What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Tell you what... I have NEVER heard a collectivist (or anyone for that matter) attempt to assert a dollar is worth a dollar "because we say so."

That there my friend takes retarded to a new level...

Is my penny worth 1000 bucks or is it just a penny because democratically we call it a penny???

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Ira Glasser: What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

In 1980 Reagan was elected, and the modern conservative political movement began, not as a protest, but as a hegemony. The lasting accomplishments of the Reagan years may have been the changes in the tax code and regulatory regimes that had prevailed for nearly a half century. But that was not what fueled his electoral success; what fueled his electoral success was the fundamentalist movement represented by Falwell, Pat Robertson and what came to be called the social agenda. Censorship of Kurt Vonnegut, Judy Blume and others, movements to pass "creationist" statutes that attempted to elevate the book of Genesis to a branch of science; hostility to the claims of gays, women and reproductive rights all combined to generate what began to be called "the culture wars." To a very demonstrable extent, I think, the conservative movement of the last 30 years (absent the economic issues of deregulation, also supported by Clinton and Robert Rubin and beyond the comprehension or the interest of most voters) may be seen as a panic response to a crumbling world and to the rights expansions of the '60s that struck like a tsunami, washing away all the prior governing arrangements. For these people, reality itself, or at least a reality where they felt in charge, was disappearing. As always, it was the symbols of these changes that were attacked: the federal courts, especially the Supreme Court, which (unelected) had rendered many of these decisions; the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, which had brought many of the cases or performed hated services; books and magazines and films; television and Hollywood and "eastern elites." When Pat Buchanan roared, in his quixotic presidential campaign, that "we" needed to "take back our country," he was talking about a country prior to the rights revolutions of the 60s, when people who looked and believed like him ruled the roost and did not have their powers limited by the rights we had won. What conservatives were desperately trying to conserve was not the values at America's origin (the Bill of Rights was, after all, ratified in 1791), but rather the privileges and powers of 19th century and early 20th century America. This is what has fueled the reactionary politics of the past three decades, and it is what we are seeing now in the Republican base and its candidates.

Can the forum say Amen? I do, conservatives aren't conserving anything that works to the good of all Americans.
hey thich head ......... that cra work out really well for America. Financial collapse and the result is every American has less purchasing power...sooon the dollar will collapse...behind the scenes obumer sneaks in an executive order here and there resulting in taking away all or our rights. Btw, he has pretty much pissed off the middle east with his back door..around congress to kill kadafi ...putin wants obumer to kiss his ring for that snafu.
what say horshacklus?

Don't you have a tin hat to wear?
Tell you what: google competition backs currency.

If you get even a single relevant hit, not some forum post, I'll concede the point.

If not, you concede the point.

And competing currencies are not relevant. That's a different issue.

Tell you what: google "supply and demand" and you will get TONS of hits..


Better yet just google "capitalism."


You're an ignorant person...

Do you even understand what "backs" means?

Let me guess - the definition is whatever you say it is???
Tell you what... I have NEVER heard a collectivist (or anyone for that matter) attempt to assert a dollar is worth a dollar "because we say so."

That there my fried takes retarded to a new level...

Is my penny worth 1000 bucks or is it just a penny because democratically we call it a penny???


Who said I am a collectivist?

You're making an awful lot of assumptions.

But to answer your question:

A penny is worth what I can purchase with it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Vidi you really need to get out more. Penny is worthless every day .. prices go up b/c we keep printing more money cheaping our dollar driving down consumers purchasing power.
Tell you what: google "supply and demand" and you will get TONS of hits..


Better yet just google "capitalism."


You're an ignorant person...

Do you even understand what "backs" means?

Let me guess - the definition is whatever you say it is???

Absolutely not.

We were once on the gold standard. Our dollars were "backed" by gold. The paper was only a promise that it could be exchanged for gold.

We went off the gold standard and our dollar was worth what? It was worth what it could purchase. So one could say it was backed by goods or services.
But all goods have a value based upon what it takes to manufacture that good or the time it takes to perform that service.

All of that is based upon the labor one puts in either in direct or indirect time. Direct time would be someone working specifically on the good or service. Indirect could be either education needed to perform the service or cost of relavent materials, which are also priced based on the time it takes to acquire the materials.

So instead of gold, our currency is now backed by time.
Tell you what... I have NEVER heard a collectivist (or anyone for that matter) attempt to assert a dollar is worth a dollar "because we say so."

That there my fried takes retarded to a new level...

Is my penny worth 1000 bucks or is it just a penny because democratically we call it a penny???


Who said I am a collectivist?

You're making an awful lot of assumptions.

But to answer your question:

A penny is worth what I can purchase with it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Given your previous commentary on economics such as "it is what we say it is"(which literally made me laugh for 5 minutes) - I don't think you understand much.

Oh, BTW, I'll assume all I want. At least I base my assumptions on real ideas instead of just making shit up that suits my argument...

Now you can call me a racist anti-Obama republican because I understand economics.
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Do you even understand what "backs" means?

Let me guess - the definition is whatever you say it is???

Absolutely not.

We were once on the gold standard. Our dollars were "backed" by gold. The paper was only a promise that it could be exchanged for gold.

We went off the gold standard and our dollar was worth what? It was worth what it could purchase. So one could say it was backed by goods or services.
But all goods have a value based upon what it takes to manufacture that good or the time it takes to perform that service.

All of that is based upon the labor one puts in either in direct or indirect time. Direct time would be someone working specifically on the good or service. Indirect could be either education needed to perform the service or cost of relavent materials, which are also priced based on the time it takes to acquire the materials.

So instead of gold, our currency is now backed by time.

Wow, because you asserted that our dollars value is based on "whatever we say" and you bluntly implied that...
I don't even understand why you would want to talk economics with me...

You don't even understand ideals like Keynesian (mixed economy) which is what your argument is for and which you're advocating...

Your ideas are worthless, not to mention baseless.
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Tell you what... I have NEVER heard a collectivist (or anyone for that matter) attempt to assert a dollar is worth a dollar "because we say so."

That there my fried takes retarded to a new level...

Is my penny worth 1000 bucks or is it just a penny because democratically we call it a penny???


Who said I am a collectivist?

You're making an awful lot of assumptions.

But to answer your question:

A penny is worth what I can purchase with it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Given your previous commentary on economics such as "it is what we say it is"(which literally made me laugh for 5 minutes) - I don't think you understand much.

Oh, BTW, I'll assume all I want. At least I base my assumptions on real ideas instead of just making shit up that suits my argument...

Now you can call me a racist anti-Obama republican because I understand economics.

I see no reason to call you that. I will say however that I find it hilarious that you are actually doing that which you are accusing me.

You see, I can't find any links saying currency isn't backed by competition, because the very idea is so ludicrous that no one IN THE ENTIRE WORLD has placed that nonsense on a website.

Maybe you dreamed it?
Let me guess - the definition is whatever you say it is???

Absolutely not.

We were once on the gold standard. Our dollars were "backed" by gold. The paper was only a promise that it could be exchanged for gold.

We went off the gold standard and our dollar was worth what? It was worth what it could purchase. So one could say it was backed by goods or services.
But all goods have a value based upon what it takes to manufacture that good or the time it takes to perform that service.

All of that is based upon the labor one puts in either in direct or indirect time. Direct time would be someone working specifically on the good or service. Indirect could be either education needed to perform the service or cost of relavent materials, which are also priced based on the time it takes to acquire the materials.

So instead of gold, our currency is now backed by time.

Wow, because you asserted that our dollars value is based on "whatever we say" and you bluntly implied that...

Yes purchasing power is an agreed upon value. All exchange rates are.
I don't even understand why you would want to talk economics with me...

You don't even understand ideals like Keynesian (mixed economy) which is what your argument is for and which you're advocating...

Your ideas are worthless, not to mention baseless.

I understand very well that I'm advocating a Keynesisn approach. The austrian school has failed miserably.

And at least Im advocating something that exists, instead of some Narnia based economics you're expounding upon.
Capitalism relies on competition, if you destroy the competition then you're destroying your wealth, and the value of the dollar.....

This is why individuals are exchanging their dollars for gold these days - our dollar is not worth what it used to be. Reason?? because our work force has gone down, production has gone down. Our dollar is only worth what it is because of production in the collective.

Yes, capitalism relies on competition, and regulation levels the playing field. There's no ethics or morals in capitalism. A society that runs only on making the most profit isn't a society I'd like to live in. Neither would I want to where a tyrant owns the market.

It's all a question of balance.
Capitalism relies on competition, if you destroy the competition then you're destroying your wealth, and the value of the dollar.....

This is why individuals are exchanging their dollars for gold these days - our dollar is not worth what it used to be. Reason?? because our work force has gone down, production has gone down. Our dollar is only worth what it is because of production in the collective.

Yes, capitalism relies on competition, and regulation levels the playing field. There's no ethics or morals in capitalism. A society that runs only on making the most profit isn't a society I'd like to live in. Neither would I want to where a tyrant owns the market.

It's all a question of balance.

So you want the government to determine what you're worth to society (hence economy) instead of yourself??

Why should a doctor learn all this shit if he will be rewarded the same as the ditch digger?.
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Capitalism relies on competition, if you destroy the competition then you're destroying your wealth, and the value of the dollar.....

This is why individuals are exchanging their dollars for gold these days - our dollar is not worth what it used to be. Reason?? because our work force has gone down, production has gone down. Our dollar is only worth what it is because of production in the collective.

Yes, capitalism relies on competition, and regulation levels the playing field. There's no ethics or morals in capitalism. A society that runs only on making the most profit isn't a society I'd like to live in. Neither would I want to where a tyrant owns the market.

It's all a question of balance.

So you want the government to determine what you're worth to society (hence economy) instead of yourself??

If you retarded ass Repugs were for competition and all this best man wins shat, why were you all against the public option for Health care public option?

Clock ticks.......
Yes, capitalism relies on competition, and regulation levels the playing field. There's no ethics or morals in capitalism. A society that runs only on making the most profit isn't a society I'd like to live in. Neither would I want to where a tyrant owns the market.

It's all a question of balance.

So you want the government to determine what you're worth to society (hence economy) instead of yourself??

If you retarded ass Repugs were for competition and all this best man wins shat, why were you all against the public option for Health care public option?

Clock ticks.......


I'm not the one crying for a dictated economic model....

The only retard here is you, considering the fact you actually believe you can have your cake and eat it...
So you want the government to determine what you're worth to society (hence economy) instead of yourself??

If you retarded ass Repugs were for competition and all this best man wins shat, why were you all against the public option for Health care public option?

Clock ticks.......


I'm not the one crying for a dictated economic model....

The only retard here is you, considering the fact you actually believe you can have your cake and eat it...
the public option does not call for elimination of private insurance, if you going to talk that competition shat walk the walk or shut the fack up.

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