We're Going to Bomb the Shit out of Them

If you were a Kurd and working with the United States against ISIL..................and then you get hit by Turkey................and the United States does nothing......................

Would you continue to work with a country that allows other Allies to slaughter your people.


So what you are arguing is that now that ISIL is out of the way, Iran and Turkey now have a free hand to stomp out the Kurds, which they totally will simply as a matter of self interest.

Both Countries have large Kurdish regions, and if the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdish region becomes its own country,
Get it straight Trump authorized strategic bombing on ISIS but it was Clinton that "bombed the shit out of them". Clinton's bombers struck the cosmopolitan city of Belgrade while people wearing business suits and carrying briefcases were running for their lives. Lefties made excuses for and applauded Bill Clinton's atrocity as long as a democrat was in the White House.

Yes, we bombed the shit out of people who were engaging in a genocidal war in the Balkans...
far better than the sex pervert you foisted on us ,,the moron trump

Shush faux investor. You're a joke and nobody believes you
Your leader has admitted and bragged about being a sex pervert. Most of America and the world believes your guy Liar in Chief is the worlds, biggest liar. A liar that puts him in the mentally ill category.

Blah blah blah
Meaning, you can not defend the admitted pervert. Walking in on teenage girls in their dress rooms and calling them beautiful "women" CONFIRMED his perversion. Assaulting women did the same. He bragged about assaulting women.

Keep yapping but it's all you have. Trump is getting it done while your Big Eared Dumb Fuck failed at every level
Getting WHAT done Saving millions for him and 15 republican senators ? Yes he did get that done You can take the $18 a week you're gonna get and shove it up trumps butt
sassy old horse,,rich folks can have an opinion too

Youre not rich, fraud and all you do is repeat what the lame stream media instructs you too. It's patently obvious.

Any investor would know the difference between a swing trader and day trader. You didn't. It's investing 101 dumb ass
It galls you knowing some one who thinks you're despicable can buy and sell you

Give it up toad. You're an investing illiterate.

Youre a fraud. I know and you know I know.
just like you know what a fine man trump is,,,face it ,you know sheet about me Choose not to believe ,,it's no skin off my back

I don't now shut up about it.
Isis had 3 guys throwing rocks when Lying Trump came in. All he had to do was wring out a mop a couple times and it was over and he almost screwed that up.

What he did with the Jerusalem bullshit is to energize thousands to attack America and it's allies who had no reason to do so before.
We have been at war in Iraq since January 17, 1991 a lot of that included bombing the shit out of them ( Remember "Shock and Awe") — Over 25 years, a full generation, and you are saying we have finally made progress? So when will this "war" will be over and we pull out of Iraq? Anyone that can't see this as an endless war with no exit is a bigger problem than ISIS

The war will either be over when the enemy appoints some leader to offer a surrender, or when all of them are dead.

Either way is fine with me.
and as we have seen, it was very effective. And he did it in one year. ISIS didn't see it coming.

Why didn't Obama use our military strength to end ISIS rule in Iraq?


Because Obama was not only supporting them, but he was arming them as well.

Not only did Bush establish ISIS, he armed them through Iraq. Bush never trained the Iraqi army to fight and as soon as ISIS attacked the Bush supplied Iraqi army gave ISIS all their Bush supplied weapons. Obama forced Iraq to FIGHT, and Tramp is trying to take credit for the results.
We have been at war in Iraq since January 17, 1991 a lot of that included bombing the shit out of them ( Remember "Shock and Awe") — Over 25 years, a full generation, and you are saying we have finally made progress? So when will this "war" will be over and we pull out of Iraq? Anyone that can't see this as an endless war with no exit is a bigger problem than ISIS

The war will either be over when the enemy appoints some leader to offer a surrender, or when all of them are dead.

Either way is fine with me.
Why the fuck do you want to put our military in harms way over Iraq?
If we haven't won in 25 years what makes you think we even want to win
Remember when barrack Hussein bragged that the US was the largest Muslim nation on earth?
That was his version of magical thinking and wish projection.
As is so typical of the lying scum Right, Obama said something quite different. He actually said "one of the largest" not the "largest."
We're Going to Bomb the Shit out of Them

Oh Donald! When will you learn that isn't very presidential! Bomb the shit out of them? Attack the oil and keep it? Declare Jerusalem capital of Israel? Where do you get off being so open and HONEST with American and the rest of the world? IF YOU ARE RIGHT, that makes all the rest of them WRONG. IF YOU ARE BEING TRUTHFUL, then that makes all the rest of them LIARS!
Remember when barrack Hussein bragged that the US was the largest Muslim nation on earth?
That was his version of magical thinking and wish projection.
As is so typical of the lying scum Right, Obama said something quite different. He actually said "one of the largest" not the "largest."

We aren’t the largest or one of the largest. Either way he lied. And you just lied about it.
We are the 129th largest by per cent age of population. Out of 183 countries. We are 56th in total number of Muslims.
Barack Hussein made it up. Then he set about trying to make it happen.
Remember when barrack Hussein bragged that the US was the largest Muslim nation on earth?
That was his version of magical thinking and wish projection.
As is so typical of the lying scum Right, Obama said something quite different. He actually said "one of the largest" not the "largest."

We aren’t the largest or one of the largest. Either way he lied. And you just lied about it.
We are the 129th largest by per cent age of population. Out of 183 countries. We are 56th in total number of Muslims.
Barack Hussein made it up. Then he set about trying to make it happen.
In addition, our projections suggest the U.S. Muslim population will grow faster than the Hindu population and much faster than the Jewish population in the coming decades. Indeed, even before 2040, Muslims are projected to become the second-largest religious group in the U.S., after Christians. By 2050, the American Muslim population is projected to reach 8.1 million people, or 2.1% of the total population. Is Obama coming back as president??
The monthly scorecards issued by U.S. Central Command’s Air Force component illustrate how carefully — critics would say how inadequately — the White House oversees the air war against the Islamic State.

About half the combat missions actually unleash ordnance. The other aircraft return to base with just as many bombs and missiles as when they left.

It is not an air campaign,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and one of 88 admirals and generals who signed a letter supporting Donald Trump. “In addition, a general in Baghdad must approve every bomb dropped — handcuffs on air power to let ISIS survive.”
Obama administration micromanagement hamstrings air command in ISIS fight

Progress against daesh didn’t start until we elected a president who knows WTF he’s doing.
Last edited:
The monthly scorecards issued by U.S. Central Command’s Air Force component illustrate how carefully — critics would say how inadequately — the White House oversees the air war against the Islamic State.

About half the combat missions actually unleash ordnance. The other aircraft return to base with just as many bombs and missiles as when they left.

It is not an air campaign,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and one of 88 admirals and generals who signed a letter supporting Donald Trump. “In addition, a general in Baghdad must approve every bomb dropped — handcuffs on air power to let ISIS survive.”
Obama administration micromanagement hamstrings air command in ISIS fight

Progress against dash didn’t start until we elected a president who knows WTF he’s doing.
All retired?
Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals
The monthly scorecards issued by U.S. Central Command’s Air Force component illustrate how carefully — critics would say how inadequately — the White House oversees the air war against the Islamic State.

About half the combat missions actually unleash ordnance. The other aircraft return to base with just as many bombs and missiles as when they left.

It is not an air campaign,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and one of 88 admirals and generals who signed a letter supporting Donald Trump. “In addition, a general in Baghdad must approve every bomb dropped — handcuffs on air power to let ISIS survive.”
Obama administration micromanagement hamstrings air command in ISIS fight

Progress against dash didn’t start until we elected a president who knows WTF he’s doing.
All retired?
Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals
The article didn’t say they were all retired. :slap:
The monthly scorecards issued by U.S. Central Command’s Air Force component illustrate how carefully — critics would say how inadequately — the White House oversees the air war against the Islamic State.

About half the combat missions actually unleash ordnance. The other aircraft return to base with just as many bombs and missiles as when they left.

It is not an air campaign,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and one of 88 admirals and generals who signed a letter supporting Donald Trump. “In addition, a general in Baghdad must approve every bomb dropped — handcuffs on air power to let ISIS survive.”
Obama administration micromanagement hamstrings air command in ISIS fight

Progress against dash didn’t start until we elected a president who knows WTF he’s doing.

All Marxists are centralizers, micro managers and control freaks.
Turn our men loose to slaughter these Muslims and watch the results.
The monthly scorecards issued by U.S. Central Command’s Air Force component illustrate how carefully — critics would say how inadequately — the White House oversees the air war against the Islamic State.

About half the combat missions actually unleash ordnance. The other aircraft return to base with just as many bombs and missiles as when they left.

It is not an air campaign,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a Vietnam War fighter pilot and one of 88 admirals and generals who signed a letter supporting Donald Trump. “In addition, a general in Baghdad must approve every bomb dropped — handcuffs on air power to let ISIS survive.”
Obama administration micromanagement hamstrings air command in ISIS fight

Progress against dash didn’t start until we elected a president who knows WTF he’s doing.
All retired?
Trump earns endorsement of 88 retired generals, admirals
The article didn’t say they were all retired. :slap:
No it didn't but the headline sure did

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