What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

That rant needs extensive work. Christ, chew on some crackers parrot, it may help.

So what are the conservatives trying to conserve?

Ask them?

I can say as a fiscal conservative, the dem position of any cut is extreme. Is fool hardy at best. A position that should place them as domestic enemies at worst.

Now parrot proceed.

There are very few liberals who are opposed to cuts. But they must be balanced with increased revenues...THAT is where the extremism is, and the domestic enemies are...on the right.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke
What they have always tried to conserve...

When you understand what conservatism is, every argument they make leads to the same end.

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

When you understand this and view their words, ask the question; will this lead to some form of an aristocracy?

The answer is always YES...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Not that bigfuckindopeygrin is a liar or anything, but it is kind of a "tell" that he has to premise his "arguments" on deliberately false premises.

Conservatives do not seek -- and never have sought -- domination of society by an aristocracy of by anybody BUT the people and the law.

In reality (an alien notion to schmucks like bfgrn), a conservative seeks to limit the authority of government. It is the liberal who rails against such limits.

Liberalism, by contrast has not a single, solid, blessed thing to do with the trust of the people. That's just another convenient lie. And that "tempering" material? It ain't "prudence." It is the pathetic elitist statist thinking of a bunch of supercilious self-proclaimed "masterminds" (using Levin's description). Most dyed in the wool liberals assume they know better than the rest of us what we need. Liberalism is sanctimonious elitist paternalism on steroids.


Yes, really. All the time.

A conservative seeks to limit the liberal from having any say in government...PERIOD.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.
So what are the conservatives trying to conserve?

Ask them?

I can say as a fiscal conservative, the dem position of any cut is extreme. Is fool hardy at best. A position that should place them as domestic enemies at worst.

Now parrot proceed.

There are very few liberals who are opposed to cuts. But they must be balanced with increased revenues...THAT is where the extremism is, and the domestic enemies are...on the right.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Weve been down that road. Additional revenue was on the table when Obama stated dont call my bluff.

But before that the dem position and still is any cut is extreme. If the left isnt opposed to cuts why dont you clowns actually name a few. Other then threatening SS checks and heating assistance for the poor.
Ask them?

I can say as a fiscal conservative, the dem position of any cut is extreme. Is fool hardy at best. A position that should place them as domestic enemies at worst.

Now parrot proceed.

There are very few liberals who are opposed to cuts. But they must be balanced with increased revenues...THAT is where the extremism is, and the domestic enemies are...on the right.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Weve been down that road. Additional revenue was on the table when Obama stated dont call my bluff.

But before that the dem position and still is any cut is extreme. If the left isnt opposed to cuts why dont you clowns actually name a few. Other then threatening SS checks and heating assistance for the poor.

REALLY? What Republicans were willing to raise revenues? Does Grover Norquist and the Club For Growth have their names? Because ANY Republican who hints at raising revenues will be battered in the next primaries, not by Democrats, but by Norquist and CFG.

Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”

Not that bigfuckindopeygrin is a liar or anything, but it is kind of a "tell" that he has to premise his "arguments" on deliberately false premises.

Conservatives do not seek -- and never have sought -- domination of society by an aristocracy of by anybody BUT the people and the law.

In reality (an alien notion to schmucks like bfgrn), a conservative seeks to limit the authority of government. It is the liberal who rails against such limits.

Liberalism, by contrast has not a single, solid, blessed thing to do with the trust of the people. That's just another convenient lie. And that "tempering" material? It ain't "prudence." It is the pathetic elitist statist thinking of a bunch of supercilious self-proclaimed "masterminds" (using Levin's description). Most dyed in the wool liberals assume they know better than the rest of us what we need. Liberalism is sanctimonious elitist paternalism on steroids.


Yes, really. All the time.

A conservative seeks to limit the liberal from having any say in government...PERIOD.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.

You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.
There are very few liberals who are opposed to cuts. But they must be balanced with increased revenues...THAT is where the extremism is, and the domestic enemies are...on the right.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

Weve been down that road. Additional revenue was on the table when Obama stated dont call my bluff.

But before that the dem position and still is any cut is extreme. If the left isnt opposed to cuts why dont you clowns actually name a few. Other then threatening SS checks and heating assistance for the poor.

REALLY? What Republicans were willing to raise revenues? Does Grover Norquist and the Club For Growth have their names? Because ANY Republican who hints at raising revenues will be battered in the next primaries, not by Democrats, but by Norquist and CFG.

Fmr. GOP Sen. Alan Simpson Calls Republican Refusal To Raise Revenue ‘Absolute Bullshit’


Former GOP Sen. Alan Simpson blasted his intransigent GOP colleagues on the Hill today for failing to reach a deal on the deficit. The blunt-talking co-chairman of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal reform commission slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist (“Republicans can’t be in thrall to him”) and pushed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to stand fast on the August 2 deadline.

Surveying the lay of the current fiscal land, Simpson said, “We’re at 15 percent revenue, and historically it’s been closer to 20 percent.”

He added, “We’ve never had a war without a tax, and now we’ve got two. … Absolute bullshit.”


It was on the table. If you dont follow current events try using the search engine in your browser.

The call for higher taxes is quite the line of BS too.

Democrats with the majority extended the tax cuts and went one further, Democrats decided we didnt need to fund SS either to the tune of past levels. The program will magically heal itself right?

Yes, really. All the time.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.

You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

You cite lots of opinion pieces as "proof."

You probably don't appreciate what a complete ass-clown this shows you to be. Confirms, really.

Look what you liberal assholes did to a U.S. Senator who didn't toe your idiot line on the Iraq war.

Get back to me if you ever find any integrity.
Yes, really. All the time.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.

You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

You cite lots of opinion pieces as "proof."

You probably don't appreciate what a complete ass-clown this shows you to be. Confirms, really.

Look what you liberal assholes did to a U.S. Senator who didn't toe your idiot line on the Iraq war.

Get back to me if you ever find any integrity.

It is not an 'opinion' that Bruce Bartlett and David Frum were FIRED for speaking the truth. But denial of anything that doesn't fit your dogma MUST be rejected.

You mean the Senator from Aetna who caucused with the Democrats?
You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

You cite lots of opinion pieces as "proof."

You probably don't appreciate what a complete ass-clown this shows you to be. Confirms, really.

Look what you liberal assholes did to a U.S. Senator who didn't toe your idiot line on the Iraq war.

Get back to me if you ever find any integrity.

It is not an 'opinion' that Bruce Bartlett and David Frum were FIRED for speaking the truth. But denial of anything that doesn't fit your dogma MUST be rejected.

You mean the Senator from Aetna who caucused with the Democrats?

Yeah, actually, it IS an opinion -- and his opinion couldn't possibly be either the truth or a lie. It was merely an opinion. But even if it were unadulterated 100% virgin "fact," that would still only amount, you utter idiot, to the demonstration of one instance of a case where some conservatives allegedly acted that way toward some other conservatives.

It does not constitute proof of YOUR imbecilic (universal) proposition, because it can't serve as evidence of the illogical nonsense you spew.

Where is the State of Aetna? IS that one of President Obama's mythical 57 or 58 states?
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You cite lots of opinion pieces as "proof."

You probably don't appreciate what a complete ass-clown this shows you to be. Confirms, really.

Look what you liberal assholes did to a U.S. Senator who didn't toe your idiot line on the Iraq war.

Get back to me if you ever find any integrity.

It is not an 'opinion' that Bruce Bartlett and David Frum were FIRED for speaking the truth. But denial of anything that doesn't fit your dogma MUST be rejected.

You mean the Senator from Aetna who caucused with the Democrats?

Yeah, actually, it IS an opinion. But even if it were unadulterated 100% virgin "fact," that would still only amount, you utter idiot, to the demonstration of one instance of a case where some conservatives acted that way toward some other conservatives.

It does not constitute proof of YOUR imbecilic (universal) proposition because it can't serve as evidence of the nonsense you spew.

Where is the State of Aetna? IS that one of President Obama's mythical 57 or 58 states?

59th. :D
So what are conservatives trying to conserve? Surely they have something in mind.
So what are conservatives trying to conserve? Surely they have something in mind.

Already answered.

Surely you can go back and find a couple of those answers you lazy liberal turd. It's not that long of a thread.

Why you liberals constantly demand to be spoon fed is disquieting.

You're right. It was answered. In post 330 and 332. And it has become a reality due to the great American socialist, Ronbo Reagan who transferred at least $3 trillion of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the opulent.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

The rich conservatives are trying to retain their wealth and lifestyle. The poor conservatives are trying to help the rich conservatives in the hope some crumbs drop the table. It's a new economic system the poor conservatives have devised to replace trickle down, called the drop down scramble for orts system.

LOL...and we even have pictures...

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So what are conservatives trying to conserve? Surely they have something in mind.

Already answered.

Surely you can go back and find a couple of those answers you lazy liberal turd. It's not that long of a thread.

Why you liberals constantly demand to be spoon fed is disquieting.

You're right. It was answered. In post 330 and 332. And it has become a reality due to the great American socialist, Ronbo Reagan who transferred at least $3 trillion of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the opulent.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Yes, I am right.

And no, you are wrong. Citing an "answer" from a lying hack like regent is dishonest of you.

His idiotic "answer" is just a lie.

And where did you get that ridiculous "image/chart" from, dipshit?

Is there a reason you fail to cite the original source?

Craven liberal cowards like you are a dime a dozen. And over-priced at that.
Already answered.

Surely you can go back and find a couple of those answers you lazy liberal turd. It's not that long of a thread.

Why you liberals constantly demand to be spoon fed is disquieting.

You're right. It was answered. In post 330 and 332. And it has become a reality due to the great American socialist, Ronbo Reagan who transferred at least $3 trillion of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the opulent.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Yes, I am right.

And no, you are wrong. Citing an "answer" from a lying hack like regent is dishonest of you.

His idiotic "answer" is just a lie.

And where did you get that ridiculous "image/chart" from, dipshit?

Is there a reason you fail to cite the original source?

Craven liberal cowards like you are a dime a dozen. And over-priced at that.

All you are capable of is denial and garbage mouthing.

Wealth And Inequality In America
You're right. It was answered. In post 330 and 332. And it has become a reality due to the great American socialist, Ronbo Reagan who transferred at least $3 trillion of wealth from the poor and the middle class to the opulent.


Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

Yes, I am right.

And no, you are wrong. Citing an "answer" from a lying hack like regent is dishonest of you.

His idiotic "answer" is just a lie.

And where did you get that ridiculous "image/chart" from, dipshit?

Is there a reason you fail to cite the original source?

Craven liberal cowards like you are a dime a dozen. And over-priced at that.

All you are capable of is denial and garbage mouthing.

Wealth And Inequality In America

I deny your putrid lies, sure. That's a good thing here in the real world.

All YOU are capable of is spouting meaningless ideology and talking points of the left wing nuts of similar stripe as you.

Your link to BI is busted. Correction. The link within the link is busted. It offers a "whoops" instead of those mind blowing "charts."
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Yes, really. All the time.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.

You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

Need we remind you of Juan Williams being fired from NPR for speaking his mind?

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED) - Jeffrey Goldberg - Politics - The Atlantic

It is a two way street. You speak out against either side and they will can your ass.

Yes, really. All the time.

False. Period.

It is, instead, the modern American "liberal" who seeks to silence the opposition.

Conservatives are not only not looking to prevent libs from saying their peace and having a say in government, conservatives are more than used to having the liberal point of view constantly crammed down our collective throats.

But when Rush Limbaugh says something out of line, the Media Matters assholes and similar whacked out liberals have no compunction about seeking to permanently SILENCE Rush. The modern American "liberal" is quite fond of free speech provided it is a liberal doing the talking. Otherwise, too often, you libs are "agin it."

Truman was wrong. Republicans were not some monolithic entity even when Truman spoke of "them." His point of view -- as silly as it was then -- is even less valuable today.

You are much like rderp. You are stuck on stupid. Without having a firm foundation of cartoonish caricatures and over-generalizations, you couldn't compose a single post.

You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

Need we remind you of Juan Williams being fired from NPR for speaking his mind?

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED) - Jeffrey Goldberg - Politics - The Atlantic

It is a two way street. You speak out against either side and they will can your ass.


That's bullshit. You're link is a joke. Juan Williams was fired because he said Muslims made him nervous. He said it in public!

As an employee , you are a representative of your employer. NPR didn't want to support the ridiculously unfounded, stupid and racist comments of Juan Williams. So now he works for Fox where that sort of thing is encouraged.

And after reading the rewrite of reality going on in this thread, it's obvious many of you are too busy holding the party line to objectively see you're being bamboozled.

Keep those blinders on. You'll never see them coming for you that way.
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You have to be kidding me... when a conservative speaks out of line and deviates from the Frank Luntz parrot script, they get FIRED, by conservatives.

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

As some readers of this blog may know, I was fired by a right wing think tank called the National Center for Policy Analysis in 2005 for writing a book critical of George W. Bush's policies, especially his support for Medicare Part D. In the years since, I have lost a great many friends and been shunned by conservative society in Washington, DC.

Now the same thing has happened to David Frum, who has been fired by the American Enterprise Institute. I don't know all the details, but I presume that his Waterloo post on Sunday condemning Republicans for failing to work with Democrats on healthcare reform was the final straw.

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

Sadly, there is no place for David and me to go. The donor community is only interested in financing organizations that parrot the party line, such as the one recently established by McCain economic adviser Doug Holtz-Eakin.

Need we remind you of Juan Williams being fired from NPR for speaking his mind?

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED) - Jeffrey Goldberg - Politics - The Atlantic

It is a two way street. You speak out against either side and they will can your ass.


That's bullshit. You're link is a joke. Juan Williams was fired because he said Muslims made him nervous. He said it in public!

As an employee , you are a representative of your employer. NPR didn't want to support the ridiculously unfounded, stupid and racist comments of Juan Williams. So now he works for Fox where that sort of thing is encouraged.

And after reading the rewrite of reality going on in this thread, it's obvious many of you are too busy holding the party line to objectively see you're being bamboozled.

Keep those blinders on. You'll never see them coming for you that way.

Juan was fired because he didn't represent his employer's (left wing media moguls) point of view in the way that they expected him to represent them. They expected him to be politically correct. He wasn't in this case and they fired his ass. If you don't like it, take it up with NPR not me.

It is a two way street. If you don't represent NPR the way they want you to and are employed by them, they will fire you. If you don't represent Fox the way they expect you to, they too will can your ass.

I don't see anything different between what I said and what you said.


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