what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

I would like to get the opinion of people of different religious backgrounds.

I was raised Catholic but have never had any prayers answered so I now don't believe there is a god. We are all in charge of our own destiny and when we die, we are gone.

Religion was learned and then unlearned for me.
Jews don't go to heaven, only Christians.

Really? Jews don't go to Heaven?

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Why would he ban Himself from Heaven with His own religion?

Sorry, but the Christians are wrong.

Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

Nah, Jesus had no concept of an edible triune god; made man, made cracker, made by human hands.

Jesus said that he was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and to them alone. (Matthew 15:24).

The words of the so called great commission to spread the gospel among the gentiles are echoed almost verbatim in Jeremiah 25:15-29 revealing the mystery of faith to the person with intelligence..
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Jews don't go to heaven, only Christians.

Really? Jews don't go to Heaven?

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Why would he ban Himself from Heaven with His own religion?

Sorry, but the Christians are wrong.

Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

Jesus was the first Christian because of the stories told about Him later.

Sorry, hate to tell you, but Jesus was Jewish.
short answer; their spirit.

No one goes to heaven when they die, either they are already in heaven or they aren't. Dying is something the flesh does, it doesn't direct the spirit.
Really? Jews don't go to Heaven?

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Why would he ban Himself from Heaven with His own religion?

Sorry, but the Christians are wrong.

Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

Jesus was the first Christian because of the stories told about Him later.

Sorry, hate to tell you, but Jesus was Jewish.
If Jesus was a real Jew and not just a lapsed born-Jew, then why did the Jews turn him in?
Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

Jesus was the first Christian because of the stories told about Him later.

Sorry, hate to tell you, but Jesus was Jewish.
If Jesus was a real Jew and not just a lapsed born-Jew, then why did the Jews turn him in?

'The Jews' were also the people who followed and believed in him.

The ones who turned him in were the same as any corrupt group of people who would try to eliminate any threat to their lucrative and cushy falsely claimed positions of authority.
short answer; their spirit.

No one goes to heaven when they die, either they are already in heaven or they aren't. Dying is something the flesh does, it doesn't direct the spirit.
Probably the most intelligent posting on this thread.

Jews don't go to heaven, only Christians.

Really? Jews don't go to Heaven?

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Why would he ban Himself from Heaven with His own religion?

Sorry, but the Christians are wrong.

Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

I don't know any Christians that don't know that:
Christ was a Jewish Rabbi who practiced Jewish traditions.
He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
He will be ruling and reigning from the Lord's temple in Jerusalem, upon His return.
short answer; their spirit.

No one goes to heaven when they die, either they are already in heaven or they aren't. Dying is something the flesh does, it doesn't direct the spirit.
Probably the most intelligent posting on this thread.

Except it's not correct.
Aside from having a spirit, we have a soul. The spirit of man is different from the Holy Spirit of God. It is an individual spirit, given to each of us by God. It is referred to as the breath of life in the Bible. When our spirit leaves our body, and returns to God, we have breathed our last. Whether or not our soul ends up in Heaven depends.......... :eusa_angel:
I've met some Orthodox Jews and they won't allow me to use anything other than the first five books of the Bible to show them even though they believe the rest of the Old Testament are scriptures.

How do I resolve your question?

Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

They've been blinded until a certain time. The word "blindness" also has a hint of stubbornness:

Exodus 32:9 And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it [is] a stiffnecked people:

Exodus 20:19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

They didn't want to speak to God. It is that kind of thing which keeps people from knowing God.

They actually provoked God in the wilderness and the first generation except Joshua and Caleb didn't enter into Israel but their children did. They went through two captivities and the Holocaust so they are stiffnecked until it is their time again.

Romans 9, 10 and 11 explain the past, present and future of Israel in the Kingdom of God as a starting point.

Thank you, but what you posted is an attempt to explain why they didn't believe in Jesus. It does not resolve why they have not yet been convinced that Jesus was right for the past 2000 years and counting if the Holy Spirit supposedly has already come..

Jesus came and accomplished what God sent him to do in only a few short years.

You have resolved nothing.

There are Messianic Jews that believe in Jesus.

The verse is misunderstood.
The Holy Spirit isn't done working.
Satan has blinded the minds so that people won't believe.
God has a remnant to be saved in Israel.
People are still allowed to choose whether they wish to believe or not.
Not all Israel is Israel.

Do all of them sound like easy topics to explain in one message board post without taking the topic off track? Do I look like I have a lot of time? Do I get paid for this? No.

Messianic Jews are Christians.

Not Jews.
Swine to Jesus in the context of Jewish thought and belief is a lower beast whose flesh has been declared unclean by God because it does not ruminate.

sounds more like you than DT...

Perhaps to other swine.

Nah, the nature of swine, that they do not ruminate, makes it unlikely that they could grasp who other swine are or that that's exactly what they are much less comprehend the deeper implications .

What was the name given by Jews to others Jews who converted to Christianity kosher girl?

Neshamot Avudot:cool:
What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

your inner soul and thinkings in the present one.

Jews don't go to heaven, only Christians.

That's not up to any of you to decide.

When every Jew's time comes, her or she will face the creator and he or she will be judged accordingly.

There are many Christians who killed and maimed and Jews who've donated and saved.

For people see in the eyes, and HaShem sees to the heart.
Jews don't go to heaven, only Christians.

Really? Jews don't go to Heaven?

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

Why would he ban Himself from Heaven with His own religion?

Sorry, but the Christians are wrong.

Jesus was the first Christian. Don't you know anything? Geez!

Jesus was born as a Jew, and in that manner he died, as well.

His followers were Christians.

Prophet Elijah rose in a storm to heaven, Moses and David and Solomon were sent to heaven.

What you say makes no sense.
The entrance to heaven was spelled out quite clearly in this episode of the Twilight Zone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JQnRoLXXEY]Twilight Zone "Heaven's Gate" - YouTube[/ame]

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