What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

Need we remind you of Juan Williams being fired from NPR for speaking his mind?

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED) - Jeffrey Goldberg - Politics - The Atlantic

It is a two way street. You speak out against either side and they will can your ass.


That's bullshit. You're link is a joke. Juan Williams was fired because he said Muslims made him nervous. He said it in public!

As an employee , you are a representative of your employer. NPR didn't want to support the ridiculously unfounded, stupid and racist comments of Juan Williams. So now he works for Fox where that sort of thing is encouraged.

And after reading the rewrite of reality going on in this thread, it's obvious many of you are too busy holding the party line to objectively see you're being bamboozled.

Keep those blinders on. You'll never see them coming for you that way.

Juan was fired because he didn't represent his employer's (left wing media moguls) point of view in the way that they expected him to represent them. They expected him to be politically correct. He wasn't in this case and they fired his ass. If you don't like it, take it up with NPR not me.

It is a two way street. If you don't represent NPR the way they want you to and are employed by them, they will fire you. If you don't represent Fox the way they expect you to, they too will can your ass.

I don't see anything different between what I said and what you said.


The fact you can't see the difference explains why you would support a racist
That's bullshit. You're link is a joke. Juan Williams was fired because he said Muslims made him nervous. He said it in public!

As an employee , you are a representative of your employer. NPR didn't want to support the ridiculously unfounded, stupid and racist comments of Juan Williams. So now he works for Fox where that sort of thing is encouraged.

And after reading the rewrite of reality going on in this thread, it's obvious many of you are too busy holding the party line to objectively see you're being bamboozled.

Keep those blinders on. You'll never see them coming for you that way.

Juan was fired because he didn't represent his employer's (left wing media moguls) point of view in the way that they expected him to represent them. They expected him to be politically correct. He wasn't in this case and they fired his ass. If you don't like it, take it up with NPR not me.

It is a two way street. If you don't represent NPR the way they want you to and are employed by them, they will fire you. If you don't represent Fox the way they expect you to, they too will can your ass.

I don't see anything different between what I said and what you said.


The fact you can't see the difference explains why you would support a racist

I think you simply need a refresher course on reading comprehension because I never said I supported a racist. Did I state I support Juan? No, fool, I suspect you will squirm away from this thread after this and never appear again or at least ignore this post. I never said I supported Juan. Learn to read. I said that the liberal media moguls were no different than Fox News and that they fired people for the same causes.

Reading for comprehension would do you well.

It's ok, Bfgrn. I found the image on a site I should have expected: Articles > 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

You are fruit loops.

Maybe adult reading skills would help you. Go find an adult to help you.

Articles > 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

The very first line below the title says:

Business Insider

Which IS the original. AND the one I provided...

Epic fail there liar-ability...EPIC...

Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

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