What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Don't you think people in Israel have important domestic issues to deal with every day? Earning a living (maybe two or three) paying the bills, feeding their children, like the rest of us "normal" people, other than sitting around obsessing about the Palestinians?
I'm sure there is. They got a serious un-employment problem in that country. Partly to blame on their foreign policy and the economic sanctions it is generating. If they would just treat the Pals fairly, their standard of living would increase.
Don't you think people in Israel have important domestic issues to deal with every day? Earning a living (maybe two or three) paying the bills, feeding their children, like the rest of us "normal" people, other than sitting around obsessing about the Palestinians?
I'm sure there is. They got a serious un-employment problem in that country. Partly to blame on their foreign policy and the economic sanctions it is generating. If they would just treat the Pals fairly, their standard of living would increase.

Do you know what you are talking about? Because I don't.
Do you know what you are talking about? Because I don't.
Israel is the most militarized country on the planet. That comes at a cost.

…[Ben-David] doesn’t ask himself why Israel has such a faulty education system…Massive and decade-long cuts in Israel’s education system have been the direct result of unsustainable security costs…Deep discrimination within Israel’s education system has channeled resources to the illegal colonies, drying up the center. Israel’s national education system is geared towards preparing the pupils for the army, a highly militaristic system, in which Arabic, if learnt at all, is mainly seen as a tool to enter into service in a military intelligence unit. In fact, there are entire schools which are sponsored by weapons manufacturing companies.

Ben David has previously shown shocking numbers of educated Israelis who leave Israel, seeking employment elsewhere. Of course, many of those who leave do so because they hope to give their children better education somewhere else, but what about those who wish to raise their children in a less militarized environment?
In addition to that, more and more country's are getting sick of Israeli tyranny.

Investment committees for European banks are considering recommending their institutions bar loans to Israeli companies that have economic links with the Palestinian occupied territories. Check that wording, “economic links” — this ensnares many more businesses than those directly operating within the territories.
It won't be long before Israel is treated in the same vein South Africa was.
There's no logical connect to what he writes. Or reasoning in his sentences.

There is no logical connect or reasoning in ANY of the Pallywood cultists. None of them possess a mind capable of offering anything original, as all their repetition of hackneyed buzz terms represents the limitation of their ability. They read jargon at Arab oriented hate sites, then parrot all the cliches they read, and it's all easy peasy. They don't have to think. They don't have to examine. They don't have to analyze, and best of all -- they can not only indulge in their hatred of Jews and get props from all their little peeps for doing so, but feel downright virtuous in the process!.
Most Americans are pro Israel, and consider Palestinians a bunch of terrorists:

Americans' sympathies lean heavily toward the Israelis over the Palestinians, 64% vs. 12%. Americans' partiality for Israel has consistently exceeded 60% since 2010; however, today's 64% ties the highest Gallup has recorded in a quarter century, last seen in 1991 during the Gulf War. At that time, slightly fewer than today, 7%, sympathized more with the Palestinians.

The results are similar to what Gallup measured 12 years ago during another period of heightened Israeli-Palestinian violence, and they are consistent with Americans' generally more positive views of the Israelis than of the Palestinians.


Let us not forget:

Yeah, but those are old people, not young people. Young people, including young Jews, can see the injustice the Palestinian's are having to endure. They can see there is a big difference between what Israel says and what Israel does.

The tide is turning. The day's of Israel being some sacred cow you can't say nothing against, are numbered.

Yup. It's just the old people that support Israel in America. Ha ha ha ha.
All the propaganda and crap being promoted by those on this board and elsewhere are worthless.

Palestinians continue to be viewed as a bunch of intolerant terroristic savages by vast majority of American public.

'nuff said!
You sound like you're trying to convince yourself this is true?

You sound like you're trying to convince yourself that it's not.
I still don't know what you are talking about.
You asked me if I thought the Israeli's had social issues they needed to deal with and I said. "Yes." Then I went on to make the point that those issues are not getting properly addressed due to all the attention and resources being devoted to their national security. Then I gave you a couple examples of the breakdown of their social system as a result. Their educational system is failing average Israeli's by not giving them job skills, but training them for the military. And Israeli's who do have job skills, are leaving the country. Do you follow me so far?

Let me put it another way, since you obviously have a hard time comprehending complex problems. You raised the issue about social issues in Israel. The economy is a social issue. A military economy only benefits a small part of the population. And the population that is not benefiting from that, is having massive protests and demonstrations across Israel. And their message is clear, stop spending so much time and energy on wiping out their Palestinian and Arab population and start fixing the country's infrastructure, like jobs and affordable housing.
Yup. It's just the old people that support Israel in America. Ha ha ha ha.
That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit.

Why Israel is losing support from Jewish students in US

If citizens, supporters and lovers of Israel don’t want the country to be characterized by racist statements and immoral attacks, it is so important for them to say so.

So humbly, recognizing that as much as I love Israel I do not yet live here or experience the country day to day, I want to do my part and emphatically and publicly say that those who wish black people would “get out of their neighborhood,” people who set fire to African apartments or vigilante perpetrators of price tag attacks do not represent me, or what I hope and believe Israel and Judaism stand for
In addition to that...

Gallup poll shows low support among young Americans for Operation Protective Edge

Support amongst Americans is divided, while older Americans are much likelier to say Israel’s actions are justified.
Got any more smart-ass comments, junior?

There is no logical connect or reasoning in ANY of the Pallywood cultists. None of them possess a mind capable of offering anything original, as all their repetition of hackneyed buzz terms represents the limitation of their ability. They read jargon at Arab oriented hate sites, then parrot all the cliches they read, and it's all easy peasy. They don't have to think. They don't have to examine. They don't have to analyze, and best of all -- they can not only indulge in their hatred of Jews and get props from all their little peeps for doing so, but feel downright virtuous in the process!.
The Jerusalem Post is an "arab oriented" site? Haaretz is an "arab oriented" site?

At least I can explain my position in more detail, not just throw out psycho-babble and bullshit innuendo's.
Yup. It's just the old people that support Israel in America. Ha ha ha ha.
That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit.

Why Israel is losing support from Jewish students in US

If citizens, supporters and lovers of Israel don’t want the country to be characterized by racist statements and immoral attacks, it is so important for them to say so.

So humbly, recognizing that as much as I love Israel I do not yet live here or experience the country day to day, I want to do my part and emphatically and publicly say that those who wish black people would “get out of their neighborhood,” people who set fire to African apartments or vigilante perpetrators of price tag attacks do not represent me, or what I hope and believe Israel and Judaism stand for
In addition to that...

Gallup poll shows low support among young Americans for Operation Protective Edge

Support amongst Americans is divided, while older Americans are much likelier to say Israel’s actions are justified.
Got any more smart-ass comments, junior?

Really now, and you're so in touch with all these "normal Jews" from your van parked by the river? :cuckoo:

"Jewish students" are exposed to leftist mental illness in universities. They realize the lies and propaganda once they've graduated. I've seen that happen. Young people in general are usually Democrats, as they get older and they pay the taxes bloodsucking Democrats keep increasing, they become Republicans. :clap2: You of course pay no taxes so the transformation never occurred.

Poor Billo, he also forgot that the "older population" in America is constantly increasing. All those Israel lovers he hates, just keep getting more. :clap2:

Sucks to be you, Billo. Always on the short end of the stick. Ha ha ha.
Really now, and you're so in touch with all these "normal Jews" from your van parked by the river?

"Jewish students" are exposed to leftist mental illness in universities. They realize the lies and propaganda once they've graduated. I've seen that happen. Young people in general are usually Democrats, as they get older and they pay the taxes bloodsucking Democrats keep increasing, they become Republicans. :clap2:

Poor Billo, he forgot that the "older population" in America is constantly increasing. All those Israel overs he hates, just keep getting more.

Sucks to be you, Billo. Always on the short end of the stick. Ha ha ha.
I did tell you it was a Dodge van?
Really now, and you're so in touch with all these "normal Jews" from your van parked by the river?

"Jewish students" are exposed to leftist mental illness in universities. They realize the lies and propaganda once they've graduated. I've seen that happen. Young people in general are usually Democrats, as they get older and they pay the taxes bloodsucking Democrats keep increasing, they become Republicans. :clap2:

Poor Billo, he forgot that the "older population" in America is constantly increasing. All those Israel overs he hates, just keep getting more.

Sucks to be you, Billo. Always on the short end of the stick. Ha ha ha.
I did tell you it was a Dodge van?

I'll wave at you from my 2015 Palladium Silver S65.
I still don't know what you are talking about.
You asked me if I thought the Israeli's had social issues they needed to deal with and I said. "Yes." Then I went on to make the point that those issues are not getting properly addressed due to all the attention and resources being devoted to their national security. Then I gave you a couple examples of the breakdown of their social system as a result. Their educational system is failing average Israeli's by not giving them job skills, but training them for the military. And Israeli's who do have job skills, are leaving the country. Do you follow me so far?

Let me put it another way, since you obviously have a hard time comprehending complex problems. You raised the issue about social issues in Israel. The economy is a social issue. A military economy only benefits a small part of the population. And the population that is not benefiting from that, is having massive protests and demonstrations across Israel. And their message is clear, stop spending so much time and energy on wiping out their Palestinian and Arab population and start fixing the country's infrastructure, like jobs and affordable housing.

I asked you if you ever thought the Israelis had other issues to think about than the Palestinians. I didn't need the thrills and spills.
I still don't know what you are talking about.
You asked me if I thought the Israeli's had social issues they needed to deal with and I said. "Yes." Then I went on to make the point that those issues are not getting properly addressed due to all the attention and resources being devoted to their national security. Then I gave you a couple examples of the breakdown of their social system as a result. Their educational system is failing average Israeli's by not giving them job skills, but training them for the military. And Israeli's who do have job skills, are leaving the country. Do you follow me so far?

Let me put it another way, since you obviously have a hard time comprehending complex problems. You raised the issue about social issues in Israel. The economy is a social issue. A military economy only benefits a small part of the population. And the population that is not benefiting from that, is having massive protests and demonstrations across Israel. And their message is clear, stop spending so much time and energy on wiping out their Palestinian and Arab population and start fixing the country's infrastructure, like jobs and affordable housing.

I asked you if you ever thought the Israelis had other issues to think about than the Palestinians. I didn't need the thrills and spills.

You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.
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I still don't know what you are talking about.
You asked me if I thought the Israeli's had social issues they needed to deal with and I said. "Yes." Then I went on to make the point that those issues are not getting properly addressed due to all the attention and resources being devoted to their national security. Then I gave you a couple examples of the breakdown of their social system as a result. Their educational system is failing average Israeli's by not giving them job skills, but training them for the military. And Israeli's who do have job skills, are leaving the country. Do you follow me so far?

Let me put it another way, since you obviously have a hard time comprehending complex problems. You raised the issue about social issues in Israel. The economy is a social issue. A military economy only benefits a small part of the population. And the population that is not benefiting from that, is having massive protests and demonstrations across Israel. And their message is clear, stop spending so much time and energy on wiping out their Palestinian and Arab population and start fixing the country's infrastructure, like jobs and affordable housing.

I asked you if you ever thought the Israelis had other issues to think about than the Palestinians. I didn't need the thrills and spills.

You gotta understand where "Bill Not In Reality" is coming from when he makes delusional statements like this: "That's right! Normal Jews, don't want to be a part of racist, Zionist bullshit."

So according to dipshit, "Normal Jews" (?), are against the existence of a Jewish state.

Sure sign of mental illness.

He seems overly concerned about it.

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