Iraq and Syria with our Kurdish "allies" caught in a vice between Turkey and Iran.

It's just more butthurt. ISIS decimated, economy on fire, Obunglescare dying without the mandate, tax cuts....

All they can do is try to prop up their disaster Obama

Actually, ISIS has been replaced by the Iranian Threat, the economy is heading towards a crash, and ObamaCare is probably going to be replaced with SIngle Payer in a decade.

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