What does the "far left" want for America?

Liberalism and 'socialism' are not 'the same.'

of course they are!! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 commie parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and open communist. He supports sinigle payer and to a lesser degree Obamacare. Our liberals spied for Stalin, a communist, and gave him the bomb.

the only liberal program is bigger and bigger govt. When Barry took offfice the govt was bigger than ever and yet his only idea was to make dramatically bigger still

The liberal idea is anti American which explains why our liberals sopied for Stalin!

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.-Thomas Jefferson

you're nuts

You're ignorant, Obama has a long affiliation with Marxists
you can't debate with a person who is nuts, and pal you are nuts ...stark raving nuts...

Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

How about you give one policy example created by Obama that is Marxist?
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.

That the phrases are used interchangeably with "Marixts, "Communists", "Socialists" and other such words as pejoratives, and it is likely these economic theories are not understood and are not differentiated from political theories of governance by their users, I expect any of them who attempt to answer this question to default to personal attacks and or idiot-grams. But we will see, maybe one of them will actually think and respond substantively.

First, I try to avoid using terms like "the far left" and "left wingers." That said, why would it inherently make "no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans?" If you use a political scale like Left and Right potentially every American could be far to the left on the scale or far to the right on that scale. There is no requirement that there be an even distribution on such a scale.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.
What does the "far left" want for America?

That's an easy one. We want the right to stop trying to bring down the government and the economy.
The 'far left' has never held political power in America, at best you get a few socialists in Vermont.

The Democratic Party upholds a mix of Keynesian economics, neoliberalism, and corporatism. The Democratic Party is centralist, it isn't 'left wing' in the sense that any attempts to push for progressive ideals are held back by the corporate and neoliberal wing of the party.

If the Democratic Party was truly left wing it would have introduced UHC instead of Obamacare, cut all Corporate subsidies, and established Free Education instead of minor changes when it had the power to do so.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying you don't know what the communist manifesto says? If you don't know what it says, how do you know you're not a Marxist? I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Marxism is an ideology of complete government control over a country and it's economy. There isn't a position which makes someone a Marxist, it's the set of positions. Government control over the economy, the airwaves, eduction and all planks of the manifesto.
No, I'm not. The evidence is overwhelming that you're an asshole. I'm not impressed with your record of posts either; nothing substantive or reasonable - sometime I wonder if you're really Stephanie and trying to pass as a man.

the evidence that you conveniently didn't bother to cite, meanwhile making the same type of personal attacks you're calling me out for? Yeah, like is said. You're a hypercritical, neo-fascist progressive. You'e so caught up in your own hypocrisy, your every post drips with it.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying you don't know what the communist manifesto says? If you don't know what it says, how do you know you're not a Marxist? I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Marxism is an ideology of complete government control over a country and it's economy. There isn't a position which makes someone a Marxist, it's the set of positions. Government control over the economy, the airwaves, eduction and all planks of the manifesto.

Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.
Ok name "set of positions" of the Democratic Party that are Marxist. This isn't hard. The communist manifesto has no relevance to my question but you already knew that. You are just dodging my question.

It's not hard at all, I just don't think you have a critical mind, so it seems like a waste of time. Prove me wrong. Here are a few things. Again, one of them does not make someone a Marxist. Marxists want to control the country and the economy, that is the objective. Like the Democratic party, you and Obama.

1) Control of property - e.g.,government by decree controlling domestic exploration for oil and energy, confiscation of private property for government and not public use, property taxes.

2) Progressive income taxes

3) Death taxes

4) Confiscation of property from emigrants

5) Control of the airwaves

6) Government control of education

7) Heavy regulations of the financial services sector

8) Control of the means of production - controlling wages, mandating health care and the other endless regulations and implementation of government social policy.

While healthcare was not such an issue when the manifesto was written in 1848, it's clearly consistent with Marxism. And you justify it with the same anti-rich, anti-capitalist rhetoric.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying you don't know what the communist manifesto says? If you don't know what it says, how do you know you're not a Marxist? I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Marxism is an ideology of complete government control over a country and it's economy. There isn't a position which makes someone a Marxist, it's the set of positions. Government control over the economy, the airwaves, eduction and all planks of the manifesto.

You don't have clue, and sadly you believe you do.
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying you don't know what the communist manifesto says? If you don't know what it says, how do you know you're not a Marxist? I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Marxism is an ideology of complete government control over a country and it's economy. There isn't a position which makes someone a Marxist, it's the set of positions. Government control over the economy, the airwaves, eduction and all planks of the manifesto.

Here in a nutshell are the basic tenets
Dude, it's a fact, it's not an opinion. His mother, father, mentor, professors, friends in college. His background is Marxist. Why does that bother you? You're a Marxist.

So Billy and Obama are both Marxists yet for some bizarre reason he denies it? If he was a Marxist who supported a Marxist why wouldn't he just say "yeah I am a Marxist"?

First of all, most of the discussion I was telling you the historical fact of his long association with Marxists. You can't deny that other than just being willfully ignorant or lying about it. Those are the only choices.

As for your and his Marxism now, you love the planks and rhetoric of the Communist manifesto, you dislike the phrase "Marxist." To you, not liking the word makes you not one, to anyone with a critical mind, your support for the standard and rhetoric of the document that defines the ideology does make you one.

Ok but I want an actual liberal policy that is Marxist. I want an objective example that is not liberal but Marxist.

See it is you who lacks the critical mind. You assume anything of the leftwing is Marxist. That is objectively false. We are talking about fundamental definitions of words here.

Just so I'm clear, are you saying you don't know what the communist manifesto says? If you don't know what it says, how do you know you're not a Marxist? I'm not sure what you're looking for here. Marxism is an ideology of complete government control over a country and it's economy. There isn't a position which makes someone a Marxist, it's the set of positions. Government control over the economy, the airwaves, eduction and all planks of the manifesto.

Kaz hhas `
So, can we put to rest the question, "What does the far left want?". For, when used by the New Right, the term "far left" is nothing more than a deprecating word; used by those who don't have the sense to think about the words they use.

I have defined the "far left" and the "far right", previously in this way:
"The far left is anti democratic and wants change now, no matter the consequences; thus it is little different than the far right. Liberals and progressives seek change via the democratic process and peaceful protests (many times infected by vandals and other miscreants and anarchists).

RINO's, i.e., moderate Republicans and moderate conservatives defend the status quo, but our open to debate on new ways to solve problems, they are out-shouted by the New Right who, much like the far left, eschew compromise.

Neither the far left or right seeks open debate and a full vetting of all parts/elements of the change they seek.

LOL, no one on the left in this country isn't "far left" by your definition. Which makes sense since none of you disagree on anything. You only support democracy when it yields the rest you want, if not, you run to the courts.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold

You want the destruction of America because it stands in the way of your vision of a world wide collective

One of your dumber comments - one of many.
of course if it was dumb you'd be able to say why rather than call names like a child

If it wasn't dumb you would have posted evidence that I want to see the destruction of America and that I hold a vision of a world wide collective. I don't, thus you're both a liar and dumb.
The evidence is all around us, dummy.
The "death tax" is Marxist? I guess the founding fathers are Marxists then.

You have to read the conversation, moron. I said multiple times that Marxism isn't a single policy, it's a collection of policies that lead to complete control of a country and it's economy. You can't read one item from the list and say anyone who thinks that one thing is a Marxist.

Don't be an ass wipe, read posts, don't just read snippets and then post strawmen.

BTW, the "founding fathers" did briefly have a death tax, but they repealed it. It came back after the civil war.
Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.


Is there a "far right", then?

Those who support the Republican brand seem to use the phrase "far left" and "left wingers" to describe everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true. Since it makes no sense to use these phrases to describe ten of millions of Americans, maybe one of them who uses these phrases would describe the beliefs those who disagree with them hold.


Is there a "far right", then?


He throws out those words, yet in conversations he thinks that liberals who agree on every issue are divided into groups while the right who disagree on everything are all far right.

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