What does the "far left" want for America?

Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.

No liberal I know and no democrat in office wants to get rid of capitalism. They wanted it regulated. Corporations, like anyone, need rules to serve the greater good. That is not communism. I personally do not want communism. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.

Progressive taxation isn't about what's fair it is about what is realistic. The government is funded by revenue. That is undeniable. In order for the government to be paid for, the wealthy must be taxed the most. That is the primary funding source for this country. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

You realize of course that public education has always been a policy of both parties right?
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.

No liberal I know and no democrat in office wants to get rid of capitalism. They wanted it regulated.

Free markets are fine as long as we control them! LOL.

Corporations, like anyone, need rules to serve the greater good. That is not communism.

Corporations serving the "greater good" is totally communism. That's why government owns industry, so it can implement it's social policy. Government not technically owning corporations but controlling them and forcing them to implement government social policy is a distinction without a difference.

I personally do not want communism. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.

LOL, demonstrating my points. You are a Marxist, you just don't like the word, and you justify it with rhetoric straight from the manifesto. Your view that people earning a living and making their own choices is counter to the good of the country and needs to be stopped and controlled is what makes you what you are, an authoritarian leftist. A Marxist.

Progressive taxation isn't about what's fair it is about what is realistic. The government is funded by revenue. That is undeniable. In order for the government to be paid for, the wealthy must be taxed the most. That is the primary funding source for this country. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth.

And the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes, so what's the problem with that? I do like your insight that the rich have more money. That was a nice catch on your part. BTW, you don't need to have progressive taxes to make the rich pay more, think about it...

You realize of course that public education has always been a policy of both parties right?

Someone call Wry Catcher a mean name and he created a thread about it? Haha

Personally I use the term liberal or progressive as an insult. If you prefer dickhead I'll keep that in mind. Stupid liberals......
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.
. I value the importance of the wealthy class. Unfortunately, they have way overstepped their bounds. Their wealth is no benefitting the Lower classes.
Of course you value the wealthy class. You view it as a cash cow to be bled nearly dry to fund your voter control. The fewer wealthy and consequently the more poor there are as a result of liberal policy, the easier it is to control power.

The fact that wealth is concentrated among a small minority is just fabulous for you. Tax them all you want, their votes won't be missed.
The end game for you is > 70% dependent on government services and your claim that the wealthy want you to remain poor.
So, can we put to rest the question, "What does the far left want?". For, when used by the New Right, the term "far left" is nothing more than a deprecating word; used by those who don't have the sense to think about the words they use.

I have defined the "far left" and the "far right", previously in this way:
"The far left is anti democratic and wants change now, no matter the consequences; thus it is little different than the far right. Liberals and progressives seek change via the democratic process and peaceful protests (many times infected by vandals and other miscreants and anarchists).

RINO's, i.e., moderate Republicans and moderate conservatives defend the status quo, but our open to debate on new ways to solve problems, they are out-shouted by the New Right who, much like the far left, eschew compromise.

Neither the far left or right seeks open debate and a full vetting of all parts/elements of the change they seek.

LOL, no one on the left in this country isn't "far left" by your definition. Which makes sense since none of you disagree on anything. You only support democracy when it yields the rest you want, if not, you run to the courts.

Yes, the left exists in the US, sadly and out of ignorance and partisanship people like you lumped together the OWS with the minority, who vandalized property and shit in the street. It's what the New Right does, act dishonestly. The reason being the truth will expose them for what they are, whiners, racists, bigots, and greedy, self righteous hypocrites. Some, like Kaz (and many others) are actually stupid.

BTW Kaz, the tenets of Marxism are not what you believe.

See: http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/marxism-tenets-marxism.html
Yes, the left exists in the US, sadly and out of ignorance and partisanship people like you lumped together the OWS with the minority, who vandalized property and shit in the street. It's what the New Right does, act dishonestly. The reason being the truth will expose them for what they are, whiners, racists, bigots, and greedy, self righteous hypocrites. Some, like Kaz (and many others) are actually stupid.

Yes of course, we stupid people believe in personal responsibility and person freedom. We aren't smart like you turning it all over to the government. And they are so great at it! Moron.

I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

BTW Kaz, the tenets of Marxism are not what you believe

It's not? Sorry, my bad. I thought Marxism was defined by the Communist manifesto. What is it then?
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans,

from Aristotle forward the only issue in human history is liberal versus conservatve, i.e, freedom versus govt. It seems simple but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand it.
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
kaz said:
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.
Yes, the left exists in the US, sadly and out of ignorance and partisanship people like you lumped together the OWS with the minority, who vandalized property and shit in the street. It's what the New Right does, act dishonestly. The reason being the truth will expose them for what they are, whiners, racists, bigots, and greedy, self righteous hypocrites. Some, like Kaz (and many others) are actually stupid.

Yes of course, we stupid people believe in personal responsibility and person freedom. We aren't smart like you turning it all over to the government. And they are so great at it! Moron.

I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

BTW Kaz, the tenets of Marxism are not what you believe

It's not? Sorry, my bad. I thought Marxism was defined by the Communist manifesto. What is it then?

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

There was a link attached to my post, wherein I tried to correct & edity you, but of course you didn't read it.

I'll post it for others, since you attempt to make yourself look sane by leaving it out.

The Marxist philosophical method is dialectical materialism, a reversal of the dialectical idealism of Hegel. Dialectical materialism presumes the primacy of economic determinants in history. Through dialectical materialism was developed the fundamental Marxist premise that the history of society is the inexorable "history of class struggle." According to this premise, a specific class could rule only so long as it best represented the economically productive forces of society; when it became outmoded it would be destroyed and replaced. From this continuing dynamic process a classless society would eventually emerge. In modern capitalist society, the bourgeois (capitalist) class had destroyed and replaced the unproductive feudal nobility and had performed the economically creative task of establishing the new industrial order. The stage was thus set for the final struggle between the bourgeoisie, which had completed its historic role, and the proletariat, composed of the industrial workers, or makers of goods, which had become the true productive class.

Economic and Political Theories
Supporting Marxism's historical premises are its economic theories. Of central importance are the labor theory of value and the idea of surplus value. Marxism supposes that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of labor required for its manufacture. The value of the commodities purchasable by the worker's wages is less than the value of the commodities he produces; the difference, called surplus value, represents the profit of the capitalist. Thus the bourgeois class has flourished through exploitation of the proletariat.

The capitalist system and the bourgeoisie were seen as riven with weaknesses and contradictions, which would become increasingly severe as industrialization progressed and would manifest themselves in increasingly severe economic crises. According to the Communist Manifesto, it would be in a highly industrialized nation, where the crises of capitalism and the consciousness of the workers were far advanced, that the proletarian overthrow of bourgeois society would first succeed. Although this process was inevitable, Marxists were to speed it by bringing about the international union of workers, by supporting (for expediency) whatever political party favored "the momentary interests of the working class," and by helping to prepare workers for their revolutionary role.

The proletariat, after becoming the ruling class, was "to centralize all instrum defeated, there would be no more class divisions, since the means of production would not be owned by any group. The coercive state, formerly a weapon of class oppression, would be replaced by a rational structure of economic and social cooperation and integration. Such bourgeois institutions as the family and religion, which had served to perpetuate bourgeois dominance, would vanish, and each individual would find true fulfillment. Thus social and economic utopia would be achieved, although its exact form could not be predicted.ents of production in the hands of the state" and to increase productive forces at a rapid rate. Once the bourgeoisie had been

Read more: Marxism: Tenets of Marxism | Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/marxism-tenets-marxism.html#ixzz3B3u3Kkk2
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
kaz said:
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

Here we have another stupid post, posting like the parrot he is, he has no clear about what he writes.
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.

the far right is for very very limited govt of course. If somone were an extreme racist or homophobe he would most likely be a liberal who would want the power of the state to impose his racism and homophobia on society. I've yet to see a subject that doesn't confuse you. See why we say a liberal will be slow and based in pure ignorance?
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

So what about you stop dodging and answer the question? Obviously you can't.

The difference between a far left and left is far left likes the word "progressive" and "left" doesn't. They agree on every issue. And the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist." That's the only example you've given.

So specifically, what do "left" and "far left" disagree on? Democrats agree on every issue, you are kool-aid drinking sheep. But you do like the sound of different words.
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
kaz said:
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

Here we have another stupid post, posting like the parrot he is, he has no clear idea about what he writes.
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
kaz said:
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

Here we have another stupid post, posting like the parrot he is, he has no clear about what he writes.

Once again you don't answer the question, you have no answer, so you dodge and get angry. Give it another go, answer the question. I put it in red for you.
The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

National Socialist Party is about as socialist as the Peoples Republic of China is a Republic... YAAAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNNNN
the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist."

yes exactly!! A Democrat is different on tactics only. They feel they can subvert America easiest by calling themselves Democrats rather than Marxists, a much reviled term.
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

So what about you stop dodging and answer the question? Obviously you can't.

The difference between a far left and left is far left likes the word "progressive" and "left" doesn't. They agree on every issue. And the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist." That's the only example you've given.

So specifically, what do "left" and "far left" disagree on? Democrats agree on every issue, you are kool-aid drinking sheep. But you do like the sound of different words.

The left believes you're a stupid asshole, the far left believes you're a stupid asshole and a bore.
Of course there's a far right. I like to call it the New Right, much of which is described in my signature. It is comprised of callous conservatives, bigots, racists, misosogynists, homophobes, hypocrites and anti science, anti intellectual dilettantes who hold to this tenet: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you".

They were the Nazis in another generation, those who hold others unlike themselves in contempt.
kaz said:
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

The far right? First of all, the Nazis are socialists like you. And I didn't ask about the "far right." Try reading the question again and stop talking to the voices in your head.

Here we have another stupid post, posting like the parrot he is, he has no clear about what he writes.

And he ducks, and he dodges, what about answering the question?

When danger reared it's ugly head, wry catcher turned his tail and fled...

Grow a pair and man up to admitting there is no difference other than the words you like.
I note you said the left is not the same as the far left, but examples escaped you. Name some people who are left and who are far left and some of the specific issues they disagree on. Don't say hand waving things like one is more pro military or one is more pro business, be specific.

You can't read, apparently. My posts above give examples of what you've asked - I don't play stupid games, especially with people I consider stupid.

So what about you stop dodging and answer the question? Obviously you can't.

The difference between a far left and left is far left likes the word "progressive" and "left" doesn't. They agree on every issue. And the difference between Democrat and Marxist is a Democrat is a Marxist who doesn't like the word "Marxist." That's the only example you've given.

So specifically, what do "left" and "far left" disagree on? Democrats agree on every issue, you are kool-aid drinking sheep. But you do like the sound of different words.

The left believes you're a stupid asshole, the far left believes you're a stupid asshole and a bore.
So the left thinks I'm a stupid asshole, but I'm interesting? Interesting.

LOL, still nothing in your head, or your pants. Why don't you answer the question, or admit you can't? Or is dodging and evading your way of admitting you can't answer it?

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