What Are Conservatives Trying to Conserve?

No they do not, a contractor doing what I do as asolider makes more than a federal employee.

Where did I ever say we should hire mercenaries?

You are so defensive about a simple statement that government employees don't add to the tax revenue that you are assuming that I am arguing that there should be no government employees at all.

You'll have to show me where I said that.

And yes for the most part services provided by expensive government employees could be contracted out for less money.

Here's one example from my State

Norwalk Explains How Privatization Saves Money | The Daily Norwalk

It does not save money, private sector contractors are not about saving the government money they're all about getting as much as they can out of the government and the reason why private sector employees make less is the mafia like structure of those companies where the top bosses skim the most off the top and spread crumbs around to the bottom, you don't have that in the federal work place.

Yeah right.

So the savings in Norwalk aren't real.

You're dumber than dirt if you think the private sector is more corrupt than the fucking government.
If you retarded ass Repugs were for competition and all this best man wins shat, why were you all against the public option for Health care public option?

Clock ticks.......

Because of course, we wanted competition and the best to win. You answered your own question in the question. Oddly enough you don't comprehend that.

The spirit clearly doesn't always strive with men. The only reason I could see people missing such obvious things is that the spirit ceases to strive with them. I would invite you to change course and humble yourself, before God humbles you. Because God wants us all humble, we can either choose to be or he can put obstacles in our life that force us to be.

After you humble yourself, seek diligently for the truth. Make it part of your life. Make a covenant with God not to lie anymore or even be inaccurate. It's not easy, but He will bless you as you strive to do it. Then you will see miracles in your lives and have more joy in your endevours.
E-Mail Joke.

Subject: Fwd: Little Johnny - From Ray Taylor

> **
> The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited. Their
> weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship.
> Little Sally led off. "I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30" she said
> proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit
> and I credit that approach for my obvious success."
> "Very good", said the teacher.
> Little Debbie was next. "I sold magazines" she said, "I made $45 and I
> explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events."
> "Very good, Debbie", said the teacher.
> Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. The teacher held her breath.
> Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of
> cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467", he said.
> "$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?"
> Toothbrushes", said Little Johnny. "Toothbrushes", echoed the teacher, "How
> could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?"
> "I found the busiest corner in town", said Little Johnny, "I set up a Dip
> &Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample."
> They all said the same thing, "Hey, this tastes like dog poop!" Then I
> would say, "It is dog poop. Wanna buy a toothbrush? I used the President
> Obama method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it looks good,
> telling you it's free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of
> your mouth."
> Little Johnny got five stars for his assignment. Bless his heart.
I love how the assclown tried to fuck this thread up by playing with the quotes..

Back to the topic at hand...

No the government doesn't need to regulate the economy - capitalism is capitalism and a planned economy is such...

Don't confuse the two..

Capitalism doesn't need regulation - as a matter of fact the only reason why capitalism fails is because government regulates the economic model.

So according to you the US has been a planned economy during its whole history?

What you say is simply ridiculous. Try coming back down to Earth.

No, I would say we have been playing mixed economy musical chairs for about a century tho.. At least since Wilson - that is when the government really started regulations on our alleged capitalist economy.

Regulation started long before Wilson. Ever heard about Theodore Roosevelt as Trust buster?
But actually there was regulation of one sort or another from the beginning.
As soon as there were dollars, tariffs, etc. there was regulation.
Says the man who believes federal workers just take and take and don't give, :rolleyes:

Give what?

Federal workers pay taxes and contribute to the economy, but you don't want to believe that.

Their salary was taken out of the economy and they didn't produce anything. How does that "contribute to the economy" exactly?

I take a bucket of water out of a pool and throw it back in. Is there more water in the pool? That ignores that a lot of the water was wasted and not thrown back in.

You adopt a kid. That doesn't increase your income (the size of the economy) so how can he make you richer when you have one more person living on the same income?
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Where did I ever say we should hire mercenaries?

You are so defensive about a simple statement that government employees don't add to the tax revenue that you are assuming that I am arguing that there should be no government employees at all.

You'll have to show me where I said that.

And yes for the most part services provided by expensive government employees could be contracted out for less money.

Here's one example from my State

Norwalk Explains How Privatization Saves Money | The Daily Norwalk

It does not save money, private sector contractors are not about saving the government money they're all about getting as much as they can out of the government and the reason why private sector employees make less is the mafia like structure of those companies where the top bosses skim the most off the top and spread crumbs around to the bottom, you don't have that in the federal work place.

Yeah right.

So the savings in Norwalk aren't real.

You're dumber than dirt if you think the private sector is more corrupt than the fucking government.

Yes the private sector is more facking corrupt than the feds you asshat, do you kno how much money KBR and Lockheed screw the government out of? I saw it with my own eyes. Private sector has no allegiance to the country they do whats best for making their companies richer, even if it means being corrupt and defaruding the government.
I bet self described progressives think that stodgy old Constitution is an obstruction to their lazy vision of America where government provides everything you need in exchange for your freedom.
So you want the government to determine what you're worth to society (hence economy) instead of yourself??

If you retarded ass Repugs were for competition and all this best man wins shat, why were you all against the public option for Health care public option?

Clock ticks.......


I'm not the one crying for a dictated economic model....

The only retard here is you, considering the fact you actually believe you can have your cake and eat it...

Neither is anyone here.

You've just bought into a misguided illusion of some neverwas
I bet self described progressives think that stodgy old Constitution is an obstruction to their lazy vision of America where government provides everything you need in exchange for your freedom.

You lose that bet.

The Constitution is the most Progressive document ever written. It codifies our rights for all to see. It's is the NeoCons ( not the true conservatives ) who continually wrap themselves in the flag while ignoring the Constitution.
If Contards like competition and capitalism why are they against the pubic option that was originally included in the health care bill? Still waiting.
If Contards like competition and capitalism why are they against the pubic option that was originally included in the health care bill? Still waiting.

Not sure if can speak for "Contards", but I'd assume the people who speak up for capitalism and competition would be opposed to the public option because it has nothing to do with capitalism, and because pitting state owned services against privately held companies is grossly unfair "competition".
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If Contards like competition and capitalism why are they against the pubic option that was originally included in the health care bill? Still waiting.

Because it's impossible to compete with the government. The fucking government doesn't have to make a profit and has an unlimited supply of funds it can take from the taxpayers.
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If Contards like competition and capitalism why are they against the pubic option that was originally included in the health care bill? Still waiting.

Because it's impossible to compete with the government. The fucking government doesn't have to make a profit and has an unlimited supply of funds it can take from the taxpayers.

So does that mean that the government can run health insurance more efficiently and better than private insurance companies?
Capitalism relies on competition, if you destroy the competition then you're destroying your wealth, and the value of the dollar.....

This is why individuals are exchanging their dollars for gold these days - our dollar is not worth what it used to be. Reason?? because our work force has gone down, production has gone down. Our dollar is only worth what it is because of production in the collective.

Yes, capitalism relies on competition, and regulation levels the playing field. There's no ethics or morals in capitalism. A society that runs only on making the most profit isn't a society I'd like to live in. Neither would I want to where a tyrant owns the market.

It's all a question of balance.

But the real question I like to ask is: who's 'creating' the regulation?

Often times the industry giants are behind regulation bills, lobbying with all of their money and political clout, designing rules that makes it harder for the little guys - ie potential competition - to get a foot in the game.

I'm fine with honest, efficient regulation, but I think what people fail to address are the mounds and mounds of dishonest regulation that is put through via support of the industry giants.
If Contards like competition and capitalism why are they against the pubic option that was originally included in the health care bill? Still waiting.

Because it's impossible to compete with the government. The fucking government doesn't have to make a profit and has an unlimited supply of funds it can take from the taxpayers.

So does that mean that the government can run health insurance more efficiently and better than private insurance companies?

Of course not you nitwit... it means the state can print money and tax people into oblivion. Private companies are constrained by competition and markets. See the U.S.P.S. and FedEx... which one makes money and which one loses billions... yet they are both in business... why is that?

Good grief...
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Their salary was taken out of the economy and they didn't produce anything. How does that "contribute to the economy" exactly?

So, you are basically saying that when we pay a government employee to do something, they "aren't producing anything"?

Even when we pay soldiers - they don't "produce" anything with that money we're paying them?

I say when we pay a soldier, what we're getting back in return is defense which protects our country (and economy) from attack and subsequent collapse.

Usually when you pay a worker $$$, they give you something back something in return, otherwise there would be no need to pay that person.
Their salary was taken out of the economy and they didn't produce anything. How does that "contribute to the economy" exactly?

So, you are basically saying that when we pay a government employee to do something, they "aren't producing anything"?

Even when we pay soldiers - they don't "produce" anything with that money we're paying them?

I say when we pay a soldier, what we're getting back in return is defense which protects our country (and economy) from attack and subsequent collapse.

Usually when you pay a worker $$$, they give you something back something in return, otherwise there would be no need to pay that person.

I think more to the point is that government employees tend to be less productive as there is no profit motive. I have several state agencies as clients, I can tell you, they are not an overly motivated bunch yet on average, they have much more generous benefit packages than their privates sector counterparts.
Because it's impossible to compete with the government. The fucking government doesn't have to make a profit and has an unlimited supply of funds it can take from the taxpayers.

So does that mean that the government can run health insurance more efficiently and better than private insurance companies?

Of course not you nitwit... it means the state can print money and tax people into oblivion. Private companies are constrained by competition and markets. See the U.S.P.S. and FedEx... which one makes money and which one loses billions... yet they are both in business... why is that?

I agree with you. Post office was started in a time when we needed government intervention to get mail moved around (if I recall it had something to do with the fact that the frontier was an incredibly dangerous place), but nowadays Fedex or UPS would be able to fill the void no problem.

Mail is not something the government can do better than the private sector, and therefore it should be abolished because as you said, the USPS loses money every single day.

Companies like UPS and Fedex need to drive efficiency because if they lose money, they will go out of business. There's no government backing, no guarantee for their existence. But the USPS can simply flub away all the money they want, make the same mistakes over and over again, hire 3 people for the job of 1 (heck maybe even 5 people for the job of 1, and give them all taxpayer funded pensions too!) and still get by just fine because they have this government guarantee - UNLIMITED taxpayer money supporting them. No drive for efficiency, and therefore inefficient.
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So does that mean that the government can run health insurance more efficiently and better than private insurance companies?

They'd definitely have an edge. The government's ability and willingness to use force to get its way is huge advantage. Lots of things could run more efficiently if we mandated them via law. Hell we could run the whole country as a prison camp and impose strict forced labor to really get the economy moving - arguably it would be more "efficient".

Whether that's the kind of society we want to live in is another matter.

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