What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

Well, shit happens. So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?
Well if you don't believe there is a God, then why are you so all fired worried about what he say's about homos and faggot marriage?

LOL Atheists are funny, they scream there is no God and then spend hours talking about Him

Indeed. As if they are going to change anyone's mind. It galls the living hell out of them that someone, anyone, could believe and have faith in something they have never seen. They can't figure out the idea of faith. Which surprises me, because they put their entire faith into a clown that has repeatedly let them down time and time again, then, as if they aren't stupid enough, they voted for this clown a second time. Hell, no wonder they have no faith.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

Well, shit happens. So, you want me to prove a negative? Funny...

Like I said.....
Who is the "Great Spirit"?

Who knows? However, I generally consider Wakan Tanka to be the collective energy of all my Native American ancestors. I'm an Atheist, by the way.

Fair enough , very New Age of you.

Your belief is no less silly than how you think Christians are silly.

Do you think it's silly not to believe superstitious supernatural nonsense? If so, I'm very silly...

What is silly is sitting in judgment of things you have no knowledge or understanding of.

The subject matters not, could be religion could be Quantum Physics.

What is silly is spewing crazy shit that you have no proof of while trying to pass it off as fact. Are you equating religion to quantum theory?

First off...I practice no religion, lol when cornered do you often strike out at your opponent?

You ask for empirical evidence from others but require none from yourself....how nice for you.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?

"Love the sinner - NOT the sin"

I can not tell you what Jesus would say about perverts, but I can't help but believe that he wouldn't look kindly on any pervert - but that's me. Perverts are perverts, whether they be child molesters, homosexuals or any of the other perversions.

Because a man-made "government" tells you it's acceptable doesn't make it so. Rome was the pillar of government in it's day. Then came Caligua.

All laws are man-made, even the biblical ones, Until God shows up personally to clarify his position we are left with our interpretations. The commandment of love thy neighbor translates directly to the equal protection clause, which says that rights cannot be denied to entire groups of people. Part of loving your neighbor involves not treating them like second-class citizens.

You have God's laws confused with man's. And He DID show up to clarify. We called Him Emanuel when He made His appearance. And no where does the Bible tell us that loving our neighbor means condoning any abhorrent behavior our neighbor chooses to indulge in. If fact God said avoid those neighbors lest you be caught up in their sinful behavior. There's your protection.
And just for the sake of argument, if all laws are man made, then no one is under any obligation to love any one. Unless of course you are conceding that that one law you cherry picked came from a higher authority. Pick a lane dude.

Bravo! I always like how the left tries to explain "Endowed by our Creator". Tickles the hell out of me.

What the hell does the Declaration of Independence have to do with how we are governed? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing one. BTW, who is the Creator? Each religion would interpret that differently. Mom and Dad were my Creators.

That's why the quote is singular, our Creator, rather than plural, our creators. It makes the distinction for you.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)

Please quote where I got angry.
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?
Well if you don't believe there is a God, then why are you so all fired worried about what he say's about homos and faggot marriage?

"He" says? No, some ancient book of fairy tales says it. We should evolve to Mother Goose at least.
So you started a thread and expended all this time and energy arguing about something you DON'T BELIEVE?

I guess it's pretty evident by now that you're just a fucking retard, or a little attention whore.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)

Please quote where I got angry.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)

Please quote where I got angry.

You would of course agree that this was less than cordial ;)

"What is silly is spewing crazy shit that you have no proof of while trying to pass it off as fact. Are you equating religion to quantum theory?"

Now, how is anything believers say more crazy than saying: " However, I generally consider Wakan Tanka to be the collective energy of all my Native American ancestors."
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)

Please quote where I got angry.
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?

Okay...I'll play along.....Do you have any proof whatsoever that God DIDN'T do anything? You ever find it a little odd that we are told that our universe was created from chaos - yet everything is perfectly aligned and operates in a particular manner? The planets are aligned, the solar system has basically remained unchanged for ions.

I thought that the scientists told us that nothing could come from chaos, bit chaos?

You ever seen a newborn baby smile? Some will tell you it is gas - I tell you it is godly. Ever seen a flower bloom in the Spring? Where did that flower come from? Ever seen the sun rise over the mountains on a crystal clear day?

Ever watch your buddy 2 feet from you get his head blown off from an RPG and you survive without a scratch? I have - it was me.

You believe as you wish. It's YOUR choice.

I already tried this tack, he just got angry ;)

Please quote where I got angry.

You would of course agree that this was less than cordial ;)

"What is silly is spewing crazy shit that you have no proof of while trying to pass it off as fact. Are you equating religion to quantum theory?"

Now, how is anything believers say more crazy than saying: " However, I generally consider Wakan Tanka to be the collective energy of all my Native American ancestors."

Being blunt doesn't equal being angry, dumbass.
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."

Good for you. So, just do it quietly and don't try to influence how others live.
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."
Lucky for you, when you die it doesn't matter because you'll never know there wasn't a god, you're dead. All you did was live a lie, that there was a god and life after death.
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."

Is that an admission that most people view religion as a hedge bet?
Does anyone have any proof of any supernatural God ever doing anything? Anything?
Well if you don't believe there is a God, then why are you so all fired worried about what he say's about homos and faggot marriage?

LOL Atheists are funny, they scream there is no God and then spend hours talking about Him
Actually they spend their talking talking about the lie of God, which so many put their faith in...
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."

Is that a Bin Laden quote?
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.

I realize that this is rather childish, but, as a kid, I thought of it this way - "If I died today, and went to Heaven, all is good. However, if I died today, and there was nothing out there, I just wasted a little time and nothing more" Hedging my bets, I guess, But I swear to you - I have seen enough evil in this world for 50 lifetimes and I am responsible for some of it. If I can be saved, ANYONE can be saved.
Best comeback I ever heard was when someone asked someone I knew if they would feel stupid if they died and nothing was there and she responded with not half as stupid as they would if there is something there.
As the saying goes... "I'd rather live my life as though there is a God and die and find out there's not, than to live my life as though there wasn't a God and die and find out there is."

Then again, you could die and find out that the radical Muslims were right about everything.


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